questions for the gospel of john

questions for the gospel of john

Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Jan. 22. after the Last Supper. John 21:25. Be creative with your actions and have fun with it. What does Jesus say they are slaves to? for his disciples and for all believers - He even prays for you and me How can Jesus’ words to Peter in Luke 22:32 be an encouragement to Peter after he has denied Jesus? 10. But if you roll a 6, you must swap points with another player of your choice. 2. Play a bucket toss game to make things fun. 8. it's conclusion. (1=1000 points, 2=2000, etc.) Jesus answers something else? What do you think Jesus is referring to? Why was this hard for the disciples to understand? What should we do when we don’t understand some of the things that Jesus says? 11. What was Jesus’ answer? Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved him? What do you think it means that believers will “never die” if they believe that Jesus is the “resurrection and the life?”. from the crowd after he fed them? Chapter Fifteen, -- This is the second of four chapters where Jesus teaches his disciples Jesus prays for himself, How is love and remaining in Christ and obedience connected to each other? 13. Why does following Jesus often make “the world hate us?”. Vary the distances, from where you shoot, or how you shoot, to make it more of a challenge. When Jesus announces that one of them will soon betray him, how do the disciples react? The Last Temptation of Christ This controversial movie drew protest when it was released in 1988, in part because it shows Jesus stru… 7. Trivia Quiz - The Gospel of John Category: John Quiz #306,488. JOHN BIBLE STUDY LESSON SHEETS. from the crowd after he fed them? What did the disciples think was the likely cause of this man’s blindness? What is your favorite aspect of Creation? What is the consequence of the leader’s blindness? (2) Consider this scene from the cross: The Book of John Jesus loves everybody. 4. 5. 6. What did Mary Magdalene find when she returned to the tomb? You’ll need a bucket or pot and something to toss like a small stuffed animal or bean bag. What did Peter do when he figured out it was Jesus on the shore? 6. the heartbreaking denials of the Apostle Peter who knew him. What is your response to Jesus? He causes so much Play a game of “plus or minus” with the kids to make it more fun. 5. Read John 2:21-22. 6. How much authority does Jesus have? How does this story show us that Jesus is more concerned about spiritual health than physical health? Why is it better for the disciples that Jesus go away? 7. Why do you think Pilate tried to get the Jewish leaders to release Jesus instead of Barabbas? What promise is repeated in vv.23-24? -- In this chapter John records the story of Jesus' betrayal, his This challenging study format is suitable for individual daily study or weekly small group meetings. Mark the verses you want to read, but leave a few for kids to look up and read. 5. What was good and what was awkward about Jesus being the one to do a job that was always done by a servant? 6. In verse 3, how does Jesus describe someone who has not been born again? Why did Jesus’ words and actions make people “guilty of sin?” (verses 22-25). 6. for his disciples and for all believers - He even prays for you and me It certainly would be helpful, but not necessary, to read the entire Gospel once, before starting this lesson. Who were the Gospels written for. and you can learn a lot from other believers. 2. Most scholars believe that vv. 26:21-25 and Mark 14:17-21). Moses? Roll the die. What is described in this passage that gives Jesus an amazing attitude of certain victory? How does Jesus take care of and love us? Why would the women telling the men of her city that Jesus had told her everything she had ever done have a strong impact? 4. But you get to decide if you will keep your points or subtract that many points from someone else. 2. Play a bucket toss game to make things fun. 6. In verses 10-13, it says the crowds were talking about Jesus. Learn what Jesus 4. Chapter Twenty, -- This chapter doesn't just contain the purpose of the Gospel of John at How confident can we be that God will meet us in hard times? have eternal life." Play a game of “sixes” to make your time together fun. 8. Why did Jesus have his disciples gather up the food that was left over? You’ll need one die and a piece of paper to keep score. way to study the Bible. What is one way you can praise and honor Jesus this week? 2. What does it mean to be a slave to sin? What did the soldiers do to Jesus when he was arrested? What do you do on the Sabbath that is different from other days? How is John 1:1-5 like Genesis 1:1-5? after the Last Supper. What caused Mary to realize that she was talking with Jesus? The gospel of John, like all the other gospels, shows us the story of Jesus, his betrayal and death, and its effect on Christianity as we know it. What three things can we learn about Jesus from the first two verses? Jesus? What details does Luke’s account add to John’s account? 11:1-30. Play a game of Tic Tac To with the kids to make it fun. -- Chapter Four gives us the story of the woman at the well. How did the soldiers know that Jesus was truly dead? How does John finish his Gospel? 1. What is the same and what is different about Martha’s and Mary’s interaction with Jesus? 1. What did Peter and John find at the tomb? 9. study of this magnificent story of victory and truth. How do you think he felt as he traveled with a muddy face to the Pool of Siloam? Play a simple game of “Heads or Tails” to make your time together fun. Why was Nathaniel initially not impressed with Jesus? 9. John was leaning on Jesus' chest during this meal. If a team answers a question they put an X or an O on the board. Chapter Four, -- Chapter Four gives us the story of the woman at the well. anointing Jesus feet followed by the prophetic triumphal entry of Jesus The religious leaders’ questions become more and more hostile toward the blind man. 1. 4. 11. Do you think God still does miracles? What did they do to the blind man? 2. she wonders about the most interesting and perceptive man she was ever Only two of the disciples followed Jesus, what happened to them? What should be the main reason for studying the Scriptures? How as God using Caiaphas in the words he said and what did God mean by what Caiaphas said? -- Chapter Eight provides insight into Jesus' discussion with the How did Jesus respond to the crowd when they found him? 7. Study this chapter of the Gospel of John to learn the 5. 9. Tails, complete some action (i.e. Why do you think Jesus waited two days before going to Bethany? 4. Most people went to the well early in the morning because it was cooler. 9. What do you think it means for Jesus to be “lifted up”? Study Chapter Six to learn the 14:1-13. -- This chapter doesn't just contain the purpose of the Gospel of John at Why do you think some people heard it differently than others? Why was a guard placed at Jesus tomb? What turned the disciple’s grief from Jesus’ suffering and dying into joy? If Jesus is the shepherd, who are the sheep? What is so unusual about Jesus’ question to the man in verse 6? Be creative with your actions and have fun with it. 2. Discussing and sharing your insights with others is a rewarding, fun 2. 2. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Feb 5. If you do not believe, what is causing you to choose unbelief? Why are they so important to you? How did Peter’s failure make him a better leader throughout his life? questions so you can reflect on your life The Gospel of John Bible Quiz 1. 4. Tails, complete some action (i.e. The answer to this question lies, I believe, in his secure identity: Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. from five small barley loaves and two small fish. 14. Jesus speaks of the relationships of believers Why do you think his parents were so careful in their answers? Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Despite his great anguish and suffering, Jesus asks God to (Matt. What did Jesus call himself in v. 12? What are you believing about Jesus? Our elementary kids are memorizing verses from John during the sermon series. Body the Study! Like John 3:16-21, most scholars believe that 3:31-36 are the comments of John the apostle. What causes people to lose their way and stop following Jesus? 2. How secure is that joy? This is Chapter Eighteen, -- In this chapter John records the story of Jesus' betrayal, his 9. How aware are you of Christian persecution across the world? 6. Why do you think there was a voice from heaven in verses 28-30? You’ll need a die and something to keep score on. I'm on my summer vacation and I have so much time to spare so I decided to search for Bible studies for young people and I found this site. and ask him to tell them plainly if he is the Christ. Study this chapter of the Gospel of John to learn the =] Paule-Ann, "This Gospel of John Bible study has been extremely helpful to me as a Bible teacher in our church. resulting arrest, his trials by Annas and the Roman governor Pilate, and What examples of that do you see in this passage? According to John 20:30-31, why did John write this Gospel? Others will guide you to discover a deeper meaning, study the context of the passage, or help you to discover a life lesson from the biblical principles we're studying. 8. What can we learn about Jesus from this? They typically cover a chapter of the Book of How did He already know what was going to happen to him? What did the Jewish leaders say to Pilate that caused him to give in to their demands? Why did the religious leaders want to stone Jesus? -- Chapter Three contains the most famous or well-known verse of What do you learn about God from reading verses 1 and 2? 7:1-5). In John’s gospel, who are the bad shepherds? Thanks and God Bless", -- Chapter One contains what has often been called the most beautiful to meet. 3. Why do you think Jesus answer Peter in the way he did? 3. 2. He states that He has already Read Matt. dead and then appeared to Mary Magdalene and the disciples. John Trivia Questions & Answers : New Testament This category is for questions and answers related to John, as asked by users of 3. 6. 8. What happened the next day in John 12:2-19? 4. What do we use words for? Chapter Sixteen, -- This the third of four chapters where Jesus teaches his disciples How did you handle it? It contains the greatest story of victory ever told 1. The quiz below is designed to show just how well you remember the chapter. If you get one in you answer a question. after the Last Supper. If they don’t know they answer the other team can steal. Everyone take turns tossing into the bucket. 7. How does Jesus describe his death and how will that be used to draw people to Jesus? This has led to such widespread and thorough discussion in scholarly circles over who the author might be, and when and how the Gospel of John came to be written, that it is almost impossible to group together and summarize the significance of all the different theories that have been advanced concerning the ori… Some scholars say the Gospels were written by others. How much of this do you experience in your own life? What was Jesus’ relationship to Lazarus, Mary, and Martha? Why do you think Mary was not put off by Jesus’ initial response to her? Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Feb 26. 2. 6. Why do you think none of the disciples stepped up to do the job? 7. -- This Chapter of the Gospel of John gives us the remarkable record of burial. in history -. Just a great supplement! Chapter Ten. Was it because of the miracle or What can you do to keep from losing your way in following Jesus? If you are not sure look at verse 13-15. 4. day seven you meet with others to discuss and compare your answers. Read John 1:19-28; Matt. What were they afraid of? Which way is better? How does John compare himself to Jesus in verse 27? Why did Peter’s bad choices have such different consequences than Judas’ bad choices? very mad. Why was it important for Jesus to receive something to drink? We are redeemed by Jesus’ death and resurrection, and now the Holy Spirit lives inside everyone who believes. Are you too busy? In Matt. In what ways is Jesus different from everyone else? What does this tell you about the prince of this world and how he tried to keep Jesus from making a willing sacrifice? 6. What were they afraid of? Take turns flipping a coin. Once you have an answer, read the next question. How do verses 4 and 5 describe the Word? (Hint: What happened next?). from this Bible study - usually a single chapter. Can you think of a time when you were aware of the Holy Spirit working strongly inside of you? Our rewards are eternal and our lessons can be applied to our everyday lives. What does Jesus have to say about other people who claim they are the way to God? which verse it is? Our purpose is to learn from God's answer book - The Bible. 9. 14:13-17; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17). 7. -- This chapter provides us the truth of Jesus' suffering, crucifixion, What is something amazing that Jesus has shown you, taught you, or done for you? Nearly all of us know people who used to believe in Jesus but now seem to no longer be following him. The Gospel of John The 2003 movie is a word-for-word recreation of John's Gospel (for all those times when words on a page just won't cut it). 7. 1. Chapter Thirteen, -- Now the Gospel of John tells us of the Last Supper where Jesus washes the disciple’s feet and of his betrayal by Judas Escariot. What you roll is how many points you get for answering a question (1=1,000 points, 2=2,000, etc.) But, if you roll a 6, you must swap points with another player of your choice. What is the relationship between God and Jesus according to verses 1-5? Describe what the man hoped Jesus might do for him. 8. 3. What went wrong at this wedding? How do you know? This Gospel of John Bible study presents a profound perspective of Jesus Christ and your relationship to Him. What specifically can you do to honor the Sabbath more in your life? How did most of the people respond to Jesus? 11. What is grace to you? something else? After all, The Holy Spirit works in all believers 12. 6. Who is Jesus praying for in vv. Whatever you roll is how many points the question is worth (1=1,000 2=2,000 etc.) How could they have avoided that fate? Play a game of Tic Tac To with the kids to make it fun. But, if you roll a 6, you must swap points with another player of your choice. 16-21 are no longer Jesus’ words but the Apostle John’s word. you and me. 3. you're doing an individual study, we offer to share our answers with you What happened at the marriage of Cana? 4. 12. Why? Why? I was provoked to dig deep and I just love it. Why in the world is the man persecuted afterwards? Why would they try to stone Why in the world is the man persecuted afterwards? When Jesus’ followers show unity, what is the result? Christ into Jerusalem, where the story seemingly finishes. Chapter Seventeen, -- This is the last of four chapters in this Gospel of John Bible study You’ll need a bucket or pot and something to toss like a small stuffed animal or bean bag. Why did the temple guards not arrest Jesus? Why do you think Pilate had, “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews” written in three languages? What is that reason? 7. (see also Num. When Jesus revealed himself to Thomas, how did he respond? Name some other times in the Bible when someone was brought back from the dead? Answer these questions while reading through the Gospel of John. John calls this miracle the first sign that revealed Jesus’ glory. What are some things you are involved in that are not self-serving or about what you can get out of it? Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Feb 19. it's conclusion. What is a sin from your life that you have trouble not doing? 1. 3. really powerful in small groups. If they don’t know the answer the other team can steal. 7. What happened to let Mary and Elizabeth both know the angel’s words about their sons would come true (vs. 40-45)? 10. Why do you think Mary asked Jesus for help? In what ways did that happen? Why then does the man who was healed suffer persecution? How does Jesus give us light? 6. Chapter Twenty-One. 5. He even got a new name. 6. Why is it ironic that the “legalists” were using the Sabbath to condemn Jesus? Who is he praying for in vv. In verses 37-38, what did Jesus call Himself? First, you read the assigned passage What makes them bad? What is the baptism Jesus offers? What strikes you about the second sign of Jesus healing the son of a royal official? How do you think John knows that the man whom Peter had injured was named Malchus (remember that John wrote this many years after the event took place)? What was his purpose? How can a person know if Jesus’ teaching is from God or not (vs. 16-18)? Think about water and all the different ways it helps us. What promise did Jesus make to Nathaniel in verse 50-51? What were the reactions of people when they witnessed such a powerful miracle? 5. Try putting his explanation in your own words. Why do you think John chose to call Jesus “the Word?” What did God want to tell us by sending Jesus to the world? Jesus teaches When Jesus said “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days,” he was talking about how he would die on the cross and raise from the dead three days later. What is shocking about Jesus’ revelation in 4:26? 2. If a team answers a question they put an X or O on the board. You’ll need one die and a piece of paper to keep score. Chapter Two, -- In Chapter Two we see Jesus perform his first miracle and later get Play a bucket toss game to make things fun. Be creative with your actions and have fun with it. How do you show your gratitude for those things? 4. What is the result of believing in Jesus? Where is such opposition common today? Christ into Jerusalem, where the story seemingly finishes. What happened to change his mind about Jesus? Why did the Pharisees question the man about his healing? According to verses 1:14-18, God became a man, and that man was Jesus. 9. Jesus also promises to persecuted, but they will see Him again! the questions of Thomas, Phillip, and Judas (not Iscariot). What do we learn about Jesus when he made arrangements for her care? You’ll need a bucket, pot, or something to toss a small stuffed animal or bean bag into. The life? There are many significant events in Jesus’ life that Matthew, Mark and Luke include that John leaves out. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Feb 12. Read Matt. 12. According to verse 16, did we choose Jesus or did he choose us? 4. prior from the website. Why did Jesus walk on water? What did John see that caused him to believe that Jesus had been resurrected? What did most of the disciples think about Judas leaving? How have you seen Jesus? However, we can learn from each other and learn more about the life of Jesus Christ together. What invitation does Jesus give? What does this tell you about the New Testament? 7. If you were in Pilate’s shoes, how would you have handled the situation? Why do you think the people were so excited to see Jesus? As an eyewitness to the love and power displayed in the miracles of Jesus, John gives us an up-close and personal look at Christ's identity.He shows us that Jesus, though fully God, came in the flesh to distinctly and accurately reveal God, and that Christ is the source of eternal life to all who believe in him. 7. Choose which Chapter of the Gospel of John. In chapter 5, verse 4 was not part of the original story but was added later to explain why disabled people chose this spot to hang out. Everyone take turns tossing into the bucket. The gospel of John was written around 80- 90A.D in the city of Ephesus. What made all the soldiers fall backward? The Sabbath was a gift given to us by God to limit our busyness and refocus our lives (See Mark 2:27). Why did the religious leaders want to not only kill Jesus, but also Lazarus? What do you think John thought about the role he was playing? Signs at a crucifixion were used to tell what crime the condemned had committed. 7. Who did Jesus say He was? See John 11:49-57. What is the purpose of his authority? Why do you think it is important for Christians to read the Bible? What causes some people to believe and some to not believe? What guidelines of their own law does Nicodemus ask about? 8. Play a game of “plus or minus” with the kids to make it more fun. passage in Scripture - the first 18 verses. Read John 2:4-5. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, July 9. 10. Take turns rolling the die. Jesus Christ raising Lazarus from the dead. 8. 3. (1=1,000 points, 2=2,000, etc.) What are some ways God has blessed you? Was he trying to get the crowd to become more sympathetic. If you get one in, you answer a question. 9. Why was this an act of courage? Jesus Christ was resurrected from the 9. 4. 6. If you believe in Jesus, why is it important for you to not keep it a secret? -- In Chapter Two we see Jesus perform his first miracle and later get Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, July 23. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Feb 5. forgive his persecutors and ensures that his mother will be taken care Vary the distances, from where you shoot, or how you shoot, to make it more of a challenge. What did John the Baptist say when he saw Jesus? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in helping people understand the Gospel? You’ll need a bucket or pot to toss stuffed animals or bean bags into. What steps can a person take to help prevent them from making choices that have such awful consequences? Can you remember a time when you stood up to a hostile group to support and defend Jesus? You could play a simple game of “Heads or Tails” to make your time together fun. 3:1-17. Why is that distinction important? Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, August 20. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, May 21. What Old Testament passage did this event fulfill? Finally, on man born blind. Simon’s life changed when he met Jesus. People read and study the Scripture for all sorts of reasons. Not Iscariot ) find salvation is Andrew and the other team can steal help. 1=1,000 ; 2=2,000 ; etc. ) Bible that claims that Jesus gives in Mark?! Group reviews 4 and 5 describe the difference between Jesus ’ glory in this chapter the. Together more fun where Jesus teaches his disciples after the last Supper Judas ’ bad?... V. 10, Jesus describes the difference between himself and the evil intent of leader! With a muddy face to the extravagance of Mary ’ s role become sympathetic! Is in this Gospel of John Bible study where Jesus teaches his disciples to Jesus in their first?... 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