how to handle neighbor harassment ontario

how to handle neighbor harassment ontario

Often, you can have a brief consult for little money just to get an idea if you have a case. Also, if you think the cameras are in the ceiling, can you take some foamcore or other item that won't harm the ceiling and block it in the meantime? Mediators are third party individuals who can objectively try to come up with a solution between the two parties. He goes to my church.Why would he be harassing you?" About six or seven years ago a new neighbor moved in behind me. If you want proof your neighbors received the letter, you can send it via certified mail. I assume there's no other way you can go to double around her when she does this. What can I do about this constant abuse? My first thought is to get any documentation you can. You know the saying "That's just the tip of the iceberg"? The first I knew he was on his driveway was when he started yelling. Then one day he started throwing garbage into my yard. In most places the term has both a legal definition and a more common understanding. I agreed to allow a temporary restraining order remain until then as i have nothing to do with them to begin with. During her chat she also was talking about other things like neighbors. Call ahead and pick a time to talk. This past October, her three kids lost control of their dog and it attacked my sons dog. What human rights protection does Ontario offer? She … That is when they came marching down here to harass us. Don't risk your own safety in a confrontation where you feel you might get hurt or worse. They're almost certainly using thermal imaging to find where I am and then targeting my body so that my kidneys are effectively being cooked. If you are experiencing problems and feel discriminated against, there are organizations in your area that can help you. Ontario Can you afford a discussion with a private detective if the police are not helping you? Now most neighbors are hearing everything we say about them! Really, though, with this situation and such an unresponsive landlord it's probably best to move if you can. If you can't move, can you set up cameras facing their entire side of the house? My arrest and ticket dismissed. We have not gotten much sleep in days. Maybe even the one who has been paying the people to harass us. You don't have to deal with harassment alone. Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. He came out and was angry and flipped. Most of them seemed to vanish, except 1 small black car. I called the police several times but they believe his lies which are backed up by his wife and son. Today i was out mowing my grass and now im accused of shooting with a gun there boys windows. So mom told boys after she shot a hole from the inside of the house through the window that the boys seen me do it. Emails facilitate these service call requests. I wish... Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on March 07, 2019: That is horrendous. I have shown them to the police thru and email. Be very clear in confrontations with your neighbor. Apt #4 is the only one with attic access. Your neighbor sounds truly dangerous. They have been getting along very well, Boy even setup computer and connected him to internet for Ronnie. My lawyer has retained all disparaging and defamation threats towards my family she posted on line. But it's unfair you have to go to such extremes to get away from such people. I learned about my letter and explained to my lawyer. I found something similar here, except the opposite. The judge advised her the social media postings are illegal and to be "reasonable", He also advised her to call 911 the next time she feels threatened. He also talks to neighbors about me and they tell me the awful lies he tells them about me. And it just goes on and on. Hearing your neighbor say things that you find insensitive or thoughtless does not automatically equate to harassment. He puts up his mailbox smoking his "stuff" (we think it was marijuana). That sounds like a very serious situation. This can make you feel more safe about who is approaching your house, and if you are at home, if you want to answer the door. When we are outside they use their kids as weapons and shields. That's one of the reasons we put the cameras around our house. It could be a first step. My off grid investigation has led me to a mike, who is related. Begin an electronic diary or use a digital voice recorder with time stamps (check your state's policy about this first, as the rules for recording without someone's knowledge vary from state to state). These neighbors from hell are probably criminals. It's another option. Everyone wants their neighborhood to be a pleasant place where everyone gets along, but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. The police wont do much. Once after hearing the plane I did not think anything of it and went out with my dogs, and this fine mist hit me in the face. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on November 10, 2018: I hope she has stopped landscaping your yard, as that is illegal. Sometimes discrimination takes place within a particular organization or institution and becomes a part of how that organization or institution operates. The tow truck guy was wondering what was so funny. If the neighbors are engaging in active, disorderly conduct, you can call the police as well. In a recent case, courts have shown that they will not tolerate insulting or harassing emails. I had just shampooed him and didn't want a wet dog in my house. We (me 55 and mom 78) moved in here (Vilonia, Arkansas) 13 years ago (May 2006). I'm so sorry you are going through this! I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on August 25, 2020: I'm very sorry to hear this. I was inside working on computer at the time. Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on December 31, 2019: I hope you sell the house soon and am glad you are sleeping better. He also said my child had been bothering his on the bus, and that I must have heard about it from the vice principal (I hadn't) and that it better stop, “or else.” Also, the neighbor knew his son had kicked mine between the legs, but that it was okay. i am wondering if we can somehow explain that harassment is a form of Hate Crime. I believe he easier lose temper, angry and do violate things (break things). This family consists of a mother, father and their two twin boys now 13 years old. Hopefully, your next neighborhood will be better. The woman calls the police to report that we are trespassing on her property when we have people visit us. He's told me to move the ashtray on my bed,..i moved it, and he said 'good boy'. He stopped the car to smile at me before driving away. I feel i am being serially harrassed by this family who apparently do not know how to have a "civil" conversation. At various points I have been followed outside of my neighborhood by them. In any event, a lawyer will be needed to defend you if you have been charged with harassing a neighbor. Make sure you have your lines taped so if he calls again you can document it. I am currently going through neighbors from the 7th Ring of Dante's Inferno... the neighbors don't mess with my Children because both of mine are adults and moved on to their own homes. If things just get too out-of-hand with your property line differences or other neighborly disputes, you can consult a lawyer. I took his solar lights. Take video if you can to document his harassment - and stay safe. A landlord may perform these actions to disrupt the tenant's … - my landlord says. His mother (Lady) asked Boy to check in on Ronnie as he was an older man. They player their noisy radios to excessive at max volume BOOM, BOOM, or they cut holes in their mufflers to max out the noise as they zoom up the hill and wake us at all hours. His the type y ou give a inch he will take a mile no more. These people use drones, at least two of them, to stalk us. If your neighbor is entering your property a lot, threatening you or being physically violent, you may be able to get a protective order against them. We have been made a target and it is frightening, to say the least. An employer has specific obligations under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to deal with workplace harassment.. What is workplace harassment? Double-check your state's policy before you make any recording. Most administrations have policies in place to deal with harassment. Lady from down block (age 30-40) orders cable for her house (Dec 2016). If you feel it may help, you can hire a mediator to work between your two families. I ignore him. He called police and proof my old letter and solar (he lied to police). He read it. Police do nothing. Finally, any time you talk to this family, make sure your phone is set up to record. I have the worst neighbors of all they are liers and stalkers they went as far as to call town hall and put a plane together to make up a lie to have me arrested on fake lies and she had originally said to cops I threaten her with a gun Wich of I don't own one to begin but anyway I was asrested and charged with disturbing the peace I went to court I had 6 witness and all proof but some how judge believed her lie and I'm on 6 months probation while this was happening my dad passed away and now I'm dealing with her still harassment and my loos of my dad I can't even go outside with out someone with me just to walk the dog or cut the grass shovel snow I'm 52 yes old and can't go out side to sit or baraque a burger because her and her husband stalk me and harassing me cops in this town won't do anything and mayor is just as cruked I'm so depressed and have a ton of anxiety I'm even in coulsing now because of all this stuff a big lie anyone have any advice I'm moving out of my home I've lived in for 52 yes all my life I have no privacy they have lites and cameras pointed at my house and if I go anywhere with family and friends they fallow me stalking me is really bad sometime I think if I wasn't here they can't fallow me there right but I have my wife to worry about and my dog he is my heart I'm lost and don't see the lite at the end of the tunnel I'm hopping I can possibly move and they don't fallow me maybe I should move out of state to get away from these syco people anyway thanks for listening hope you read this and don't ever cross there paths if you want to email me it's [email protected] good luck hope you all don't have sycos like me harassing you it's not fun at all cost me over 2500 dollars and we all know justice system don't work for insonant people only liers and bad people win it use to be insonant until proven guilty but now your guilty to proven insonant or why would you be in hand cuffs and why would you need a layer not justice anymore. They use laser pointers to shine in our windows. The father exposes himself in public, the mother has a substance abuse problem, the teenage son has mental heath issues and the teenage girl is allowed to dress like a prostitute, get on the bus and goes to school. The teenage boy has threatened to run over a pregnant woman with his ATV and both children race up and down the road on them. She came over to our house and publicly shamed my mom in front of all people passing by on highway. If the harassment is a safety concern, have the complaining tenant involve the authorities. I just read another story below about someone enduring neighborhood harassment with a Coast Guard connection. Neighborhood Boy (age 16) tells us one day, everyone loves his "stuff". Should bad neighbors cost you your life? Try a little loving kindness if the harassment consists of the neighbor complaining about your behavior. The youngest boy is in middle school with one of my children. The girlfriend immediately started landscaping parts of our property and wouldn't stop after being confronted multiple times. For example, in the case of dogs being left out all night to bark, maybe the neighbors would agree to take them in after 10:00 p.m. He's been silent for 4 weeks now...but he'll start again. After living with my brother for a few weeks. Mom is a abitual liar they mock me for serving Jesus and just want me gone even if they have to kill me. I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice, but I have been dealing with a crazy neighbor from hell. You can also call the local non-emergency number if you are not sure if your neighbor’s actions qualify for police intervention. Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on June 14, 2018: This sounds like a terrible situation and the police aren't helping you. Some of them have modified mufflers to make as much noise as a motorcycle, in the night this will wake anyone. Police and Air Quality Dept. By the time I was at the end of the s street he was still yelling. How to deal with racist neighbors? This guys got balls, and right now,..he's got me pretty good. When the guy stopped out front and pulled out his gun, someone inside told him to get back in. I have dealt with her parking her car over the property line onto my grass. That statement SHOULD speak volumes of why nothing will, or has, ever be/been done. The police came 3 of them i was out walking my dogs at the park i saw the police on my way there. I'm glad you put the camera up. I feel no private. As they changed the battery, and could not start it, they had to tow it in. How can I protect myself against this in the future? Sometimes discrimination takes place within a particular organization or institution and becomes a part of how that organization or institution operates. Her brother is a police officer and his one brother is a police officer. Also, if you could get a picture of the screen with the damage obviously coming from the inside that would help, but I know that may not be safe to do. Mom said predator, and the Girl tells Lady that mom said Pedophile. It cost us $400 for the fix as they had to move the gas tank to reconnect the fuel line. Police arrested me for thief and trespass (police didn't tell me about my letter). She has never called the police because i have literally said 4 words to her since they moved in " your dog attacked mine". The letter will set a specific date by which the matter must be settled. I only wish I could prove this because they have literally made me feel like I am imprisoned in my own home. You has taken many of those type of films off line in the last few months (including mine). If the neighbors are engaging in active, disorderly conduct, you can call … Most ignore it saying not our jurisdiction. The school informed us they forgot to tell us when the neighbor's son kicked our son between the legs (on video), which is illegal. I'm a single man with nothing to lose really, but i wont allow harm to my sister. Hes told me the color of my cup etc, and he isnt using windows. I have 2 kids 8 years old and 5 years old and my 5 year old has autism. Your friend sounds like she had a good idea. So true! A friend of mine has recently been having problems with her neighbours, and she took a secret video of an altercation she had with them the other day - in case she needs to use it as evidence! It can include assault and battery charges if the behavior becomes severe. Your rational voice is helpful! He will not leave me alone cause i beleve im the only one who has told the idoir no. My neighbor had tried to grab the chair and fallen on his stomach. It's a real shame your house isn't selling, as this person sounds like a serious criminal. After that he came into my yard whenever he felt like it, rearranged my furniture and other garden stuff. Problems like that can be very stressful—even scary—to deal with. His wife moves in to help pay bills, they get mobile home. If it is HIM, im in deep trouble. I'm so sorry. Actions or words that are unwelcome or hostile, and that are linked to one of the grounds in the Canadian Human Rights Act or the Ontario Human Rights Code, are discrimination or harassment. In most cases, neighbors are not family members or friends, … In some states, you are legally allowed to record an interaction with someone without them knowing, but in other states (California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington) it isn't legal. If we're in the bathroom at night and turn of the bathroom light they are waiting at their front door and will hit our sliding glass door with rocks to let us know they are watching us. You deserve to feel safe and secure in your own home. I'll get run out of town if i beat up a dying old man. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Video is only worth anything if law enforcement will view it, which they literally refuse to. He runs away i have to yell to get him to stop and this is why she thinks we are mistreating our kids. They watch everything we do and I mean everything. Unless HE has me completely duped). I suspect they have gained access to my home on several occasions and to my computers as well. He had been on his hands and knees working on bricking in his driveway and had tied his dog to a lawn chair beside him. I wrote my letter to explain situation to T. He continued to do welding. Yes, I am scared to bits every night I go to bed! T continued to do welding. Occasionally, things could even cross the line into deliberate and targeted harassment. Can you get motion sensitive cameras to record places you are suspicious they are acting on your property? At first he was very nice and polite and talked to me about my dog, etc. In some areas, the neighbor has to be arrested first, while in other areas you can go to your local courthouse, write down your evidence, and get an order for them to stay off your property. A minute later I was falling on the ground semi conscious, my head was spinning. We have had the house up for sale for many years, no one buying in this area. He continues to yell and flip me. Mom said no as she did the lawn to keep in shape. We saw the ambulance come back then, but were just now told what it was for. She has to be pushing 60 years of age, so there doesn't seem to be any hope of her growing up. I put up a security camera and didn't mention it to any of them and then gathered evidence and THEN told them. I caught him at it once and wrote him a letter asking him to stop. It all started with a doorbell cam aimed in my bedroom window. He couldn't touch my note or he couldn't go on my property. UGH. I have pics of some of the cars, but not the licence plates. They caught our cat and tortured it then the mother had the kids through him into the wood line, I saw them put him there and YES I called everyone and reported it. Mom not wanting to move out without selling house. How to deal with neighbor harassment/ nuisance? One of the neighbors has a son that is a member of the Coast Guard. Some states allow one party recording and some states don't. I ignore her for the most part but i can't anymore she is attacking my kids with CPS. So, they continue to harass. We have neighbors with three kids. Please be safe and let me know if you make any progress! Is is possible for you to put any cameras where they can monitor your yard so you can get actual proof of your neighbor on your yard? She hung herself. She lied to get even with mom. Do you have any other neighbors who are witnesses or who are also being harassed? Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on April 24, 2020: This definitely sounds like a nightmare scenario. Teeuwynn Woodruff (author) from Washington State on June 27, 2020: Having a neighbor who threatens to destroy your family is terrifying! You can try talking to your local ACLU for suggestions. Police didn't presses charge to him for vandalism. While at work, this asshole has went up and installed a couple very small cams that i cant seem to find (this is a 1940 ranch home divided into 4 apts, Has tons of old nail holes and cracks in ceiling. Has retained all disparaging and defamation threats towards my family & me ) ) to! To have a neigbor that thinks he owns everything around here even one. Not helping you? refuse to Boy ' dog over while we crossing! To simply ignore your neighbor say things that you find insensitive or thoughtless does not automatically equate to.... 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