public storage inbound sales agent reviews

public storage inbound sales agent reviews

Upside flexibility can affect three possible areas: direct labor availability, internal manufacturing capacity, and key components or material availability. Customs Clearance: The act of obtaining permission to import merchandise from another country into the importing nation. INCOTERMS: International terms of sale developed by the International Chamber of Commerce to define sellers' and buyers' responsibilities. They are the waste of overproduction, waste of waiting, waste of transportation, waste of stocks, waste of motion, waste of making defects, and waste of the processing itself. Haulage: The inland transport service which is offered by the carrier under the terms and conditions of the tariff and of the relative transport document. Extranet: A computer term describing a private network (or a secured link on the public Internet) that links separate organizations and uses the same software and protocols as the Internet. Although frequently stated in different terms (dollars versus units), these tactical plans should agree with each other and with the business plan. Mileage Allowance: An allowance, based upon distance, that railroads give to shippers using private railcars. Complete Manufacture to Ship Time: Average time from when a unit is declared shippable by manufacturing until the unit actually ships to a customer. Marine Cargo Insurance - FPA (Free of Particular Average): A provision in a marine cargo insurance policy that no claim shall be paid for damage to goods in the course of a voyage unless a loss is sustained that totals or exceeds a certain percentage of the value as specified in the policy. Receiving: The function encompassing the physical receipt of material, the inspection of the shipment for conformance with the purchase order (quantity and damage), the identification and delivery to destination, and the preparation of receiving reports. Local Rate: A rate published between two points served by one carrier. Quality control information is also gathered - a laboratory information management system may be part of this configuration to tie process conditions to the quality data that are generated. Demand Pull: The triggering of material movement to a work center only when that work center is ready to begin the next job. Outsourced cost-of-goods sold captures the value of all outsourced activities that roll up as cost-of-goods sold. Synonym: Allocation Costing. Distribution Planning: The planning activities associated with transportation, warehousing, inventory levels, materials handling, order administration, site and location planning, industrial packaging, data processing, and communications networks to support distribution. EDI Standards: Criteria that define the data content and format requirements for specific business transactions (e.g., purchase orders). Barge: The cargo-carrying vehicle which may or may not have its own propulsion mechanism for the purpose of transporting goods. Voice Activated: Systems which guide users such as warehouse personnel via voice commands. A list of financial and operational measurements used to evaluate organizational or supply chain performance. Performance and Event Management Systems: The systems that report on the key measurements in the supply chain - inventory days of supply, delivery performance, order cycle times, capacity use, etc. Just-in-Time Logistics (or Quick Response): The process of minimizing the times required to source, handle, produce, transport, and deliver products in order to meet customer requirements. Export License: A document secured from a government authorizing an exporter to export a specific quantity of a controlled commodity to a certain country. These can be different for each document type and must, therefore, be captured and related to the document in which they were used. Resource requirements are compared to resources available and capacity issues are identified and managed. Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP-II): A method for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing company. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): A non-profit organization chartered to develop, maintain, and promulgate voluntary US national standards in a number of areas, especially with regards to setting EDI standards. Ocean Bill of Lading: The bill of lading issued by the ocean carrier to its customer. They are required to file tariffs with the Federal Maritime Commission and are subject to the same laws and statutes that apply to primary common carriers. Third Party Logistics Provider (3PL): A firm which provides multiple logistics services for use by customers. Smart IP&O, hosted on Amazon Web Services, is a Digital Supply Chain Platform driving three applications: demand planning, inventory optimization, and dashboard reporting. Channel Conflict: This occurs when various sales channels within a company's supply chain compete with each other for the same business. Exclusive Patronage Agreements: A shipper agrees to use only a conference's member liner firms in return for a 10 to 15 percent rate reduction. Includes development and implementation costs. The budget is part of an organization's activity-based planning process and can be used in evaluating its success in setting and pursuing strategic goals. ISO: See International Standards Organization (ISO). Primarily used by Inland water carriers, basic barges have open tops, but there are covered barges for both dry and liquid cargoes. Ideally, a dashboard/scorecard should be cross functional in nature and include both financial and non-financial measures. Request for Information (RFI): A document used to solicit information about vendors, products, and services prior to a formal RFQ/RFP process. Calculation: Total Product Revenue-External Direct Material/[FTEs]. A message begins with a message header segment, which identifies the start of the message (e.g., the series of characters representing one purchase order). An example would be a quantity of finished product output from manufacturing processes. Cooperative Associations: Groups of firms or individuals having common interests; agricultural cooperative associations may haul up to 25 percent of their total interstate non-farm, nonmember goods tonnage in movements incidental and necessary to their primary business. Flow-Through Distribution: A process in a distribution center in which products from multiple locations are brought in to the D.C. and are re-sorted by delivery destination and shipped in the same day. Container on Flat Car (COFC): A container that is transported on a rail flatcar. Cross Shipment: Material flow activity where materials are shipped to customers from a secondary shipping point rather than from a preferred shipping point. X.400 has become the standard for e-mail exchange. Dedicated Contract Carriage: A third party service that dedicates equipment (vehicles) and drivers to a single customer for its exclusive use on a contractual basis. Order Entry and Scheduling: The process of receiving orders from the customer and entering them into a company's order processing system. CAPSTAN: Computer-Aided Planned Stowage and Networking system. It is usually set up so that A items are counted regularly (i.e., every month), B items are counted semi-regularly (every quarter or six months), and C Items are counted perhaps only once a year. Container Yard to Container Yard (CY/CY): A type of steamship-line service in which freight is transported from origin container yard to destination container yard. Line Functions: The decision-making areas companies associate with daily operations. Public Storage is now hiring agents to receive inbound calls from customers to recommend appropriate storage units. See Cross Docking. A complete order must be complete to be considered fulfilled. (2) A term used to describe the process of making (usually) significant and major revisions or modifications to business processes. Intermodal Container Transfer Facility: A facility where cargo is transferred from one mode of transportation to another, usually from ship or truck to rail. Bar codes are a series of alternating bars and spaces printed or stamped on products, labels, or other media, representing encoded information which can be read by electronic readers called bar. Customs Invoice: A document that contains a declaration by the seller, the shipper, or the agent as to the value of the shipment. From absentee owner businesses to established high cash flow businesses, find an established business in … b) quality of design - quality is measured by the degree of customer satisfaction with a product's characteristics and features. Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF): A surcharge imposed by a carrier on ocean freight charges to offset foreign currency fluctuations. Our inventory management, equipment tracking, time management, and reporting boosts your bottom line. Lessee: A person or firm to whom a lessor grants a lease. Country of Destination: The country that will be the ultimate or final destination for goods. Private Label: Products that are designed, produced, controlled by, and which carry the name of the store or a name owned by the store; also known as a store brand or dealer brand. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES): Programs and systems that participate in shop-floor control, including programmed logic controllers and process control computers for direct and supervisory control of manufacturing equipment; process information systems that gather historical performance information, then generate reports; graphical displays; and alarms that inform operations personnel what is going on in the plant currently and a short history into the past. The definition is important for EDI service operators who must interpret invoices and other documents. Best in Class: An organization, usually within a specific industry, recognized for excellence in a specific process area. Private Trucking Fleets: Private fleets serve the needs of their owners, and do not ordinarily offer commercial trucking services to other customers. EDIA: See Electronic Data Interchange Association (EDIA). Also known as an order bill of lading. Costs for any outsourced IT activities should be included. Configuration: The arrangement of components as specified to produce an assembly. Pro Number: Any progressive or serialized number applied for identification of freight bills, bills of lading, etc. By eliminating the put-away, storage, and selection operations, it can significantly reduce distribution costs. Web Services: A computer term for information processing services that are delivered by third parties using Internet Portals. Derived demand: The demand for a product's transportation is derived from the product's demand at some location. Waterway Use Tax: A per-gallon tax assessed barge carriers for waterway. Also known as a "cross-dock" process in the transportation business. Loading Allowance: A reduced rate that carriers offer to shippers and/or consignees who load and/or unload LTL or Any Quantity shipments. GTIN is the globally-unique EAN.UCC System identification number, or key, used for trade items (products and services). It is built upon the Behavior Change Cycle methodology — helping coaches measure key behaviors, snap right to the most coachable moments in each call, build trust with reps through frequent and objective coaching, and drive better customer conversations. Intermediate Destination: A stopping point for a shipment prior to the final destination. Multiple-Car Rate: A railroad rate that is lower for shipping more than one carload at a time. eRep goes beyond traditional CPQ by incorporating selection software and quote-specific product document generation - including technical drawings - making it an ideal choice for manufacturers! Waste production can usually be planned and controlled. Returns Inventory Costs: The costs associated with managing inventory returned for any of the following reasons: repair, refurbish, excess, obsolescence, end of life, ecological conformance, and demonstration. 1. Also see: American National Standards Institute. Antonym: Last In First Out. An example of spot demand would be when there's a spiked demand for building materials as a result of a hurricane. Note: Accurate assignment of IT-related cost is challenging. Run your home service business more smoothly with Housecall Pro. DISA: *See Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA). The default home-page name for a server depends on the server's configuration. CRM: See Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) Expenses: Includes marketing, communication, customer service, sales, salaries and commissions, occupancy expenses, unallocated overhead, etc. As a further illustration: consider a computer company that allows customers to configure a complete computer from a selection of standard components. Weight Unit Qualifier: The unit of measure that the user wants to see for weight. Wave Picking: A method of selecting and sequencing picking lists to minimize the waiting time of the delivered material. SCEM: *See Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM). Machine Downtimes: Time during which a machine cannot be utilized. * Standardize - establish schedules and methods of performing the cleaning and sorting. Portals commonly provide services such as e-mail, online chat forums, shopping, searching, content, and news feeds. Proportional Rate: A rate lower than the regular rate for shipments that have prior or subsequent moves; used to overcome combination rates' competitive disadvantages. Once this planning phase is complete and the plans have been accepted as realistic and attainable, the execution processes come into play. Used for improving supply chain management. Service Parts Revenue: The sum of the value of sales made to external customers and the transfer price valuation of sales within the company of repair or replacement parts and supplies, net of all discounts, coupons, allowances, and rebates. Assembly: A group of subassemblies and/or parts that are put together and constitute a major subdivision for the final product. This cycle time may typically be required to support activities like material movement and line changeovers. Abnormal Demand: Demand in any period that is outside the limits established by management policy. Includes all applicable elements of the Level 2 components material acquisition cost (acquiring materials for repairs), supply chain-related finance and planning costs, and supply chain management cost. Multi-Language: Pertaining to the ability to process orders in many different country-specific languages using voice and text. For example, assume demand is 10,000 units per month, or 500 units per day, and planned available capacity is 420 minutes per day. Synonym: Stock chase. When price is used to allocate product, it's allocated to those willing to pay the most. Sustaining Activity: An activity that benefits an organizational unit as a whole, but not any specific cost object. Also known as Ishikawa or fish bone diagram. Customer Interaction Center: See Call Center. FOB: A term of sale defining who is to incur transportation charges for the shipment, who is to control the shipment movement, or where title to the goods passes to the buyer; originally meant "free on board ship." CY/CY: See Container Yard to Container Yard (CY/CY). Examples of ERP systems are the application suites from SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and others. Consular Documents: Special forms signed by the consul of a country to which cargo is destined. Regarding manufacturing orders, order management includes order release, routing, manufacture, monitoring, and receipt into stores or finished goods inventories. The company must maintain this area in accordance with government safety regulations. APS describes any computer program that uses advanced mathmatical algorithms or logic to perform optimization or simulation on finite capacity scheduling, sourcing, capital planning, resource planning, forecasting, demand management, and others. Customization: Creating a product from existing components into an individual order. An example would be a power cord for a computer. 5. Transportation Mode: The method of transportation: land, sea, or air shipment. Payment: The transfer of money, or other agreed upon medium, for provision of goods or services. Vertical Hub/Vertical Portal: Serving one specific industry. Purchasing: The functions associated with buying the goods and services the firm requires. Equip your business. Usually used for less-than-container load shipments. Outpartnering is typically found during the early stages of product life cycle when dealing with products that are viewed as critical to the strategic survival of the firm. Offering a range of solutions like feed management, marketplace integration, seller/vendor onboarding and product content syndication, Productsup helps brands and retailers validate, structure and enrich their product content for thousands of retail and digital channels, including Amazon, Walmart, Google, and Facebook. Care must be taken in evaluating the nature of the demand: Is it a volume change, is it a change in product mix, or is it related to the timing of the order? Customs Automated Data Exchange System (CADEX): A Canada Customs system that allows for the electronic transmission of import data for goods that have already been released. Cost Allocation: In accounting, the assignment of costs that cannot be directly related to production activities via more measurable means, e.g., assigning corporate expenses to different products via direct labor costs or hours. Self Correcting: A computer term for an online process that validates data and won't allow the data to enter the system unless all errors are corrected. Routing Accuracy: When specified activities conform to administrative specifications, and specified resource consumptions (both man and machine) are detailed according to administrative specifications and are within 10% of actual requirements. This early release is required because of long lead times. Unit cost measurement must be used with caution as it may not always be practical or relevant in all aspects of cost management. Shipper-Carriers: Shipper-carriers (also called private carriers) are companies with goods to be shipped that own or manage their own vehicle fleets. ABI: *See Automated Broker Interface (ABI). This does not include indirect resources like material handlers who move and stage product, and mechanical and electrical technicians who maintain equipment. Operationally, inventory turns are measured as total throughput divided by average level of inventory for a given period. Once we identify a signal, we go through a sophisticated mapping process to understand who these prospects are and where they work to determine if the signal is relevant. Also called operating profit. Enveloping: an EDI management software function that groups all documents of the same type, or functioal group, and bound for the same destination into an electronic envelope. Common Carrier Duties: Common carriers must serve, deliver, charge reasonable rates, and not discriminate. Dunnage: The packing material used to protect a product from damage during transport. Cycle Time to Process Obsolete and End-of-Life Product Returns for Disposal: The total time to process goods returned as obsolete and end of life to actual disposal. CSR: See Customer Service Representative (CSR). 2) A by-product of a process or task with unique characteristics requiring special management control. Bundle: A group of products that are shipped together as an unassembled unit. SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers. National Carrier: A for-hire certificated air carrier that has annual operating revenues of $75 million to $1 billion; the carrier usually operates between major population centers and areas of lesser population. Class 1 Railroad: A line haul freight railroad of US ownership with operating revenue in excess of $272.0 million. It allows the recipient to quickly find the item he or she is looking for without a broad search of all packages. Blanket Order: See Blanket Purchase Order. Break Bulk Cargo: Cargo that is shipped as a unit or package (for example: palletized cargo, boxed cargo, large machinery, trucks) but is not containerized. Because of the arbitrary nature of allocations, costs based on cost causal assignment are viewed as more relevant for management decision-making. Supply Chain Integration (SCI): Likely to become a key competitive advantage of selected e-marketplaces. Supplier Quality Engineering: The costs associated with the determination, development/certification, and monitoring of suppliers' capabilities to fully satisfy the applicable quality and regulatory requirements. * Sort - get rid of clutter; separate out what is needed for the operations. Market Dominance: The absence of effective competition for railroads from other carriers and modes for the traffic to which the rail rate applies. E-commerce initiatives. Conference: A group of vessel operators joined for the purpose of establishing freight rates. Synonym: Purchasing. Fulfillment includes order management, picking, packaging, and shipping. 1) In just in time, any activity that does not add value to the good or service in the eyes of the consumer. Viral Marketing: The concept of embedding advertising into web portals and pop ups, and as e-mail attachments to spread the word about products or services that the target audience may not otherwise have been interested in. Import: Movement of products from one country into another. 1 ... storage, transport, value added services, import and export services and so on. Co-Packer: A contract co-packer produces goods and/or services for other companies, usually under the other company's label or name. ANSI is the US representative to the International Standards Organization (ISO). Logistics Management as defined by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP): Logistics management is that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): A manufacturer that buys and incorporates another supplier's products into its own products. Regarding purchase orders, order management includes order placement, monitoring, receiving, acceptance, and payment of supplier. Activity Dictionary:A listing and description of activities that provides a common/standard definition of activities across the organization. Inherent Advantage: The cost and service benefits of one mode compared with other modes. Opposite of downstream. Accountability: Being answerable for, but not necessarily personally charged with, doing specific work. Dumping: When a product is sold below cost in a foreign market and/or when a product is sold at a lower price in the foreign market than in a domestic market, with the intention of driving out competition in the foreign market. Usually this posting is something that has nothing to do with the particular topic of a newsgroup or of no real interest to the person on the mailing list. Exporter Identification Number (EIN): A number required for the exporter on the Shipper's Export Declaration. Make to Stock (Manufacture to Stock): A manufacturing process strategy where finished product is continually held in plant or warehouse inventory to fulfill expected incoming orders or releases based on a forecast. Duty Free Zone (DFZ): An area where goods or cargo can be stored without paying import customs duties while awaiting manufacturing or future transport. These activities encompass the functions of transportation, warehousing, inventory control, material handling, order administration, site and location analysis, industrial packaging, data processing, and the communications network necessary for effective management. Curious? This distinction is important when comparing web sites that are B2B as the entire business model, strategy, execution, and fulfillment is different. Order Picking: Assembling a customer's order from items in storage. Total Cost Curve: 1) In cost-volume-profit (break-even) analysis, the total cost curve is composed of total fixed and variable costs per unit multiplied by the number of units provided. Serial numbers are usually applied by the manufacturer but can be applied at other points by the distributor or wholesaler. Supply Chain-Related Finance and Planning Cost Element: One of the elements comprising a company's total supply chain management costs. 2) A method of measuring random samples of lots or batches of products against predetermined standards. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This refers to information systems that help sales and marketing functions as opposed to the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), which is for back-end integration. Provides the ocean carrier with verification of receipt and the delivering carrier with proof of delivery. Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT): A measure of a company's earning power from ongoing operations, equal to earnings (revenues minus cost of sales, operating expenses, and taxes) before deduction of interest payments and income taxes. Inventory Carrying Cost: One of the elements comprising a company's total supply chain management costs. Attributes: A label used to provide additional classification or information about a resource, activity, or cost object. Supplier: 2) The value of the test statistic that divides all possible values into acceptance and rejection regions. it provides protection for all of an exporter's shipments afloat or in transit within a specified geographical trade area for an unlimited period of time, until the policy is cancelled by the insured or by the insurance company. 1. CFS/CFS: See Container Freight Station to Container Freight Station (CFS/CFS). Hierarchy of Cost Assignability: In cost accounting, an approach to group activity costs at the level of an organization where they are incurred, or can be directly related to. Inventory Management: The process of ensuring the availability of products through inventory administration. The supplier implements quality assurance processes so that incoming inspection can be minimized. Credit Level: The amount of purchasing credit a customer has available. Fixed Overhead: Traditionally, all manufacturing costs, other than direct labor and direct materials, that continue even if products are not produced. Export Compliance: Complying with rules for exporting products, including packaging, labeling, and documentation. Freight Prepaid: The freight and charges to be paid by the consignor. 6. With the virtual corporation, the capabilities and systems of the firm are managed with those of the suppliers, resulting in a new type of corporation where the boundaries between the suppliers' systems and those of the firm seem to disappear. This is the opposite of an integrated structure. Find the Saint Louis, MO business opportunity that's right for you on BizBuySell. we lost a $700 project and SEO and affiliate commissions from Christmas sales. CAPEX: A term used to describe the monetary requirements (CAPital EXpenditure) of an initial investment in new machines or equipment. The 1980 Motor Carrier Act deregulated interstate commercial trucking, thereby allowing carriers to contract for the return trip. Agents and brokers generally receive a fee or commission and do not take title, control, or risk concerning … Load Tender (Pick-Up Request): An offer of cargo for transport by a shipper. Item master definition and control. Synonym: Assignment. Data Warehouse: A repository of data that has been specially prepared to support decision-making applications. Program for organizing work areas electronic systems considered to be paid by the receiving partners Paper into and. Passenger rail service requiring shipper to determine how an organization that is tied to performance,. Correlated with organizational performance measurements times affect the control parameters that are readily handled, are.. Using calculations that may provide service between an order is shipped or services for other variables ' costs throw! 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