who is the prime minister of germany

who is the prime minister of germany

[15] The Constitution Act, 1982, adds passing reference to the "Prime Minister of Canada" [French: premier ministre du Canada] but as detail of conferences of federal and provincial first ministers.)[16]. Canada has a 'mixed' or hybrid constitution, partly formally codified and partly uncodified. August 1960 in Berg-Seelscheid Werdegang Abitur 1980: Mitglied der FDP Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann Studium der Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre an den Universitäten Münster und Bonn 1987: Abschluss als Diplom-Volkswirt 1987 bis 1991: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter … [7][8][9] In some places alternative titles such as "premier", "chief minister", "first minister of state", "president of the council" or "chancellor" were adopted, but the essentials of the office were the same. The title was however informal and used alongside the equally informal principal ministre d'État ("chief minister of the state") more as a job description. 2. The Republic of Korea's constitution (1987) sections 86–87 list the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. The prime minister proposes a list of ministers to the president of the Republic. Today, the prime minister is often, but not always, a member of the Legislature or the Lower House thereof and is expected with other ministers to ensure the passage of bills through the legislature. The term prime minister in its French form, premier ministre, is attested in 17th Century sources referring to Cardinal Richelieu[1] after he was named to head the royal council in 1624. He or she can base his or her their legitimacy on the president's assignment as prime minister and approval of the cabinet. The prime minister is appointed by the president of the Republic, who is theoretically free to pick whomever he pleases for the post. Conversely, some Prime Minister's Offices incorporate the role of Cabinet, while Australia’s Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet joins them at par. In non-Commonwealth countries the prime minister may be entitled to the style of Excellency like a president. In parliamentary systems a prime minister may enter into office by several means. These ministers held a variety of formal posts, but were commonly known as "the minister", the "chief minister", the "first minister" and finally the "prime minister". [2] Before he is allowed to dissolve the Assembly, the president has to consult the prime minister and the presidents of both Houses of Parliament (article 12). Although the roles of the Spanish head of government coincide with the definition of a 'prime minister', in Spain the position is in fact referred to as 'the Presidency of the Government'. Walpole chaired cabinet meetings, appointed all the other ministers, dispensed the royal patronage and packed the House of Commons with his supporters. The United Kingdom's constitution, being uncodified and largely unwritten, makes no mention of a prime minister. The President of India; Rajya Sabha; Lok Sabha; The Cabinet Secretariat; Press Information Bureau; Gandhi; Just Climate Action India @ cop21 . Similarly, though the modern 1937 Irish constitution grants to the Taoiseach the right to make the request, the earlier 1922 Irish Free State Constitution vested the power in the Executive Council (the then name for the Irish cabinet). Examples were Thomas Cromwell under Henry VIII; William Cecil, Lord Burghley under Elizabeth I; Clarendon under Charles II and Godolphin under Queen Anne. A prime minister is the head of the cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system.Under those systems, a prime minister is not the head of state of their respective state nor a monarch; rather the prime minister is the head of government, serving typically under a monarch in a hybrid of aristocratic … A prime minister is the head of the cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. Older constitutions often vest this power in the cabinet. … Additionally, Article 20[2] stipulates that the Government "shall determine and conduct the policy of the Nation", and it includes domestic issues, while the president concentrates on formulating directions on national defense and foreign policy while arbitrating the efficient service of all governmental authorities in France. The prime minister can "engage the responsibility" of his or her Government before the National Assembly. Walpole required that no minister other than himself have private dealings with the king, and also that when the cabinet had agreed on a policy, all ministers must defend it in public, or resign. The nature of his questions left the French in little doubt that he was on board for the concept. In parliamentary systems fashioned after the Westminster system, the prime minister is the presiding and actual head of government and head of the executive branch. Ireland's constitution (1937), provides for the office of Taoiseach in detail, listing powers, functions and duties. The Prime Minister's Department is also used, as is Cabinet Department. In such systems, the head of state or their official representative (e.g., monarch, president, governor-general) usually holds a largely ceremonial position, although often with reserve powers. As a result, cabinets were often toppled twice a year, and there were long stretches where France was left with only a caretaker government. Over time, however, the title became honorific and remains so in the 21st century.[3]. Most senior minister of cabinet in the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system, Constitutional basis for the position in different countries. [2] He is, as the representative of the government, the only member of the government able to introduce legislation in Parliament. Estonian prime minister quits over corruption probe. CHISINAU, Dec 31 (Reuters) - Moldova's new president, Maia Sandu, on Thursday appointed Foreign Minister Aureliu Ciocoi as the acting prime minister, a presidential decree showed. After 1661, Louis XIV and his descendants refused to allow one of their ministers to be more important than the others, so the term was not in use. Under the circumstances, the president of the council was usually a fairly weak figure whose strength more dependent on charisma than formal powers. The main exceptions to this system have been the United States and the presidential republics in Latin America modelled on the U.S. system, in which the president directly exercises executive authority. During the whole of the 18th Century, Britain was involved in a prolonged conflict with France, periodically bursting into all-out war, and Britons took outspoken pride in their "Liberty" as contrasted to the "Tyranny" of French Absolute Monarchy; therefore, being implicitly compared with Richelieu was no compliment to Walpole. George II and George III made strenuous efforts to reclaim the personal power of the monarch, but the increasing complexity and expense of government meant that a minister who could command the loyalty of the Commons was increasingly necessary. In many cases, though commonly used, "prime minister" is not the official title of the office-holder; the Spanish prime minister is the President of the Government (Presidente del Gobierno). The prime minister is the holder of the second highest office of France. In India, the Prime Minister is called Pradhān Mantrī, literally meaning the Head of ministers or Prime Minister. The People's Republic of China constitution set a premier just one place below the National People's Congress in China. [4] The monarch could no longer establish any law or impose any tax without its permission and thus the House of Commons became a part of the government. 3. Bangladesh's constitution clearly outlines the functions and powers of the Prime Minister, and also details the process of his/her appointment and dismissal. Most prime ministers in parliamentary systems are not appointed for a specific term in office and in effect may remain in power through a number of elections and parliaments. In the UK, where devolved government is in place, the leaders of the Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh Governments are styled First Minister. The head of government of the People's Republic of China is referred to as the Premier of the State Council and the premier of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is also appointed by the president, but requires no approval by the legislature. Another example is the Thirty-fourth government of Israel (2015-2019)[update], when Benjamin Netanyahu at one point served as the Prime Minister and those of Communications, Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation, Economy, Defense and Interior. Jean Castex was appointed Prime Minister on 3 July 2020. Instead, her or his powers, duties, appointment and termination follow uncodified conventions. PM’s inaugural address at the National Metrology Conclave in New Delhi. There is no formal term of office for the Prime Minister- the Prime Minister, and his/her Cabinet, remain in office as long as the Government (essentially, the Cabinet) can maintain a majority in the House of Commons. It is at this point that a modern style of prime minister begins to emerge.[5][6]. Neither term is strictly correct from a constitutional point of view, but they have wide acceptance. The prime minister and government can be dismissed by the National Assembly. This process consists of placing a bill before the Assembly, and either the Assembly overthrows the Government, or the bill is passed automatically (article 49). The following table groups the list of past and present prime ministers and details information available in those lists. Such a situation, where the president is forced to work with a prime minister who is an opponent, is called a cohabitation. Go to Main Site . Pakistan's constitution (1973) lists the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Jüri Ratas resigned as prime minister of Estonia and head of the Centre Party on Wednesday, amid allegations of corruption against his party. In most systems, the prime minister is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet. As a later prime minister, Lord Melbourne, said, "It matters not what we say, gentlemen, so long as we all say the same thing.". The prime minister of the French Republic (French: Premier ministre français), sometimes shortened to premier, is the head of government of France. Hence the Irish Taoiseach is formally 'renominated' after every general election. However, the post was usually called "prime minister" or "premier" in non-French sources. She remained continuously in power until 1990, though she used the assembly of each House of Commons after a general election to reshuffle her cabinet. Norway's constitution (1814) lists the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of Norway. Ukraine's constitution (1996) lists the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of Ukraine. The prime minister sits in the cabinet solely by virtue of occupying another office, either First Lord of the Treasury (office in commission) or more rarely Chancellor of the Exchequer (the last of whom was Balfour in 1905). During the Third and Fourth Republics, the head of government was formally called president of the Council of Ministers (French: Président du Conseil des Ministres), generally shortened to president of the Council (French: … Under those systems, a prime minister is not the head of state of their respective state nor a monarch; rather the prime minister is the head of government, serving typically under a monarch in a hybrid of aristocratic and democratic government forms or a president in a republican form of government. The position of prime minister is normally chosen from the political party that commands majority of seats in the lower house of parliament. On September 27, 1938, when negotiations between Hitler and Chamberlain were strained, the British Prime Minister addressed the British people. Prime Minister’s itinerary for Monday, January 18, 2021 . Although there was a cabinet, it was appointed entirely by the monarch, and the monarch usually presided over its meetings. Italy's constitution (1948) lists the powers, functions and duties of the President of the Council of Ministers. Between 1921 and 1972, when Northern Ireland was a Majority Rule Parliament the head of government would be known as the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. The last prime minister not to be First Lord of the Treasury was Lord Salisbury at the turn of the 20th century. Under some presidential systems, such as South Korea and Peru, the prime minister is not the head of government; rather, he or she is only the leader or most senior member of the cabinet. Bahrain's former prime minister, Sheikh Khalifah bin Sulman Al Khalifah occupied the post from 1970 to November 2020, making him the longest serving non-elected prime minister. 1. The codified part originally made no reference whatsoever to a prime minister[14] and still gives no parameters of the office. PM interacts with Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany through video-teleconference. In the Nordic countries the prime minister is called Statsminister, meaning "Minister of State". The post of prime minister may be encountered both in constitutional monarchies (such as Belgium, Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Malaysia, Morocco, Spain,[note 2] Sweden, Thailand, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom) and in parliamentary republics, in which the head of state is an elected official (such as Finland, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia (1945–1959), Ireland, Pakistan, Portugal, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Turkey (1923–2018)) and Italy). However, at the ensuing 1962 French legislative election, de Gaulle's coalition won an increased majority, and Pompidou was reappointed prime minister. As a result, a prime minister has only been censured once during the existence of the Fifth Republic, in 1962 when Georges Pompidou was toppled over objections to President Charles de Gaulle's effort to have the president popularly elected. The title was first referred to on government documents during the administration of Benjamin Disraeli but did not appear in the formal British Order of precedence until 1905. The long tenure of the wartime prime minister William Pitt the Younger (1783–1801), combined with the mental illness of George III, consolidated the power of the post. In Israel, the Prime Minister's executive office is officially titled the "Prime Minister's Office" in English, but the original Hebrew term can also be translated as the Prime Minister's Ministry. In the United Kingdom, for example, the tradition whereby it is the prime minister who requests a dissolution of parliament dates back to 1918. In some Commonwealth countries prime ministers and former prime ministers are styled Right Honourable due to their position (the Prime Minister of Canada, for example). Prime Minister’s itinerary for Monday, January 18, 2021. Some officials regarded a powerful Germany as a bulwark against the Soviet Union. Wilfried Martens, who served as Prime Minister of Belgium, described his role as follows: In the Russian constitution the prime minister is actually titled Chairman of the government while the Irish prime minister is called the Taoiseach (which is rendered into English as prime minister), and in Israel he is Rosh HaMemshalah, meaning "head of the government". In a situation in which a ruling party elects or appoints a new leader, the incoming leader will usually be referred as "prime minister-in-waiting". Prime Minister’s itinerary for Sunday, January 17, 2021. Often, he was little more than primus inter pares, and was more the cabinet's chairman than its leader. Czech Republic's constitution clearly outlines the functions and powers of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, and also details the process of his/her appointment and dismissal. When the monarch grew tired of a first minister, he or she could be dismissed, or worse: Cromwell was executed and Clarendon driven into exile when they lost favour. In practice, because the National Assembly does have the power to force the resignation of the cabinet by adopting a motion of censure, the choice of prime minister must reflect the will of the majority in the Assembly. Though it had de facto existed for centuries, its first mention in official state documents did not occur until the first decade of the twentieth century. For example, right after the legislative election of 1986, President François Mitterrand had to appoint Jacques Chirac prime minister although Chirac was a member of the RPR (Rally for the Republic) and therefore a political opponent of Mitterrand. Which Members, though, are left to uncodified convention. India's constitution (1950) lists the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of India. Not recognised by any United Nations members. Contrary to popular perception, the two posts are separate and need not be held by the one person. Although the president's choice of prime minister must be in accordance with the majority in the National Assembly, a prime minister does not have to ask for vote of confidence after his or her cabinet's formation. Prime Minister’s itinerary for … Malaysia's constitution (1957) lists the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. * * * * * First of all I must say something to those who … During the period between the time it is clear that the incumbent government has been defeated at a general election, and the actual swearing-in of the new prime minister by the monarch, governor-general, or president, that person is referred to as the "prime minister-elect" or "prime minister-designate". In India, prime ministerial candidates must be a member of parliament, i.e. Greece's constitution (1975) lists the powers, functions and duties of the Prime Minister of Greece. 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