miserable in a simple sentence

miserable in a simple sentence

2); minor offices in the sanctuaries were in the patronage of the great priests and were often miserable enough,3 the petty priest depending largely on what " customers " he could find (2 Kings xii. The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. A noun,a verb,and a completed thought. In Scotland the regent's assassination in 1570 opened a miserable civil war, but it made no permanent change. It is comparison that makes men happy or. Paul was aware of his mother's half-intentionfor it does not appear to have been more - and became increasingly suspicious of his wife and children, whom he rendered perfectly miserable. The place was previously known as Corrego Secco, which Dr George Gardner described in 1837 as "a small, miserable village. Hollesley Meadows on 30th April 1999 A miserable, cold night with refrigerator temperatures ! 4. 23 These requests, however, remained unanswered, and the Prussians and Saxons spent the night before the battle shivering in their miserable bivouacs. Sentence with the word miserable. The queens marriage was miserable; and she consoled herself in a way which at once made her court the scandal of Europe, and upset the French kings plans by providing the throne of Spain with healthy heirs of genuine Spanish blood. Not only do you feel miserable by the end of the day, but you are doing more damage than you can imagine as well. He was a lonely, miserable The nation had outgrown dependence upon foreigners, and after his death no German emperor interfered with anything but miserable failure in Italian affairs. Selecting properly fitting boots designed for the type of hiking that you participate in can make the difference between a comfortable, enjoyable hike and a miserable experience. Forcing the wrong schedule on your family isn't fair to anyone and will only make you all miserable. The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. Oh, buck up for heaven's sake, Anthony! 20. But," he writes in the well-known passage of his Life, " miserable was my disappointment. The child with a herpes infection is usually miserable and needs generous cuddling and comfort in spite of the infection. Please show me example sentences with unhappy. Very uncomfortable or unhappy; wretched. He is liable to be defeated in all his designs, and to be as miserable as he is benevolent. the Gouty, with their shameless feuds in the presence of the common enemy, and their appeals to the caliph, were miserable enough. In this miserable state he languished for some time, not knowing why he had been imprisoned. Wearing tee shirts gets boring and long-sleeve shirts can feel hot and miserable. Often overlooked, these long sleeved styles can be the difference between a miserable night spent shivering and actually having a good time. A simple sentence is made up of Two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. As described by Laestadius (1827-1832), their condition was very miserable; but since his time matters have improved. Their eldest son was the miserable Henry Darnley, second husband of Mary Stuart. How To Use Miserable In A Sentence? He gets so miserable, that he creeps away. However, these are going to, most likely, make you miserable during a Hot Yoga practice. Complaining brings people together to commiserate and to support each other in how miserable their situation is. Set during the French Revolution, this tale depicts the vast suffering of France’s lower classes, and highlights a former prisoner’s attempts to bring love and justice back into daily life. Context sentences for "miserable" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. 1. The o Meanwhile taxation was heavy, the whole nation was seething with discontent, andwhat was worstno way was visible out of the miserable situation; ministers and councillors were repeatedly displaced, but their successors always proved equally incompetent to find a remedy. A miserable remnant alone escaped destruction in its perilous flight round the north and west of Scotland. I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really, 30. The condition, however, of the Polish peasants was too miserable to admit of their being easily made subjects for bucolic poetry. Vidocq served as the leader of an undercover police even though he was an ex-convict. Don't make yourself miserable by talking to someone who upsets you for an hour or more. Rhyn had ignored the rain, accustomed to being miserable. 2. Valdemar was brought up at the court of the German emperor, Louis of Bavaria, during those miserable years when the realm of Denmark was partitioned among Holstein counts and German Ritter, while Scania, "the bread-basket" of the monarchy, sought deliverance from anarchy under the protection of Magnus of Sweden. We mustn't fear daylight just because it almost always illuminates a, 29. A verb,a pronoun,and a … How to use miserable in a sentence. 6 → miserable failure — miserably adverb I failed miserably in my duty to protect her. The first private detective agency in France was established by Vidocq. 3. In the meantime the colony at Buenos Aires had been dragging on a miserable existence, and after terrible sufferings from famine and from the ceaseless attacks of the Indians, the remaining settlers abandoned the place and made their way up the river first to Corpus Christi, then to Asuncion. Throughout all periods of Babylonian-Assyrian history, the conception prevailed of a large dark cavern below the earth, not far from the Apsu - the ocean encircling and flowing underneath the earth - in which al] the dead were gathered and where they led a miserable existence of inactivity amid gloom and dust. After his death in 289 comes another miserable and obscure period of revolution and despotism, in which Greek life was dying out; and but for the brief intervention of Pyrrhus in 278 Syracuse, and indeed all Sicily, would have fallen a prey to the Carthaginians. On a wet, windy and thoroughly miserable Friday I decide to meet a couple of friends at Ascot. Example Sentences for "miserable" We were thinking of going camping, but with this miserable weather I think we'd better wait until next weekThe lads felt miserable after losing the game in a shoot-out. The only closet is a miserable wooden erection, with two compartments. Miserable goes way beyond sad — it means absolutely wretched. The fortified castle and the miserable hovel seem to have been then the almost only distinction of dwellings. This gave rise to a civil war, which lasted till 1841, and not only left the country weak and miserable, but afforded an evil precedent which has since been too frequently followed. For centuries, the country was ruled by dictators who imposed their cruel wishes on the miserable population. Anyone who suffers with hay fever knows how miserable it can make you. In the twentieth year of Artaxerxes (445 B.C. Another word for miserable. He lives a miserablelife, tormented by his aunt and uncle and his spoiled cousin. When Lord John Russell brought forward his Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, Bright opposed it as "a little, paltry, miserable measure," and foretold its failure. 27. Her life has been quite as miserable as your Isabel's, I fear. If my mother happened to be near I crept into her arms, too miserable even to remember the cause of the tempest. Everyone has different priorities in life, so it's fine to ignore some frugal living tips if you know they are going to make you miserable. Nevertheless, she is not miserable enough, because if she were she would leave. See 13 authoritative translations of Miserable in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Your girlfriend moved to a new city and within a week she makes a new friend and is having fun, while you're miserable without her. Nothing is more miserable than waking up in the middle of the night because it's rained and you and your sleeping bag are soaked! I'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week! She thought what they had was special, never realizing he was miserable. The revolutionaries went about among the excited people with baskets, begging coppers for their destitute and miserable governor. I feel heartbroken at the miserable scenes on the TV reports. Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables is a timeless epic of love, loss, and revolution. depressed at the moment some of the following symptoms may sound familiar: You feel miserable and sad. ... interested in. Pensioners are forced to retire and then eke out a miserable living. 18 8 I.ve failed miserably in my role as a foster mom, and he nearly died because of it. wretchedly unhappy, uneasy, or uncomfortable: miserable victims of war. This conception is expressed in George Eliot's lines: ", O, may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence: live In pulses stirred to generosity, In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn For miserable aims that end with self, In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars, And with their mild persistence urge man's search To vaster issues.". I'd heard that live, The Kills usually just stand there, looking miserable. Yet I fear that the same feelings now exist that made you so miserable a year ago, even perhaps augmented by time. The nobles who dominated the diet did nothing to remove the most crying evil of the country - the miserable state of the peasants, who had been freed from personal serfdom by Napoleon in 1807, but were being steadily driven from their holdings by the landlords. Santarosa was killed, apparently because he was too miserable and desperate to care to save his life, when the Egyptian troops attacked the island of Sphacteria, near Navarino, on the 8th of May 1825. My boss is making my life thoroughly miserable with her constant demands and criticism. develop, orderly government to be carried on, and the general condition of the people to be less hopeless and miserable. On the evening of Sunday, the 9th of February, Mary took her last leave of the miserable boy who had so often and so mortally outraged her as consort and as queen. are mainly filled by contemporary chroniclers with details of the miserable strife between the king and his barons on the question of Pro2ress, Gavestons unconstitutional position. "I'm supposed to make Xander miserable, drop off my cousins to a compound filled with complete strangers who have magical powers, and wait for things to blow up this weekend," Jessi summarized. There are child-abuse memoirs, eating-disorder memoirs, and, of course, the miserable Irish childhood memoir. The history of these three miserable years cannot be told except at impossible length. Of course, you must stay away from colors that she doesn't like at all costs - you don't want your little Easter Egg to be a miserable mess on Easter Sunday. Facts about Les Miserables 5: the inspiration of Jean Valjean’s character. Verbs for miserable include immiserate, immiserated, immiserates and immiserating. I would never change places. He would take her to a planet with larger tarantula-cats, where she would be trapped in some room like this for the rest of her miserable life! A wrong fit in a bra can make you feel miserable throughout the day. poor, miserable, made for toil and not for honours.". There is nothing worse than feeling miserable all day at work in something you dislike. Dumeril, the administrator of the reptile collection of the Jardin des Plantes, the living specimens of which were at that time housed in a very miserable structure, situated at a short distance from the comparatively sumptuous building which was erected some years later and opened to the public in 1874. There had been a time when the cant of such fools would have made Bunyan miserable. If you get tired of commanding miserable A.I. He swallowed a quantity of sea-water, which only increased his miserable plight. What does unhappy mean? It may also be thought of as retributive, as a reversal of present conditions so that the miserable are comforted, and the prosperous laid low, or as a reward or punishment for good or evil desert here. I have been divorced for 2 years and I am very miserable alone. The stannary prison was a miserable dungeon at Lidford Castle. Feeling ' low ', ' miserable ' and tearful for no apparent reason. Not till the 13th of February were the miserable remnants of the population permitted to rebuild their houses and cultivate their fields once more. She rose to see how far away they were from the horizon, miserable in the heat. There are only a few scattered settlements within its borders, and a few nomadic tribes of savages eke out a miserable existence on the coast. In 1661 a crown commission was issued for the trial of certain miserable creatures, some of whom were condemned to be burnt. Seed-wheat from India produced a miserable crop when planted by the Rev. Technology makes people miserable, sparking technology to avoid the miserable people. ), was compelled to retire to the farthest corner of his realm, where he came to a miserable end. The fifteen years (85687 1) that were covered by the reigns of his three shortlived sons, ~thelbald, Æthelbert and iEthelred, were the most miserable that England was to see. As much as you are looking forward to having your baby dressed in her Halloween best, there is always the possibility that she will be miserable in her costume. Usually the trolley people are the most miserable people imaginable: shoulders slouching, feet shuffling. The few and miserable triumphs of Sweden during the Seven Years' War were due almost entirely to young Sprengtporten, and he emerged from it with a lieutenant-colonelcy, a pension of X20, and the reputation of being the smartest officer in the service. During these miserable years everything like patriotism or public spirit seems to have died out of the hearts of the Hungarian aristocracy. The bazaars are miserable structures, covered with mats laid on rafters of date trees. pardons the guilty, mercy relieves the miserable. The underworld's chilled rain didn't compare. 25. Luther says: " I must begin by denying that there are seven sacraments, and must lay down for the time being that there are only three - baptism, penance and the bread, and that by the court of Rome all these have been brought into miserable bondage, and the Church despoiled of her liberty.". 100 examples: All travel by "miserable" people had already been curtailed in 1835 and 1836… The definition of miserable is someone or something that is unhappy, suffering or in a condition of misery, or something that is bad or inferior. 4. But in the other (b) the Philistines have occupied the heart of the land, the Israelites are thoroughly disorganized, and their miserable condition moves Yahweh to send as a deliverer the otherwise unknown Saul, who is anointed by Samuel, a seer of local renown (ix. I love you and it's been miserable without you. An example of miserable are the driving conditions when … stannary prison was a miserable dungeon at Lidford Castle. The weather remained just as miserable, tho, with a worryingly thick mist enveloping the landscape. The whole exercise brought home to me just what a miserable sham of a show EastEnders was. Unlike most of our contemporaries at the time we didn't make music for any other reason than it made us absolutely miserable not to. Dean continued to feel miserable but Fred was on a roll. On our action now depends the question whether our children shall curse or bless us; whether we shall live in their memory as promoters of civil strife, with all its miserable consequences, or as joint architects of a happy, prosperous and united state. But if we cannot have them then we become miserable. Oh, was there in all the world a more miserable wretch than he! Then express to her how miserable your life has been without her in it. Good thing you're in the Tory party, you miserable sod. miserable. She survived her husband, her son-in-law, and eight out of her twelve children, and she passed the last miserable years of her life in poverty, solitude and ill-health. It would seem that in his fits of despondency one of the thoughts that marred his dreams of human improvement was the apparently inexorable character of economic laws, condemning thousands of labourers to a cramped and miserable existence, and thousands more to semistarvation. 5. It was noted for the first time in this February speech, but the most striking instance was in a speech on Mr Osborne Morgan's Burials Bill in April 1875, in which he described a Quaker funeral, and protested against the "miserable superstition of the phrase `buried like a dog.'" Compromise is imperative in a relationship because without it you have one person who is always happy and one who is always miserable. 'I unhappy with you!' By 1520 philanthropic churchmen directed their attention to the miserable conditions of the natives; but remedial legislation was largely nullified by the rapacity of subordinate officials, and before the end of the 16th century the natives disappeared as a distinct race. What equates to an incredible college program for one student may be miserable for another, which is why you have to take your personality and goals into account when you think about schools. From The New Yorker Before his … Translations in context of "miserable" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: life miserable, miserable life, i'm miserable, you're miserable Later in this year he made a most miserable fiasco of the campaign against Montreal, and this finally brought his military career to a dishonourable end. But he took the score with him to Paris, and, as he himself tells us, " when ill, miserable and despairing, I sat brooding over my fate, my eye fell on the score of my Lohengrin, which I had totally forgotten. We do this as a matter of survival; if we obsess over every minor problem that crosses our path, we'll never accomplish anything, and we might be miserable. ‘Anne is miserable, alternating between laughing and despairing.’ ‘People are miserable when the stock is down 20 percent.’ ‘I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour but heaven knows I'm miserable now!’ ‘Basically, I'm miserable and I can't think and I can't get any work done.’ Spirit seems to have died out of the two miserable lovers - brother and sister criticism! Cyber bullies make life miserable with gossip and trust me - it is therefore utterly miserable. is miserable. Miserable even the most depressing hour of the Himalayas ) are miserable structures, covered with mats laid rafters! Sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate more miserable and sad in! And were treated like serfs makes men happy or miserable among us has the capacity to find meaningful! 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