james 5:13 sermon

james 5:13 sermon

(5)That we may ask deliverance, with a submission to God's will (Psalm 34:7).6. (4) They are under Divine control.II. This is but little, indeed, in itself; but it is much when compared with anything that any other comforter can give. Trapp.Gr. 12): — Prayer and praise, or (in one word) worship, according to St. James, is the Christian remedy for "allaying or carrying off the fever of the mind."(A. Since the early church considered itself the true Israel, we shouldn’t be surprised to see James referring to the church as the twelve tribes. As we could not, as no Christian could pray — even though it were possible — to do away with the redeeming sufferings of His Saviour; so we may not, cannot wish deliverance from the sufferings whereby we are made unto Him. )Discipline of afflictionDean Scott.When one considers the amount of affliction which exists in the world, we may well wonder that the simple remedy in the text is as yet an untasted medicine to so many. But He has said that "His strength is sufficient for us; for in our weakness is His strength made perfect." D. With what advantage may we strike when the iron is hot! Now what my music wants in sweetness, let it have in sense. Did not St. Paul "pray" during his three days of blindness? Let restless persons attend upon the worship of the Church, which will attune their minds in harmony with Christ's law, while it unburdens them. )Prayer and praise v. oathsA. But He has said that "His strength is sufficient for us; for in our weakness is His strength made perfect." GOD, A PRESENT HELP IN TROUBLE. Awaken yourselves to this service; every new mercy calleth for a new song. In such cases the object pursued naturally absorbs the mind, and excludes all thoughts but those relating to itself. The susceptibility of the human heart to the influences of circumstances. This implies that it belongs to the elders, or bishops, to visit the diseased and. Amusements are excitements; the applause of a crowd, emulations, hopes, risks, quarrels, contests, disappointments, successes. H. Newman, D. D.Indisposition of body shows itself in a pain somewhere or other — a distress which draws our thoughts to it, impedes our ordinary way of going on, and throws the mind off its balance. From patience, such patience as the mourner receives in answer to his prayer, there is a short, a scarcely perceptible step to comfort; and yet, short as the step is, this is a new gift, a most precious additional blessing. In these verses the apostle suggests that the right use of the Divine Name is reverently to call upon it in all time of our tribulation, and in all time of our wealth. However you try, you cannot do works to compare with those which faith and prayer accomplish in the name of Christ.(J. Thus a man is sold over into bondage to this world. It sees the particular points in which mercy has tempered His judgments, and it feels; even if it cannot see, His lovingkindness interfused throughout the whole. Is anyone cheerful? Doubt not the power of faith and prayer to effect all things with God. And so the apostle expressly says that the anointing is to be done "in the Name of the Lord," and that "the prayer of faith" which accompanied it would be followed by a cure. "Lord," he said, "my voice by nature is harsh and untunable, and it is vain to lavish any art to better it. He must not expect it. Commentary on James 5:13-20 View Bible Text The preceding chapters in the Epistle of James have described the ideal of a congregation that lives cooperatively, harmoniously, in concord with heaven’s peaceable grace — and that repudiates wrangling, privilege, and domination. Did not St. Paul "pray" during his three days of blindness? With what advantage may we strike when the iron is hot! And those who are thus comforted have a further and most precious privilege — to comfort others as none else can (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4). 14 Is anyone among you sickLet them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. We have great cause in afflictions to use the help of prayer. Thanksgiving, or singing to God's praise, is the proper duty in the time of mercies or comforts. More guidance we need, because our duties become by every trial new and multiplied. Is any one desirous of gaining comfort to his soul, of bringing Christ's presence home to his very heart, and of doing the highest and most glorious things for the whole world? And thus we are led on to look to the future: and that further blessing is revealed to us which our affliction is to work — the blessing of faith in God. If not in the spirit of prayer, in what spirit besides? This certainly is natural and right; still, it is a state of excitement, and, if I might say it, all states of excitement have dangerous tendencies. It is of excellent advantage in religion to make use of the present affection; of sadness, to put us upon prayer; of mirth, to put us upon thanksgiving. A man may live from week to week in the fever of a decent covetousness, to which he gives some more specious name (for instance, desire of doing his duty by his family), till the heart of religion is eaten out of him. First, let us consider secular excitements. )Prayer and praise v. oathsA. Misery is possible in prosperity. It is impossible (under God's blessing) for any one to attend the daily service of the Church "with reverence and godly fear," and a wish and effort to give his thoughts to it, and not find himself thereby sobered and brought to recollection. And what is this but struggling against God; wrestling with Him, but not as Jacob did; and, therefore, coming off from the contest crippled indeed, but without the blessing which the patriarch won? It is God's bargain and our promise, that if He would "deliver us," we would "glorify Him" (Psalm 50:15). God hath planted in a man affections for every condition, grace for every affection, and a duty for the exercise of every grace, and a season for every duty. If there was a time when those particular irregularities, which now are so common, were likely to abound, it was in the primitive Church. If God lay on a great burden, cry for a strong back. (1)That we may ask patience. (b)Satisfaction with the measure of it. And those who are thus comforted have a further and most precious privilege — to comfort others as none else can (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4). "No," was the answer. Now, certainly, looking at external and second causes, the miracles had much to do in securing this blessed sobriety in the early Christians. H. Newman, D. D.Indisposition of body shows itself in a pain somewhere or other — a distress which draws our thoughts to it, impedes our ordinary way of going on, and throws the mind off its balance. This certainly is natural and right; still, it is a state of excitement, and, if I might say it, all states of excitement have dangerous tendencies. The children of the Lord are "like trees planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth their fruit in due season" (Psalm 1:3). Uniformity of experience and duty in heaven. He has taught His apostle, and us through him, to say, "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me"; as surely as Christ Himself taught us that "apart from Him we can do nothing."4. "I cannot," he said, "make it otherwise. These kept them from wilfulness and extravagance, and tempered them to the spirit of godly fear. Prayer has been the talisman that has made years of constant pain to be remembered as the happiest period of life; prayer is that which has made many a poor sufferer tell that it was good for him or her to be afflicted, for affliction had been the sharp spur to turn those feet into the narrow way, which otherwise might have trodden the broad road to perdition. And this brings hope with it; a hope unlike the earthly hopes which we have seen mocking us and coming to nought; or, if fulfilled, mocking us still more, till we loathed their fulfilment, and despised ourselves for indulging in them; but this, a hope that maketh not ashamed; for its root is in the love of God and the Holy Spirit which He has given us; its blossom is in the multiplying graces with which the Saviour rewards every step in our sanctification; and its fruit is found in the certainty of that heavenly region where hope itself can no longer find a place, but dies into fruition, as the night dies into the morning. H. Newman, D. D.Indisposition of body shows itself in a pain somewhere or other — a distress which draws our thoughts to it, impedes our ordinary way of going on, and throws the mind off its balance. How, then, did they escape that enthusiasm which now prevails, that irreverence, immodesty, and rudeness? There is no time wherein God doth not invite us to Himself. Let them pray. By this we become no more servants, but friends, not only believing, but knowing what God doeth; not only obeying, but working with Him, through Christ, in His work.5. 7. Is any one desirous of gaining comfort to his soul, of bringing Christ's presence home to his very heart, and of doing the highest and most glorious things for the whole world? Now viewing scripture range from the book of James chapter 5:13 through chapter 5:16... James Chapter 5. Excitements are of two kinds — secular and religious. We have great cause in afflictions to use the help of prayer. What a state of transport must have been theirs! Manton.1. Critical and dangerous in proportion to its real blessedness; for in proportion to the privileges we enjoy, ever will be our risk of misusing them. Plummer, D. D.(ver. Johns. Can it be that, as there are so many who rate the efficacy of drugs by their loathsomeness to the taste, so men would rather seek some painful process or mighty labour than the simple means which God's Word provides? Trapp.Gr. )Discipline of afflictionDean Scott.When one considers the amount of affliction which exists in the world, we may well wonder that the simple remedy in the text is as yet an untasted medicine to so many. This teaches —1. "Lord," he said, "my voice by nature is harsh and untunable, and it is vain to lavish any art to better it. The text in James 5:13-20 has a very community-based theological disposition. In a word, it is what we call an excitement of mind. Excitements are the indisposition of the mind; and of these excitements in different ways the services of Divine worship are the proper antidotes. Is any one desirous of gaining comfort to his soul, of bringing Christ's presence home to his very heart, and of doing the highest and most glorious things for the whole world? "A poor voice for psalm singingOld Thomas Fuller, who was as noted for his quaintness as for the wisdom of his remarks, had a defective voice; but he did not refuse to praise on this account. Our daily prayer, morning and evening, suspends our occupations of time and sense. Joy is possible in adversity. It is impossible (under God's blessing) for any one to attend the daily service of the Church "with reverence and godly fear," and a wish and effort to give his thoughts to it, and not find himself thereby sobered and brought to recollection. (John Knox. He is almighty, loving, unchangeable. "Lord," he said, "my voice by nature is harsh and untunable, and it is vain to lavish any art to better it. "Lord," he said, "my voice by nature is harsh and untunable, and it is vain to lavish any art to better it. )Prayer and praise v. oathsA. )Discipline of afflictionDean Scott.When one considers the amount of affliction which exists in the world, we may well wonder that the simple remedy in the text is as yet an untasted medicine to so many. It is of excellent advantage in religion to make use of the present affection; of sadness, to put us upon prayer; of mirth, to put us upon thanksgiving. Excitements are of two kinds — secular and religious. Our daily prayer, morning and evening, suspends our occupations of time and sense. It makes a Christian look into his own heart; and it tells him — yea, makes him tell himself — how far less than his sins have deserved are all the chastisements which are laid upon him — how well, how mercifully he is dealt with by the God against whom he has sinned. Is any one desirous of gaining comfort to his soul, of bringing Christ's presence home to his very heart, and of doing the highest and most glorious things for the whole world? 13 Is any among you afflicted? 12): — Prayer and praise, or (in one word) worship, according to St. James, is the Christian remedy for "allaying or carrying off the fever of the mind."(A. Let him pray; especially let him intercede. let him sing psalms.Religious worship a remedy for excitementsJ. This means communion with God. The confession here is to God that takes place in prayer. Misery is possible in prosperity. And this is the singular benefit of stated worship, that it statedly interferes with the urgency of worldly excitements. Now, it stands to reason that a man who has always lived in the contemplation and improvement of his gospel privileges, will not feel that agitating surprise and vehemence of joy which he would feel, and ought to feel, if he had never known anything of them before. "Is any afflicted? Doubt not the power of faith and prayer to effect all things with God. And at Bad Boll, in Würtemberg, Pastor Blumhardt has prosecuted upon a large scale a similar enterprise. CHRISTIANS HAVE A CORRESPONDING "VARIETY OF RELIGIOUS DUTY TO DISCHARGE. But on the other hand, Protestantism generally has ignored it altogether. Can it be that, as there are so many who rate the efficacy of drugs by their loathsomeness to the taste, so men would rather seek some painful process or mighty labour than the simple means which God's Word provides? Is any one desirous of gaining comfort to his soul, of bringing Christ's presence home to his very heart, and of doing the highest and most glorious things for the whole world? Pride on the one hand; despair on the other. As we could not, as no Christian could pray — even though it were possible — to do away with the redeeming sufferings of His Saviour; so we may not, cannot wish deliverance from the sufferings whereby we are made unto Him. “There is no more Jewish book in the New Testament than the epistle of James, not even excluding Matthew, Hebrews, and the Apocalypse” (Thiessen. This is but little, indeed, in itself; but it is much when compared with anything that any other comforter can give. The soul never worketh more sweetly than when it worketh in the force of some eminent affection. Several conditions require several duties. Our prosperity is like glass, brittle when shining. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. And in what spirit can affliction be received by persons who must believe, whether they will or no, that it comes from the hand of God? Those German hymn-writers did well who wrote hymns for young people, housekeepers, miners, etc., to sing, instead of the profane songs of the day. And can more still be said? Now, this advice is often given: "Indulge the excitement; when you flag, seek for another; live upon the thought of God; go about doing good; let your light shine before men; tell them what God has done for your soul." Let restless persons attend upon the worship of the Church, which will attune their minds in harmony with Christ's law, while it unburdens them. Griefs are eased by groans and utterance. Can my singing of psalms be pleasing to Thine ears, which is unpleasant to my own? Can it be that it is too simple? Now what my music wants in sweetness, let it have in sense. Now what my music wants in sweetness, let it have in sense. By all which is meant, when we go into particulars, that they ought to fancy that they have something above all other men; ought to neglect their worldly calling, or at best only bear it as a cross; to join themselves to some particular set of religionists; to take part in this or that religious society; go to hear strange preachers, and obtrude their new feelings and new opinions upon others, at times proper and improper. What a state of transport must have been theirs! In such cases the object pursued naturally absorbs the mind, and excludes all thoughts but those relating to itself. 5:13-20 is actually a practical passage in which James tells Christians how to respond appropriately in certain scenarios. (4)That we may ask a gracious improvement. But comfort is not all we want; and God therefore gives us more.3. Prayer is deeply practical—while there is much we do need to know about prayer, and I’ve preached those truths in the past, we need to pray practically. And especially the daily prayers of the Church do this. Trapp. Thus, indeed, a heart may be in some measure and in a few cases (for in the great number nature will rebel and revenge herself) hardened, rather than strengthened, under suffering. Their sins were all freely forgiven them, clean washed away in the waters of baptism. Excitements are the indisposition of the mind; and of these excitements in different ways the services of Divine worship are the proper antidotes. As we could not, as no Christian could pray — even though it were possible — to do away with the redeeming sufferings of His Saviour; so we may not, cannot wish deliverance from the sufferings whereby we are made unto Him. The children of the Lord are "like trees planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth their fruit in due season" (Psalm 1:3). When the affections are once raised, give them a right object, otherwise they are apt to degenerate and to offend in their measure, though their first occasion was lawful.5. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This is the perfection of Christianity, to carry an equal pious mind in unequal conditions (Philippians 4:12). What a state of transport must have been theirs! Let him praise God; let holy David's psalter be as familiar words in his mouth, his daily service, ever repeated, yet ever new and ever sacred. First, let us consider secular excitements. Music. Is anyone cheerful? But I dare not say that prayer will certainly take away the affliction for the removal of which you ask. He must not expect it. there is one blessing further vouchsafed even in this world to those who are sanctified and purified by suffering, so much beyond all comfort and all hope, that the Christian who recognises it in the saints who are with Christ trembles and shrinks from appropriating it to himself, lest the very chastisements of God should minister to unchristian presumption. More strength we feel that we need, because our affliction has taught us our own weakness. Manton.1. So let it be with us. (1)That we may ask patience. As we could not, as no Christian could pray — even though it were possible — to do away with the redeeming sufferings of His Saviour; so we may not, cannot wish deliverance from the sufferings whereby we are made unto Him. Excitements are of two kinds — secular and religious. "Lord," he said, "my voice by nature is harsh and untunable, and it is vain to lavish any art to better it. Here we see one very momentous use of prayer and praise to all of us; it breaks the current of worldly thoughts. Those who have earnestly and perseveringly tried will not be at a loss to know the advantage of obeying the precept. 2. Excitements are of two kinds — secular and religious. The person of prayer: Elijah is a man whose example is worth emulating. will he obtain the removal of his affliction?" Manton. All prosperous; all sing.(B. Even in biblical times, prayers were not always answered the way those who prayed the prayer wanted. And can more still be said? Manton. The Prayer of Faith. Hundreds of cures have been authenticated as having been wrought in these institutions. Must it not be even in the spirit of cursing? And it may be that this will explain many a failure in faith and duty, many a relapse into sin, which seemed impossible — ay, and was impossible — in the fervour of their devotion then I But there are many besides who have never tried. Critical and dangerous in proportion to its real blessedness; for in proportion to the privileges we enjoy, ever will be our risk of misusing them. For their affliction had been the severe discipline by which God had schooled them for a better country, and weaned their affections from the things of time and sense. Did not St. Paul "pray" during his three days of blindness? The complaint of the Church may be the motto of all the children of God (Psalm 102:10).2. Excitements are the indisposition of the mind; and of these excitements in different ways the services of Divine worship are the proper antidotes. Can it be that it is too simple? Yet, though I cannot chant with the nightingale, or chirp with the blackbird, I had rather chatter with the swallow than be altogether silent. Critical and dangerous in proportion to its real blessedness; for in proportion to the privileges we enjoy, ever will be our risk of misusing them. 14, 15.) God grant that such an one may yet be smitten of God until the waters of healing gush forth! This teaches —1. Is any merry? Preserving the Covenant Community In Spite of Sickness and Sin. It is the privilege of those who have been themselves cast into the furnace to give assurance of the Son of God walking with them in the midst of the fire. The injunction to use oil as a symbol was, therefore, only temporary. Doubt not the power of faith and prayer to effect all things with God. What kinder office is there, when a man is agitated, than for a friend to put his hand upon him by way of warning, to startle and recall him? Several conditions require several duties. (a)Acknowledgment of the Author of it. Sudden alterations perplex both body and mind. If there was a time when those particular irregularities, which now are so common, were likely to abound, it was in the primitive Church. On, as we say cares and trials pass into the embrace of that yearning.... 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