©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. etc.) I’ll damn well do as I please. 2 a : to condemn vigorously and often irascibly for some real or fancied fault or defect damned the storm for their … "Now, that the parents are out of the picture, we can throw a party". All rights reserved. Damn Good Airplane; Damn Good Answer; Damn Good Arcers; Damn Good Dawg; Damn Good Man; damn her with; damn her with faint praise; damn him with; damn him with faint praise; I forgot the keys. If you are using the word as a synonym of the verb condemn, use damn. DAMN GOOD COFFEE. "Damn" is short for condemn. Jane: 'Your guess is as good as mine'. "Damn well", a sort of sentence enhancer, most often used with the word "better". ‘No disrespect to anyone, but £210 a week for only working 17.5 hours is pretty damn good - it works out at about £12 an hour!’ ‘Personally, I still think our best hope is that the producers can afford some computer effects and some damn good lighting.’ ‘Sometimes letting the anger out, and not bottling it up inside feels damn good.’ What does damned expression mean? Definition of Damm in the Definitions.net dictionary. Interjection-An expression of anger,surprise, or frustration. 2 Informal an exclamation of surprise or pleasure (esp. You can complete the list of synonyms of damn good given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. Ex: Jill: 'How long should we bake this pie?' blast, castigate, censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, denunciate, excoriate, inveigh against, lambast(e), pan, abuse, anathematize, blaspheme, curse, execrate, imprecate, revile, swear, brass farthing, hoot, iota, jot, tinker's curse or damn, acclaim, admire, applaud, approve, cheer, compliment, congratulate, extol, honour, laud, praise, take one's hat off to, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, used to tell someone that you do not know any more about a subject than they do. 2. Damn and dam are homophones, but they are different parts of speech. Goddamn definition, (used as an exclamation of any strong feeling, especially of disgust or irritation, and often followed by it.) The "darn" is one of a number of words used, including "damn" and they are generally used when one wants to be polite, instead of uttering a swear-word, which, regrettably, would probably actually be more common amongst adults. (meaning=Now, that the parents left, that they are no longer here) クソっ、スゲー と言う意味です。目上には使いません。| Very good |Damn is a curse word, but it normally means very good|Really good |It means "really good", "very good", "so good". Find more ways to say damn, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. In slang, it is a phrase used in a generally non-religious context. transitive verb. It's a very informal expression. Understand damn good meaning and enrich your vocabulary The act of condemning someone, most often to hell or an equivalent place. Damn and its derivatives generally were avoided in print from 18c. an uttered curse; to doom to hell; condemn; censure: Damn the act, not the person. If you listen to the way he sings along with the lyrics, you'll notice that the whole sentence is, "this time it's like the two of us should probably start to fight 'cause something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good." The "dam" in "I don't give a dam," is a cheap bit of metal used to fix pots and pans back in the day. We always start with a tasting of different coffees. damn good synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'dam',damned',dampen',damning', definition. Its usage here is a colloquial expression meaning, they're very good. Linked to mass costumisation. Definition of DAMN in the Definitions.net dictionary. 1 Slang an exclamation of annoyance (often in exclamatory phrases such as damn it! to declare (something) to be bad, unfit, invalid, or illegal. Noun-Something of negligible value. An expression of awe. 1. See more. (meaning=Now, that the parents left, that they are no longer here) Another way to say Damn Good? • DAMN (adjective) The adjective DAMN has 2 senses:. 1 : to condemn to a punishment or fate especially : to condemn to hell. If we also look, we see "Everytime I turn around, I fall in … in the exclamatory phrase damn me!) The band sounded pretty damn good. You look well put together (adj. Definition of damn in the Idioms Dictionary. We have made it easy to get high quality specialty coffee directly from leading roasters in Copenhagen. eMoney is electronic money exchangeable electronically via cyber digital device as cell phone, e.g a very well put together woman (adj.) (in a loud and somewhat aggressive tone) the word damn is basically a replacement for the f-word, although by deliberatly not using the f-word it's not as bad. Damn is a verb that means condemn . God-damn, c. Goddamned. Information and translations of DAMN in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … It was cheap and nearly worthless. Definition of Damn good Really good, but damn is a curse word. when something is really enjoyablesuch as a movie, game, food, drink, etc.. someone who looks attractive or what they are wearing is attractive like their clothes, accessories, perfume, makeup, etc.. What does damn expression mean? 3. verb If you say that a person or a news report damns something such as a policy or action, you mean that they are very critical of it. eMoney is electronic money exchangeable electronically via cyber digital device as cell phone, e.g a very well put together woman (adj.) Look, if Faust is the Dawkinses' lawyer, I can't see how your saying so jeopardizes a damn thing. expression used to describe something working fine, eMoney is electronic money exchangeable electronically for, [Tech.] expression used to describe something working fine, eMoney is electronic money exchangeable electronically for, [Tech.] It depends on context: "Damn you!!!!" ... or condition). A dam is a noun that refers to a structure built across a river to stop or slow down the water. We always start with a tasting of different coffees. 1. We have made it easy to get high quality specialty coffee directly from leading roasters in Copenhagen. 1. something of little value Familiarity information: DAMN used as a noun is very rare. Another word for damn. Summary. We have been spending endless tastings and cuppings to find the right selection of coffees. Damn and dam are homophones, but they are different parts of speech. etc. Actually, people use the wrong "damn". As it turned out, I was damn right. Definition of damned in the Idioms Dictionary. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ), disappear ; be absent; leave (temporary or for, E.g. If you listen to the way he sings along with the lyrics, you'll notice that the whole sentence is, "this time it's like the two of us should probably start to fight 'cause something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good." to bring condemnation upon; ruin. "Damn you", a verbal middle finger equivalent to "go to hell". Its usage here is a colloquial expression meaning, they're very good. The "darn" is one of a number of words used, including "damn" and they are generally used when one wants to be polite, instead of uttering a swear-word, which, regrettably, would probably actually be more common amongst adults. Let's have a damn good party. The sweet, the velvet smooth, the chocolaty, the nutty, the fruity. Ex: Jill: 'How long should we bake this pie?' damn phrase. "Damn" is used to emphasize how much better someone or something is. to doom to eternal punishment or condemn to hell. If we also look, we see "Everytime I turn around, I fall in … Damn Good Airplane; Damn Good Answer; Damn Good Arcers; Damn Good Dawg; Damn Good Man; damn her with; damn her with faint praise; damn him with; damn him with faint praise; Scrawled in pencil in one of the margins is the word damn. Learn more. Not to be confused with: dam – a barrier built to hold back water and raise its level; block up; obstruct: The beaver’s dam caused the field to flood. DAMN GOOD COFFEE. An expression of dismay. damn phrase. The car should run a damn sight better now that you have the tires aligned properly. 1. If To Pimp a Butterfly was the best rap album in 2015, Damn. to condemn as a failure: to damn a play. The meaning of 'Goddamn'(informal, sometime offensive) would be used as an exclamation of any strong feeling, esp. damn good. ), to praise so unenthusiastically that the effect is condemnation, something of negligible value; jot (esp. Search damn good and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Damn is a verb that means condemn. All rights reserved. (interjection) Paige was, in the words of one contemporary, a “raconteur—what we called a damn good liar.” Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert. ‘Tis the damn season’ meaning explained One of the standout tracks on Evermore is ’tis the damn season , and its Christmas theme is perfectly timed with the album’s December release. Damn vs. Dam Check: Since both condemn and damn end with the unusual -mn combination, it should be easy to remember that they mean the same thing. damn definition: 1. an expression of anger: 2. used, especially when you are annoyed, to mean "very": 3. nothing: . ; commend without enthusiasm: damn with faint praise; a bit: not worth a damn. See more. Except that damn is a verb, not an adjective. Damn I’m good.” If you asked his nephews how they remembered my father, “competitive” might well be the first adjective on their lips. Search damn good and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. The sweet, the velvet smooth, the chocolaty, the nutty, the fruity. Where as "Damn, I dropped my pen" (in an exclamatory tone) is not considered swearing, and almost casual. Going Home to Glory. Learn more. Paige was, in the words of one contemporary, a “raconteur—what we called a damn good liar.” Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert Another way to say Damn Good? Meaning of DAMN. Definition of damn in the Idioms Dictionary. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Meaning "judge or pronounce (a work) to be bad by public expression" is from 1650s; to damn with faint praise is … damn damn 2 adverb [+adj/adverb] informal not polite 1 used to emphasize a statement Everything was so damn expensive. damn adverb definition: very: . 1. used as expletives 2. expletives used informally as intensifiers Familiarity information: DAMN used as an adjective is rare. It is used interchangeably with damned simply because people do not enunciate the d at the end, which makes damned sound like damn.It is the same reason that the Internet generation keeps writing should of, would of, and could of.Yes, some dictionaries include damn as an adjective, but that’s all the more troubling. damn good synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'dam',damned',dampen',damning', definition. "James is out of the picture, him and Mary split up", def. Goddamn definition is - damn. An expression of surprise. Damn it that's good. 1. When you say "damn this," or "damn that," you are saying that whatever it is should go to Hell. "Now, that the parents are out of the picture, we can throw a party". If you want the parcel with the Lucky Pup on it, there's a damn good reason—something I don't know about. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. • DAMN (noun) The noun DAMN has 1 sense:. 7. "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" is a song by Canadian rock band Nickelback, and written by their vocalist, Chad Kroeger. Top definition. How to use goddamn in a sentence. Dictionary entry overview: What does damn mean? Synonyms for Damn Good (other words and phrases for Damn Good) - Page 2. : if you are too confident about yourself, something bad will happen to show you that you are not as, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. adj Jane: 'Your guess is as good as mine'. {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{#message}} Understand damn good meaning and enrich your vocabulary in the phrase not worth a damn), the slightest heed (esp. "James is out of the picture, him and Mary split up", def. an exclamation of annoyance (often in exclamatory phrases such as damn it! Meaning of Damm. It's literal definition is "May the Christian God Damn it to Hell". 6. (Note that "damn" is a mild expletive.) Linked to mass costumisation. of disgust or irritation. a woman, generally in her twenties, who shows she is having a, economic player that both produces and consumes a, portmanteau word: producer + consumer. How to use goddamn in a sentence. 1. Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta by Geto Boys song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position The phrase "God Damnit", which when expressed in a grammatically correct fashion would read "God Damn It," is a vulgarity used to express frustration. You look well put together (adj. What does damn expression mean? 3. You can complete the definition of damn good given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. Used to express extreme displeasure, anger, or surprise. Well, if I were you, I'd watch my back damn carefully. in the exclamatory phrase damn me! Synonyms for Damn Good (other words and phrases for Damn Good) - Page 2. I’m really good. • DAMN (verb) damn you! Goddamn definition is - damn. ), an exclamation of surprise or pleasure (esp. to 1930s (the famous line in the film version of "Gone with the Wind" was a breakthrough and required much effort by the studio). damn you! Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. We have been spending endless tastings and cuppings to find the right selection of coffees. a woman, generally in her twenties, who shows she is having a, economic player that both produces and consumes a, portmanteau word: producer + consumer. in the phrase not give a tinker's damn or cuss), English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Definition, used to tell someone that you do not know any more about a subject than they do. Is it damn or dam? What does Damm mean? What does goddamn mean? damn all, God damn, as near as damn it, damn with faint praise. Information and translations of Damm in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … ), disappear ; be absent; leave (temporary or for, E.g. : if you are too confident about yourself, something bad will happen to show you that you are not as, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English definitions from our dictionary. Goddamn definition, (used as an exclamation of any strong feeling, especially of disgust or irritation, and often followed by it.) "Giving a damn", the act of caring about something. 5. damned phrase. It was released in March 2004 as the third single from their 2003 album The Long Road.It reached the top 40 in Australia and the United Kingdom, topping the latter country's rock chart 4. An exclamation indicating that one is impressed. What does DAMN mean? 1. Everytime I turn around, I fall in … definition of damn good meaning and your! The sweet, the fruity get high quality specialty coffee directly from leading roasters in Copenhagen a failure to..., disappear ; be absent ; leave ( temporary or for, [ Tech. for. Tech. expression meaning, they 're very good '', `` so good '' a. Of condemning someone, most often damn good meaning with the word as a failure: to condemn to a built... 1. used as a synonym of the verb condemn, use damn to a or! A river to stop or slow down the water they 're very.! Hell ; condemn ; censure: damn used as expletives 2. expletives informally... 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