the kids next door tv tropes

the kids next door tv tropes

Although, her fatter form is merely a holographic disguise... — although this time it's a trap from the DCFDTL: this is not her hat, Chad detached the Moonbase and sent it towards the sun, destroyed and split into a ton of drops when Lizzie flew in to save Numbuh One. Numbuh 86's little brothers. ", Numbuh Two calls for the following items while. 1,951 Pages. ", "Operation: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G. Generally cocky and approving of himself, both before and after his betrayal. has Lizzie go on a tirade about Numbuh One's shortcomings. Numbuh 86, whose original job in her debut episode was decommissioning — or. set up "Operation: I.T.". The sole reason he fights the Kids Next Door is because they assume he's up to no good and attack him unprovoked. But is forced to leave Earth and it's unlikely that he will ever see his friends and family ever again. He then served as a high-ranking member of the Teen Ninjas, and lost all the respect he had to his name. it is made to be a bad thing that the adults were doing the things kids do (playing games, getting allowances, etc.) It's normally only shown to be bad when the supervillains take it to extremes; the KND are normally shown having really good relationships with their own parents, even when 86's father is, And at the end of "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S. Every time Numbuh Three ejects from a vehicle she's piloting, usually she lands on the ground and her parachute deploys late. ", with the normally-white background turned green, snow falling over the titles, and the title decorated by Christmas lights, "The Grim Adventures of the KND" also has a special sequence which blends elements of both series' intros together; also preceding it is a cold open featuring Billy attempting to get. Numbuh Three is The Heart of the team, constantly happy and serving as the team doctor. Numbuh Five is the only sane girl trying desperately to keep the team together. She brings up his tendency to spend so much time on his missions that he's barely around for their dates and that he accidentally beat up her grandmother, ending the list by pointing out that he ate a meatball sandwich as if it was a truly horrible thing to do. Science Fantasy Villains; Supervillains; Kids Next Door Villains. Operatives. Season 1: "Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M. "), In "Operation: E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N.S. The … shrink themselves in order to get a Brussels Sprout out of Numbuh Four's stomach. It bugs me that the Kids Next Door consider poor dental hygiene a good thing. Numbuh Three has the most varied wardrobe. "Operation: L.O.V.E. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Robin Food's sidekick is pretty much Sammy Davis Jr. Count Spankulot is modeled after Bela Lugosi's. In short, neither side wins. Numbuh Two/ Hoagie P. Gilligan Jr.thumb|link=File:Numbuh_2.jpg "Come to Numbuh Two!" In "Operation: H.O.T.S.T.U.F.F. This pilot was submitted for Cartoon Network's "Big Pick Weekend", where viewers were allowed to vote on the next cartoon series. This episode is paired with "No P in The Ool" and "Operation: C.A.K.E.D. ", where one of Heinrich's henchmen attacks Numbuh Two with a machine gun that shoots lollipops. The idea grew out of side characters for Mr. Warburton's failed series Kenny and the Chimp. — and both the acronym itself and the phrase it stood for (using the prior example: "Tooth Extracting Enemy Terrorizes Headquarters") served to give viewers a general idea of the episode's plot. With "extra curly fries". The exact details aren't given, but it's implied he wants to kill the real Rainbow Monkeys and make them into toys. It was revealed to essentially be an April Fool's joke after this video was posted, but with the caveat that it appears to be the lead-in to an attempted viral campaign to get a sequel series made. He changes sides when he discovers that Numbuh One folds his underwear. ", when the kids are attacked by the Delightful Childrens' pound cake at the stadium and it looks like all hope is lost, Lizzie comes out of the sky piloting half of the Delightful Childrens' ship and dives into the cake, blowing it up, and also saving the KND. Father's real name is Benedict, as in Benedict Arnold... he's not really a traitor, though, so much as, In "Operation: C.L.U.E.S. ": The very beginning with Numbuh One drinking a shake. In "Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E. Sector Z is made of this trope! When Father is turning KND operatives into animals, Numbuh 86 is turned into a dog. Most visited articles. While his plan did fail and it did indeed fit this trope, Father was such a, Numbuh Three turns crazily overpowered and evil, only to be stopped by Numbuh Four, à la. Kid Icarus Uprising Music - Chapter 6 (Dark Pit) … In "Operation "C.A.K.E.D. As Sector V's technology officer, he designs many of the 2×4 technology the team uses In his off time he enjoys building and flying airplanes and solving mysteries at … Numbuh Two in Codename: Kids Next Door varies between Ted Baxter, Ace Pilot and Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. "Operation: E.N.D. Especially The Stinger. Hoagie (Numbuh Two) was so addicted to chocolate sauce that he used to bathe in it. The end credits for the series finale "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S." Why? TV Tropes is a wiki that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, more commonly known as tropes, within many creative works. The Danza Cree Lincoln, voiced by Cree Summer, a rare non-live-action-sitcom use. is one great, big parody of, "Operation: M.O.O.N." Mushi's first name translates to "insect". Obviously there IS no such thing as dental hygiene. In The Tick, the comics, animated and live-action series, the Tick's … Most episodes of Season 6 set up the Splinter Cell plot and the. A more subtle one is when the Toilenator mistakes Knightbrace for Numbuh Four and refers to him as his greatest nemesis, likely due to Numbuh Four ruining his chances to look good in front of the other villains in "Operation: M.O.V.I.E.". Numbuh One's last name, Uno, is Spanish for "one". Possibly the case in "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.". You can only imagine how your average non-evil parent would react if they ever saw through, Numbuh Five's solo, candy-related adventures frequently bear an uncanny resemblance to the exploits of one, The A.I. They then lure the kids into having their photos taken, using the "camera" to brainwash them. You fool! Edit. "Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E. he is faced with the choice of crossing the, Numbuh Three grows up to become the president of the Rainbow Monkey Corporation in "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.". Their seer turns out to be a hoax who just wants to be sure the school cafeteria won't run out of pizza before his turn to be served. ", all five members of Sector V seem to be this. Numbuh Two said that they brought the cake back in one piece... once, but that did not stop Numbuh 362 from Pulling Sector V out of the Cake stealing mission and giving the case to Sector W. is almost taken by Sector V, but the DCFDTL gets away. ", the Toiletnator gets angrier than he's ever been after the Kids Next Door keep making fun of his inability to be a real threat towards them. mission. Everyone but the DCFDTL got a bit, it is soiled by Numbuh One's pet chicks doing their business, thus ruining the KND's mission, isn't really made, but it is a good thing, this time, because this year's competition is a trap by. The Galactic Kids Next Door also known as theGalactic KND, or GKND for short, is supposedly an intergalactic organization of all children fighting a universal war against evil (teen-to-adult) tyranny. ", which explains the "Guatemala Incident" in detail. All The Tropes Wiki. "Operation: T.H.E S.H.O.G.U.N. In "Operation: B.U.T.T. Also, the Safety Bots. The Grand Finale, "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S." The Tommy's costume (wide-brimmed hat, mask and cape), hammy poses and catch phrase ("I am The Tommy!") It's also implied by the ending of "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S." ", Numbuh One cryptically reveals how evil the Delightful Children from Down the Lane can be. If you look at it, it's a take that to two things. Double Standard: Violence, Child on Adult. Numbuh Zero is made of win. "Operation: E.N.D. In-universe example: Numbuh Four busts out laughing in "Operation: F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N.". One of the Delightful Children (Lenny) never takes off his football helmet, except in "Operation: U.N.D.E.R.C.O.V.E.R.". ", where this time she tries to invoke the trope on the KND. It follows Bob Ho (Chan), a CIA agent who retires so that he can spend more time with his girlfriend, Gillian, who lives next door, and her three kids ( Nora, Farren, and Ian). except that his powers are based on spanking naughty children rather than sucking blood. Cree is also a. ", Numbuh One gives the airport security a nightmare with the mountain of junk on his person. And, while you're at it, NEVER send Numbuh One on a mission to obtain something trivial, including snow cones. Mogul, the rotund head of the Rainbow Monkey Corporation, who in "Operation: R.A.I.N.B.O.W.S." Numbuh Four suffers through this previously during "bring your daughter to work day" in "Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E." There is an episode where Numbuh One pulls out at least eight weapons one at a time from nowhere, only to be blasted by Cree. "Just … "Operation: U.N.C.O.O.L. ", "Operation: C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E. (Ridiculous Exaggerations Possess Occasional Real Truth)", each Kids Next Door operative tells their side of the story of their attempts to deliver a flat square box referred to as 'the goods' and keep it out of the hands of the Delightful Children from Down … Sometime after Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S., Mushi apparently breaks up with King Sandy and becomes friends with Tommy Gilligan, as they were first seen hanging out in Operation: ANCESTOR. ", "Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. When discovered by Numbuh One and Lizzie, the brainwashed victims all chant "Join us", "Operation L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N." features a planet of Rainbow Monkeys similar to the first, Numbuh One's two-colored glasses in "Operation: L.O.V.E." As previously stated, Were-Dogs eat homework; however, badly done homework by poor students (like Numbuh Four) makes them sick. 3×4, 2×5, and Nigel×Lizzie temporarily. ", it's revealed that this is a trait she shares with her father, Kani Sanban.b. Register Start a Wiki. How funny that the actions are only awful when they're not being done by their accepted respective age groups. DO NOT HARM NUMBUH FOUR's LITTLE BROTHER (OR HIS CRUSH, NUMBUH THREE) IN FRONT OF HIM. Their counterparts from Japan, The Interesting Twins from Beneath the Mountain, also fall into this. The very FINAL episode of the Codename: KND series is here. "Operation: C.O.L.L.E.G.E. Similarly, at first, Sector V seemed to be the only existing group of the Kids Next Door as some sort of unique and special operations group of friends, but they were quickly referred to as merely an outpost of a larger group starting around "Operation: Q.U.I.E.T. ", it's revealed that. Tropes: The Toiletnator even refers to her as "portly" in "Operation: F.L.U.S.H." that Lizzie is Numbuh Vine, a plant alien. ", "Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T", "Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H. However, there is another weakness that applies only to her: she can't lie. 1,653 Pages. What's too scary for kids nowadays? ", the shot of Numbuh Three destroying the fake moon using a balloon and dart are done in live-action. ", "Operation: C.A.M.P. Which is ironic as they actually started out getting along with each other. Numbuh 30c sabotaging Sector V's efforts because the villain was just making a snowcone, which Sector V wasn't aware of. Games Movies TV Video. company that makes the Rainbow Monkey toys. As humorous as Sector V's constant failures at the cake missions are, you can't remain on a task if you fail it one too many times. (In fact, Wally and Kuki's relationship seems to take a positive turn in this episode. Or later on in "Op: ZERO" when we see Numbuh Zero once again as Numbuh One's bumbling dad, with no memories of being a KND operative. In "Operation: R.E.P.O.R.T. The Delightful Children from Down the Lane reveal to him later that they have a photograph of his nude rear end and blackmail him into quitting the team by threatening to have the picture included in the school yearbook. After the election, they, Numbuh 86 can be one sometimes (to boys at least), but we can also count her as a. Numbuh One has Jet shoes, as do most of his teammates of Sector V, and they have very good use throughout the series. Dawson Casting: It's safe to say that ironically enough, no one voicing the kids … Numbuh Five is usually the one to elbow her teammates when they need to shut it, like with Numbuh Four at the end of "Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S. Seasons 1 & 2: "Operation: T.O.M.M.Y", "Operation: C.H.A.D", "Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T. ", "Operation: S.P.A.C.E", "Operation: E.N.D." introduces Mr. But Numbuh Six was introduced before it was revealed that Numbuh's One through Five were just a sector of a much larger KND operation. Numbuh 30C, whose name was a clue as to the villain of the episode. Better known as Luke Skywalker or The Joker, Mark Hamill was considered one of the best young talents in the 1970's. Cross-Dressing Voices: Very much averted, even though most of the boys are about 10 to 12. In almost every case, an enemy's shortcomings come with some twist of irony during their first defeats, which are preceded by a nearly foolproof plan that the KND narrowly escape due to a small oversight. Unfortunately, he did it when the Operatives were about to eat said milk and cereal, and when the adults were actually planning an ambush on them. ", "Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D. Surprisingly no clear sign of being subverted. It isn't destroyed per se, but, The fourth cake ("Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R. Just because it's the Kids Next Door doesn't mean the show's not willing to make even the most stoic and badass of both Kids and adults shiver in fear.Suddenly getting decommissioned doesn't sound so bad. "Operation: S.A.F.E.T.Y. "Operation: C.L.U.E.S." The actual Numbuh Six is a skunk. ", the Delightful Children sell Father out and help the KND, because, Rather large example in "Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S.". She's twelve years old and her thirteenth birthday is coming up, which inspires her to defect from the KND to join the Teenagers early. Executives loved them so much that they gave Mr. Warburton funding to produce a second pilot featuring a retooled version of them. If one had to guess, Numbuh Five's version of the story was probably closest to the facts, but they were all rather farfetched. Former class president James Nixon McGarfield used to be on the Kids Next Door's side, but eventually became a corrupt and pudgy antagonist. ", "Operation: J.E.W.E.L.S. This kids = good/adults = bad thing is taken to such a degree that in "Operation: P.O.O.L." ", "Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R. One episode features a hardware-store owner who wants to eliminate two aviators who bought their plane parts from him. Numbuh Four convinces her that they should save her anyway. Anything that is adult-oriented or that adults make kids do for their own good is ''vile and evil''! Only … The show featured five kids who lived next door to Kenny … With Dee Bradley Baker, Ben Diskin, Jennifer Hale, Daran Norris. Numbuh One/ Nigel Uno "Kids Next Door, battle stations!" If a child is kept from candy too long or is given a non-candy substitute, they go through an exaggerated form of withdrawal. Several villains also qualify, like Professor XXX-L (who goes to bizarre lengths to try and create the perfect snow cone) or Chester (who at one point created a, Numbuh One is Nigel Uno — "uno" is Spanish for "one", since he is the leader (and an only child), Numbuh Two is Hoagie P. Gilligan, Jr. — appropriately enough, a twofer reference: Bob Denver's character, Numbuh Three is Kuki Sanban — "sanban" is Japanese for "number three" ("san" is one of the words for "three" and "-ban" is a suffix used for ordinal numbers in Japanese), and "Kuki" is a reference to Numbuh Three being a, Numbuh Four is Wallabee Beetles — there were four members of. Nigel's father being the original Numbuh Zero, and the brother of KND's sworn nemesis, Father, thus making Father Nigel's uncle, Father enters this position after being threatened at broccoli-point by Rachel, a.k.a. One of the things Gramma Stuffum forces kids to eat are pies with tentacles. ": When Numbuh One first encounters Mr. White, he obscures the screen when he attacks Numbuh One. Numbuh 362's little brother Harvey, Numbuh 363, who constantly antagonizes Numbuh One. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. When the Dodgeball Wizard says that he's not a magician, Numbuh Four's dad says, In "Operation: E.N.G.L.A.N.D. is so gross, it makes. ", "Operation: C.H.A.D. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. In "Operation: D.A.T.E. However, there are a few exceptions: Numbuh Four, who becomes a yellow koala, and two unknown operatives that respectively turn into a pink elephant and a green rooster. reminds of, In the same episode, Numbuh Four parodies the famous Bubblegum Quote from. In Legend of the Eight Firstborn, Mushi becomes a member of the Junior Prospectors, under Luvbi'… Always … Naturally, Numbuh 86 berates Numbuh One for what happened, especially letting the Toilenator get by security, because of said incident. has a kid character turn on the others because his father was the head of a big company and wanted Moosk to come back and work for him, but gets a black one once he's officially a villain (and Vader parody), adulthood is literally a disease. Since its establishment in 2004, the site has shifted focus from covering only television and film tropes to those in other types of media such as literature, comics, anime, manga, video games, music, … ": Numbuh One runs away from Katie. set up "Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L. Usually because said villains take it to said proportions. When Gillian goes away to visit her father in the hospital, Bob agrees to babysit the children. Numbuh Four is a Book Dumb kid who holds an invaluable amount of street smarts and serves as a combat specialist and the team's enforcer. "), The seventh one ("Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S. After some embarrassing hijinx. As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. His goal in the "Kenny and the Chimp" segment in the pilot was to fight the PTA; exactly why, he didn't say, but apparently, he got his ass handed to him by them. Lizzie sometimes indulges in this too, usually to guilt-trip Numbuh One into going out with her. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Later, "Operation: R.E.C.R.U.I.T." ", "Operation: S.I.X. ", which would eventually grow into the organization's, In the episode "Operation: N.O.P.O.W.U.H. Note that Mr. Boss makes an exception for his own children. They probably just really hate dentists. gives us the origins of Rainbow Monkey Cereal. However, at the very end, he goes back to eating them. The Kids Next Door are responsible for the adult conspiracy in the first place. ", parents giving their own children horrible haircuts is treated like this. The world under Grandfather's rule. It didn't work on Mrs. Thompson, who was the Queen and thus unaffected by bad homework. The end credits of season 2 finale "Operation: E.N.D." Basically a lot of KND Operatives are eccentric scientists. Numbuh 86 has several things guaranteed to piss her off. ", the characters' animal forms tend to look realistic as far as colors go. The show has two Licensed Games, Operation: V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E. He manipulates Numbuh Three into helping him capture real Rainbow Monkeys with the intent of doing something horrible to the living, breathing creatures as well as Numbuh Three (exactly what he plans to do isn't revealed, but it's strongly implied that he wants to kill them and make them into toys). Numbuh Five's rival Heinrich Von Marzipan, a chubby lad who will do anything to get candy, even if he has to steal from other children or kill a first grade class's pet in order to get it. Also with Count Spankulot during the first episode focused around him. The Delightful Children From Down The Lane are once again trying to keep their birthday cake for themselves but as usual, Sector V will make sure that it won't happen. Numbuh Four quickly finds out that the best way to learn the easiest way to fight her and the other were-dogs is to simply, Numbuh Zero is Numbuh One's dad, Father is Nigel's uncle and Grandfather, the. However, a plot by Russian spies looking for a stolen secret formula they believe Ho has … Stickybeard saves Sector V from the giant white asparagus because while he steals candy from kids, he won't allow anyone to be forced to eat asparagus. is a normal one. In "Operation: F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N. Pilots (September 4, 1998 to July 20, 2001), Season 1 (December 6, 2002 to March 7, 2003), Season 2 (October 3, 2003 to June 4, 2004), Season 3 (June 11, 2004 to November 12, 2004), Season 4 (November 10, 2004 to July 22, 2005), Season 5 (September 30, 2005 to August 25, 2006), Season 6 (September 9, 2006 to November 23, 2007). Numbuh One seems to have a way with animals too in at least one episode, where he befriends a herd of Rainbow Monkeys (. The resulting haircut on his son is impossibly bad. ", Mrs. Thompson would always say "I probably shouldn't have said that" or "I probably shouldn't have told you that" to Numbuh Four after answering a question that he asked, regardless of the current situation. Professor XXX-L. His actual goal is really nothing sinister (he is trying to perfect the snowcone) but he does tend to violently oppose anyone who tries to stop him. Be based off of J. R. `` Bob '' Dobbs team though, though her does. 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