my boyfriend says he's not happy

my boyfriend says he's not happy

I've been with my boyfriend since late 2009 (we recently celebrated our three year) but for the past couple of weeks we've been argueing like crazy. We had our ups and downs. I'm not sure if he's being genuine about wanting things to work, or if he's just doing this so that he doesn't hurt my feelings. He is not cheating on me, or interested in dating other women. Me and my boyfriend have been going out fpr 4 years and he broke up with me because im to contolling because he has asked me for space in the past but i didnt give it to him because i was afraid.of loosing him and clingy. :''(. It just makes me so worthless snd unloved I know how you feel =\. Well back to him, He probably just want a break , so you may have a chance before its too late. “I will take care of myself, baby. Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV. My boyfriend and I have been together for over three years. I Don... My boyfriend says he loves me but he doesnt want to deal with me anymore an... My boyfriend doesnt trust me anymore, how can i get that trust back? He told me that my husband wasn’t happy with his job, and he had sought another. What do you want to read? Look within myself to see what needs correction. putting them on their toes will let him want you more. we have been together for one year and five months i cant imagine losing him forever .. he means so much to me i dont know what to do ? It just might not be what we want to hear. Well, after a year of fighting and working on it, sit back and see what happens. i have the same problem now. We met on the beach to close what I thought was the final chapter of us, what a silly young girl I was. Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this! It should kind of unfold effortlessly. Well… according to Salkin, sometimes compliments can actually be warning signs that your partner isn’t happy, especially when they start to feel a little off . work and competition with colleagues can be hard. Anything like that you can think of? They will definitely tell us what they're feeling and thinking, as long as we're actually listening. I also feel used because he won’t leave. I would just like some advice on ways that I can get us to be closer again, and eliminate the drama from our relationship. girls - don't know if this will help any of you but I'm in a similar kind of situation and found this online*****-novelty-and-the-coolidge-effect. When you look at the mirror, tell your self that you are beautiful and deserve more and better. 15. write him an email. Even though i hope he doesn't. Have you been feeling your partner slowly or suddenly pulling away? Work is overwhelming him, his parents are demanding of his time as are his life long friends and so am I. I know besides work I am the top prority out of those 4 but I know he wants it to be more balanced. Today I had a fight with my boyfriend. I’m going through the same exact situation right now. By having the conversation early, you can hopefully address any of the problems that are making your partner want to pull away, or just give them the space they need to come back on their own. All i can say is im going through the same exact thing. I don't know if going from seeing each other 4 days a week to 6 or 7 days a week freaked him out, or what it is, but something with us changed. My boyfriend and i have been dating almost for 3 months now, and now that we got out of school and he went back to him town hes telling me that hes not ready for a relationship. i have fought for so long and whats the point of giving up now ? If he rejects you, Then I have to say I am sorry, he just really does not want you back anymore. Has anything helped? I dont want to loose him and i want to fight for him and he sees he doesnt want me to fight for him because its to late for that. And again continue, hang up and call him again. You’re pretty happy right now, but spending forever with him doesn’t sound like something you’d ever want to do. 2.1 1. Give him space and time to go through things while you focus on yourself. He understands that your dreams are of paramount importance, as are his. Watch the way he treats you and vice versa. I feel like I’m trapped but I’m not … But please write those pros and cons in order to get your mind clear before you write him. Im just afraid that he might reject me, if he does what advice would you give? Pay attention to when their behavior suddenly changes and communicate with them. The thought of marrying him terrifies you. Big bills? I am definitly going to do the pros & cons . Is this really that big a deal for men that they just abandon you and not even want to look back.. We use to talk about getting married and now he tells me he doesnt see us getting married. I'm going through some things, I lost my job things at home aren't good. Queen. He'll appreciate it a lot. Every time we have an argument he finds a way to blame me. As he is just commenting but not breakingup, you can be sure that what he wants is to set right something in your attitude that he finds to be unacceptable but not repulsive. But I still wonder sometimes if he's really happy in our relationship. The perfect boyfriend pushes your boundaries and inspires you to achieve the unimaginable. He says he still wants to work things out between us. I don't think that he understands how much I have given up to be with him. i understood..and i moved back to that hell hole with my dad who had a habit of beating me. I know I’m young but I’m afraid to be alone and if breaking Up with him is the best thing for me since i am the one with depression. Should I give him space. It's the things he DOSENT say that I know he feels, that hurts the most is that he can't come to ME anymore and if he can't come to me then who am I supposed to go to? What does i need space/time to figure things out mean? Sometimes, when my partner is distracted, I just look at him and wonder, what the hell is happening in that head of his? I want it to get back to being stronger than ever. I'm... After two years he breaks up saying he doesnt love me anymore and isn't attracted to me anymore, Boyfriend just broke up with me saying he needs space & doesnt love me the same anymore. This link emails me automatically, I don't mind emailing you personally, but I am not too comfortable giving out my emails online. For now, he doesnt want to break up. Like today's Valentines Day he asked me to go to the movies with him today!! Please help me i dont want to loose him. I am over five months pregnant with his second child. He said that he hasn't been in a long time, and that he feels that he doesnt know if he can handel the responsibilities that come along with being in a relationship. He is not a control freak. We hung out last night and I met his grandparents and I had a great time hanging with him. You adore your boyfriend so when he says he's not happy and wants space it's bound to hurt. Boyfriend says that he feels like he can't make me happy and he thinks I should move on. My boyfriend of 4 and a half years broke up with me 5 days ago, after I discovered he had been pursuing another girl behind my back. Sometimes if you are unsettled it can take upto months, so you try to take out time irrespective. If he does this then, i am sorry. I want to be that fun, care free girl that he fell in love with and stop harping on the little things that he does wrong, but its so hard when I am hurting so much. Love is a motivation engine that drives you closer to your aspirations. I want to find my own nitche in this new city. she wrote. And you’re starting to think they might be right. For now, he doesnt want to break up. I dont kmow how to get him back amd i definitly dont want to loose him because i love him& been through so much with him already :/. When I ask him to leave he always says he’s taking my boys then. he later told me i would have to move back to my dads cus he could no longer support me. Sex Yourself: The Woman’s Guide to Mastering Masturbation and Achieving Powerful Orgasms. Cheer up. "His name is Ian, he's super loving, creative, handsome and funny, and we have a ton in common." In this Ask Sally column, 32 year old Lisa says, ‘My boyfriend doesn’t satisfy me sexually’. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 4years and he says im contolling and he is unhappy now and he doesnt want to fix anything he just wants to end it. I love my boyfriend, I just don't think I'm happy anymore. I don't know what to do, he says he wants to me with me and he loves me and is in love with me. only you want them to. you will make new friends at work, going out with them will make him miss you. He had the better job, so I moved from Houston to Dallas to be with him. How do we fix this? When were driving I ALWAYS see him looking at girls walking om the sidewalks in his side and rear view mirrors. But everything was fine until he went back to his town. Happiness can be a paradox: The more you reach for it, the more it seems to slip through your fingers. That is not who I am, but at the same time I have never moved for love, and then felt so alone. “You don’t ever have to worry about our relationship.” 2.4 4. been going out with him for 2 years. He stood me up and he doesnt want to see me anymore and everything between us is over☹️ we haven't had "no" contact for the past week. I really want to get back with him and need help on how to convice him we should be together. He's finding things difficult right now so be his support but as well give him his space its the best thing you can do for him. With tears in my eyes we both said a nice, peaceful farewell. He does. In an interview with The Verge's Decoder podcast, the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, says he's "not yet happy" with the platform's TikTok competitor Reels.The Verge reports: "I'm not yet happy with it," he says. “I’m here for you.” 2.2 2. He’s kind, hilarious, and financially stable, but selfish in bed. My boyfriend and I have been dating since five years and our relationship was not the best. In an interview with Bustle, Cecil Carter, CEO of dating app Lov says this is a hint that your partner has become unhappy in the relationship. I love him but I am not happy with him anymore, My fiance loves me but does not want to be with me anymore because I do not make him happy, Should I wish my ex merry christmas/happy new year. I don't know what to say, because ever since the break up he has not spoken to me! If my ex would text me Merry Christmas/Happy New Year should I respond? He’s awesome but sometimes I question myself if I really love him. According to her, relationships should progress at a natural pace, going from usual romantic dates to slowly meeting friends and families and going on vacations together. Who doesn’t enjoy a compliment from their partner every now and then. His telling you that he's not happy is usually a passive aggressive way to ask for more attention and to ask for more fun and excitement in both of your lives. Make sure that this is the message that you hear. I am so sorry to hear this, Men these days sigh..... sometimes men cant handle pressure in this era. The key is to hear what he have to say, and have a mutual conversation with him. Dear Sally, I’ve been with my boyfriend for four and a half years. I am madly in love with my boyfriend of nine months, but I am not happy anymore. so, my boyfriend thinks that I'm not happy around, with him, or by him. i want to fight for us and stay together ! He started to feel trapped, and controlled in every aspect of his life (not just by me). "He's also 6'4" and makes me feel like a small little person which at 5'10" myself is NOT … The truth is that the best way to gauge your partners happiness is to talk to them. Thinking it throughly will let things go smoothly at the end. Hi hello. Also he broke up on the phone while he was holidaying in south africa. What do you want to work on? He never touches me anyway! hi, how r u? Being unstable with your finances, issues with home, additionally your boyfriend cant understand. She warns if this isn’t happening, “it's likely that someone is not happy in the relationship, which is preventing it from growing, and that person has some reason they are holding back from allowing it to grow.”. I’m sorry but all I can say is you are not alone on this and I hope you’re both still together. He hasn't tried to contact me since, although while breaking up he did say he loved me and all that **** thatmade him sound like a good boyfriend. His words of, “I’m not happy anymore.” In the deepest moment of my despair I remember crying out to God, and in that moment He impressed a few things upon my heart. I know that we are good together, I know that we both love each other deepy, but we are in a rut and I dont know how to get out of it. When you are about to have your breakfast. He said that he hasn't been in a long time, and that he feels that he doesnt know if he can handel the responsibilities that come along with being in a relationship. Back and forth, back and forth, until your head explodes. Wouldn't we all love to be able to know for sure what's in the hearts and minds of our partners at any given moment? I heard from a wife who said: “the other day, my husband said that he needed to be honest with me about something very important. Family memeber troubles? i was … I can't lose him and am willing to do anything to keep my relationship with him. tell me what you did hun. Good luck. In an interview with Bustle, Cecil Carter, CEO of dating app Lov says this is a hint that your partner has become unhappy in the relationship. Men want to want something they desire. I love my boyfriend but i am not happy with him anymore. we have a past of cheating on each other and we moved past dad kicked me out and i moved in with him. "It could also be a more general unhappiness or work dissatisfaction, but I find that if someone is more cranky about the partner's behavior than other life circumstances, that is a good indication of them being unhappy in the relationship,” she says. When you write this email use the pros and cons, and also write about his best past about being with you. My name is Jaime and I have been with my boyfriend for 11 months. One minute they’re all over you, the next they’re a puff of smoke. NC but what should I do if he texts me happy new year? Out to him? Recently it's become so bad that he's tried to end things with me on a couple of occasions because he is not happy with me. We are best friends, I just dont know how we got to this point and I am desperate to get out of it. After this he just said he's not happy. I love him alot but he isnt even trying to work it out or giving me a chance. Don't get me wrong, this was my choice, and I would do it again if I knew that we were going to be ok. If you want to get hold of me personally, you may write your email, and I can send you a personal one. He's a kind, loving and respectful partner, so I find it difficult to explain exactly why I feel this way. he is a highly sensitive person which is great in the beginning but he gets overwhelmed easily by any sort of stress and had suddently decided to break up with me as he needed space to focus on his work. In the meantime, we're just going to have to trust our guts, and do some communication-related adulting to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied in the relationship. I just read this and it made me realize I'm not alone. She explains that when your SO starts giving you compliments that are unnatural or just too much, “for example, he or she tells you how perfect you are and how he or she doesn't deserve you” that it may actually be a “a backhanded foreshadowing that something is up and that they're looking for you to break up with them.” Confusing, right? If your man is in a bad mood every single day and you can’t do anything to boost his mood, it’s a warning sign. It’s important when you feel them pulling back to have a conversation about what is happening to learn if its a problem in the relationship or external factors that having nothing to do with you. My boyfriend says he's not happy in the relationship now that the honeymoon period is over. HELP PLEASE. lonelymomma24 i feel for you... how are things now? "[It] likely means something in their feelings has changed and they are working on trying to figure out their feelings and what to do about it before telling you and ending the entire relationship," she says. I am just not so sure anymore. Please get this bad news prepared before you talk to him. Just adjustments. My boyfriend told me he isn't happy with me anymore but i love him! Do anything to keep my relationship with him, he is in love with me after... First place even want to loose him sometimes be difficult, you may write email! If they can only mean good things, right him, he doesnt see us married... 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