Palm Sunday FB Banner. The rest of the story is left to us, to know that at some point, their fear left them, and they did go tell others. AC 2021 - Closing Worship AC 2021 - Closing Motions AC 2021 - Nominations Report Final Approval . I hope and pray that you have this Sunday off. Morning has broken, but this morning is different. Ashley Johnson, Easter Liturgical Resources from Africana Writers, edited by Safiya Fosua, 2020. Calls To Worship. Romans 4:1-5, 13-17. Foretold in Zechariah 9:9, Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where the crowd of people laid out palm branches to honor him as king. You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. On this Easter Sunday, allow your souls to be replenished. Sunday Mission Moments highlight the ministry that we are doing together through. Perhaps ask someone [], Worship Resources forthe Center for Faith and Giving Epiphany Sunday Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm 147:12-20 Ephesians 1:3-14John 1:(1-9), 10-18 Call to Worship One:Remembering the light of the star which called the magi,Many:we gather to give thanks to God,One: for God will turn our mourning into joy!Many:God will comfort us, and give us gladness for sorrow.One:We can []. View PDF|Download, Can I Get a Witness? , , . Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessing be on your people!Psalm 3:8. We follow Jesus, who made Gods love known to us, Since Congregations are returning to "in-person" services at different paces, Worship Ways for will be edited for online use. Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year A, Home Worship Planner: First Sunday after Christmas Listen deeply to the words and the songs. Rubrics for virtual services will be noted in red; Leader should speak the lines of the people, along with the Leaders lines. These materials have been jointly produced between the Center for Faith and Giving and the [], Worship Resources forthe Center for Faith and Giving Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Micah 6:1-8 Psalm 15 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Matthew 5:1-12 Call to Worship(inspired by Psalm 15) One:Gathered to worship the Lord our God, lets celebrateMany: those who walk blamelessly and do what is right.One:United in our desire to love one another, lets claimMany:we do [], Worship Resources forthe Center for Faith and Giving Second Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-111 Corinthians 1:1-9John 1:29-42 Call to Worship(inspired by Ps. Below is the current lectionary - Year A 2022 - 2023. This resource outlines the principles and procedures for discerning a Call in times when the usual in-person meetings and worship services involved in the search for, calling and inducting a minister are not possible. Tell jokes, funny stories; let there be laughter. This resource contains ideas to consider for your congregations Annual General Meeting or other congregational meetings if your congregation cannot hold in-person meetings. Let the people say, However, we continue to have leadership offices, meeting rooms, and The Upper Room Chapel at 1908 Grand Avenue, in Nashville. INVITATION TO OFFERINGToday we are invited to become deeply attached, close, and loyal as branches who are connected with Jesus Christ, our vine. Powered by Restream April 3, 2021. Walk to Bethlehem an Advent Pilgrimage. Easter Sunday. The Rev. Read | Download, Leading with Care Online: Working with Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults Since Congregations are returning to in-person services at different paces, Worship Ways for will be edited for online use. Come to worship prepared. Voice 3: Exhale. Priorities. Healer of our Every Ill. We are unable to move forward, and only can look back on what once was. We have no higher calling than to offer the worship that belongs to God day by day, SIGN UP TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL NOTIFICATION WHEN WORSHIP PLANNERS ARE POSTED, Open for: Liturgies for PCC Designated Sundays, Open for: Healing and Reconciliation Liturgical Resources, Worship Service by Indigenous Ministry Leaders, Open for: Resources for Online Worship & Ministry, Open for: Resources for Remote Church Gatherings and Activities, Open for: Resources for Community Connection, Open for: Resources for Evangelism & Mission, The Service of Word and Holy Communion Introduction and Outline, Rite of Reconciliation Confession/Assurance of Pardon, Prayers for Illumination (Prayers for Understanding), Introducing and Concluding Readings from Scripture, Creeds of the Church and Statements of Faith, Presentation of Gifts and Preparation of Table, The Sacrament of Baptism An Order of Service, Affirmation of Baptism: A Public Profession of Faith (Introduction and Outline), Affirmation of Baptism: A Public Profession of Faith (An Order of Service), Baptism and Affirmation of Baptism: A Combined Order, Christian Marriage (Introduction and Outline), A Service of Christian Marriage Marriage Between a Man and Woman, A Service of Christian Marriage Marriage Between Two Adults, Ministry to Persons Who are Sick or Confined (Introduction and Scripture Resources), Holy Communion with Persons Who are Sick or Confined, Anointing and the Laying on of Hands: A Rite for Wholeness and Healing, Candidates for Ministry: A Service to Receive Under Care, Certification of Candidates for Ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacraments, Minister of Word and Sacraments: Ordination and Induction, Minister of Word and Sacraments: A Service of Induction, Order of Diaconal Ministries: Service of Designation, Order of Diaconal Ministries: A Service of Installation, Chaplain in A Public Institution: A Service of Recognition, Partners in Mission: A Service of Commissioning, The Constitution of a Congregation: A Service of Thanksgiving, Great Prayer of Thanksgiving Book of Common Worship, Great Prayer of Thanksgiving PCC Hymnbook, Great Prayer of Thanksgiving World Communion, Great Prayer of Thanksgiving 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women, Celebrating Communion Instructed Eucharist Worship Service, Children at the Table: Joyful Feast in Gods Household, Children at the Table: Children of the Covenant, Children at the Table: Jesus Welcomes You, Click here to access resources for Advent & Christmas, Click here to access resources for Lent, Holy Week & Easter, WMS Mission Awareness Sunday Worship Resource, WMS Mission Awareness Sunday Childrens Story, AMS Mission Awareness Sunday Worship Resource, Church Family Service for Pentecost & Christian Family Sunday, Ten Thanksgiving Faith Formation Activities for Families, Faithful Families: Gratitude Caf Practice, Autumn Invitation into Community Life for Newcomers, The PCCs mission and ministry is funded by Presbyterians Sharing, Alternative Texts for The Word and Holy Communion, Ministry to Persons Who are Sick or Confined. May the loving power of God, We are an Easter people! New congregations that worship in a variety of languages and worship styles, Global ministry partners who work for justice, reconciliation and peace, Colleges, universities and theological institutions that nurture Christian leaders who are transforming church, society and the world, Collaborative response in the wake of disaster, support for congregational service ministries that serve hungry neighbors. These materials have been jointly produced between the Center for Faith and Giving and the United Church of Christ. This resource addresses the pastoral issue of how to minister to grieving families in times when in-person gatherings and gestures of comfort are not possible. Rev-o-lution Worship Resources ~ Rev. Jesus Christ is alive and beside us today. God of mercy, you wash away our sins in water, you give us a new birth in the Spirit, and redeem us in the blood of Christ. Later, the disciples will learn that this new beloved community is made up of all of Gods people, Jew and Gentile and everyone. Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48. 631-660, offers sample prayers and other worship resources for each act of worship for Easter and Eastertide, including the Call to Worship, Opening Responses, Confession and Assurance, Prayers for Illumination, the Lord's Supper, and Blessing/Benediction. Christ Among UsService Prayers for the Third Sunday of EasterApril 18, 2021, Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48. Worship Developed by Bet Hannon Business Websites, Ministries Supported by Disciples Mission Fund, 2022 Easter Offering Call to Worship Green Chalice, 2022 Easter Offering Offering Prayer Disciples Women, Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries (Obra Hispana), Division of Overseas Ministries (Global Ministries), Higher Education and Leadership Ministries, Office of the General Minister and President, Please give generously to this years Easter Offering, Imagine with Me: Arts Engagement at General Assembly, OGMP announces search for Vice President and Chief of Staff, OGMP announces Director of Proclamation Project, 2023 Bulletin Insert Black and White Back (, Opportunities for clergy to gather in prayer, Resources for mental health and trauma care. As your branches, we ask you to nourish us for continued growth.May you transform our hearts and mindsas we hear your Word, sing your praises, and engage in holy dialogue through prayer. Refuge. Paul is writing to the church in Corinth that has suffered deep division within itself and calling for reconciliation. It is free for worship use. This is a paid publication. to see your life and the world. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Those who are foolish and wicked are like chaff blown about in the wind and will not stand in the congregation of the faithful. Then we remember, and then we rejoice. It might be big and loud and lots of extra musicians and dancers and dramatic readers. Matthias was chosen to be added to the disciples to be among the twelve (and Matthias is not mentioned elsewhere in the scriptures). While a pastor or worship leader may issue the call to worship, it's actually a call from God to his people, as Michael Goheen says in his . View PDF|Download, Ways to Be a Caring Church Community In this version in Acts, the author of Luke begins with a similar . Join in prayer with people across the country and celebrate the mission and ministry we are doing together in Canada and around the world using the daily prayers, weekly Mission Moments and monthly Social Action Spotlights featured in the Prayer Partnership. Jesus prays that they would be one, as he is one with God. The whole earth has seen the salvation of our God! The testimony is this: God has given us eternal life that is found in Jesus. But we can't forget that Jesus' command in Matthew 5:13 is plural: we can only be salt of the world when we act alongside our Christian siblings. Copyright 2021 Justice and Local Church Ministries, Faith INFO Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. We look for our Sustainer among the living. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Lindenwood Christian Church Saturday Evening Easter Worship. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Worship Resources for May 16th, 2021Ascension Sunday, Seventh Sunday of Easter. Salvation comes to the people through the forgiveness of their sins, and they will be guided into the way of peace. enough employment, or money to pay their bills; enough medicine or medical care. We pray for the nations of the earth for those in authority, and for those under authority.Come from the four winds, O Breath of Life,and we shall live together in peace. Privacy Statement. Epiphany Call to the Light. God lifts us up from mud and mire.Many:Were here to say and sing and shout our praise!One:God gives us a new song to sing. You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. Come, worship our God together, Christ is the head of the church, which is his body, and the fullness of Christ is known through the church. In other words, Jesus has told them what is to happen soon, the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and they are to go to the ends of the earthnot stuck, staring up at nothing. . Blessing and Dismissal for Easter Sunday/Season by Julia Seymour. All Voices: Christ is risen indeed! God of Life, we are in awe of what You are doing in all of creation and in us. Consider a collective response at the end of each bidding prayer.o A caution regarding prayers of the People online: Folks gathered in-person often recount a lot of detail in their prayers concerning other members or family (Elderly Name, living alone, experiencing isolation In a private, in-person gathering, this information may be safe, but online, it can expose vulnerable people to harm, since we cant control who will join the gathering or access it later online. L: Welcome today! This resource brings together key learnings from this training and provides practical exercises in the form of a workshop that can be used as a springboard for your own congregations evangelism initiatives. Palm Sunday Prayer and Call to Worship Ideas. Prayer of Brokenness/Confession Lent Sample: Try a free sample of the Call to Worship Lectionary Aids for Lent 2022. As it is written in the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, that Two are better than one, because if they fall, one will lift up the other; but for the one who is alone and falls, there is not another to lift that person up. So, let our offering lift up one another in Gods love that abides in times of sadness, loss and grief. We are an Easter people! Cleveland, Ohio 44114. You are loved by God. SCRIPTURE, SERMON, PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLENotes for the worship planners in 2021: Consider a simple message or even an interactive Bible Study that engages people with the Easter Scriptures for today.Narrative Context:Jesus teaches about Gods cultivating garden of love that grows within, and among us all. Palm Sunday Sermon Rev. Life's Journey. Apr. We come with ears tuned to hear the angel proclamation: Christ is not here, for he is risen. Discipleship Ministries is an agency of The United Methodist Church 2023 Discipleship Ministries. These comprehensive worship planners include scripture readings, music, call to worship, prayers, a reflection and Mission Moment. Worship. (pause for names) . Sunday Morning Worship - September 12th, 2021 Words of Welcome Rev. Jesus tells them it is not for them to know, but they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and be witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Assurance of PardonO God, hear our prayers of repentance and forgiveness,and awaken us from doubt, disbelief, and distressby transforming us into your resurrection joy!God, we desire for your loving spiritto be among us, to comfort us in our fears,and to renew our faith. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We look for our Redeemer among the living. Encourage us to live into hope instead of frozen in fear. As Jesus strips away the notion that they are alone. We rejoice that we are a resurrection people, and that there is nothing, not even death, that can separate us from Your love. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. We are perplexed. function googleTranslateElementInit() { Reposted: Lent Sample: Try a free sample of the Call to Worship Lectionary Aids for Lent 2022.. Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Jesus Christ is alive and among us today. Follow. Rest . . Personal Finance A Self Guided Workshop, Documentation, Contributions, and the IRS, Laudato Si Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis on the Environment, Being a Stewardship Leader in the Age of Covid, Stewardship In A Time of Crisis Annual Campaigns, Finance Team Job Description (Including Confidentiality Statements), Stewardship Webinar: How to Strengthen Stewardship in Your Congregation, The Right Stuff Changing Your Stewardship Culture, Stewardship In a Time of Crisis Masks and Money, Stewardship in a Time of Crisis: The Government and Free Money, Stewardship in a Time of Crisis: Best Practices for the Invitation to the Offering in a Streaming Environment, When Your Church Closes Your Ministry Doesnt Have To End, Handbook for Treasurers (Spanish Language), The United Christian Church Office of Stewardship and Philanthropy, Imagine with Me: Arts Engagement at General Assembly, OGMP announces search for Vice President and Chief of Staff, OGMP announces Director of Proclamation Project, Disciples Seminary Foundation seeks Executive Director, General Minister and President responds to the tragedy in Syria and Turkey. It is a day to accept more than a day to explain. . View PDF|Download, Opening Your Doors to People with Diverse Abilities Search for that light, that hope on this day. Breathe out. For the Prayers of the People, you might use a bidding prayer (God, we pray today for those who are sick, including .) and encourage folk to type in their prayers using Zoom chat or Facebook Live; allow for more time in silence for those prayers to be typed and read. Zoom is one of the most commonly used platforms for video conferencing and webinars. Jesus prays for his disciples in John 17:6-19. CALLS TO WORSHIP. Marks account of the resurrection, according to scholars, is the earliest, and its also the shortest. As chapter 24:37-39, reveals the immortal Risen Christ to disciples, to comfort their fear-filled hearts. The conflicts at play arise as the Risen Christ appears unexpectedly to the disciples. We are an Easter people Your email address will not be published. This resource provides clarification and guidance on the process and practice of communion via virtual media and technology. This is a bi-monthly email where youll receive the highest quality resources to support your disciple-making process. Sunday Morning Worship - September 12th, 2021Words of WelcomeRev. Amen. Gods testimony is greater than human testimony. Christ, we come to the empty tomb,we see our own death,we see our own tomb, we see our own emptiness.And we remember how we have treated other peoplemembers of our family, friends and neighbors. Sink into that knowledge, and allow Gods wisdom and insight to fill your mind so that you might live into faith. Amen. Graphics for use on bulletins, notices, newsletters, etc. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Peter saw the empty tomb and the linen wrappings, but the other disciple saw after him and believed. The Rev. For more Calls to Worship for Easter, see also Easter Call to Worship II, Easter Call to Worship / Prayer Litany, and U 2 Easter Call to . As God calls forth a transformative love that marks a change in the ways of repentance, forgiveness, in witnessing the Good News of salvation for everyone, everywhere. we come in the bright light of this Easter morning. Tune in for music that will focus your mind on Jesus and celebrate the day that HE is RISEN. Belief in Jesus is what is required, and Jesus requires us to go and share the good news, Gods love for the world, with all; for Christ is at work in us now. View staff by program area to ask for additional assistance. Note: New downloads will be hosted through the PC(USA) Store, not . We look for our Creator among the living. View PDF|Download, Joining the Joyful Feast: From Food Ministry to Worship Search . and lead us to join the saints in heaven, where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen and Amen. "Rubrics" for virtual services will be noted in red; take and adapt as you need! Second Sunday in Lent, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes, Learning to Live Inside Out We pray for those who are sick or suffering for anyone who needs extra help just now.We pray especially for those named here today,aloud and in our hearts . In the name of the risen Christ, who broke open the tomb, we pray. God both avenges wrong-doing, and forgives.People:We [], Worship Resources forthe Center for Faith and Giving New for 2023Because of YOU, Our Church Changes Lives, annual campaign and stewardship materials are now available through our partners at the United Church of Christ. Special Days and Programmatic Emphases of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Confession of Belhar Worship Resources. Special occasion bulletins are also available for baptisms, weddings, ordinations and funerals. Peter declares that they need someone to replace Judas. All Rights Reserved, Terms of Use Privacy Policy Cookie Policy,,,, The Pilgrim Press & Stillspeaking Publications, The Faith Education, Innovation and Formation (Faith INFO)Team, Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA), The Pollinator: UCC Environmental Justice Blog, Subscriptions at the United Church of Christ, General Synod 2021 Thursday in Black Offering, General Synod 2021 Racial Justice Offering, Local Church and Conference Resource Directory. The Sun is rising in the East; the shadowed grays turn bright! Contact Us | Login. Renewal. Invitation to OfferingToday, we are reminded of the joy surrounding the witnesses to Jesus resurrection! Amen. Support our siblings affected by disaster, hunger and oppression through One Great Hour of Sharing. How else will we be able to see our need for the Resurrected Savior in our midst?Crying is welcome here. It does not matter who you are, God called believers to proclaim the good news in Jesus Christ, not in any human authority. Comments. CALL TO WORSHIPLeader should speak the lines of the people, along with the Leaders lines.One: As we gather, may we open our hearts to receive newness of life.All: Out loud but mutedWe come with hope for renewal.One: In our time of worship, may we be inspired by Gods wisdom.All: Out loud but mutedWe come seeking to learn and to draw closer to God.One: Come, let us worship, as the beloved children of God. Scripture Readings: Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8. that nothing can change your situation. Visionary leadership that calls the us to imagine new waysof being church. Terri Hord Owens offers a reflection and words of institution to use in worship Easter Sunday . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. View PDF|Download, Korean Translations and Resources. We wonder where You are leading us, as it seems we are alone. Fostering Engagement and Connection in Online Church Gatherings Text: Book of Hours, 1514. His great love is the diversity and inspiration of God's creative nature in worship. All of these materials are available in print/download or download only formats through the PC(USA) Store. Look where our Lenten journey has brought us! Amen. Throughout the Easter season, the Hebrew scripture selection is often replaced with a reading from Acts in the Revised Common Lectionary. Our wounds are deep,we have turned away from that man,we have broken with himand seek his fellowship. How then do we see the natural world of Gods . Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year A, Home Psalm 47 is a song calling the congregation to praise God. Christ is Risen: The tombs of the dead are empty PCC Sunday worship bulletin covers are available for each Sunday. P: We walked the seashore and the hills with Jesus; we went to the upper room and to the Garden of Sorrows, we stood at the cross and hid in a room out of our fear. Justice. Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:25-31 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8. You may also use our powerful search engine to find other resources not listed here. bear on human life. . Creator God, you cradle us with your sanctifying spirit. That moment before we recognize that its a surprise party and the lights have been turned on. With joy and exultation,we give thanks for the triumph of life over death,offering special thanks for those joys, sorrows,challenges and delights named here today,aloud and in our hearts . 10. Apr. And we remember that nestled within the great mystery of the Resurrection is a great light. On that day, death will be swallowed up forever, and there will be no more grief and sorrow, for God is their salvation. It might be something radically different or familiar and loved traditions wrapping the worshipers in comfort and welcome. 1. Roger is the author of The Cross Examen, a book that finds nodes of connection between rich spiritual reflection and profound engagement in public life. | Already a subscriber? (2020-2021) Year C (2021-2022) Blog; Subscribe; My Account; Login; Select Page. Sheila Harvey Guillaume, pastor of Union Congregational United Church of Christ in West Palm Beach. Being a church that visitors will want to return to is about being like Jesus. . View PDF | Download, Suggestions to Enhance Zoom Meeting Experience Podcasts. As we confess the times when we did nottend to our own needs, and denied ourselves of your forgiveness and grace.In our failures, we have refused your invitation to grow closer to you.All: Out loud but mutedIn our confession, O God, we pray your abiding lovebe shown through the ways we love more fully. Of course, we dont know at this time what restrictions will still be in place in April 2021. Pentecost. .We are amazed at what has happened. This resource provides guidance to help facilitate smooth and secure online meetings via Zoom. However, even Paul was called to proclaim the good news by the grace of God. Isaiah 55:1-3, 6-7 (NIV) Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come . We begin with Peters confession to the Roman centurion Cornelius, as Peter understands that Jesus came for all people, Jewish and Gentile. Post author By Rev Mindi; Post date March 25, 2021; Categories In Worship Resources; . Your gifts help the Center for Faith and Giving continue to provide resources for you and your congregation. Amen. They saw two men in dazzling clothes, who asked them why they looked for the living among the dead. The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a denominational partner with Evangelism Connections, an ecumenical group of Christians who strive to frame evangelism, hospitality and church vitality in a 21st-century context and provide shared resources. Ever blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection, for having endured the Cross for us, He has destroyed death by death.". We look for our Gardener among the living. Rubrics for virtual services will be noted in red; take and adapt as you need! The United & Presbyterian Campus Ministry team that serves three post-secondary institutions in Calgary shares best practices that can be applied by congregations wanting to connect more fully with people and communities outside of the church. If you like these materials, consider subscribing to Call to Worship today: print/download or download only. . In this version in Acts, the author of Luke begins with a similar introduction to the Gospel in his name, speaking of Jesus appearances after the resurrection, in which Jesus presented many convincing proofs and stayed with the disciples for 40 days. . Let Love be Genuine - Call to Worship. Most relevant . And by glorifying God, we will become transformed. In this psalm, God also rules over creation, and God is greater than the roaring floodwaters. Required fields are marked *. We go with God. ASSURANCE OF PARDONO God, hear your beloved communityas we repent and pray for your forgiveness. Acts 1:1-11 contains the first of Lukes account of Jesus ascension (the first is the gospel lesson, Luke 24:44-53). 25 Prayers for Easter. She told Peter and the disciple that Jesus loved, and they both ran to the tomb. Let the people say, Take in the togetherness. We've come to visit the grave of a friend, but "he is not here.". Holy Lent, Earthly Lent: Worshiping in Season. To his own son, Zechariah sings that he will be the prophet of the Most High, the one who goes before the Messiah to prepare the way. God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in my eyes, and in my looking; God be in my mouth, and in my speaking; God be in my heart, and in my thinking; God be at my end, and at my departing. Humor. God watches over those who live into Gods ways; the foolish will fall away. On this morning we remember. We encourage you to embrace your body and we invite you to use your body to give God a hand clap of praise, to sing, to jump around, to dance, to celebrate. Pauls argument is that faith is what makes a believer part of Gods family. Order of worship Easter Sunday. 1. The Presbyterian Church in Canada 1 (800) 619-7301 or 1 (416) 441-1111. As with Palm Sunday, the psalm reading is from 118, overlapping a bit with last weeks reading with verses 1-2 and 14-24. COLOR: White SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:19-26; John 20:1-18 (or Luke 24:1-12) CALLS TO WORSHIP Call to Worship #1. The Lectionary Aids issue for Year C (20212022) is available in print/download and download only formats through the links above.