flower myths greek mythology

flower myths greek mythology

Satyrs (youthful folk deities with bestial features) and sileni (old and drunken folk deities) were the nymphs’ male counterparts. ), Latin : Capricorn (the Goat Horn) As memorial the kindly animal was placed amongst the stars. Consequently, Zeus hid them in the Earth, where they became spirits among the dead. Sumerian : Á.MUSHEN (the Eagle), EAGLE OF APHRODITE When Zeus wished to seduce the goddess Nemesis, he transformed himself into a swan, and bade Aphrodite pursue him into her lap in the guise of an eagle. Why the Golden Age came to an end Hesiod failed to explain, but it was succeeded by the Silver Age. The adventures of Heracles can be paired with the following constellations : This angered Gaea, and she plotted with her sons against Uranus.She made a harpe, a great adamant sickle, and tried to incite her children to attack Uranus. (Hyginus 2.9. ), EAGLE OF ZEUS 3 When Hermes was wooing the goddess Aphrodite she spurned his advances. He hated his children and didn’t want to allow them to see the light of day. As the months progress it is seen to rise earlier and earlier in the night, and gradually assumes a higher position in the heavens prior to dawn, until one evening, it has reached the western horizon, before dissappearing completely from view (which is known as the constellation's astronomical setting). So, for example, Gemini first rises above the eastern horizon in late May, appearing in the sky just prior to dawn, where its position is immediately replaced by the rising sun. ), MEROPES A King of Cos whose wife was killed by Artemis for spurning her worship. It was set to flow amongst the northern stars. The last of these set it to hunt down the Teumessian fox, which was destined never to be caught. The Greeks imagined the heavens as a great, solid dome, which, some say, was forged of bronze, and upon which the heavenly constellations were fixed. (Hyginus 2.28. ), AEX OF PAN The goatish wife of the god Pan. As a reward for this service to mankind he was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Bootes. (Hyginus 2.2 on Aglaosthenes, Aratus 25. The saga of the Argonauts, for example, is highly complex and includes elements from folktale and fiction. ), LYRE OF ORPHEUS The lyre of the great bard Orpheus, who could charm animals, trees and rocks with his music. The Titan Atlas, who stood either beneath the axis of heaven in the far north (in the land of the Hyperboreans), or at heaven's western rim in by the Atlas mountains in North Africa, was said to spin the dome around upon his shoulders, causing the stars to rise and set. (Hyginus 2.20 on Hesiod & Pherecydes & Eratosthenes. ), Latin : Lyra (the Lyre) Because Zeus was fond of both he placed the pair amongst the stars as the constellations Capra and Capricorn. Those of the Golden Age never grew old, were free from toil, and passed their time in jollity and feasting. The Dioscuri came to the rescue of sailors in distress. Heracles spent time in the service of Queen Omphale of Lydia, where he slew a gigantic serpent which was ravaging the land. Akkadian : Sisû (the Horse) (Hyginus 2.38. ), Latin : Cancer (the Crab) Greek : Zyygos (the Scales) or Khêlai (the Claws) (Hyginus 2.2 on Thales of Miletus. “Race” is the more accurate translation, but “Golden Age” has become so established in English that both terms should be mentioned. He was instructed by the god in the art of winemaking, but was murdered by peasants who mistook the draught for poison. (Hyginus 2.24. Triptolemus was a hero who first instructed mankind in the art of agriculture, while Iasion was her lover on the island of Samothrace, lying with her in a thrice-plowed field. ), ERIGONE An Athenian maiden, the daughter of Icarius, the man who Dionysus first instructed in the making of wine. (Hyginus 2.10 on Euripides & Sophocles. She was rescued by Perseus, who slew the beast. (Hyginus 2.23. Dionysus then placed him, his daughter Erigone and their dog Maira, amongst the stars as the constellations Bootes, Virgo and Canis Major. Sumerian : GÍR.TAB (the Scorpion), SCORPION OF ORION A scorpion sent forth by the earth-goddess Gaea to kill Orion when the giant boasted that he would slay all the animals of the earth. ), BOOTES The inventor of the wagon or plough, a son of the goddess Demeter. The goddess woke from her sleep, because of the roughness of the child, and pushed him away in disgust. (Hyginus 2.4 on Hermippus & Petellides. CHIRON The wise centaur Chiron was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Saggitarius or Centaurus, when he surrendered his immortality after being poisoned by an arrow of Heracles. ), Latin : Aquarius (Water Bearer) (Hyginus 2.19. Sumerian : SHAH (the Pig or Boar), DOLPHIN OF POSEIDON When Poseidon was wooing the goddess Amphitrite, she fled from his advances and hid herself away. Akkadian : Zuqaqipu (the Scorpion) (Hyginus 2.33. Her son by Apollo was Asclepius, the constellation Ophiochus. Other types of myth exemplified the belief that the gods sometimes appeared on Earth disguised as men and women and rewarded any help or hospitality offered them. ), Latin : (Milky Way) (Hyginus 2.13 on Eratosthenes. (Hyginus 2.16. ), MEGISTO An Arcadian princess, daughter of King Ceteus. (Hyginus 2.33. From a very early period, Greek myths seem to have been open to criticism and alteration on grounds of morality or of misrepresentation of known facts. Others say he became Saggitarius. ), Latin : Leo (the Lion) Akkadian : Habasiranu Mythos – The Greek Myths retold by Stephen Fry is a delight. Hidden deep within the bowels of the earth and ruled by the god Hades and his wife Persephone, the Underworld was the kingdom of the dead in Greek mythology, the sunless place where the souls of those who died went after death. Her father and was placed beside her in the form of the Kneeler ("Hercules") apparently lamenting her fate. The hero Cephalus set the magical dog Laelaps to hunt it down. (Hyginus 2.35. The boy and eagle were placed amongst the stars as the adjacent constellations Aquarius and Aquila. Greek : Parthenos (the Virgin), Latin : Vindemiator (the Vintager) (Hyginus 2.25. (Hyginus 2.35. When he later tried to fly to heaven, he was thrown back down to earth, but the horse was received and set amongst the stars by Zeus. (Hyginus 2.33. (Hyginus 2.21, Aratus 254. She caught it in her hands and set it about the northern pole as the constellation Draco. ), Latin : Libra (the Scales) He’s one of those fellows you’d love to have a pint and ploughman’s lunch with on a lazy Sunday afternoon. ), THE VINTAGER A star on the right wing of the constellation Virgo. (Hyginus 2.21. Myths about the gods described their births, victories over monsters or rivals, love affairs, special powers, or connections with a cultic site or ritual. The milk which flowed forth formed the Milky Way. Many Greek myths involve animal transformations, though there is no proof that theriolatry (animal worship) was ever practiced by the Greeks. Sumerian : PA.BIL.SAG. She was also called Kore, which means "maiden" and grew up to be a lovely girl attracting the attention of many gods. The lion was then placed by Hera amongst the stars as the constellation Leo. Daedalus and Icarus, antique bas-relief; in the Villa Albani, Rome. (Hyginus 2.12, Aratus 248. Greek : Hippos (the Horse) or Pegasos When they died, they became guardian spirits on Earth. In the list below, information is given under the Greek name; the name in parentheses is the Roman equivalent. (Hyginus 2.1 & 2.6 on Araethus of Tegea. Greek : Andromedê ), ARROW OF HERACLES The arrow with which Heracles slew the eagle set to torment the Titan Prometheus. Greek mythology books (retellings, translations, and commentary) continue to be some of my favorite reads. (Hyginus 2.20 on Leon. (Hyginus 2.11, Aratus 197. ), HYADES Five nymphs whose stars outline the face of the bull Taurus. ), Latin : Scorpio (the Scorpion) The Sun (Helios) traversed the heavens like a charioteer and sailed around the Earth in a golden bowl at night. Sumerian : GU.LA (the Great), GANYMEDES A handsome Trojan prince. Of these, the twelve signs whose paths intersect with the dawn rising of the sun were known as zodiakos (the zodiac) or zodiakos kyrklos (circle of small animals). ), Latin : Delphinus (the Dolphin) It and its owner were placed amongst the stars as the adjacent constellations Crater and Centaurus. As the constellation gradually rises earlier and earlier in the night, its place on the solar horizon at dawn is eventually replaced by the next constellation of the zodiac, namely Cancer, in mid June. (Hyginus 2.6. (Hyginus 2.39. (Hyginus 2.14. ), ALTAR OF PHOLUS The kindly centaur Pholus was set amongst the stars by Zeus for his skill in augury. Greek : Hêniokhos (the Charioteer) Akkadian : Eriqqu (the Wagon) It was tamed by the hero Bellerophon who rode it into battle against the three-headed monster Chimera. ), Latin : Hercules Zeus, pitying his son, sent an eagle which snatched away her sandal and delivered it the god, which he used to barter for her favours. There are very few surviving depictions of the constellations in classical art: at most, a few Roman mosaics, and a partial depiction on the famous Farnese statue of the Titan Atlas. ), SERPENT OF APOLLO A water-serpent was placed amongst the stars by the god Apollo in the form of the constellation Hydra, to guard the heavenly bowl Crater, preventing the crow Corvus from drinking. (Hyginus 2.29 on Hegesianax. (Hyginus 2.40. CROTUS A horse-legged, satyr hunter who was a companion of the Muses on Mount Helicon. The god then placed Coronis (literally, "the Crow") amongst the stars as the constellation Corvus. Upon recovering, the god awarded the pair with a place in the heavens as stars. As punishment for his crime he was bound to a fiery wheel and fixed in the heavens as the constellation Engonasin, a warning to others. In Greek mythology, Narcissus (/ n ɑːr ˈ s ɪ s ə s /; Ancient Greek: Νάρκισσος Nárkissos) was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia who was known for his beauty. ), Latin : Crater (the Drinking Cup) Greek : Toxeutês (the Archer) (Hyginus 2.5 on the Argolica. As a memorial Zeus commemorated the deed amongst the stars of heaven. NAME A character associated with the constellation in surviving compilations of star myths. Summerian : MUSH (the Snake), LERNAEAN HYDRA A monstrous nine-headed serpent which haunted the springs of Lerna. Sumerian : KAK.SI.KI (the Arrow), ARROW OF APOLLO The arrow which Apollo used to slay the Cyclopes, to avenge the death of his son Asclepius who had been destroyed by a thunderbolt created on their forge. The god drove them to terror with his illusions and, when they leapt from the ship, he transformed them into dolphins. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion. Gods sometimes assumed the form of beasts in order to deceive goddesses or women. In Greek and Roman mythology, Hades is the ruler of dead, grim and mournful in his character, and severely just and unyielding in the performance of his duties. (Hyginus 2.32. In memory of the event he placed a dolphin amongst the stars. Orion was also described by Homer both striding across the heavens and hunting wild beasts in the underworld. When Heracles freed him from his chains, he slew the eagle with an arrow, and Zeus placed the pair amongst the stars as Aquila (eagle) and Sagitta (arrow). Greek : Krios (the Ram) (Hyginus 2.16. ), A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | X | Z, Theoi Project © Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand. If you’re still fascinated with Greek mythology books, or looking for Percy Jackson or Circe read-alikes, you’ll find the best of them here for adults, teens, and kids alike. Also popular were myths of fairylands, such as the Garden of the Hesperides (in the far west) or the land of the Hyperboreans (in the far north), or encounters with unusual creatures, such as the Centaurs, or distinctive societies, such as the Amazons. Not often identifiable in Greek art, she appeared as a modestly veiled woman. Certain myths, in which goddesses or heroes were temporarily incarcerated in the underworld, were allegories of seasonal renewal. In memorial of the event Athena placed Perseus, Andromeda, Cepheus and Cassiopea (the girl's parents) and Cetus (the Sea Monster) amongst the stars. Perhaps the best-known myth of this type is the one that tells how Hades (Latin Pluto), the god of the underworld, carried Persephone off to be his consort, causing her mother, Demeter, the goddess of grain, to allow the earth to grow barren out of her grief. The gods as a memorial, set the whole family amongst the stars as constellations. (Hyginus 2.40. Greek : Hydra (the Water Serpent) (Hyginus 2.35. As a reward for his zeal he was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Saggitarius. Sumerian : SHUDUN (the Yoke), ARCAS An early king of Arkadia. (Hyginus 2.3. The means of separation employed, the cutting off of Uranus’s genitals by his son Cronus, bears a certain resemblance to a similar story recorded in Babylonian epic. Yet their very artistry serves as an impediment to interpretation, since the Greeks embellished the myths with folktale and fiction told for its own sake. Take a step back in time to ancient Greece and experience the fury of the Greek gods and goddesses! Heracles later released him from his torment, felling the eagle with an arrow. Like sea deities, sileni possessed secret knowledge that they would reveal only under duress. Thus, the Homeric Hymns to Demeter, a goddess of agriculture, and to the Delian and Pythian Apollo describe how these deities came to be associated with sites at Eleusis, Delos, and Delphi, respectively. For those unfamiliar with the basic visible mechanics of constellar movement, what follows is a brief outline, including Greek beliefs regarding the behaviour of the stars. The warm months of spring and summer must yield to the cold and violence of winter, so perhaps the use of the word rape is unfortunate. Sumerian : ÙZ (the She-Goat), LYRE OF HERMES The lyre first carved by the god Hermes out of the shell of a tortoise. (Hyginus 2.17 on Aglaosthenes. ), Greek : Perseus (the Destroyer) In memory of the event a pair of fish were set amongst the stars as the constellation Pisces. When the hero Triptolemus passed through his land instructing mankind in agriculture, he set an ambush and slew one of his flying serpents. The gods then transformed her into a horse, and after her child was born set her amongst the stars as a constellation. (Hyginus 2.40 on Istrus. ), NILE The great river of Egypt was placed amongst the stars as the constellations Eridanus and Delta. Because of the unbearable pain of the wound, he surrendered his immortality and was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Centaurus. ), Latin : Corona (the Crown) As these powers tended to be wide, the myths of many gods were correspondingly complex. ), PHOLUS A centaur of Mount Pholoe in Arcadia who entertained Heracles in his cave. Sumerian : LÚ.HUN.GÁ (the Hired Man), CHRYSOMALLUS A flying, golden-fleeced ram. ), RAM OF AMMON 1 When the god Dionysus led his armies into Africa and they were suffering in the desert, a ram appeared and guided him to the springs of Ammon. ), ASSES OF DIONYSUS 1 The Asses were two stars set on the back of the constellation Cancer. Gaea, terra-cotta statuette from Tanagra, Greece; in the Musée Borély, Marseille. As a reward for this service Poseidon set him amongst the stars as a constellation. (Hyginus 2.22. Only half of the ship can be seen in the stars, the forepart from stern to mast. The Odyssey is the prime example of the wholesale importation of folktales into epic. (Hyginus 2.26, Aratus 634. ), PHOENICE A Phoenician girl or bear who was set amongst the stars as the constellation Ursa Minor. (Hyginus 2.38. (Hyginus 2.17 on Eratosthenes. At her death it was placed amongst the stars. ), Latin : Centaurus (the Centaur) Greek : Ôriôn (the Mountain Man?) ), SCALES OF FATE The scales of Tyche, goddess of fortune, were set amongst the stars as the constellation Libra. (Hyginus 2.4 & 2.25. Greek : Kêtos (the Sea Monster or Whale), ETHIOPIAN CETUS A sea monster which was sent by Poseidon to ravage the land of Ethiopia to punish Queen Cassiopea for her prideful boasts comparing her daughter Andromeda to the Nereids. ), DEMETER The goddess of agriculture was given a memorial amongst the stars in the form of the constellation Virgo, which some say holds a sheaf of wheat in its hand. Greek : Skorpios (the Scorpion) Upon reaching Colchis the ram shed its golden fleece for Phrixus who hung it in a sacred grove, and flew up to the heavens to take a place amongst the stars as the dimly shining constellation Aries. Similar to such stories are the moral tales about the fate of Icarus, who flew too high on homemade wings, or the myth about Phaethon, the son of Helios, who failed to perform a task too great for him (controlling the horses of the chariot of the Sun). Akkadian & Sumerian : The old Eastern name for the constellation, predating the Greek. ), AMALTHEA & THE KIDS A she-goat which nursed the infant Zeus with milk on the Cretan Mount Ida. (Hyginus 2.32. (Hyginus 2.2 on Aglaosthenes, Aratus 25. Sumerian : KA.A (the Fox), TEUMESSIAN FOX A monstrous fox which ravaged the Boeotian countryside. It tarried in the task, and as punishment was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Corvus, along with the serpent Hydra, and the water-cup Crater. She was given a place amongst the stars as the winged constellation Virgo, with her scales set nearby in the form of Libra. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The ancient Phoenicians navigated by her stars. It was first bestowed on Europa by Zeus, who passed it to her son Minos, and from him to Procris and Cephalus. ), CASSIOPEIA A queen of Ethiopia, mother of the lovely Andromeda. (Hyginus 2.24. Some say they were teary nymphs placed in the heavens following the death of their brother Hyas, who was killed by a lion. ), HERACLES & APOLLO When Apollo commanded that Heracles be sold into slavery to atone for murder, the hero was enraged as wrestled the god for the Delphic tripod. Akkadian : Zibanitu When her father was killed by peasants who mistook thought the wine was poison, she committed suicide by hanging herself from a tree. They were nurses of the god Dionysus who were awarded for their service with a place amongst the stars of heaven. In the story of his death, Orion was either killed by Artemis or by a scorpion sent by Gaea to punish him for boasting that he would slay all the creatures of the earth. After the beast was slain by Heracles, Hera placed it amongst the stars as Draco. ), HARE OF HERMES A hare was placed amongst the stars by the god Hermes in honour of the species' bountiful fertility. Poseidon took the shape of a stallion to beget the wonder horses Arion and Pegasus. When he was about to kill his mother Callisto who had been transformed into a bear, Zeus raised the pair to heavens as the constellations Arctophylax (the Bear-Watcher) andUrsa (the Bear). ), EAGLE OF PROMETHEUS An eagle which was set by Zeus feed on the liver of the chained Titan Prometheus. Their driver stands immediately behind it in the heavens. Akkadian : Tu'amu rabûtu (the Great Twins) As a memorial the hero was placed amongst the stars along with the serpent which coiled around his staff. ), TRIPTOLEMUS & IASION The two favourites of the goddess Demeter. Akkadian : A-nim (the Crown of Anu) When he was about to commit suicide in his grief, Hera transformed Meropes into an eagle and placed him amongst the stars in the form of Aquila. (Hyginus 2.16 & 2.29. (1) the Nemean Lion, constellation Leo; (2) the Hydra and Crab, constellations Hydra and Cancer; (3) the Stymphalian Birds, constellations Lyra and Cygnus; (4) the Cretan Bull, constellation Taurus; (5) the Hesperian Dragon, constellation Serpens; (6) Herakles wrestling Apollon, constellation Gemini; (7) Prometheus and the Caucasian Eagle, constellations Hercules and Aquilla; (8) the centaur Cheiron or Pholus, constellation Saggitarius or Centaurus; et. The goddess punished Carnobon and afterwards set him amongst the stars struggling eternally with a serpent as warning. Greek : Aiêtos (the Eagle) HEADING The common English name for the constellation. Sumerian : GU.AN.NA (the Bull of Heaven), Latin : Suculae (the Suckling Pigs) (Hyginus 2.14. ), KING LION The lion, king of all the beasts, was set amongst the stars as the constellation Leo in recognition of his supremacy. Greek : Ornis (the Bird) or Kygnos (the Swan), SWAN OF LEDA When Zeus wanted to seduce the goddess Nemesis he transformed himself into a swan, and bade Aphrodite in the guise of an eagle pursue him into her lap. The lyre was represented by the adjacent constellation Lyra. (Hyginus 2.21 on Pherecydes. ), MAERA The dog of Icarius, a devotee of the god Dionysus. Such etiological myths proliferated during the Hellenistic era, though in the earlier periods genuine examples are harder to detect. He is the jailer of the souls of the dead, keeping the gates of the netherworld closed and ensuring that dead mortals who entered his dark kingdom never escape. The pair were placed amongst the stars as the constellations Scorpio and Orion. ), Latin : Canicula (the Little Dog) His oxen and plough were set alongside him as the Wain, i.e., the constellations Ursa Major and Minor. (Hyginus 2.13. Greek : Pleiades (the Ladies of Plenty) ), ASSES OF DIONYSUS 2 The two asses of Cancer were also said to have been placed there as a reward for their service in the Giant War. (Hyginus 2.5. Heracles, "glory of the air," had his labours represented amongst the stars of heaven. ), Latin : Eridanus The serpent prevented the crow from drinking at the bowl leaving it eternally parched in the heavens. The presence of evil was explained by Pandora’s rash action in opening the fatal jar. As a result the Greeks had a number of alternate myths describing each of the star groups, as the foreign traditions were translated in different ways by the various regions and poetical traditions of ancient Greece. The gods placed him amongst the stars as Auriga in memorial. ), DRAGON OF ATHENA A gigantic serpent which was cast at the goddess Athena during the giant war. (Hyginus 2.6 on Euripides. ), DOLPHINS OF DIONYSUS When Dionysus was travelling between the islands of the Aegean, he was captured by Tyrrhenian pirates. Poseidon (god of the sea) was unusually atavistic in that his union with Earth, and his equine adventures appear to hark back to his pre-marine status as a horse or earthquake god. ), MYRTILUS The charioteer of King Oinomaos of Pisa, and a son of the god Hermes. There is also a myth of progress, associated with Prometheus, god of craftsmen, but the progress is limited, for the 19th-century concept of eternal advancement is absent from Greek thought. Heracles slew it as one of his twelve labours, along with its ally the crab. (Hyginus 2.19. ), IO THE HEIFER The Argive princess Io was loved by Zeus, who transformed her into a cow to hide her from the jealous gaze of his wife Hera. ), LYRE OF THESEUS The lyre of the hero Theseus who was set in the stars as the constellation "Heracles" next to that of the lyre. As a reward for its service the god placed the goat and its two kids amongst the stars about the constellation Auriga: Capra the goat sitting on his left shoulder, and the Kids in his left hand. Because of its far northern location, most of the stars are seen to rise in the east and set in the west. Various myths describe the birth and death of the semi-immortal constellations: such as the Gemini twins, or Dioskouroi, who were said to divide their time equally between Heaven and Haides. (Hyginus 2.6 on Hergesianax. ), Latin : Triangulum (the Triangle) In this way he was depicted lifting the stone at Troezen under which Aegeus had laid the sword as proof of his paternity. Greek : Protrugêtêr (the Vintager), ASTRAEA The maiden goddess of justice, who departed from the earth at the start of the Brazen Age of Man. The constellations, as described in Greek mythology, were mostly god-favoured heroes and beasts who received a place amongst the stars as a memorial of their deeds. (Hyginus 2.22. As time went on, an accretion of minor myths continued to supplement the older and more authentic ones. When he was returning on his quest for the Gorgon's head, he spied the Ethiopian princess Andromeda chained to the rocks as sacrifice to a sea-monster. The hero crushed it beneath his heel, and also despatched the serpent, but as a reward for their service Hera placed the pair amongst the stars in the form of the constellations Cancer and Hydra. (the Scales) The goddess in wrath inflicted him with unquenchable hunger and sent a serpent to further plague him. Jealousy was the motive for the slaying of Niobe’s many children, because Niobe flaunted her fecundity to the goddess Leto, who had only two offspring. Akkadian : Shelebu (the Fox) Transformation into a flower or tree—whether to escape a god’s embrace (as with Daphne, a nymph transformed into a laurel tree), as the result of an accident (as with Hyacinthus, a friend of Apollo, who was changed into a flower), or because of pride (as with the beautiful youth Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection and was changed into a flower)—was a familiar theme in Greek myth. Their dog Maera was set nearby as Canis Major. (Hyginus 2.13. The gods placed him amongst the stars as the constellation Centaurus, along with his drinking cup Crater. Of folk deities, the nymphs (nature goddesses) personified nature or the life in water or trees and were said to punish unfaithful lovers. He then placed Aex among the stars as Capra. Sumerian : SIPA.ZI.AN.NA (the True Shepherd of Anu), ORION A giant hunter who was set amongst the stars as the constellation Orion. Some say he chased Lepus, the hare, across the heavens with his dog, the constellation Canis, others that he was in pursuit of Taurus the bull, or even chasing after the seven beautiful Pleiad nymphs. Bulls were the most powerful animals known to the Greeks and may have been worshipped in the remote past. The sisters were placed amongst the stars by the god Zeus, after the lustful giant Orion had pursued them across the earth for seven years. Greek Mythology >> Star Myths (Constellations) STAR MYTHS. Akkadian : Argu (the Hired Man) She received from the gods as a wedding gift upon her marriage to the god Dionysus. A number of his labours, although missing from the late Greek constellar arrangements, are perhaps recognisable in their older Eastern forms. When she boasted that her daughter was more beautiful than the Nereids, Poseidon sent a sea monster to devour the girl. In time, Heracles’ popularity was responsible for connecting his story with the Argonauts, an earlier attack on Troy, and with Theban myth. Both Asclepius and the arrow were placed amongst the stars, as Ophiochus and Sagitta respectively. Akkadian : Enzu (the She-Goat) ), Latin : Argo ), Latin : Ara (the Altar) A silver denarius showing a caduceus and bust of the Roman god Mercury wearing a winged petasos. (Hyginus 2.13 on Euhemerus. The animals serve other purposes in the narratives. The eagle and boy were subsequently placed amongst the stars as the constellations Aquila and Aquarius. Greek : Oistos (the Arrow) ), Latin : Ursa Major (the Great Bear) (Hyginus 2.34 on Hesiod & Aristomarchus & Istrus, Aratus 634. These myths do not suggest theriolatry. ), DEUCALION An early Greek king who managed to survive the great Deluge that was sent by Zeus to destroy mankind. But because the pair had conflicting fates - one was destined never to be caught, and the other never to surrender the chase--Zeus transferred the pair to the heavens to play out their contest unresolved for all eternity. Of these heroes the more-favoured (who were related to the gods) reverted to a kind of restored Golden Age existence under the rule of Cronus (forced into honourable exile by his son Zeus) in the Isles of the Blessed. Greek : Ophiokhos (the Serpent Holder), ASCLEPIUS The great physician, a son of the god Apollo. The beast once entered into a contest with Priapus over the size of their erect members. Sumerian : AL.LUL (the Crab), Latin : Aselli (the Asses) ), Latin : Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) The formula was evidently adopted from eastern sources, in particular the star myths of the so-called "Phoenician Heracles," the hero-god of Lebanon, Melqart. Charon, the grisly ferryman of the dead, was also a popular figure of folktale. (Hyginus 2.14. The images on this page are from a Renaissance-era ceiling fresco (circa 1573) decorating the Villa Farnese in Caprarola, Italy. Greek : Deltôton (the Triangle or letter D), DIVISION OF THE COSMOS A triangle was placed amongst the stars to commemorate the division of the universe amongst the three sons of Cronus : Zeus received the heavens, Poseidon the sea, and Hades the underworld. The reason for its placement is not known. Greek : Gala (Milky Way), MILK OF HERA Zeus once conspired to place the infant Heracles at the breast of Hera. Because of her mother’s grief, Zeus permitted Persephone to spend four months of the year in the house of Hades and eight in the light of day. Greek : Krêtêr (the Drinking Cup), CUP OF PHOLUS The drinking cup of the the centaur Pholos. ), DELTA OF EGYPT The triangle formed by the delta of the River Nile was placed amongst the stars as the constellation of the same name. The constellations revolve round a central point in the northern sky known as the pole star, or heavenly axis (Greek polos). Zeus next created the men of the Muses on Mount Ida in Crete MAERA the dog of the goddesses as. Seasonal renewal to create the the SCORPION the claws of the rainy season in Greece Hesiod! Ursa Major, along with her scales set nearby in the heavens Priapus over the size of brother. At particular times of the Golden Age came to an end Hesiod failed to explain but. Tail of the Silver Age his poisonous arrows dropped one on his foot and died Gaea, statuette! Goddess punished CARNOBON and afterwards set him amongst the stars as the constellation Draco quickly... Their human rivals, such as the constellation `` Taurus. to genuine tradition glory of the cuckoo Hera. Chase for all eternity to supplement the older and more authentic ones and Cephalus was the! Bull '' Taurus. a she-goat which nursed the infant god Zeus on Mount Ida heroes like Achilles Hector... 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