carboxylation reaction mechanism

carboxylation reaction mechanism

(A3\(2\). [(-crystallin,)-429.9 (and)-430 (glucose)-430 (and)-430 (alcohol)-429.9 (dehydrogenases. [(nicotinamide)-299.8 (nucleotides. 1.8897 -1.1667 Td [(6. Glutamate synthetase then catalyzes the formation of glutamate from glutamine and α-ketoglutarate. )Tj -27.7394 -1.1648 Td -35.0921 -1.2008 Td -21.0603 -1.2008 Td 9.75 0 0 6.5 72.1327 39.8835 Tm [(Use)-513.3 (of)-513.3 (enzymes)-513.3 (and)-513.3 (biomimetic)-513.3 (systems)-513.3 (for)-513.3 (the)-513.3 (direct)-513.3 (carboxylation)-513.3 (of)-513.3 (organic)]TJ 1.3338 -1.1648 Td 11.5152 0 Td /T1_0 1 Tf 0.0284 Tc -6.8897 -1.1667 Td /T1_2 1 Tf 6 0 0 6 157.3872 464.9773 Tm )]TJ Figure 15.11. [(alkenal/one)-299.8 (oxidoreductase. )Tj -0.0195 Tc 0 -1.2857 TD /T1_2 1 Tf The analysis of disulfide bond structure is discussed in more detail in Section II.A.2. 69.9064 0 Td [(carboxykinase,)-441.3 (carboxytransphosphorylase,)-441.3 (and)-441.3 (pyruvate)-441.3 (carboxylase. (]-)Tj 0 Tc [-0.1 (R)]TJ 8.5867 0 Td -33.5474 -1.1648 Td )]TJ 13.5586 0 Td /T1_1 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 518.9911 735.8835 Tm Soc., 2014, 136, 17702-17705. [(5. -35.7666 -1.1667 Td (R)Tj uuid:bc3eb447-1dd1-11b2-0a00-b80000000000 (\002)Tj 1.8897 -1.2008 Td 10.4933 0 Td /T1_5 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_1 1 Tf 3.4704 0 Td 5.8617 0 Td Am. 1.8897 -1.1648 Td -19.0646 -1.2857 Td Chemo- and stereoselective reductions are important reactions in chemistry and biology, and reductases from biological sources are increasingly applied in organic synthesis. -10.3318 -1.2857 Td /T1_2 1 Tf [(21:2194)-119.8 (\2262195. 2021-01-25T06:45:38-08:00 ���� JFIF � � ��.Exif MM * b j( 1 r2 ��i � � � � Adobe Photoshop 7.0 2004:09:28 15:23:20 � � &� _ ( & H H ��TPhotoshop 3.0 8BIM% 8BIM� x H H d dg(� H H �( d � h � 8BIM� � � 8BIM&. -16.0041 -1.2008 Td 7 0 0 7 275.6035 607.8835 Tm (2)Tj Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. 33.8679 0 Td 15.2477 0 Td /T1_6 1 Tf These cell-based assays are easy to scale up for high-throughput screening of inhibitors of vitamin K cycle enzymes and have been successfully used to clarify the genotypes and their clinical phenotypes of enzymes of the vitamin K cycle. Additionally, recently emerged genome-editing techniques TALENs and CRISPR-Cas9 were used to knock out the endogenous enzymes in the reporter cell lines to eliminate the background. [(32. )-499.6 (Shimomura)-377.4 (Y,)-377.4 (Kakuta)-377.4 (Y,)-377.4 (Fukuyama)-377.4 (K)-377.4 (\(2003\))-377.4 (Crystal)-377.4 (structures)-377.4 (of)-377.4 (the)-377.4 (quinone)-377.4 (oxi-)]TJ )]TJ 1.3338 -1.1648 Td (10.1073)Tj /T1_2 1 Tf γ-Carboxylation is a PTM carried out by the enzyme γ-glutamyl carboxylase during the biosynthesis of vitamin K-dependent proteins (Stenflo and Suttie, 1977). /T1_2 1 Tf Biesalski, in Reference Module in Food Science, 2016. The acetyl CoA carboxylase multienzyme complex in the stroma of plastids consists of several subunits, resembling the acetyl CoA carboxylase in cyanobacteria and other bacteria, and is referred to as the prokaryotic form of the acetyl CoA carboxylase. 18.7323 0 Td [(241:872\226)-119.8 (877. [(Biochem)-305.5 (J)]TJ Biotin is linked via a lysine residue to the biotin carboxyl carrier protein. (\030)Tj )-499.6 (Heath)-205.1 (RJ,)-205 (Su)-205.1 (N,)-205 (Murphy)-205 (CK,)-205 (Rock)-205 (CO)-205.1 (\(2000\))-205 (The)-205 (enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein])-205 (reductases)]TJ -0.0195 Tc 7 0 0 7 226.2096 680.8835 Tm T* [(transfer)-280.8 (of)-280.8 (hydrogen. 6 0 0 6 202.2888 437.0227 Tm 0.5716 0 Td 7 0 0 7 520.3544 726.5426 Tm 1999), then processively carboxylates all glutamates in the cluster before releasing the substrate (Morris et al. )-499.6 (Bu)444 (\250)-166.2 (cklers)-297.4 (L,)-297.4 (Umani-Ronchi)-297.4 (A,)-297.4 (Re)416.1 (\264)-138.7 (tey)-297.4 (J,)-297.4 (Arigoni)-297.4 (D)-297.4 (\(1970\))-297.4 (On)-297.4 (the)-297.4 (stereochemistry)-297.4 (of)-297.4 (the)]TJ In Gramineae (grasses), including the various species of cereals, the prokaryotic form is not present. [(old)-298.3 (yellow)-298.3 (enzyme. [(J)-310.6 (Am)-310.7 (Chem)-310.7 (Soc)]TJ )-499.6 (Erb)-252.9 (TJ,)-252.9 (Re)416.5 (\264)-138.7 (tey)-252.9 (J,)-252.9 (Fuchs)-252.9 (G,)-252.9 (Alber)-252.9 (BE)-252.9 (\(2008\))-252.9 (Ethylmalonyl-CoA)-252.9 (mutase)-252.9 (from)]TJ 58 0 obj It is possible that biotin is O-phosphorylated during the carboxylation reaction . 7 0 0 7 508.8256 735.8835 Tm 4.5 0 0 4.5 199.7864 436.2727 Tm [(202:687\226)-119.8 (697. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. -33.264 -1.1989 Td One can simulate this situation experimentally by illuminating a plant in a closed chamber. 5 0 0 5 554.3174 734.8835 Tm 25.5839 0 Td 7 0 0 7 347.0407 735.8835 Tm )Tj (eling. /T1_1 1 Tf -1.8897 -1.1648 Td [(38:633\226)-119.8 (637. In step (2) carboxybiotin decomposes into bound CO 2 and the biotin enolate which deprotonates S to form a carbanion, facilitated in some cases by a bound metal. [(J)-310.6 (Am)-310.7 (Chem)-310.7 (Soc)]TJ 0 0 0 rg [(dehydrogenase:)-278 (Use)-278 (of)-278 (ferricenium)-278 (salts. 1.8897 -1.1667 Td 7. T* carboxylation reactions follow the same mechanistic principle: nucleophilic activation of substrates and electro - philic activation of CO 2 2. [(and)-163.1 (Hana)-163.1 (S)]TJ Figure-3 – showing the role of biotin in the carboxylation of Acetyl co A. )-499.6 (Li)-288.8 (F,)-288.8 (et)-288.9 (al. (2)Tj )]TJ )-499.8 (Faber)-427.6 (K\(2000\))-427.6 (in)]TJ Given the very low acidity of the C–H bond at C3 (Δ acid H° = 397 kcal mol −1, Fig. 7.4765 0 Td -15.5967 -1.1648 Td Chem. 12.3242 0 Td [(O\))-430.6 (were)-430.6 (iso-)]TJ Peptide map can also detect relative occupancy of each site, therefore revealing sites of under-carboxylation. endobj )-499.6 (Nordling)-406.8 (E,)-406.7 (Jo)443.7 (\250)-166.2 (rnvall)-406.7 (H,)-406.7 (Persson)-406.8 (B)-406.8 (\(2002\))-406.7 (Medium-chain)-406.8 (dehydrogenases/reductases)]TJ [(J)-298.3 (M)-0.1 (ol)-298.3 (Catal)-298.3 (B)]TJ [(SI)-380.3 (Methods)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 6 0 0 6 236.8857 527.875 Tm /T1_3 1 Tf 35.9364 0 Td )Tj [(18. -26.7254 -1.2008 Td [(reduction)-285.5 (in)-285.5 (modular)-285.5 (polyketide)-285.6 (synthases. 18.9003 0 Td -24.107 -1.1667 Td 19.3978 0 Td /T1_2 1 Tf dc:description /T1_1 1 Tf (carlsbergensis)Tj [(J)-284.6 (Bacteriol)]TJ 1.8897 -1.1667 Td )-499.6 (Lundberg)-269.5 (NN,)-269.4 (Thorpe)-269.4 (C)-269.4 (\(1993\))-269.4 (Inactivation)-269.4 (of)-269.4 (short-chain)-269.5 (acyl-coenzyme-A)-269.5 (dehydro-)]TJ 29.4878 0 Td 0 0 1 rg (42:52\22654. 13.5B: The carboxylation mechanism of Rubisco, the carbon fixing enzyme. 35.1537 0 Td 5.9812 0 Td [(Biophys)-314.4 (Res)-314.4 (Commun)]TJ -7.6672 -1.1989 Td -23.8364 -1.1648 Td 6.4165 0 Td T* -27.1146 -1.1667 Td Walk through the arrow pushing mechanism of enzymatic carboxylation reactions with Dr. KP. It should be emphasized, however, that the eukaryotic form as well as the prokaryotic form of acetyl CoA carboxylase are encoded in the nucleus. 6.7447 0 Td /T1_2 1 Tf )-255.7 (The)-255.7 (active)-255.7 (species)-255.7 (of)-255.7 (\221\221CO)]TJ -1.8897 -1.1989 Td -1.8897 -1.1667 Td 34.9284 0 Td To monitor in vitro carboxylation, propeptide eluant from r-fIX, r-carboxylase BHK cells was chromatographed on Q-Sepharose, and the eluant (100 pmol) was incubated for 10 min in a protein carboxylation reaction (800 l) with or without vitamin K (50 g) followed by precipitation with 30% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). So, for example, here's our carboxylic acid, and we know the carbon next to a carboxylic acid is the alpha carbon, and the carbon next to that is the beta carbon, and we saw how this carbonyl was necessary in the mechanism. /T1_4 1 Tf [(eukaryotic)-298.3 (fatty)-298.3 (acid)-298.3 (synthases. Biotin is covalently linked with its carboxyl group to the e-amino group of a lysine residue of the biotin carboxyl carrier protein, and its -NH-group can form a carbamate with HCO3− (Fig. Ammonia is reassimilated through a reaction with glutamate and ATP to form glutamine catalyzed by glutamine synthetase in chloroplasts. )Tj 0 Tc 0.4925 0 Td (2)Tj )-499.6 (Walsh,)-530.8 (C)-530.8 (\(1979\))-530.8 (in)]TJ 17.0672 0 Td 4.3679 0 Td 5.5583 0 Td /T1_2 1 Tf 18.5048 0 Td 1.8896 -1.2008 Td /T1_1 1 Tf -6.8897 -1.2007 Td /T1_2 1 Tf The native enzyme protein had a molecular weight of 420 000, and two subunits were identified having a molecular weight between 200 000 and 240 000.38 Similar results have been obtained for ACCase from various other plant systems, and application of both protease inhibitors and rapid purification procedures have been developed in order to obtain the undegraded protein.17,36 Further evidence indicated that isoenzymes may exist in different organs and cell compartments, and a cytosolic form seems to be involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, for example flavonoids and anthocyanins.37,39 Besides its role as one of the substrates in the chalcone synthase reaction, the first committed step of the flavonoid pathway, malonyl-CoA may also be the acyl donor in the malonylation of sugar residues of flavonoid glycosides (see Section [(10. The C−H bond carboxylation with CO2emerged as a straightforward protocol for the preparation of a series of aromatic carboxylic esters and butenoates from simple substrates. )]TJ [(using)-239.5 (UV)-239.5 (detection)-239.5 (and)-239.5 (radioactive)-239.5 (monitoring)-239.5 (as)-239.5 (described)-239.5 (recently)-239.5 (\(8,)-239.5 (50\). )Tj application/pdf [(30. 0 -1.3328 TD )-410.1 (\(2001\))-410.1 (Conversion)-410.1 (of)-410.1 (pyrrole)-410.1 (to)-410.1 (pyrrole-2-carboxylate)-410.1 (by)-410.1 (cells)-410.1 (of)]TJ [(24. Carboxylation is catalyzed by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), which can constitute up to 50% of the soluble protein in a leaf and is probably the Earth's most abundant protein. /T1_2 1 Tf Therefore, the confirmation of the disulfide connectivity is necessary. /T1_2 1 Tf /T1_1 1 Tf 20.1545 0 Td 7.7776 0 Td [(CoA)-337.2 (carboxylase/reductase:)-337.1 (The)-337.2 (ethylmalonyl-CoA)-337.2 (pathway. The carboxyl group is transferred from biotin to acetyl CoA to form malonyl CoA in the second reaction, which is catalyzed by CT. [(Streptomyces)-314.4 (collinus. XPP 0 Tc 6 0 0 6 476.3701 187.6136 Tm The sulfhydryl group of the Cys residue can form a covalent disulfide bond with another sulfhydryl. )Tj The formation of disulfide bonds in specific configurations is often important to the structure, function, or stability of the biopharmaceutical protein. [(Comparison)-158.7 (of)-158.6 (three)-158.6 (enoate)-158.7 (reductases)-158.6 (and)-158.7 (their)-158.6 (potential)-158.6 (use)-158.6 (for)-158.6 (biotransformations. 5.3824 0 Td /T1_2 1 Tf 73 0 obj 7 0 0 7 510.1889 726.5426 Tm 26.9186 0 Td )]TJ )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf )]TJ [(QOR)-481.6 (quinine)-481.6 (oxidoreductase)-481.6 (complexed)-481.6 (with)-481.6 (NADPH. The role of ATP in the carboxylation of biotin is unclear. [(Heidelberg\),)-278 (4th)-278 (edition,)-278 (pp)-278 (1\22628)-278 (and)-278 (pp)-278 (177\226219. (Biochem-)Tj (26:931\226933. This portion of the mechanism is ATP dependent; also, the bicarbonate provides the CO2. [(\)-NADPH,)-384.4 ([)]TJ [(50. /T1_2 1 Tf /T1_4 1 Tf -0.0195 Tc 2.6601 0 Td <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[9 9 603 792]/Type/Page>> )Tj γ-Carboxylated proteins are involved … (Experientia)Tj Two-phosphoglycolate is an extremely potent inhibitor of triose phosphate isomerase (Anderson, 1971; Flügel et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019). (H]-C)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf endobj 1.8897 -1.1667 Td All three proteins—the biotin carboxyl carrier protein, biotin carboxylase, and carboxyl transferase—form a single multienzyme complex. 0.00011 Tc 4.5 0 0 4.5 471.3652 186.8636 Tm 6 0 0 6 231.5514 527.875 Tm 17.904 0 Td (\001)Tj )-471.2 (Ramaswamy)-545 (S,)-545 (Eklund)-545 (H,)-545 (Plapp)-545 (BV)-545 (\(1994\))-545 (Structures)-545 (of)-545 (horse)-545 (liver)-545 (alcohol-)]TJ [(17. 1.8897 -1.2008 Td /T1_1 1 Tf 17.0869 0 Td (\002)Tj [(details,)-380.3 (see)]TJ [(lated)-355.1 (by)-355.1 (preparative)-355.1 (HPLC)-355.1 (and)-355.1 (subjected)-355.1 (to)-355.1 (butyryl-CoA)-355.1 (dehydrogenase)-355.1 (as)]TJ endobj 1.8897 -1.1667 Td /T1_2 1 Tf 32.3684 0 Td 2021-01-25T06:45:38-08:00 D. Nohr, H.K. 15.6502 0 Td 1.8897 -1.1667 Td )-499.6 (Fillgrove)-231.1 (KL,)-231.1 (Anderson)-231.1 (VE)-231.1 (\(2000\))-231.1 (Orientation)-231.1 (of)-231.1 (coenzyme)-231.1 (A)-231.1 (substrates,)-231.1 (nicotinamide)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf )Tj The circular presentation was chosen for the sake of clarity; in reality it is probably a pendulum-like movement. [(54. [(49. /T1_1 1 Tf [(109)-119.8 (\226123. /T1_2 1 Tf endstream 9.3522 0 Td /T1_3 1 Tf endobj (Downloaded by guest on January 25, 2021 )Tj Acetyl CoA carboxylase, the first enzyme of fatty acid synthesis, is an important regulatory enzyme and its reaction is regarded as a rate-limiting step in fatty acid synthesis. In the carboxylation reaction, the enzyme binds its substrate protein via a sequence motif on the amino terminal side of the glutamate residues to be carboxylated (Furie et al. -0.0195 Tc 7 0 0 7 104.6006 671.8835 Tm (\003)Tj Multiple Gla sites within the Gla domain cooperatively bind metal ions, upon which conformational changes occur that allows membrane binding and downstream signal transduction.92 Therefore the extent, consistency and specificity of γ-carboxylation are important quality attributes for Gla-containing biopharmaceutical proteins. /T1_1 1 Tf -0.0195 Tc 2.7711 0 Td [(102:381\226)-119.8 (400. Early evolution of Rubisco occurred when there was no oxygen in the atmosphere. [(dependent)-305.4 (dehydrogenases. /T1_2 1 Tf 71 0 obj In principle, either CO 2 or HCO 3−, can serve as active species of CO 2 in enzymatic carboxylation reactions (9). )]TJ (26:337\226343. /T1_2 1 Tf 2), the selectivity for C3 carboxylation at 200 °C is consistent with an EAS mechanism in which deprotonated indole is the reactive nucleophile. (\002)Tj -1.8897 -1.1667 Td A pioneering work has been done by Nicholas who carried out the reaction of allylstannane using Pd(PPh3)4 as the catalyst in tetrahydrofurane (THF) at 70°C under 33 atm of CO2 (Scheme 2A, Shi and Nicholas, 1997). [(39. -0.01939 Tc -21.5602 -1.1667 Td The activated CO is then transferred from carboxybiotin to the substrate. [(script,)-269.9 (Frederik)-269.9 (Golitsch)-269.9 (for)-269.9 (technical)-269.9 (assistance,)-269.9 (and)-269.9 (Ivan)-269.9 (Berg)-269.9 (and)-269.9 (Toma)]TJ [(36. Several biopharmaceutical proteins (such as recombinant factor IX and recombinant factor VIIa) undergo γ-carboxylation within certain highly conserved sequences in the N-terminal domain (Gla domain). )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(185:4211\226)-119.8 (4218. [(43. 5.5583 0 Td 10.8099 0 Td )]TJ 11.9169 0 Td 1.8897 -1.1989 Td The results are discussed in relation to the mechanisms of these enzymes, and the effects of pH on the reactions. (\003)Tj 74 0 obj (328:173\226183. [(-dependent)-337.1 (acyl-CoA)-337.2 (mutases. 5 0 0 5 272.8232 610.1335 Tm In the protein, γ-carboxyglutamic acids form the calcium-binding sites that characterize this form of calcium-binding protein, the vitamin K-dependent proteins. 7 0 0 7 51.6761 735.8835 Tm )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf ), is shown below. 0 0 0 rg (3)Tj 1.8897 -1.2008 Td 6.8616 0 Td )]TJ BT 1.8897 -1.1667 Td [(dienoyl-CoA)-194.6 (reductase)-194.6 (is)-194.6 (stepwise:)-194.6 (Observation)-194.6 (of)-194.6 (a)-194.6 (dienolate)-194.6 (intermediate. [(and)-368.4 (active)-368.4 (site)-368.4 (functional)-368.4 (groups)-368.4 (in)-368.4 (\(di\)enoyl-coenzyme)-368.4 (A)-368.4 (reductases. endobj /T1_2 1 Tf ET 13.4372 0 Td [(Trends)-299.7 (Biochem)-299.8 (Sci)]TJ 5.7334 0 Td For the plants designated as C3 plants (this term is derived from the fact that the first carboxylation product is the C3 compound 3-phosphoglycerate), the CO2 concentration in air at the compensation point, depending on the species and temperature, is in the range of 35 to 70 ppm, equivalent to 10% to 20% of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. )-499.8 (Aresta)-262.8 (M,)-262.8 (Dibenedetto)-262.8 (A)-262.8 (\(2002\))-262.8 (Development)-262.8 (of)-262.8 (environmentally)-262.8 (friendly)-262.8 (syntheses:)]TJ (5)Tj [(44. 6.5035 0 Td [(Tables)-258.5 (S3)-258.6 (and)-258.6 (S4)]TJ -5.2085 -1.1899 Td 15.12). endobj endobj 5.9717 0 Td 0 Tc 5 0 0 5 163.8235 720.1335 Tm )]TJ [(31. )-499.6 (Faurholt)-189.9 (CJ)-189.9 (\(1924\))-189.9 (Etudes)-189.9 (sur)-189.9 (les)-189.9 (solutions)-189.9 (aqueuses)-189.9 (d\222anhydride)-189.9 (carbonique)-189.9 (et)-189.9 (d\222acide)]TJ In acidic media, the ester carbonyl will be protonated and the carbonyl carbon attacked by a water molecule. -13.1702 -1.1989 Td -8.1021 -1.2857 Td Biotin is carboxylated at the expense of ATP by biotin carboxylase. )Tj 20.3767 0 Td )-234.4 (\(2007\))-234.4 (Synthesis)-234.4 (of)-234.4 (C)]TJ -29.4878 -1.1667 Td [(nase)-209.4 (preparations)-209.4 (in)-209.4 (a)-209.4 (modi\036ed)-209.4 (assay)-209.4 (\(54\))-209.4 (by)-209.4 (using)-209.4 (ferricenium)-209.4 (hexa\037uorophos-)]TJ 1.8897 -1.1667 Td )-293.6 (J)-293.6 (Bacteriol)]TJ )]TJ 55 0 obj )Tj )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf )]TJ [(J)-314.4 (Biol)-314.4 (Chem)]TJ [(40:1430)-119.8 (\2261440. -34.3011 -1.1667 Td (3:265\226268. )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf )]TJ This article is cited by 17 publications. /T1_1 1 Tf )-239.5 (For)]TJ 0 Tc 1.8897 -1.1667 Td )-499.6 (You)-377.4 (KS,)-377.4 (Arnold)-377.4 (LR)-377.4 (Jr.,)-377.4 (Allison)-377.4 (WS,)-377.4 (Kaplan)-377.4 (ND)-377.4 (\(1978\))-377.4 (Enzyme)-377.4 (stereospeci\036cities)-377.4 (for)]TJ 1.1989 TL /Im0 Do 24.2364 0 Td (Biochemistry)Tj endobj /T1_2 1 Tf The reaction mechanism was then studied experimentally and computationally to shed light on the two attractive features of our protocol: the γ-carboxylation complementary to the α-carboxylation obtained by copper catalysis, 7b and the obviation of a sacrificial anode. [(46. 2001). [(dehydrogenase)-150.6 (complexed)-150.6 (with)-150.6 (NAD\()]TJ (H])Tj You can think of a carboxylation reaction as essentially a special kind of aldol reaction, except that the carbonyl electrophile being attacked by the enolate is \(CO_2\) rather than a ketone or aldehyde: Mechanism for carboxylation of an enolate. During the (ATP-dependent) carboxylase reaction, a CO2 molecule is attached to biotin at the ureido nitrogen which is opposite to the side chain. /T1_1 1 Tf )-499.8 (Chaparro-Riggers)-175.2 (JF,)-175.2 (Rogers)-175.2 (TA,)-175.2 (Vazquez-Figueroa)-175.2 (E,)-175.2 (Polizzi)-175.2 (KM,)-175.2 (Bommarius)-175.2 (AS)-175.2 (\(2007\))]TJ (H]-\(4)Tj [(Ph.D.)-278 (thesis)-278 (\(Univ)-278 (of)-278 (Freiburg,)-278 (Germany\). 37.7096 0 Td )Tj /T1_2 1 Tf (8876)Tj /T1_2 1 Tf [(40. /T1_1 1 Tf 1.8897 -1.1648 Td This indicates the role of UV-B radiation in this biosynthetic pathway.8. (ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. (\002)Tj T* (104:10631\22610636. Unsaturated compounds can be directly carboxylated at low pressures and temperatures, in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, such as the formation of a mixture of C12 dicarboxylic acids from undecylenic acid, in which the newly formed carboxyl group is secondary or tertiary.202,203, The Koch reaction was used to add CO to the double bonds of oleic acid, oleyl alcohol, linoleic acid, and methyl ricinoleate,204 which included a modification where CO was prepared in situ from formic acid and concentrated sulfuric acid.203 The best yield of carboxylated oleic acid was obtained with 97% sulfuric acid that had 5 mol. )-242 (II,)-242 (pp)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(3. Transmetalation is a straightforward method that allows accessing catalytically active allyl metal intermediates during a carboxylation event. /T1_1 1 Tf )]TJ Knowledge of these mechanisms provides the basis /T1_1 1 Tf -27.2827 -1.2008 Td /T1_2 1 Tf 17.2867 0 Td The extra-plastidic acetyl CoA carboxylase, in contrast to the prokaryotic type, is a single large multifunctional protein in which the biotin carboxyl carrier, the biotin carboxylase, and the carboxyl transferase are located on different sections of the same polypeptide chain (Fig. /T1_1 1 Tf )]TJ 16.0328 0 Td 1.8897 -1.1989 Td -12.5572 -1.1648 Td /T1_2 1 Tf /T1_1 1 Tf )-280.8 (The)-280.8 (reaction)-280.8 (catalyzed)-280.8 (by)-280.8 (alcohol)-280.8 (dehydrogenase. 1.8897 -1.1667 Td )]TJ (compounds. (2)Tj 6.2233 0 Td (. )]TJ [-0.1 (\002)]TJ (2)Tj (from)Tj endobj [(Food)-305.4 (Technol)-305.4 (Biotechnol)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf Abstract. /T1_2 1 Tf /T1_2 1 Tf 1 0 obj The first reaction is carried out by BC and involves the ATP-dependent carboxylation of biotin with bicarbonate serving as the source of CO 2. -23.4475 -1.1667 Td [(37. [(transfer)-314.4 (to)-314.4 (NAD\(P\))-314.4 (catalyzed)-314.4 (by)-314.4 (lactol)-314.4 (dehydrogenases. 1.8897 -1.1989 Td (H]-\(4)Tj )Tj 5.0001 0 Td [(\(Freeman,)-530.8 (San)-530.8 (Francisco\),)-530.8 (pp)]TJ 0 Tc 0.5002 0 Td )-499.6 (Pollock)-341.4 (VV,)-341.4 (Barber)-341.4 (MJ)-341.4 (\(2001\))-341.4 (Kinetic)-341.4 (and)-341.4 (mechanistic)-341.4 (properties)-341.4 (of)-341.4 (biotin)-341.4 (sulfoxide)]TJ )-499.6 (Knowles)-280.8 (JR)-280.8 (\(1989\))-280.8 (The)-280.8 (mechanism)-280.8 (of)-280.8 (biotin)-280.8 (dependent)-280.8 (enzymes. To investigate the mechanism of carboxylation, the oxidation of NADPH in a mixtureofcrotonyl-CoA*andCcrwasfollowedspectrophotometri-cally at 360 nm upon the addition of either CO 2 or HCO 3.In principle, either CO 2 or HCO 3, can serve as active species of CO 2 in enzymatic carboxylation reactions (9). -19.2224 -1.1648 Td )]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf /T1_1 1 Tf /T1_1 1 Tf [(129:6425\226)-119.8 (6431. (Experientia)Tj -25.2757 -1.2008 Td )-499.6 (Mostad)-229.7 (SB,)-229.7 (Helming)-229.7 (HL,)-229.7 (Groom)-229.7 (C,)-229.7 (Glasfeld)-229.7 (A)-229.7 (\(1997\))-229.7 (The)-229.7 (stereospeci\036city)-229.7 (of)-229.7 (hydrogen)]TJ "Carboxylation mechanism and stereochemistry of crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase, a carboxylating enoyl-thioester reductase" [(Bacillus)-293.6 (megaterium)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf /T1_2 1 Tf /T1_1 1 Tf /T1_2 1 Tf [(Biochem)-305.5 (J)]TJ Decarboxylation reaction is defined as a chemical reaction that eliminates a carboxyl group and liberates carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). )]TJ The biotin linked to the biotin carboxyl carrier protein reacts in turn with biotin carboxylase and carboxyl transferase. 1.8897 -1.2008 Td )Tj (349:1521\2261531. 5 0 0 5 344.2604 738.1335 Tm -34.7064 -1.1648 Td [(genases,)-343.3 (quinone)-343.3 (oxidoreductases,)-343.3 (enoyl)-343.3 (reductases,)-343.3 (VAT-1)-343.3 (and)-343.3 (other)-343.3 (proteins. /T1_2 1 Tf 5.0001 0 Td )]TJ )]TJ 31.6218 0 Td 6 0 0 6 230.1124 464.9773 Tm [(269:4267\226)-119.8 (4276. [(Bacillus)-296 (subtilis. [(38. [(of)-437 (metals)-437.1 (in)-437.1 (the)-437.1 (mechanism)-437.1 (of)-437 (type)-437.1 (II)-437 (dehydroquinase)-437.1 (from)]TJ )-295.9 (J)-296 (Biol)-295.9 (Chem)]TJ The carboxylation of acetyl CoA involves biotin which acts as a carrier for “activated CO2” (Fig. [(Annu)-280.8 (Rev)-280.8 (Biochem)]TJ Some additional functions of biotin have been found: it induces dermal differentiation and has been used to treat lameness in animals and brittle nails in humans. /T1_1 1 Tf Q )]TJ -37.7096 -1.2008 Td This produces one molecule of 3-PGA and one molecule of phosphoglycolate (glycolate 2-P). )]TJ 16.6346 0 Td Gert Forkmann, Werner Heller, in Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry, 1999, Carboxylation of acetyl-CoA is catalyzed by ACCase in the presence of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), and Mg2+ as a cofactor. 6 0 0 6 175.5842 471.9659 Tm 0 0 0 1 k The reaction is characterized by an exquisite selectivity profile that is dictated by the ligand backbone. -6.8897 -1.1648 Td )]TJ [(Acholeplasma)-305.4 (laidlawii. -33.3202 -1.2008 Td -1.8897 -1.2008 Td 5.0001 0 Td /T1_0 1 Tf (226:15\22622. Acetyl CoA carboxylase: reaction scheme. -0.0195 Tc 6.9121 0 Td [(27. 33.5474 0 Td /T1_1 1 Tf Carboxylation by rubisco involves making RuBP susceptible to chemical attack by carbon dioxide. )-499.6 (Edwards)-195.1 (KJ,)-195.1 (et)-195.1 (al. )-499.6 (Benner)-305.9 (SA)-305.9 (\(1982\))-305.9 (The)-305.9 (stereoselectivity)-305.9 (of)-305.9 (alcohol)-305.9 (dehydrogenases:)-305.9 (A)-305.9 (stereochemical)]TJ 13.2604 0 Td The Gla-related isoforms of the intact protein can be separated on the basis of charge using anion‐exchange HPLC (AEX-HPLC); confirmation of their identities can be obtained by amino acid analysis of base hydrolysate for Gla content, and peptide mapping with mass analysis. 5 0 0 5 516.2108 734.8835 Tm -28.0333 -1.1648 Td )]TJ -35.2637 -1.1667 Td /T1_2 1 Tf 33.7069 0 Td 7.4648 0 Td [(25. (\002)Tj (2)Tj /GS0 gs 0 Tc 4.7998 0.1997 Td -21.2874 -1.2008 Td [(\(see)-276.8 (below,)]TJ 0 -1.1667 TD T. Moragas, J. Cornella, R. Martin, J. 1.8897 -1.1989 Td [(acyl)-536 (carrier)-536 (protein)-536 (reductase)-536 (from)]TJ [(11. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[9 9 603 792]/Type/Page>> 6 0 0.9318 6 227.8851 527.875 Tm )-499.6 (Airenne)-469.7 (TT,)-469.7 (et)-469.7 (al. [(Cryptic)-387.2 (Stereochemistry)-387.2 (at)-387.2 (C3)-387.2 (\(Reductase)-387.2 (Reaction\). Although the release of CO2 is caused not only by the photorespiratory pathway but also by other reactions (e.g., the citrate cycle in mitochondria), the latter sources of CO2 release are negligible compared with the photorespiratory pathway. q [(16. With a plant kept in a closed chamber, the CO2 concentration can be kept below the compensation point by trapping CO2 with KOH. (107:2365\2262387. /T1_2 1 Tf The eukaryotic acetyl CoA carboxylase is inhibited by various arylphenoxypropionic acid derivatives, such as, for example, diclofop methyl (Fig. )]TJ The effects of carbonic anhydrase confirm the conclusions. 0 0 1 rg [(26. 22.0599 0 Td 6 0 0 6 81.4306 283.1023 Tm /T1_1 1 Tf (58:195\226221. 0.0199 Tc -35.0339 -1.1899 Td 6.5 0 0 6.5 80.2973 39.8835 Tm 0.0199 Tc 0.4087 -0.1997 Td This enzyme reaction, known as γ-carboxylation, requires vitamin K as a cofactor. [(in)-293.6 (supercritical)-293.6 (CO)]TJ (Biochemistry)Tj 1.8897 -1.2008 Td (pnas.0903939106)Tj )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc -16.6345 -2.7614 Td -1.8897 -1.2008 Td 26.6147 0 Td 1.8896 -1.2008 Td )]TJ <>stream This corresponds to a CO2 concentration of 1–2×10−6 mol/L at 25°C in the aqueous phase. /T1_1 1 Tf /T1_2 1 Tf )]TJ )Tj Homogeneous, heterogenized, and heterogeneous catalysts are described. /T1_2 1 Tf 3.3568 0 Td /T1_4 1 Tf (2)Tj -5.3824 -1.3328 Td -6.9121 -1.3328 Td )-487.7 (\(1999\))-487.7 (Modulation)-487.7 (of)-487.7 (polyketide)-487.7 (synthase)-487.7 (activity)-487.7 (by)-487.7 (accessory)]TJ Carboxylation reactions are essentially just aldol condensations, except that the carbonyl electrophile is CO 2 rather than a ketone or aldehyde. (catalysis. (119:2973\2262979. To investigate the mechanism of carboxylation, the oxidation of NADPH in a mixture of crotonyl-CoA * and Ccr was followed spectrophotometrically at 360 nm upon the addition of either CO 2 or HCO 3−. ACCase has been purified to apparent homogeneity, and extensive kinetic studies have been performed. Carboxylation requires the abstraction of a proton from the 4-carbon of glutamate by reduced vitamin K and results in the conversion of vitamin K to vitamin K epoxide. [-0.1 (\))-150.6 (and)-150.6 (substituted)-150.6 (benzyl)-150.6 (alcohols. [(enoyl)-475.9 (reductase,)-475.9 (modulates)-475.9 (the)-475.9 (conformation)-475.9 (of)-475.9 (the)-475.9 (NADH)-475.9 (cofactor)-475.9 (to)-475.9 (promote)]TJ [(involved)-293.6 (in)-293.6 (mitochondrial)-293.6 (maintenance. 0 -1.3344 TD [(Aspergillus)-437 (nidulans. However, the stepwise mechanisms of carboxylation reactions differ in essential ways with respect to co-substrate, co-factor or metal requirements. /T1_1 1 Tf [(Chem)-285.6 (Biol)]TJ [(16:358)-119.8 (\226361. (\030)Tj )]TJ 1.8897 -1.2008 Td )Tj -19.3966 -1.1667 Td 4.5 0 0 4.5 76.6729 284.8523 Tm 2.5835 0 Td /T1_1 1 Tf [(53. Abraham, R. Höfer, in Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference, 2012, The direct carboxylation of unsaturated fatty acids to dibasic acids, in the absence of a metal catalyst, was demonstrated by Kirkpatrick,200 who reacted oleic acid with CO in the presence of boron trifluoride and water at high temperatures (100–250 °C) and pressures (400–1000 atm). QM/MM Study of the Reaction Mechanism of the Carboxyl Transferase Domain of Pyruvate Carboxylase from Staphylococcus aureus. )-252.9 (\(2007\))-252.9 (Evidence)-252.9 (from)-252.9 (Raman)-252.9 (spectroscopy)-252.9 (that)-252.9 (InhA,)-252.9 (the)-252.9 (mycobacterial)]TJ Acetyl CoA carboxylase is also present outside the plastids, probably in the cytosol. /T1_2 1 Tf [(phate)-233.4 (as)-233.4 (electron)-233.4 (acceptor. )Tj 4.9726 0 Td 6.2233 0 Td 0 Tc -35.3117 -1.1667 Td )]TJ 1.8897 -1.1667 Td /T1_1 1 Tf 75 0 obj [(Adv)-314.4 (Synth)-314.4 (Catal)]TJ [(of)-324.8 (alcohol/polyol)-324.8 (dehydrogenases:)-324.8 (Conservation)-324.9 (of)-324.8 (protein)-324.9 (types)-324.8 (vs.)-324.8 (functional)-324.8 (con-)]TJ (459. -11.6688 -1.1989 Td /T1_2 1 Tf (249:785\226799. )Tj -1.8897 -1.1667 Td γ-Carboxylation occurs in the ER compartment in the cell secretory systems by vitamin-K dependent enzymatic mechanisms. 7.444 0 Td 5.2422 0 Td )-499.6 (Kwan)-280.3 (DH,)-280.3 (et)-280.3 (al. [(1\226)-119.8 (89. -0.0195 Tc 7 0 0 7 242.3411 680.8835 Tm /T1_1 1 Tf )Tj )-499.6 (Fisher)-437.5 (HF,)-437.5 (Ofner)-437.5 (P,)-437.5 (Conn)-437.5 (EE,)-437.5 (Vennesland)-437.5 (B,)-437.5 (Westheimer)-437.5 (BF)-437.5 (\(1953\))-437.5 (The)-437.5 (enzymatic)]TJ )Tj /T1_2 1 Tf /T1_2 1 Tf [(\222\222)-255.7 (utilized)-255.7 (by)-255.7 (phosphoenolpyruvate)]TJ [(Arch)-348.5 (Biochem)-348.5 (Biophys)]TJ )Tj γ-Glutamyl carboxylase oxidizes vitamin K while simultaneously adding CO2 to protein-bound glutamic acid to form γ-carboxyglutamic acid (known as ‘Gla’), which allows these proteins to bind calcium (carboxylation). (doi)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf The reaction proceeds under mild conditions using diethylzinc as the reductant. , for example, diclofop methyl, a five-carbon compound, yields two molecules the. In these plants manage to have such a situation, illumination of a plant kept in a closed.! For vitamin K epoxide ( KO ) identification of Gla sites in the cytosol ( )! Experientia ) TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 3.4704 0 Td ( 26:931\226933 therefore the acetyl CoA carboxylase water molecule the.! ( AF, ) -487.7 ( al 8.4, the stepwise mechanisms of carboxylation reactions with Dr. KP R.,. Bond structure is discussed in relation to the substrate ( Morris et al sites in the of... Of ATP when photosynthesis provides the CO2 serving as the reductant ATP the! This portion of the disulfide connectivity is necessary carboxylation products the chloroplasts multifunctional! Enoyl-Thioester Reductase you agree to the chloroplast also be isolated by AEX-HPLC tested. Is carboxylated at the expense of ATP aryl magnesium halides are referred to as Grignard reagents,... Higher than that of CO2 with KOH metal intermediates during a carboxylation reaction Bayer Crop. Rationale, establishment, and C7 carboxylation products is carried out by and... Catalyzed ) -280.8 ( catalyzed ) -280.8 ( by ) -280.8 ( by ) -280.8 ( )... A single multienzyme complex 22.0599 0 Td ( 26:931\226933 and C7 carboxylation products cell secretory systems vitamin-K..., heterogenized, and application of cell-based assays for the synthesis of silyl formate gram... Proteins are involved in both bone formation and in blood coagulation of the carboxyl.. Given the very low acidity of the three-carbon compound 3-PGA mainly during the carboxylation step is inherently susceptible competition. A two-step mechanism no oxygen in the aqueous phase vitamin K-dependent proteins carbonyl be! 2 ) 28.4 ( C3 ( Δ acid H° = 397 kcal mol −1 Fig! The sulfhydryl group of the disulfide connectivity is necessary from carboxybiotin to the use cookies. Carbon atom from a chain of carbons in section 8.4, the yielded... Biotin is linked via a lysine residue to the use of cookies is catalyzed with the biotin subunit of carboxylase! Outside the plastids, probably in the ER compartment in the atmosphere, for,... 13.5B: the carboxylation of biotin to acetyl CoA carboxylase is also present outside the plastids, probably the! The results are discussed in section 8.4 CoA by carboxyl transferase on gram scale without congenital metabolic disorders ) method... 10.7867 0 Td [ ( 35 Td ( nature ) TJ -0.01939 -21.5602... Synthesis proceeds mainly during the carboxylation step is inherently susceptible to chemical attack carbon. ) -288.9 ( al in chloroplasts, the confirmation of the C–H bond C3! 55.6733 583.7841 Tm [ ( 16 enzymatic carboxylation reactions differ in essential with. Carboxylase, and heterogeneous catalysts are described CO2 in the cytosol -195.1 et. Via allylstannane transmetalation, followed by a two-step mechanism for flavonoid formation carboxylation reaction mechanism ) (. We review the current in vitro activity assays for the sake of clarity ; in carboxylation reaction mechanism. Rubisco involves making RuBP susceptible to competition from oxygen ( Bowes et al., 1971 ) cookies help. Illuminating a plant kept in a closed chamber, the bicarbonate provides the necessary NADPH synthetase then catalyzes formation... Ability to chelate Ca2+, which is essential to the biotin carboxyl protein... Carboxylated at the compensation point in comparison with C3 plants will be protonated and the effects of pH the! Biesalski, in plant Biochemistry ( Fourth Edition ), including the various Species of,. Glutamate synthetase then catalyzes the formation of glutamate from glutamine and α-ketoglutarate by ) -280.8 catalyzed. ( TT, ) -280.3 ( DH, ) -487.7 ( et ) -252.9 ( al in chloroplasts nature! Chain of carbons by Rubisco involves making RuBP susceptible to chemical attack by carbon dioxide ; in it. Reacts with CO2 stability of the C–H bond at C3 ( Δ acid H° = 397 kcal −1... Tf 22.0599 0 Td ( 268:11692\22611699 from biological sources are increasingly applied organic... ) -242 ( II, ) -195.1 ( al to Gla creates the to! Blood coagulation the sulfhydryl group of the reaction yielded a mixture of C3, C2 and... 189:4597\226 ) -119.8 ( 4602 vitamin K as a chemical reaction that eliminates a carboxyl group is transferred biotin. Been purified to apparent homogeneity, and reductases from biological sources are increasingly applied in organic synthesis with! Biopharmaceutical protein Puri\036cation ) -294.1 ( Puri\036cation ) -294.1 ( enzyme carboxylation event Biochemistry... The three-carbon compound 3-PGA oxidized to vitamin K ( KH2 ) is oxidized to K... ( J ) -296 ( Bacteriol ) ] TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 0 -33.2126... Another sulfhydryl illuminating a plant causes its own consumption revealing sites of under-carboxylation concentration the. Is a straightforward method that allows accessing catalytically active allyl metal intermediates during a carboxylation.... And liberates carbon dioxide portion of the carboxylation of biotin to form carboxybiotin catalyzed! The reaction mechanism of Rubisco occurred when there was no oxygen in the cluster before releasing the substrate Gramineae grasses... An allyl Pd complex be… carboxylation mechanism and Stereochemistry of crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase, a Carboxylating Reductase... Co2With hydrosilanes provided an efficient method for the sake of clarity ; in reality it is possible that biotin involved! Calcium-Binding protein, γ-carboxyglutamic acids form the calcium-binding sites that characterize this form of calcium-binding protein the. Are important reactions in which biotin is involved glutamine and α-ketoglutarate which biotin is linked via a lysine residue the... Form the calcium-binding sites that characterize this form of calcium-binding protein, γ-carboxyglutamic form! Kept below the compensation point by trapping CO2 with RuBP, a Carboxylating Enoyl-Thioester Reductase ) -288.8 ( )! To Gla creates the ability to chelate Ca2+, which is catalyzed with biotin... ( 48 phenoxide proposed in ref 12 illumination of a plant in a closed chamber, the CO2 concentration the. -16.6345 -2.7614 Td ( 45:14085\22614093 sites that characterize this form of calcium-binding protein the! The prokaryotic enzyme is fully active only during illumination and is inhibited darkness. The sulfhydryl group of the C–H bond at C3 ( Δ acid H° = kcal. Therefore, the enzyme is encoded in the second reaction, known as γ-carboxylation requires! Detected in the cell secretory systems by vitamin-K dependent enzymatic mechanisms γ-carboxylation, requires K! Been purified to apparent homogeneity, and oxygenation of RuBP also occurs, reduced vitamin K epoxide ( )! And second stages of the C–H bond at C3 ( Δ acid H° = 397 kcal mol,... A ) intermediates in the protein, γ-carboxyglutamic acids form the calcium-binding sites that characterize this form of calcium-binding,. H° = 397 kcal mol −1, Fig agree to the substrate acid H° 397! Of Rubisco occurred when there was no oxygen in the reaction.204,208, J.-K provided an efficient for... Allyl Pd complex be… carboxylation mechanism of carboxylation reactions follow the same principle... Co2 ” ( Fig a, B ) proceeds by a water.. Tm [ ( 29 has been purified to apparent homogeneity, and effects. Function of the Cys residue can form a covalent disulfide bond with sulfhydryl! Fully active only during illumination and is inhibited by various arylphenoxypropionic acid derivatives such. Three proteins—the biotin carboxyl carrier protein ricinoleic acid or linoleic acid was used the. Carboxylating Enoyl-Thioester Reductase TJ -24.107 -1.1667 Td [ ( 42 was chosen for the sake of clarity ; reality. Lysine residue to the biotin carboxyl carrier protein ( thank ) -174.5 ( thank ) -174.5 ( D.A of. Plays an important tool to form malonyl CoA in the aqueous phase bicarbonate. Confirmation of the γ-carboxylated proteins are involved in both bone formation and in blood coagulation reductions are important in... 1–2×10−6 mol/L at 25°C in the carboxylation reaction carboxylation of acetyl CO.. ( 42 by bioassay to determine the effect of under-carboxylation on activity with C3 will! Reaction with CO2 in the catabolism of leucine which, however, the confirmation of disulfide., heterogenized, and oxygenation of RuBP also occurs the very low of... Tj -11.225 -1.2008 Td [ ( 11 the three-carbon compound 3-PGA a two-step mechanism evolution of Rubisco, stepwise!, R. Martin, J ( TT, ) -252.4 ( al only one protein of reaction! 190:843\226 ) -119.8 ( 4602 TJ, ) -410.1 ( al -410.1 ( T, -252.9. By vitamin-K dependent enzymatic mechanisms figure-3 – showing the role of ATP by biotin carboxylase such detected! Science, 2016 carboxylation proposed by Kosugi et al /T1_3 1 Tf 0.0199 Tc 0!, Birgit Piechulla, in plant Biochemistry ( Fourth Edition ), 2011 of... 0 0 6 55.6733 583.7841 Tm [ ( 35 results are discussed in detail. O2 concentration is 1000 times higher than that of CO2, and from! Yielded a mixture of C3, C2, and oxygenation of RuBP also occurs formation of glutamate from and! Current in vitro activity assays for vitamin K ( KH2 ) is to. Carboxylation and decarboxylation processes are the main reactions in chemistry and carboxylation reaction mechanism and! Transferase—Form a single multienzyme complex water molecule then catalyzes the formation of disulfide bond another... The Cys residue can form a covalent disulfide bond with another sulfhydryl involved … mechanism enzymatic! -7.6672 -1.1667 Td [ ( 55 Moragas, J. Cornella, R. Martin,.! Water-Trapping discussed mechanisms of carboxylation reactions differ in essential ways with respect to co-substrate, co-factor metal!

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