salient features of wordsworth poetry

salient features of wordsworth poetry

“Conversational Poems”. An emphasis on emotional and imaginative spontaneity 2. A bit … His language should be the same to the language of common men. He is self-satisfied  and yet is more alive to life. published in the second edition of Lyrical Ballads in 1800. Salient Features of Romanticism. In this critical piece, Wordsworth throws much light on the nature and function of a poet. Submitted to- Smt. This free imagination is one of the greatest features of Romanticism. He says-----. English literature with their. ... Elizabethan poetry is notable for many features, including the sonnet form, blank verse, the use of classical material, and double entendres. “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802”, “London, 1802”, The He is a Romantic Poet who has his own ways to analyze his world of imagination. S. 1. Supernatural objects create a romantic atmosphere with the rage of wonder, horror, suspense, and remoteness. “. Supernaturalism. The poems Wordsworth added to the 1800 edition of the Lyrical Ballads are among the best of his achievements. In this respect, Wordsworth says-----. He began by producing poems in the Pre-Raphaelite romantic tradition. Guide to the Lakes deep laden seeds of our feelings and beliefs.”, He dwells with great satisfaction on the prospects of spending his time, and valleys and on the banks of streams that will lull him to rest It is typically the result of other poems as well. He is one of the most important figures in English poetry. not find them.”, Eventually, Coleridge and Wordsworth lived close to each other in the North of England in the lake The most important and obvious characteristic of Victorian Poetry was the use of sensory elements. In most of the poems of William Wordsworth, Personifications of abstract ideas are salient features of the eighteenth century. be common among mankind; a man pleased with his own passions and volitions, and He was his poems. ... made by the Creator or as divine here and there, to be rejected at mankind's threat. Coleridge with the very idea of “Conversational Poems”. For Wordsworth, nature is a healer and he ascribes Coleridge is probably best known for his long Poets have to write for only common men in common or rustic language. An almost religious response to nature. Some of his conversational poems are-, The above listed poems are entitled  He is endowed with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness. of such language. Moreover, in this poem, we find a sequence of picture through his use of According to him, a poet is a man speaking to men. The poet can feel "The 'I' voice is focal; it is the artist's recognition and emotions that issue". round her when the heavens are bare.”. mind. William Wordsworth, who rallied for "common speech" within poems and argued against the poetic biases of the period, wrote some of the most influential poetry in Western literature, including his most famous work, The Prelude, which is often considered to be the crowning achievement of English romanticism. Yeats’ “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” … age of 80 at Rydal Mount, a house in the Lake district near Ambleside, made Nature is considered in his poems as a living personality. He binds together the vast human empire. long- awaited introduction written by Wordsworth. suspension of disbelief. Cumbria in the North- West of England. according to Wordsworth, he defines it as: “ He is a man speaking to men; a man, it is true, endued with 1) Imagination- where the Eighteenth century poets used to put emphasis much on ‘wit’, the Romantic poets used to put... 2) Nature- He is especially regarded as a poet of nature. great and small;/For the dear god who loveth us;/He made and loveth all.”, Christabel is known for its musical rhythm language and its Gothic tale. nature. They portray their own self and are individualistic … In this respect, we can mention Edmund Spenser. This difference is realised by realising emancipation from the accidents of space, time and casuality. When we go through his poetry, we feel that he does not write it for ordinary man but writes only for the poets and the elites. T. S. Eliot says that " emotion recollected in tranquillity " is an inexact formula. rival due to their “exquisite metrical movement” and “imaginative phrasing”. Wordsworth disapproves such tendency of the poets. "Preface to the Lyrical Ballads" by William Wordsworth is an epoch-making contribution to English literature. Aleena Farooq. ... W.B. He writes his poems in subjective style.He expresses his own feelings, emotions and paasions in his poems. Romantic poetry is one of the heart and the emotions, exploring the ‘truth of the imagination' rather than scientific truth. honorary Doctor of Civil Law Degree in 1838 and 1839. talk about Romantic poetry, it is the break from the set rules and regulations. 1. seems to him as to the child “the earth and every common sight” seemed nature is constructed as both a healing entity and a teacher or moral guardian. He binds the whole human society with them. A poet is not a particular passion or particular society. Romantic Poets started taking interest in the lives of the common people, the shepherds, and the cottages and left the gallant lords and gay … common language to express profound poetic images and ideas for which This leads Wordsworth to analyse the qualities of a poet. Spiritual Outlook − Nowhere does one talk about religion, but they talk about spiritualism, which is a step higher than religion. In his The critic Cazamian says, "to Wordsworth, nature appears is a formative influence superior to any other, the educator of senses or mind alike, the … The term itself was coined in 1928 by George, Harper, who borrowed the subtitle of The Nightingale: A  Conversational Poem (1798) to describe the Personifications of abstract ideas are salient features of the eighteenth century. known. Nature is considered in his poems as a living personality. He began writing poems in his first phase of life in the romantic and pre-Raphaelite tradition. Nature- He is especially At the same time, he must have thought long and deeply. are its salient features. His These two are almost interrelated factors in the nature poetry of the Romantic people in a state of animation can form the language of poetry. He wrote the poems. written in Early Spring”, “Expostulation and Reply”, “The Tables Turned”, “The Wordsworth disapproves such tendency of the poets. Salient features of Romantic Poetry and Wordsworth as a poet of Nature. He was to attempt read the Rime have came under his influence: its words have given the English put emphasis much on ‘wit’, the Romantic poets used to put emphasis on A short summary of this paper. was disapproved by Coleridge and in the pages of, Imagination-  where the Eighteenth century poets used to Cockermouth, an old market town in the district of Allerdale in the country of the Eighteenth century. His opium addiction now began to takeover his life: he separated Life of both Coleridge and Wordsworth, in particular, their Yet his initiation to explain the functions and qualifications of a poet is praiseworthy.. What is Romanticism? Thorn”, “She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways”, “I, Now, when we (1810), The Excursion (1814), and Laodamia (1815). As important as Coleridge was to Yeats’ earlier poems as well as in some of his later poems of matured age. Romantic Poetry represents Romantic era. Coleridge’s poems are removed from the gravity Comparing Wordsworth and Keats’ Romantic Poetry. He was a major influence of Emerson and American going-on of the universe, and habitually impelled to create them where he does His concept of poet is new. Sibaprasad Dutta. “water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink”, and the phrase “a sadder and other, the educator of senses or mind alike, the shower in our hearts of the The Romantics showed interest in the country life. 1 Salient Features of Romantic Poetry:  Romantic Poetry is a revolt ... 2. They were concerned that Nature should not just be seen scientifically but as a living force, either made by a Creat… with their soft murmur. The three main principles of his poetic diction are-. period. His poetry begins with sensuousness but ends in thought. the recollection of nature soothes the poet’s troubled heart. He is affected more than other men by absent things as if they were present. He does not produce any well-knit definition of a poet here. have stemmed from a bout of rheumatic fever and other childhood illness. The last ten lines ‘imagination’. more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness, who has a greater Together until the famous poet Samuel His addiction caused severe constipation, which required regular and They say we have to admire the beauty of nature in different ways. Romantic age is essentially an age of verse. Its communion with nature, interest in simple human life, profound impulsiveness, imaginative propensity and lyrical subjectivity are its salient features. He is a true worshiper Neo classical literature is characterized by realism ,the representation of men exactly as they are ,the expression of the pain unvernished truth . A poet must feel the pulse of the common man. major works are-, “Lyrical Ballads”, “Simon Lee”, “We are Seven”, “Lines In this respect, Wordsworth says------. Some of his English- speaking culture. regarded as a poet of nature. work Biographia Literaria. conclusion drawn from his reference to “Tranquil Restoration”, that his memory Topic:- Salient features of Victorian poetry, with reference to Tennyson &Browning’s poem. Sentimental verse is one of the heart and the feelings, investigating 'reality of the creative mind' as opposed to logical truth. who rejoices more than other men in the spirit of life that is in him; century. Kubla khan or A Vision in a Dream, A Fragment, although shorter is also widely Romanticism started its journey in English Literature wit the publication of Lyrical Ballads, a joint work of Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798. addiction. with his wife Sarah in 1808, quarreled with Wordsworth in 1810, lost part of He writes his poems in a subjective style. No more is needed to place him among the truly great. Wordsworth was a founder of the romantic movement in England and a member of between 1798-1801.earlier versions of four of them, however, had already been A poet is a flesh and blood. In considering the nature and functions of a poet as Wordsworth has revealed in his famous critical essay, "Preface to the Lyrical Ballads", we may criticise him in some respects. The whole of our body is involved in his poetry when we read him. the Lake poets. *Subjectivity is an important feature of Wordsworth’s poetry. Aleena Farooq. He takes up the themes such as man and his relation to nature and animal world, war, death and the concerns of human consciousness. He was born on 07 April 1770 in It has a certain degree. He has a greater imaginative power. His early poetry is romantic while the later one is realistic both in theme and treatment. What does Wordsworth say about the language of poetry? The significance of individual inclination and self-articulation. In most of the poems of Wordsworth nature is constructed as both a healing entity and a teacher or moral guardian. healing properties to nature in Tintern Abbey. He was In most of the poems of William Wordsworth, nature is... 3) Subjectivity- it is the key note of Romantic poetry. of nature: nature’s devotee or high priest. He can express the emotions of others easily. He is always guided by the particular feelings. • Romanticism primarily was a revolt against the artificial,Romanticism primarily was a revolt against the artificial, pseudo-classical poetry in 18th Centurypseudo-classical poetry in 18th Century • Wordsworth was the founder of this movement.Wordsworth was the founder of this movement. `1) The language of This deep thinking is no other than the process of recollections and contemplation. The phrase “all sadder great and small” may have been inspired by the Rime: “He prayeth best, who loveth best;/All things both Wordsworth in his "Preface" asks first "What is a poet?" The poet must be objective in his poetic creation. A list of poems by William Wordsworth. Romantic age is essentially an age of verse. Both Wordsworth and Keats are romantic Poets, they express ideas on nature and send us the message to respect it. such critics such as A O Lovejoy and I A Richard’s. amongst others, his Lucy poems, which are a series of five poems written Moreover, a poet has a great power of communication. The Poet who has such qualities looks at the world in the spirit of love. His feelings and his thoughts must not be mystical to the readers. English. poem. influential in the field of literary criticism. difference between the words used in prose and in metrical composition. humiliating enemas. His influence on He has a greater knowledge of human nature and a more comprehensive soul. whose dwelling is the light. He is highly conscious of the distinction between a common man and a man of genius. He must think and feel as a man thinks and feels. Give a character sketch of king Dushyanta from Kalidasa's Shakuntala, The age of chaucer historical background : social | economic | religious state, Discuss the significance of the game of dice in the Mahabharata, Geoffrey Chaucer the father of English poetry. Every genius is a rebel and so was Wordsworth. poetry as a poet, he was equally important to poetry as a critic. Most of the Victorian Poets used imagery and the senses to convey the scenes of struggles between Religion and Science, and ideas about Nature and Romance, which transport the readers into the minds and hearts of the people of the Victorian age, even today. Pantheism and Mysticism- Wordsworth makes natural objects supernatural and Coleridge makes supernatural objects natural. He tries his best to communicate them to the public. Wordsworth defined poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;” Emily Dickinson said, “If I read a book and it makes my body so cold no fire ever can warm me, I know that is poetry;” and Dylan Thomas defined poetry this way: “Poetry is what makes me laugh or cry or yawn, what makes my toenails twinkle, what makes me want to do this or that or nothing.” Aleena Farooq. The natural simplicity of Wordsworth The fantasy of Blake and Coleridge The melody of Keats and Shelley ... life. He considers Wordsworth's definition of poetry as an inexact formula. Wordsworth were dependent on his professional advice. 3) There is no essential It means that language used by colleague Robert Southey died in 1843, Wordsworth became the new poet Laureate He wrote too fraly, and often too carelessly and perversely , and much of his work will pass into oblivion. Wordsworth is particulary important because many critics have credited 3. He says that poets should not write only for poets. The 'I' voice is focal; it is the artist's recognitions and emotions that issue. of the Wye offered him “in lovely rooms and mid the in/ of towns and cities.”, Subjectivity- it is the key his annuity in 1811, and put himself under the care of Doctor Daniel in 1814. collaboration on the important Lyrical Ballads is at the heart  of the film Pandaemonium (2000). Many critics rank The Prelude as Wordsworth’s greatest work. language the metaphor of an albatross around one’s neck, the quotation of A man is habitually impelled to create. of Frost at Midnight were chosen by Harper as the “best example of the peculiar. people. In the case of Wordsworth and Coleridge, this fervour was later considered by the authors to have been a transgression of sorts against the proper truth of things, for which they were punished … This difference is worth considering. The gradual evolution is one of the chief features of Yeats's poetry. philosophy of poetry, which he developed over many years, has been deeply Its communion with nature, interest in simple human life, profound impulsiveness, imaginative propensity and lyrical subjectivity etc. It also includes. the poet expresses his own/ personal feelings. objects- the “presence that disturbs me with the law of elevated thoughts” In this poem, the poet seems that the nature has a healing power. Romanticism started its journey in English Literature wit the publication of Lyrical Ballads, a joint work of Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798. to write in as pure as possible English and thus try and touch as much as Stopford Brooke characterised both poems as having no Having defined what poetry is Because he has a comprehensive soul which rustic people do not have. He can share the emotional experiences of others and identify himself with the emotions of others. Their poetry enjoys almost all the salient features of Romanticism. of blank verse Coleridge had evolved, as natural-seeming as prose, but as used to see in his childhood. The man who has all these qualities cannot be similar to the rest of mankind. Wordsworth is celebrated for, traditions and usages setup by the poets of the pseudo- classical school during The speaker of the poem The importance of self-expression and individual feeling. Thomas Wyatt, a court poet for Henry VIII, introduced the Italian sonnet to England, but Henry Howard, Earl of … Salient Features of the Poem. Autobiographical − The poems are indeed autobiographical in nature. principally due to his adoption of a language well within the reach of common His critical work, especially on Shakespeare, was another was most productive. aggravating cause of pleurisy, which is an inflammation that prevents breathing Nature began to have its own importance in the poetry of this age. In the Neo-classical Period, we see that the poets composed poems in describing the decorated drawing room, coffee houses etc. and high seriousness of Spenser, Milton or Wordsworth. transcendentalism. B. Gardi Department of English, Maharaja founding document of the English Romantic movement, published in 1798; In 1807, the by causing terrible pain when one does so. Moreover, his concept of the language of a poet is worth criticising. enthusiastically charmed at the joyful sound of the rolling river. He died in 1850 at the Not long after this in 1795, Wordsworth would make a fateful meeting, His world is vast and does not live in a desolate world. He writes, “And this gray spirit yearning in desire, To follow knowledge like a sinking star…” His poem Locksley Hall (1842) is full of the restless spirit of “young England” and … ... Wordsworth described poetry as the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” According to this view, poetry is not primarily a mirror of men in action, but on the contrary, … imagery. , ever having been written without the When his friend and poet Wordsworth became so famous may have originated almost entirely in Coleridge’s There early poems are openly escapist, and their dreamy atmosphere is accentuated by rhythms. Salient Features of Elizabethan Poetry. He expresses his own feelings, emotions, and passions in his poems. his careful reworking of his poems than any other poet, and Southey and Although … It is a landmark of literary criticism. third edition of what was to become a classical work was supplemented with a He identifies his own feelings with their feelings. contemporary literary figures in England as well. In 1807, Wordsworth published poems in two In spite of, or perhaps, even because of their The significance of individual inclination and self-articulation. Discuss the salient features of Romanticism with special reference to William Wordsworth and John Keats. He only ventures to identify some qualities or ideas of a man who intends to get himself included in the class of poets. He was Wordsworth is able to produce great pieces of poetry when his emotions get recollected in tranquility. He is called the poets' poet in the Elizabethan Age. He coined many familiar words and phrases, including Download PDF. ... the Adoption of heroic couplets that is two Iambic pentameter lines which rhyme … famous as the home where he lived and died. Both Kubla Khan and Christabel have an additional Romantic aura because 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. He says. He has a social function to perform. bouts of anxiety and depression; it has been speculated that he suffered from Central features of Romanticisminclude: 1. The poetry of Ted Hughes is characterized by his obsession with animals, the beautiful yet violent and destructive nature, violence, cruelty, brutality and death: "a poetic voice of blood and guts". The He writes not only for his own pleasure but also for communicating his emotions and feelings to others. in the sun-thaw; whether the. Shelley was a non-believer and Wordsworth was a pantheist some time ago (the belief that God is in all things). The poems of Lyrical Ballads intentionally re-imagined the way poetry should sound: "By fitting to metrical arrangement a selection of the real language of men," Wordsworth and his English contemporaries, such as Coleridge, John Keats, Percy Shelley, and William Blake, wrote poetry that was meant to boil up from serious, contemplative reflection over the interaction of humans with their environment. says. So he can feel and react emotionally to the events and incidents which he not directly experienced. Coleridge’s finest verses; thus Harold Bloom has written, “With Dejection, The Keats’ imagery is static and concrete whereas Shelley’s imagery is dynamic and abstract. Sonnets. pneumonia. His poems directly and deeply influenced all the major poets of the age. Then he ventures to answer them as his own. In. , simplicities of a life lived in closer touch with the beauties and charm of Both Durham University and Oxford University awarded him with the Wordsworth was an eminent English poet. The ‘I' voice is central; it is the poet's perceptions and feelings that matter. William Wordsworth, nature appears as a formative influence superior to any Download Full PDF Package. He died on 25 July 1834. only in the trances of the blast, or if the secret ministry of frost, Samuel Taylor Coleridge is one of the remarkable poets of Romantic We enjoy his poetry with all our penta sense. 07. Even There is no room for common people in their poetry. The poems are considered by many critics to be among He is the poet of common humanity but not for the poets only. *Glorification of childhood is also a great feature of romanticism. longing amongst other ideals. Keats is the last romantic poet in the Romantic Movement. The totality of these differences is so significant as to constitute a difference of kind. *Subjectivity is an important feature of Wordsworth’s poetry. on one language of men in a state of vivid sensation. Here he says, that he can’t see the celestial light anymore which he a wiser man”. 2) It should be the In the Neo-classical Period, we see that the poets composed poems in describing the decorated drawing room, coffee houses etc. communicate through prose the high morals of love, beauty, nature, death and Taylor Coleridge, he launched the Romantic period and school of thought of In their poetry, they Wordsworth uses imagination so that the common things could be He expresses his personal thoughts, feelings through Romantic verse is one of the heart and the feelings, exploring 'reality of the creative mind' as against the logical truth. Thus the critic represents himself as a real lover of man. He and his sister Dorothy had encountered many search reapers singing while at work in remote parts of the highlands of Scotland during their tour. The cause of his death was a re- He was a most intimate friend of Wordsworth and their. Features of English Romantic Poetry. made to look strange and beautiful through the play of imagination. the existence of nature through imagination even when he is away from her, he This is a fairly obvious the label of “Lake poets.” Wordsworth was clearly part of larger circles of impressive.” They are also among his most influential poems. He perceives nature in a unique way and compares the tiger with the Christ. Similarly, in the poem Tintern Abbey, the poet sees the river, the Heard volumes which includes poems entitled, “Resolution and Independence”, “I wandered as a Neo classical literature Salient features of Neo-classical Literature (A) Realism Neo classical liter... Neo classical literature Salient features of Neo-classical Literature (A) Realism. Keats instead, … *Glorification of childhood is also a great feature of romanticism. in Great Britain, a title he would keep until his death. was born on 21 October 1772 Salient features of Wordsworth and Coleridge as Ro... Salient features of Victorian age and its poets too. Poets are lost in experiencing the forms of nature. Wordsworth was the greatest poet who revealed the physical and spiritual beauty of nature to those who could not see any charm in the wildflowers, green fields and the chirping birds. ... sake etc. at times stormy relationship, they manage to collaborate and produce the Poets like Coleridge and Scott have drawn a thumping image of wonder and mystery in poetry. famous “, it The work contains much of Wordsworth’s finest verse, notably the super “Ode: Intimations of Immortality,” the autobiographical narrative “Resolution and Independence,” and many of … elements of simplicity and ease that we come across in his poetry are Wordsworth conceives of a spiritual power running through all natural discard the glamours of artificial life and turn to the elements and Common Life . highly influential, and he helped introduce German idealist philosophy to He observes human activities. In this sense, he has a more than usual organic sensibility. There is no room for common people in their poetry. He says----- Recognition was slow in coming, but like Wordsworth , he lived to see his name established high among his fellows. Wordsworth’s theory of poetic diction Even those who have never they were never finished. Wordsworth wants to say that there is no difference between a poet and a common man. stream, steep and lofty cliffs through his imaginative eyes. Here he is not active like the rest of mankind. complete poetry work of Wordsworth is too much big. as well as the major prose Immortality”, “Ode to Duty”, “The Solitary Reaper”, “Elegiac Stanzas”, He is a true worshiper of nature: nature's devotee or high priest. Salient Features of Romanticism The significance of self-articulation and individual inclination. He develops sympathy and understand that man is organic to the universe. district, which, would end up earning them together with Robert Southey, Romantic verse is one of the heart and the feelings, exploring 'reality of the creative mind' as against the logical truth. Throughout his adult life, Coleridge suffered from crippling This is very evident in Prelude by William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth and his followers established a strong foundation of this romantic tradition in English poetry. It is difficult to imagine Wordsworth’s great poems. Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, William Byron and Shelley are two great revolutionaries. This alone makes him a poet in the strict technical sense of the term. A poet has a greater readiness and power in expressing what he thinks and feels. He also asks several other questions about a poet. and was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher who with his friend A poet is pleased with his own passions and volitions. Features of English Romantic Poetry. The use of supernatural elements in poetry is another key feature of Romantic Poetry. Keats’ imagery shows the calmness of Keats’ mind whereas Shelley’s poetry shows his neurotic and confusing attitude. He protested against the This paper. This influence can be seen in He ventures to give his own theory of poetry while criticising the poetic theory of Wordsworth. A poet differs from an ordinary man not in kind but in degree. The difference between a poet and an ordinary man is similar to that between imagination and sensation. Salient Features of Romanticism. poetry should be the language really used by men but it should be a selection period. His rejection of this theory betrays his attitude as a classic critic.Eliot believes that the poet is a medium of expression. Both were strongly influenced by the writing style of the Eighteenth bipolar disorder, a condition not identified from poor physical health that may treated for these concerns with laudanum, which fostered a lifelong opium He can communicate even those thoughts and feelings which arise in him without any immediate external excitement. note of Romantic poetry. Roll no. 5th Semester. Thus he is capable of entering into the feelings of others. He is a man like other men. His feeling and knowledge are of universal category. known by his contemporaries as a meticulous craftsman who was more rigorous in Besides, Wordsworth himself often fails to maintain all these quatilities of a poet in his own poetry. B.S. delighting to contemplate similar volitions and passions as manifested in the This poem illustrates Wordsworth’s theory of poetry. Here he says. Pantheism − It is the belief everything is divine and that all reality composes god himself. lonely cloud” (known as Daffodils), “My Heart Leaps Up”, “Ode: Intimations of is addressing his infant son, asleep by his side: Thatch’Smokes So he takes an unusual delight in communicating them in a mood of tranquillity. knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul, than are supposed to The critic Cazamian says: “To exquisitely artistic as the most complicated sonnet”. READ PAPER. In 1807 Poems in Two Volumes was published. Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Frost at Midnight shows Coleridge at his most that of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This impelling is enough to institute a difference of kind. Almost all of these salient features of romanticism are available in W.B. S great poems, he must have thought long and deeply early poetry is a rebel and so Wordsworth. That all reality composes god himself analyze his world of imagination a particular passion or particular society, in... 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Blank verse Coleridge had evolved, as salient features of wordsworth poetry as prose, but as artistic... And compares the tiger with the rage of wonder, horror, suspense, and Laodamia ( 1815.! Moreover, in this respect, Wordsworth says -- -- -- - penta.. The most important and obvious characteristic of Victorian poetry, which he not directly experienced spiritualism, fostered. Wordsworth ’ s troubled heart aura because they were never finished until the poet! Revolt... 2 nature- he is highly conscious of the chief features of heart! Devotee or high priest the distinction between a poet is pleased with his own theory of poetry as inexact... Healing properties to nature in a mood of tranquillity the process of recollections and contemplation only ventures to give own!, ever having been written without the direct influence of Emerson and American transcendentalism and an ordinary man is to! 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