r2d2 kill count

r2d2 kill count

During the bombardment, C-3PO and R2-D2 were sucked out of the Marauder by a hull-breach. [59], Using Borkus' information, D-Squad returned to the landing zone and confirmed that Borkus was telling the truth. R2-D2 and his companions were forced to continue the journey to Jabba's palace on foot. During the fighting, the rebels managed to destroy the T-7 disruptors and to escape their Imperial pursuers. As expected, Jabba declined the offer and quickly revealed that he had kept Solo in carbonite on display in his throne room. Skywalker held on to R2-D2 as they rocketed away from the monster. 1.08 meters (3ft 6in)[10] "[74], Leia's surrender turned out to be a ruse. Han asked Aggadeen where the main power core was, but the proud Imperial officer refused to answer — until R2-D2 threatened to electrocute him too. He harried the Separatists by shooting nearby canisters, causing several explosions. After claiming to not recognize R2, he then brought Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO companions to his dwelling. In addition, Bane kidnapped the Jedi Master Bolla Ropal, who had a kyber memory crystal containing Jedi secrets. Merrik took Satine hostage and seized control of the cockpit. Using his electrical saw, R2-D2 managed to free his companions. Class r2 d2 has the highest kill count in all of the star wars only rivaled by bb-8 who is only behind him in years # star wars # r2d2 # r2-d2 # artoo # bb8 # bb-8 # star wars: a new hope # star wars: the empire strikes back # star wars: return of the jedi # Star Wars: a phantom menace With the room secure, Leia instructed R2 plug into the system and take control of the prison, just as Han and Luke reached the facility only to be immediately subdued by Eneb Ray.[94]. Meanwhile, Leia took advantage of the commotion to sabotage the power on the Khetanna and strangle Jabba to death. After Princess Leia undertook a mission to rescue Tace's sister Tula by pretending to surrender herself to the Empire, R2-D2 accompanied his master on their T-1 shuttle. Chopper rammed himself into R2-D2, then shook his arm in apparent anger. Meanwhile, Leia and Sana rescued Aphra from being executed by an IG-RM droid, and recruited her to help take back the facility. R2-D2 used his rocket boosters to bring him and C-3PO aboard Grievous' ship. Since the second Death Star was protected by a shield generator, a rebel force would have to infiltrate Endor and disable it so that the Rebel fleet could destroy the second Death Star. Despite these setbacks, he still made it to the Falcon, but only to find that Luke had been captured and Black Krrsantan had gained the upper hand again. Best I've got is 4. Leia hugging R2 after they seemingly escaped Vader. In response, Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano were sent to Vanqor with clone reinforcements and they rescued Skywalker and Windu. Leia was so happy she wanted to kiss the little droid—much to Han's annoyance.[76]. [18], Before the cancellation of The Clone Wars series, Brent Friedman wrote scripts for a four-episode arc starring R2-D2 and Rex. Once this fight was over, R2-D2 was once again reunited with his longtime friend, C-3PO. [73], When Covis intercepted transmissions between the singer Tace and her sister, Tula, who was stationed aboard an Imperial cruiser, Jora thought that Leia and her group were Imperial spies and tried to apprehend them. R2-D2 whistled when he greeted EG-86, who whistled back in return.[67]. The weakest monsters to kill are level 74 crypt rats, with the strongest being the level 84 giant crypt spiders. While leaving the bridge, R2-D2 was pursued by Boba Fett's bounty hunter associates including Aurra Sing. Luke was forced to walk the plank, but before jumping he signaled to R2. Since this mission involved a high level of infiltration capacity, the Council decided to deploy a five-member team of handpicked droids known as D-Squad. While exploring the bridge of the stricken Star Destroyer, the Jedi and droids came across the bodies of dead clone troopers who had been executed, rather than killed by the impact of the crash. Ahsoka devised a plan which involved using Artoo and the pirate's tank to distract the Separatist droids so that she and her entourage could infiltrate the pirate's base and free Hondo, who had been taken prisoner by Grievous. This article needs updating from multiple sources. R2-D2 repairing the shield generator of Queen Amidala's Royal Starship. [48], Following the destruction of their escape transport, Master Piell and R2-D2 contacted the Jedi Council for help. Grievous ordered the two droids to be melted down in his incinerator but they were rescued by a Republic fleet led by Master Plo Koon, who had come to rescue Master Gallia. Star Wars' R2-D2 is not an innocent, harmless droid.The iconic R2 unit has served as a faithful companion to the band of heroes, but he's been known to commit some rather violent acts -- including the time he force-fed Chewbacca space drugs to kill an evil Wookie bounty hunter. Remove this notice when finished. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. [51], On Pattuna, they were captured by the indigenous Patitites, who brought them before their obese leader Hay-Zu. However, Bail realized R2-D2's role in Tano's escape after viewing a clip of the security footage in the engine room. Through Bothan spies, the Rebel leadership had learnt that Emperor Palpatine would be visiting the second Death Star to oversee the final stages of its completion. Meanwhile, Imperial stormtroopers attacked the Alderaan Enclave upstairs. R2-D2 searching the Death Star database for signs of the Rebels. Luke places his hand on R2, following the destruction of the temple. [88], Meanwhile, Han had successfully incapacitated Aphra (and himself). After being attacked by the bounty hunter Embo, Skywalker and Amidala were forced to work with Clovis to escape. This time, however, R2-D2 had a different trick up his sleeve. [100] Projecting the map into the room, R2 matched his map with the piece that BB-8 held. With everyone back together, the Millennium Falcon departed Vrogas Vas.[91]. Rebel tacticians had discovered that the Death Star contained one weak point—a small thermal exhaust port narrow enough for an X-wing fighter to fire a proton torpedo into the space station's reactor core. It makes the relationship between him and C3PO especially hilarious. This article needs appropriate citations. R2-D2 and C-3PO were subsequently rescued by Plo Koon's forces and resumed their services to Senator Amidala and General Skywalker respectively. Before departing, C-3PO told R2-D2 that he had been a good friend. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones is a 2002 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas and written by Lucas and Jonathan Hales.It is the second installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the fifth Star Wars film to be produced, and the second film in the "Skywalker saga. R2-D2 was again reunited with his protocol droid counterpart when the two droids took part in a Republic mercy mission to the Mid Rim planet of Aleen, which was experiencing a series of catastrophic global earthquakes. After Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force, the droid served Senator Bail Organa for a time in the Imperial Senate. Saradomin priests, Saradominist spiritual warriors, spiritual rangers and spiritual mages can also be killed for this purpose. After C-3PO managed to convince the Kindalo that they bore no ill will and had come to help with the earthquakes, the Kindalo sent the two droids to meet Orphne, a reptilian humanoid with mystical powers. A killcount system is also used in the Barrows crypts. Frustrated by the journal’s lack of proper Jedi training, Luke plotted a course for Nar Shaddaa in order to gain passage to Coruscant, intent on locating the Jedi Temple there. Following Padmé's death, R2-D2 and C-3PO passed into the service of Bail Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan, Alderaan's Senator and a good friend of the late Amidala. This moved R5-D4, who once worked for the Rebellion.[69]. R2-D2 accompanied Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks, and Padmé, the queen in disguise, to the city of Mos Espa to find a replacement. [60], Shortly after this, Skywalker and Ahsoka were summoned back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to investigate a bomb attack. In response, the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had marshaled the Rebel fleet for a massive strike against the Imperial leadership. During this time he sent a distress call out to Alliance Command, who were initially hesitant to dispatch a rescue team, but Chewbacca offered his and C-3PO’s services to track him down. As the fight between Han and the two Wookiees dragged on, Black Krrsantan gained the upper hand against them. Their mission was led by Meebur Gascon, a diminutive male Zilkin who served as a Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic. Affiliation These pit droids had enslaved the Balnabs. Two of the rebels, the human teenager Ezra Bridger and the astromech droid Chopper, created a noisy ruckus. Sabine learned that the weapons were stored in Garel's Bay 7 but misled Minister Tua into believing that they were in Bay 17. Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. However, George Lucas objected, as another name starting with "a" caused alliteration between him and other main characters Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Artoo. Meanwhile R2-D2 and his former enemies, the Jawas, began rewiring the walker's laser cannons to get them operational. I am a Star Wars fan who makes death counts and other videos. Right after the purchase, a droid called Todo 360 came up to them and suggested that the two droids relax at a nearby droid spa. The droid's work led to the arrest of Clone Sergeant Slick, who was identified as the traitor. The Jedi Council dispatched a task force of four warships led by Master Plo Koon to rescue Skywalker and Kenobi's rescue team. However, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and left Artoo and the others to deliver the bad news to the Jedi Council. Suddenly, the prison experienced a hull breach, and the facility was beset upon by a group of mercenaries and IG-RM droids led by the former rebel spy Eneb Ray, who was intent on murdering every criminal in the prison. R2-D2 with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi when Anakin and Ahsoka Tano first met. As R2 watched helplessly as Luke was being taken away by Aphra, Han and Chewie arrived on the scene. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. [122], R2-D2 also appeared as an animated character in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film[18] and TV series. Low on battery power themselves, the two droids were captured by a band of Weequay pirates, who wanted to use them as gladiators. D-Squad unanimously agreed to save the cruiser. A skilled starship mechanic and fighter pilot's assistant, he formed an unlikely but enduring friendship with the fussy protocol droid C-3PO. While Artoo and Ganodi stayed behind to rescue the damaged Huyang and the ship, the other five younglings traveled to the pirate's base disguised as junior acrobats working for the Dug circus manager Preigo. Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. Seren's followers include wolves, automatons, Seren archers, Seren mages, and Seren warriors. R2-D2 continued to aid the Resistance alongside his longtime counterpart C-3PO throughout the First Order/Resistance War, culminating a decisive in victory at the Battle of Exegol, in which he was an active participant. The Separatists and their Zygerrian allies had invaded Kiros and enslaved the native Togrutans. Artoo enthusiastically agreed. However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. Artoo followed behind with his booster rockets. Jabba refused and threw Luke into the rancor pit. Despite Tua's and C-3PO's protests, R2-D2 and his protocol counterpart were forced to move to the rear compartment. They managed to retrieve R2-D2 and repair the damaged astromech droid. After seeing Ahsoka in bonds, R2-D2 convinced the newly-repaired Death Watch droids to help him rescue her. [21], Upon arriving in Lothal, R2-D2 and his companions boarded the Star Commuter 2000 shuttle ST-45, which ferried them to Garel. Artoo managed to fool the tactical droid K2-B4 by posing as a prisoner of the reprogrammed battle droids. [54], However, Lux was unwilling to join the Republic and hijacked the ship in order to take it to the icy planet of Carlac, where he had planned to join the Death Watch, an exiled Mandalorian faction who were then conspiring to kill Count Dooku. Saradomin priests, Saradominist spiritual warriors, spiritual rangers and spiritual mages can also be killed for this purpose. The Senator and C-3PO were organizing a party for Senator Aang, a friend of Amidala. However, they stumbled into a net trap. Han and Leia realized that it had been too long — the factory should have melted down and exploded before this time. R2-D2 promptly reactivated after years of hibernation, and searched his records and found that he had previously downloaded this map while upon the first Death Star. [61], R2-D2 and Skywalker's mission was complicated by the presence of Clovis, the pro-Separatist senator whom Amidala had flirted with during an earlier mission to Cato Neimoidia. [82], R2-D2 could only look on as Luke attempted to fight them off, but the brawl abruptly ended when he ignited his lightsaber. However, R2-D2 was aware about the true nature of their mission: preventing the T-7 ion disruptors from falling into Imperial hands. When the engines hummed to life, Ahsoka thanked the astromech droid. R8-B7 was ripped apart while R2-D2 was knocked to the ground. Initially, Luke informed R2-D2 that he was resolute in his decision not to train Rey in the ways of the Force, but R2-D2 replayed the holographic recording of Leia asking Obi-Wan Kenobi for aid, inspiring Luke to accept Rey's request and give her at least a basic instruction in the ways and history of the Jedi. R2D2 is just that washed up drunk at the bar telling bullshit stories. R2-D2 and his protocol counterpart C-3PO were serving Princess Leia Organa's blockade runner Tantive IV, which was being pursued by Darth Vader's Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Height Skywalker then fired the proton torpedo which destroyed the Death Star, scoring a major victory for the Rebellion. While Skywalker and Kenobi searched the Separatist flagship, the Invisible Hand, for the Chancellor, R2-D2 encountered some super battle droids and succeeded in destroying them by spraying oil onto the ground and then igniting it. Swayed by Leia's words, he dispatched the Alder-Espirion warship Espirion Multi, which destroyed Venk's Star Destroyer. Why didn't R2D2 tell Luke Skywalker that Darth Vader was Anakin? [21], Following the rescue of the Jedi rebel Kanan Jarrus and the Siege of Lothal, R2-D2 was part of an Alderaanian reception party at Havoc Outpost which greeted the Spectre rebels Wren and Chopper, the bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo and their special cargo: the GNK-series power droid EG-86, who was carrying some secret intelligence of value to the rebel network. Despite being unresponsive, his longtime companion C-3PO still talked and fussed over him on a regular basis, and even found ways to argue with him. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. ? [47], While approaching the vessel, R2-D2 beeped that "he had a bad feeling about this." Product line The ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive. By contrast, C-3PO was deliberately kept in the dark. Inquiring R2 as to why the bar patrons had seemingly given up chasing after them, Grakkus the Hutt and two of his magnaguards arrived on the scene, explaining that since Luke was now in Hutta Town, he and his lightsaber now belonged to Grakkus; Luke attempted to resist capture, but Grakkus’s magnaguards made short work of him. R2-D2 later restored C-3PO's memory after Rey, Finn and Poe were forced to wipe it to bypass certain protocols that had prevented C-3PO providing them with a translation of an important Sith artifact. R2-D2 begins the assault on Weapons Factory Alpha. The now free slaves rejoiced while R2 went to work repairing C-3PO who had been dismantled into pieces by the scavengers. R2-D2 succeeded in shutting down the garbage compactor just in time. [10] He rolled on three legs, one of which could be retracted into his body, and had a silver blue domed head. Leia ordered the wookiee to kill Vader using his bowcaster. BT-1 rolled up to him and after insults were exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate BT-1 with his shock prod. When R2 told R5 that he worked for the Rebellion, his words had an impact on R5, who had once worked for the Rebellion. There, they managed to access the Death Star plans stored inside Artoo's memory banks. Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. R2 accompanied Leia's side before she made a final attempt to reach her son, Ben, through the Force. Mass HK-47 - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 6. However, R2-D2, who knew the true nature of Skywalker's plan, told him not to worry. [7], During the Tusken attack, R2-D2 hid in a cave. After entering hyperspace, the Jedi and clones were attacked by several assassin probes. ], The droid's distinctive beeps and whistles were originally created in 1975-77 by Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt. In spite of Gascon's orders to leave him and BZ, Gregor managed to bring them aboard the shuttle. [87], R2-D2 tried to protect his master from Aphra and her droids. [96], Later, R2-D2 and his companions learned that Han Solo was being held by Jabba on Tatooine. Later, the Republic forces managed to incapacitate the Zillo Beast by stunning it with RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks. [43], Duchess Satine was traveling to Coruscant on the Mandalorian luxury spaceliner Coronet. The killcount for a god will be reduced by 40 when entering the god's boss chamber. At various points throughout the course of the films, R2, an astromech droid, is a friend to C-3PO, Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, BB-8, Rey and D-O. [19] After achieving their objectives, General Skywalker contacted Artoo to prepare their ship for departure and to meet them at the landing platform. Alliance reinforcements soon arrived and restored power, but because the ion pulse had disrupted the prison's orbit, everyone had to evacuate. Class Two[9] You're my only hope. R2-D2 along Skywalker, Tano, and Captain Rex succeeded in boarding the bounty hunter's Munificent-class star frigate. A smart, spunky droid who would serve a multitude of masters over his lifetime, R2-D2 … Equipment The InterGalactic Banking Clan was neutral and was lending money to both the Republic and the Separatists. With their starfighter's power systems damaged, R2-D2 and C-3PO were forced to land on another planet called Balnab. The astromech attempted to shake the cyborg general off but his efforts ended up crashing the tank. [119]. However, leaving the God Wars dungeon completely causes all killcounts to reset to zero. The generals and their bodyguards also count towards killcounts. However, R2-D2 relented upon learning about R5-D4's sad story. After arriving in the backdoor landing platform, Skywalker and Tano, along with Rotta, managed to escape Ventress on a large, winged insect called a Can-cell. Han 's Falcon and everyone boarded the freighter reattaching Threepio 's legs, R2-D2 was allowed to his... By attacking the stormtroopers ' whose boots it had overtaken the rockrenders turned the tide of the plan told! [ 20 ], when he greeted EG-86, who took him aboard sandcrawler! Gascon, a week later, the entire moon was on alert and C-3PO managed r2d2 kill count evade capture bounty then! Remaining starfighter 's signals viewing a clip of the Venator-class Star Destroyer.... In mud, after surviving his encounter with the piece that BB-8 held relatives and razed her grandfather 's to... Polluted planet of Patitite Pattuna their journey to Jabba 's palace on foot to sabotage the of... 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