eso how to get 70k dps

eso how to get 70k dps

I steadily went from 20k to 35k without changing a … DPSing in ESO isn’t as hard as it seems at a glance. Drop your damage ults to maximise DPS. But for me it has been my goal for many months to hit 70k on a trial dummy and today I finally clinched that goal. This Beginner Guide ESO is here to get you ready to successfully start your journey in Elder Scrolls Online. Both these things are considered essential to achieving optimal DPS in ESO. It varies wildly. It takes a fair amount of dedication and practice to get to that! There are many good Skills but not so many great ones. Remember that game always rounds up the percentage gains of Champion Skills, meaning if it says for example that you get increased Damage by 5.6%, the actual gain is 5% and 0.6% is forfeit. Have a friend cast Ele Drain (from the Destruction Staff skill line) on your target dummy for another boost to your DPS numbers. ... Actually in eso the best rotations are dynamic. Keep practicing and you’ll get there :). If you have to, treat learning a new rotation like learning an instrument. Updated 12/07/20 11:27 AM And there's everywhere in between. This is probably the number one most important factor in raising your DPS. There are only so many sets that 4 people can wear. I don’t recommend starting out on a homemade build. Besides, you’re only going to get yelled at if you don’t perform well enough to even attempt the content you’re trying to do. Having good DPS becomes more crucial as you work your way from the easiest to the hardest content in ESO. ( Log Out /  I found it's the opposite. What do you do differently to achieve your goal!? Use a Dedicated Parsing House Vet Crags: 20k/35k. On the other hand, if you're pulling 50k on a parse, you're not going to be doing 70k ever outside of times where everyone is doing a lot more (major vulnerability, for example). Hitting bigger numbers is important for progressing towards endgame content, which can feel almost unobtainable when you first start out. This build will be a great starting point for anyone looking to get involved in Normal and Veteran Group Dungeons as well as Normal Trials. This is sometimes introduced by the developers through mechanics that cause the group to die if certain damage thresholds are not hit in a set amount of time. Ah, a good egg for sure. I don’t think it gets stale cause you’ll always want to alter the rotation slightly to fit the needs of the specific encounter. At a certain point what becomes stale is spending minutes at a time fighting a boss you've already killed before. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Start very slowly, with pauses in between abilities if needed. Tip: The 50 mil target dummies aren’t just for group parses. Powerful Dragonknight Builds for ESO. Light attack between every cast. You can even use it as an a… 20k is fairly comfortable for HRC at the very least. Assuming you're a Magicka DPS, you should have ZERO points into Spell Erosion for the Raid Dummy. So you should generally expect it to be tougher to pull the same numbers in a dungeon than a trial even in a long, sustained fight. Reading them and understanding what they do can help you perform better as a DPS. Normal CR+2/3 or AS+2: 25k/40k - These can get very messy on low DPS and if there are lower DPS people doing important roles (e.g. The RADIANT Build is an Easy to play Magicka Templar DPS Build for The Elder Scrolls Online that utilizes a simple rotation and doesn’t require any Trials sets! I highly recommend reading this before you go into the specific class sections on how to level up your character. I must have a rotation memorized and not screw up lest I let my team down and get shouted apart worse than Torygg on group chat. You have 5-7 dots/buffs to keep up, one spammable, your ult, and your execute. In a trial you might have 3 necros providing high uptime on major vulnerability, a tank with Alkosh and yoln, a healer with olo/spc and martial knowledge, two healers and a bunch of dps tossing orbs and other synergies, and so on. The Elder Scrolls Online is a game whose gameplay and mechanics are often shrouded in confusion. A rotation is the set sequence in which you do your abilities. PvE and PvP Meta and Beginner Guides for the Nightblade Class in the Elder Scrolls Online. The ESO endgame is comprised of all of these things - which means your question isn't really flushed out well. This here is the Magicka Templar 91k DPS parse on the Raid Target Dummy, I show rotation and also got keyboard cam active so you can see what I do. PvE and PvP Meta and Beginner Guides for the Nightblade Class in the Elder Scrolls Online. Once you start moving into vet trials and especially Hardmode trials, damage output becomes more and more crucial to success and optimized rotations start becoming necessary, otherwise the group is in for a rough time. That's not true. No one cares how you achieve that performance. This may not be a feat for many of you who do vet DLC trials. VO is better than Agility in dungeons and trials, which will give you some DPS increase as well. You have 5-7 dots/buffs to keep up, one spammable, your ult, and your execute. You can collect multiple of them, if you have the Clockwork City DLC. We will talk about the “rules” a little later, first, we need to find out how we can see our DPS. 1. The rotation here is a pretty simple one, for how effective it is. 1). BUT your rotation is of equal importance. The Lady Mundus Stone can certainly be used for additional resistances should you need it but the Serpent Stone ranks the lowest as you don't recover Stamina while blocking. Because that's almost certainly not the case. Haven’t told anyone about my achievement as my girlfriend is currently asleep so I thought it would be a great idea if I could share this personal milestone on Reddit :). I'm sure people do cheat, but there are legit >50k+ dps out there. New players should park in front of one and run their rotations. Press J to jump to the feed. As a tank or healer the DPS part might not be your biggest incentive to use weaving, but you also want to regenerate Ultimate and resources, which … Robust Target Skeleton – A target dummy with 6 million health. Assuming you're running Nirnhoned/Precise Frontbar as Stamina DPS, you should be running 35 Piercing as a non-Necromancer, 18 Piercing as a Necromancer and 2 or 3 as a Nightblade (due to the flanking passive) while parsing on the Raid Dummy. As long as you keep all your balls in the air while doing mechanics you’ll be fine. Here are just a couple tips to help get you started. You'll do somewhere below that in most circumstances, depending on skill, but you won't consistently do better. Just depends on what lvl of content you are doing really. There is no “official” DPS test, it is however commonly agreed upon that your DPS should be tested on either a 3M dummy or a 6M dummy. It’s not as much as some, but I’m happy. Granted, by virtue of the practice and skill involved in getting higher parses, someone who pulls 70k is probably going to be better than someone pulling 50k in the same fight. ( Log Out /  Don't Be Afraid to Do Your Own Thing! It's also incredibly gratifying once you can output sufficient DPS to no longer be gated from endgame content, and I have seen many players realize that they actually love harder content, they had just never bothered to try. Here is a link to the video at the exact part that explains it. For stam, 2H is by far the easiest way to get decent damage, much easier than anything else. So your parsing dps is going to be the best you can expect consistently. Your racial and class passives play a key role in your build. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. There’s a temptation for many new players to hoard ultimate. In that regard, keep things in the same place on your bars where possible. And check out his website,, a friend of the ESO University website! This Elder Scrolls Online guide teaches you how to run a proper DPS parse as well as improve and optimize your damage. You are not memorizing a set order and screw you if you mess it up. Shadow/DPS Mundus - Damage Spec. As with any skill, muscle memory is important to gaming. Max DPS isn't just about hitting the right rotation, or light attack weaving. Gradually speed up. In PvE, this is because it reduces lag slightly. Liko with the help of Pyromaniac goes over Stamina Templar PvE DPS'ing in the video below. Once you’re ready to do an actual parse for submission to your guild, or if you just want to see how hard you can really hit, use Spell or Weapon Damage Pots during your parse. Mastering a good rotation will bump you up 10K dps easily. I’d start as soon as you have acquired the necessary skills. It’s no good to reach for healing on X when you’ve slotted it on Y today. The video explains how to properly buff yourself and get approximately 70k health!! It’s usually blue dual-stat food that increases your main damage pool. Most people place the Precursor close to the other dummies, so that you can quickly turn and build your ult, then return to your parsing. I like to mix up my attacks, even mess up from time to time. Sets that have “chance to apply some effect” called “Proccing” are becoming more popular in ESO and seemingly added every major Update (Proc is short for: Programmed Random OCcurrence To start, you’ll hit the highest DPS numbers using a tried and true setup, like one from Xynode. I can't stress this enough—experiment on your own. In reality, your trial group will not be that good. how can i get 70k health?!?! If you can pull 70k in perfect conditions, you might be really solid and be able to do 70k in sections of boss fights where that's possible (can't do 70k when a dragon is flying around!) A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online. Note: I wouldn’t start collecting gear sets until CP160. Practice a good rotation :) That is 99% of the issue for people doing low dps. The game is very complex, therefore it is important that you are aware of the basic mechancis that I will explain in this Beginner Guide ESO. It's just not a guarantee. Or more when the opportunity presents itself (like the other commenter said). 8,267 Downloads (668 Monthly) 10 Favorites . DPSing in ESO isn’t as hard as it seems at a glance. S TIER #1 Stamina Nightblade - currently this setup that has the highest DPS in the game. Unlike in Skyrim, to kill things efficiently in ESO, you can’t just use skills randomly. lol I'm cp 710 and I;ve never gone over 30k, Still having a girlfriend after the long way of achieving 70k dps is real achievment here xD. People will talk about the critical gear sets to collect, and yes, get them. One of the must-have addons for every serious player. In short, find what is most optimal for you. My boyfriend has lost me to this game, but still fakes interest when I tell him I got this title, or that achievement. I would say 30-35k dps is a good requirement for the hardest vet trials ( and Hardmodes ). It seems like you put in a lot of effort so maybe your journey to 70k could help others! In a 4 person group, even a very skilled and coordinated group, you'll miss out on lots of those buffs. Summary for ESO Weaving If you want to gain various resources and put out additional DPS, you want to Weave, or Animation Cancel. Rotation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is the Ultimate Magicka Templar DPS Guide for The Elder Scrolls Online. Commenters are right that more cp will help, but it won't get you from 50k to 80k DPS. portals), wipes are likely. You can lock onto any target by pressing down on the right joystick. It goes the other way too. To reduce lag, a parsing house is mostly empty, and in a less populated zone. And of course, the trial dummy gives you absolutely perfect uptime on every buff. ( Log Out /  You can see your total DPS and which skills contribute to it, detect the sources of the damage you took and check your buffs and debuffs. DPS Like a Pro, Even When You're Not. ESO DPS Tier List The highest DPS builds in Elder Scrolls Online. The new Elsweyr DLC does a much better job of explaining gameplay; however, I still run into many players who don’t understand how to maximise your Damage Per Second (DPS). This here is the Magicka Sorceerer 94k DPS parse on the Raid Target Dummy, I show rotation and also got keyboard cam active so you can see what I do. You are not memorizing a set order and screw you if you mess it up. When you begin your ESO journey, you will find that there are a lot of complicated mechanics you didn’t know existed. They might be close, might not be, but the same player in the same fight will do a lot better if they're paired with 11 other people who are highly skilled instead of whoever joins a Craglorn pug. Other than that, bar swap weaving is also paramount in increasing your DPS as it signifcantly cuts the time of your animation which essentially increases your DPS. Image Description: The text UI displays a parsing score of just under 36k DPS. that's literally diametrically opposed to efficient end game play. It is easy to get confused with all the Champion Skills available. Combat Metrics is one of the best combat addons for ESO for the people that want to know everything about their fighting data. DPS addon (If you are on PC) If you are on PC, there are are a few addons that will tell you your DPS. In a short 3 mil HP dungeon boss fight with a team that supplies good buffs and stuff, you can even hit higher than your parse (because of major vulnerability or something being up for almost the whole fight, or major berserk from a sorc atronach). Also I'm talking average DPS so if there are people in your group pulling 40-50k you can get away with doing much less. You have access to several tools to heal yourself and destroy your enemies. Below are several tips to help you get higher DPS. people who want to clear end game content without issue aren't going to intentionally misplay just because it's "fun." I will start with the most basic stuff and then go on to the more complicated things. The Build is designed for players that prefer to play Solo, challenging themselves in any type of PVE content. Actually in eso the best rotations are dynamic. Powerful Sorcerer Builds for ESO. Steed - Sprint Speed. This is food specifically meant to mimic the environment of a trail (where there are synergies and other buffs, which will all increase resource regen). DPS Champion Skills. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I've always been both intimidated and repelled by the concept of an optimal rotation in MMOs. What are your tips for good DPS in the Elder Scrolls Online? There are some simple ways to start upping your numbers in the game. Thanks to the Templar’s unique skills, the build is putting emphasis on survivability. Many top-hitters wear the Skeleton Polymorph. But spend time parsing as well, and you’ll see your DPS really start to rise. ( Log Out /  It's fantastic if combat has retained a fresh and exciting feeling for you, but majority of endgame players prefer to clear content quickly so they can spend their time on other things as well. There are some simple ways to start upping your numbers in the game. Let me help you ease that anxiety I know you're feeling. Finally hit 70k DPS on a trial dummy! Some builds are easier to pull of than others. You can get DPS higher With vMA. I found that light attack weaving was IMPERATIVE to attain a high DPS as it contributes more than 20% of your DPS. In this game, it’s extraordinarily important to make a separate, dedicated parsing house for your guild (if you’re in one), or just for yourself (if you don’t). Things wouldnt be challenging if you could get clears with shooting of random skills. Not that you can't do it with lower dps, it would just be harder. Atronach - Magicka Recovery (remember, you still get Magicka recovery while blocking but no Stamina recovery!) Light attack between every cast. I've always wondered, as a person whose only MMO has been SWTOR and played casually at that; does combat not get stale doing rotations? I think your problem is that you're 100 million percent sure you're doing your rotation perfectly. Until then, it’s best just to wear Training gear. ... Feel free to test different sets and get creative while mixing and matching different armor. Whereas on a really mobile fight you may be lucky to hit half that if the boss is doing different fight phases and stuff, More posts from the elderscrollsonline community, Continue browsing in r/elderscrollsonline. It's best to think of parses like this as an upper bound on someone's performance in real content. You can animation cancel (or “block cast”) by pressing block immediately after activating an ability. Make sure to support Liko at his Patreon! What you use will depend on your class and race. Norm dungeons (and most easier vet ones) you can kinda just throw out whatever. Don’t. Your gear matters in this game. dude that is awesome. The three primary dummies you’ll be using to DPS parse are as follows: Target Skeleton – A target dummy with 3 million health. You might choke and do much less if you're not able to keep up your rotation when there's mechanics, adds, boss attacks, etc. Still fairly easy, but you'll want a bit more DPS here. Most commonly used by newer players or to just get a quick snapshot of what your damage looks like. ESO’s fights are diverse enough to where you rarely want to approach two fights the exact same way. In an MMO setting, I don't feel like I can do that. Change ), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), How to Design A Parsing House in ESO – ESO for Potatoes, Six Things that are Actually Worth the Cash in ESO – ESO for Potatoes. Trials, which will give you some DPS increase as well you want to do Normal content be feat! For you pull 25K Solo and 35K in group setups with buffs, even you. Collect multiple of them, if you have acquired the necessary skills lvl of content you not! Max DPS is n't really flushed out well it is easy to get decent damage, much than. For healing on X when you first start out for ESO for the Elder Scrolls Online your., the build is putting emphasis on survivability right rotation, or light between. Blue dual-stat food that increases your main damage pool is by far the easiest to the more things. 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