resident evil 4 walkthrough

resident evil 4 walkthrough

Upgrade, save your game, use the target practice range, etcetera. There are three turrets here, two elevated on either side, and one down on the lower level near the gate. You can't cross back across the lake, but hey - would you even want to? Whether the ganados are killed by yourself or Leon, though, they'll still drop gold, meaning that you'll probably have to run around the table here to pick it all up every once in a while before returning to your position. Despite initially ambushing and overpowering Leon—even twisting the door handles to prevent the latter'… Sell: 2000 PTAS Velvet Blue 1. The basic plan is to run to the control panel, use it to flick the ball into the wall, then run out of the control room and circle the lava pit before returning and repeating the action. It's frontal attacks are even more devestating, but these have the benefit of at least being a bit more avoidable. If you're willing to keep leaving and re-entering the zone, you should be able to kill all of them with your shotgun in a few trips; they'll leave behind plenty of gold if you do so. In Resident Evil 4, you take on the role of Leon S. Kennedy, a government agent who previously appeared in Resident Evil 2. The first flock you come across will be unkillable, for the most part, but the birds in the fountain are good for target practice, and they'll also drop a little cash if you hit them. This will indeed stagger him, causing him to reel for a second; keep hitting him with the rifle until he goes down! You'll have infinite ammo for these weapons while you remain in the target practice room; even if you run out of ammo in your inventory, it'll automatically fill up again whenever you have to reload. After your little encounter with Salazar in the next room, you'll have to climb the tower, but you won't have an unobstructed path, of course. In this part you will encounter lots of e… More importantly, though, the girders at the beginning of the area hold a number of birds. In this scenario, you may want to switch to your shotgun to blast at the eye, then use your TMP to take on Salazar, or use the TMP for both if you have enough ammo for it. As you may've surmised, you'll have to finish off Del Lago with your harpoons. The Killer7 isn't available until late in the game, and is something of a luxury item by the time it does roll around; your cash will probably be going towards unlocking the Exclusive upgrades on your other weapons, rather than shelling out the big bucks for this badass gun. At the outset, you'll be defending the bottom floor of the house; you can push the three cabinets in front of the boarded-up windows to buy yourself a bit of time to pick up the items in the house, but the baddies will inevitably flood in after a bit of time. Now, every single one of the guys in black here will drop a Spinel when he dies; the guy in red will drop an Illuminados Pendant worth over 10,000 pesetas; the catch is that they'll all run away as soon as they spot you, leaving you with nothing at all if you happen to just jump down to the ground floor. (They'll rarely occur in numbers larger than two, though.). He brings only a TMP into battle, as well as a few grenades; beyond that, he has precious little to deal with crowds, save his wits. It is the latter half of 2004. (Speaking in gameplay terms; they'll still be grouped into bunches in your inventory screen.). Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough and Guide for Resident Evil 4. El Gigante will is harder, but will provide you with a bit more cashola. It'll be tough to hit without a rifle. This is the kind of thing people hunt and kill large deer with. Email [email protected]. The southeastern farmhouse is going to be where most of the goods are stashed; there are a few small cabinets that you can open for more goodies. You can also find the rest of the medallions here; you can actually shoot all 15 if you keep going past the church (one is located below the bridge, near the gap; the other is farther off but is still hittable with your pistol). Tasked to rescue the President's daughter, who's been kidnapped by mysterious villains, you find yourself chasing leads in the backcountry of Spain, where a sinister threat arises, not just against a single kidnapped girl, but against the entire world. If you want to take them out, you should have plenty of room to do so; you can even return to the autopsy area and kill the enemy there with your new scope, if you want the cash. Unfortunately, you can't kill It, at least not yet; when it appears, all you can really do is deal enough damage to It to force it to jump up into the rafters of the area. Pull yourself up when you reach the far side of the gaping hole, then grab the Stone of Sacrifice and move back out to the first part of the chapter. Clearing a path to the end of the zone will allow you to move on, but you'll almost certainly want to save your game before so doing, as the next room can be rather tricky. 30,000 points or more) on a map will unlock another character; getting five stars (60,000 points or more) with each character (on any map) will unlock a new weapon, the Handcannon, for the main game. Although the game doesn't show you how many times you miss during a round, it does appear to take misses into consideration when tallying up your score; missing will also prevent you from obtaining the coveted Salazar target, which appears way in the end of the room and is worth 500 points when hit. This will reveal another switch; hit it to raise the red gate and give you a free path to the far door. We found that putting our right thumb over the B+A and then having the index fingers on L+R worked pretty well, and, well, we guess that's pretty much the way you're going to be playing the game normally anyway. The pistol and the rifle can be safely discounted as serious weapons during this fight; if you're forced to rely on them, then you've definitely got a long battle ahead of you. For Resident Evil 4 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 52 cheat codes and secrets. The semi-automatic rifle is mostly the same thing as the bolt-action rifle, save for the fact that you can fire multiple shots from it without having to leave the aiming scope. Grab the goodies from the storeroom, including the Queen's Grail and the Elegant Chessboard in the cupboard, before moving back to the central area and heading east. With your help, she'll be able to climb over and open the way. Kill them off, then head up to the main room and rotate the lever to lower the steps to the upper half of this room; yet more cultists! Discarding green herbs is also a good way to build up a bit of space, but try to keep at least one on hand to combine with yellow or reds that you find. Yeah. Regardless, you'll have to deal a lot of damage to It before it dies off. You'll note a branch in the path as you head down it; take the leftmost path first, as it leads to a deadend with a couple of crates, then return and head right to reach the beachhead. Remember our note regarding the Broken Butterfly at the beginning of this chapter? It's nice and cool and whatnot, but not really necessary; most of your enemies are going to know where you are anyway. Resident Evil 4 is back and in high definition! Check this room for items - there's a locker you can open for 5,000 pesetas - head on through to meet up with another merchant and to find the final target practice area. This strategy has the added bonus of keeping you far enough away from the cage so that any new cultists that appear there won't be hip to your presence; they'll stay in the cage, letting you take your time with the gimp. You won't be able to use the shotgun, obviously, but you should have plenty of ammo for your pistol, so if you can maneuver them to a chokepoint, such as in the house in the southwestern corner of the village, you should be able to kill enough to finish off the encounter. After you flip the switch and hop down, you'll have to shoot your way through a bunch of Krauzer's mechanical henchmen; these guys aren't too difficult to deal with, as they explode with a single shot, but they can deal damage to you either with guns or with their death explosions, so be careful. If the three targets clump together, try and get a headshot on one of them, then run up and use your Kick command (tap A while you don't have your gun aimed) to knock them all down. From there, start heading northeast towards the destination marker on your map; there are two more little huts here, one of which will have the Alert Order, which will spell out where "the prisoner" is, as well as give you an idea as to why all of the villagers have been attacking on sight. These will add anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds to your clock. If you want to save or use a merchant, check your map for the correct path; otherwise, head through the doors leading down to the lake. From there, you can relatively easily pick off the first four parasites in the Regenerator's body; the fifth one will be more difficult to hit, but if you shoot off a leg, you'll have a few seconds to aim. These are a bit easier to dodge, although the timing is still pretty tricky, especially if you're moving along the platform and don't have him in your field of vision; you can get some warning from sound cues, but it's still a dicey affair on the whole. NOTE: The Broken Butterfly is going to make the fight with the boss at the end of chapter four much, much easier. The garrador here is really more of a mini-boss than a real boss, but he's still a handful to deal with if you don't know how to handle him, and can dish out a good beating. As you climb the steps, the cultists will start flinging barrels down the steps, which will deal heavy damage if they manage to impact you. Before leaving the vicinity of the house, check the cart behind it for a crate; you can open these by swinging your knife at them. When you reach the operation area, you'll come across two locked doors; one of them can be opened by manipulating the keypad. You'll need plenty of magnum and TMP rounds for the boss at the end, but there's one in the middle that might tax you a bit, as well, so, well, save up on everything. His arm will now shield him from ballistic attacks, so you'll probably want to try shooting him in the legs to make him stagger, then shooting him in the chest and head while he's down on one knee. like the numbers on a telephone pad or a computer's number pad), the solution is as follows: 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9. If you still have the Purple Gem and Green Catseye and either the Elegant Headdress or the Beerstein, you can combine the gems with one of the other objects to greatly multiply their value. In order to dodge these attacks, you'll just have to stay away from the beast. (How he manages to get free of your anchor to do this, then magically become reattached to it after he dives again is beyond us.). The doorway here can be used to hold them at bay with your shotgun, so finish them off, then check your map to learn your next destination: the waste disposal area. There are three in all, so scan around with your pistol as you climb the tower, shoot them all, then turn the crank on the top floor to activate the tower. The only thing that you need to be careful of is the fact that occasionally - very occasionally - cultists will drop from the hole in the ceiling of this room, and will either slash at or attempt to capture Ashley. Although the Red9 outshines it in terms of pure firepower after you spend a little time upgrading it, the Blacktail beats it in the other three categories, making it a much more well-rounded weapon overall. The most telling is the significant size difference between it and the other shotguns; it'll take up a full six fewer blocks of attache case, allowing you to carry three more first aid sprays, grenades, ammo containers, or what have you. Actually, she'll start screaming when enemies get near her, so when you hear her yelling, you should start making your way back to her, using your shotgun to knock down any enemies in your way. The worst trigger is for the moonstone half in the northeastern corner of the garden, which will be followed by no fewer than four dogs. If you manage to get a score of 60,000 with each character on each map (i.e. Drop down to the ground and check out the northwestern home to find some more handgun ammo; there are also red and green herbs in some of the sheds along the northern edge of town. When the ceiling stops, the beasts stop spawning, so it's a win-win situation. Finis Krauzer, and welcome to another chapter. As you maneuver through the building, Chief will try and track you around in the vain hope of hitting you. Shooting the chaingunner from this position should allow you to take him out without him ever firing at you. Do so; you can then either head straightaway for the exit, or wait for the rest of the cultists to drop down and kill them for whatever ammo or cash they'll drop. In the southwestern corner, you can find another red herb, as well as a crate that seems to always drop a yellow herb; combine this with a green herb and ingest the results for a permanent increase in your life bar, yay! Second Cube: Grab the grenade to your right after entering this cube, then head towards the middle. After you head a bit into the swamp area, more ganados will spawn behind you, so keep an eye on your backside. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. After you do escape, you'll be standing right next to El Gigante, so don't try to fire off any shots; just get your distance. Instead, walk around the pathways until you see a ladder leading down to a mining cart and jump down there. You'll need to keep an ear out for her screams and immediately move to protect her when she's in danger, or you can find yourself having to repeat the room after surviving ten minutes or so of combat. As you head up to the second floor, the catapults will tend to start pelting the doorway into the interior of the tower, so wait for one of their barrages to land before heading in. This guide is for the console and Windows game. There are four categories of upgrades: firepower, which increases the damage each round or shell fired does; firing speed, which allows you to pop off shots with less downtime between each of them; reload speed, which will let you switch out clips more rapidly; and capacity, which determines how many bullets a weapon can fire before having to reload. 2. Hot holy heck, Wesker's awesome! There's a red herb here, as well as an explosive barrel; shoot the latter to make a path to a Golden Lynx, which will sell for big bucks when you finally reach a merchant. As soon as you approach it, you'll come under catapult fire; apparently Salazar has one of those castles where all the battlements point inwards. When the middle light on the countdown signal lights up, use the levers to get through. In order to move on, you'll need to flip two switches: there's one by the door on the western side of the room and one hidden beneath a vase in the southern hallway. Still, if you're the sniping sort, then having a good rifle by your side will be a must, as a headshot from a scope at 200 meters is pretty satisfying. The correct combination is Blue, Green, Green, Red, Red, Red. Check our Extras and Cheats section for more info on these. Since Regenerators can only be killed by precisely shooting the parasites, this will let you handle them much, much more easily than you would be able to with any other weapon. Exclusive: Increases the firepower to 5.0. The chest in the room here may appear tempting, but it's actually a deathtrap; as soon as you get close to it, a cage will drop down from the ceiling, trapping you inside with cultists and another garrador, with a few more cultists on the outside of the cage to swing at you when you get too close to the edge. The main problems with this are the delay, which will sometimes allow your target to close in on you, meaning that you'll be caught in the blast as well, and the sheer lack of ammo. His innermost eye rifle ammo will is harder, but with a bit the! Getting thrown down here. ) get close, though, more ganados will attempt ingress the... Combination is Blue, Green, Red shoot his head off na need to open up the Elegant.... N'T one there now, a rather peculiar architectural embellishment, in that the scope you picked... Color puzzle in the darkness, so you 'll have to be much more sparing on the way the handgun. 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