reddit coronavirus related distribution

reddit coronavirus related distribution

Its second could be, too.) vasovagal syncope), hyperventilation, and breath-holding. Most episodes of anaphylaxis begin within minutes after vaccination. In this case, however, governments around the world were willing to underwrite significant portions of the costs of clinical trials, reducing the financial risk for pharmaceutical companies to develop and produce a vaccine without preliminary data, but heavily leveraging existing research into coronaviruses. The trials are also sufficiently long (even with all this streamlining) to be able to catch adverse events that would occur with any significant frequency. According to a medical analysis based on 44,672 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in China published in February 2020, most patients aged between 30 and 69 years. This is a place for people who are or want to become Financially Independent (FI), which means not having to work for money. These drugs include banlanivimab, casirivimab, and imdevimab. Trained medical practitioners can medically assess the patient, identify if the patient is experiencing a true anaphylaxis episode, and administer medications as appropriate. The sensitivity of COVID-19 NATs appears to be the highest 5-8 days following exposure. More recent data suggest children older than 10 years may spread SARS-CoV-2 as efficiently as adults. Individuals with COVID-19 are contagious for longer than they are with flu (roughly 12 days vs. 7 days, respectively). There’s no limit to how much money you’re allowed to invest. These tests tend to be less sensitive than NATs, particularly for asymptomatic individuals or individuals with lower viral loads. Can masks interfere with a child's lung development? The National Primary Health Care Development Agency, (NPHCDA), has announced a distribution plan for the COVID-19 vaccine in the country, saying that the rate of infection in each state was the criterion used in the distribution.. Masks will not affect your child's ability to focus or learn in school. You can also replenish the amount that you pulled from your retirement account over that time. Several published studies have detected SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid in breast milk. Moreso, these trials have progressed at a rapid pace because of pre-existing research and technology that could be leveraged to develop a vaccine candidate quickly, policy decisions to mitigate usual administrative delays, and the impact that rapid spread of a novel pathogen has on the logistics of a clinical trial. The primary treatment for most cases of COVID-19 is supportive treatment, including fever reduction, hydration, and rest. Q5. In addition, we have considerable existing research on other human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, that we were able to use to gain rapid insight into SARS-CoV-2. Please be civil and empathetic. This allows them to live in concert with a number of viruses at once without experiencing negative health outcomes. Not if you move it to a taxable account and buy the same thing. We have not, to date. The president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Dr. Sally Goza, issued a letter to federal health officials in October urging them to include children in vaccine safety and efficacy trials. The study also found that a low number of washing cycles did not markedly reduce the effectiveness of masks, but did point out that this could decrease with repeated washing; as such, it may be important to replace masks regularly as they undergo wear-and-tear. If the person develops the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, immediate treatment can be given if they are already on the premises. This variant, termed the B1.1.7 variant of SARS-CoV-2 was found to be rapidly spreading across the United Kingdom as of late November and December. It is also anticipated that vaccination will be recommended regardless of prior infection. Since there are also cases of MIS-A, in young adults, if MIS were to be a problem, we may see it in the larger adult trials. In this way, in the extremely unlikely event that problems caused by the vaccine occur in any significant numbers, it will be detected quickly. For example, the very rare, but one of the most severe possible side-effects, Guillane-Barre syndrome (GBS) almost always arises within 6 weeks of receiving the influenza vaccine; other adverse reactions due to vaccines present similarly quickly or even sooner. However, with the number of individuals that wanted to join each of the vaccine trials, enrollment was completed with unprecedented speed. Per CDC guidelines, individuals that test positive for COVID-19 and never develop symptoms may discontinue isolation 10 days after the first positive test. The EPA also maintains a list of cleaning supplies and general instructions for cleaning and sanitizing. Per the Infectious Diseases Society of America, activities can have a broad range of risks in the midst of the pandemic. In addition, face shields should not be used on newborns or infants. We apologize, but this video has … Two types of reactions are most likely to present immediately after getting a vaccine. Per the CDC and the Mayo Clinic, and work in the Lancet30566-3/fulltext#seccestitle10), a person infected with COVID-19 typically begins to show symptoms around 5-7 days after infection, although symptoms presentation can range from 2-14 days post exposure. stroke, TIA) or neurological conditions, Immunocompromised states (not due to solid organ transplantation), Metabolic conditions: Overweight, type 1 diabetes mellitus. Despite this speed, we are still able to effectively judge whether these vaccine candidates will be safe. While vaccine supplies are constrained, vaccination of persons with recent prior infection may be delayed; however, the duration of protection after infection is unknown. The vast majority of children age 2 or older can safely wear a cloth face covering for extended periods of time, such as the school day or at child care. What is the current evidence about newborn risk for COVID-19? The mother can use her hands for simultaneous breast massage/compression during pumping to improve milk flow, breast emptying, and likely calorie content of her milk. Though much more study is needed to definitively determine the effect of this variant on the course of the outbreak, there are some tentative and early findings. The CDC has a useful description of the reasons to believe that mask usage is useful for preventing spread of COVID-19. In addition, clinical trials often have difficulty enrolling subjects; it normally takes months to years to fully enroll a clinical trial. However, these tests have the advantage of being faster to run than NAATs, and do not trigger as often on “lingering” viral debris. Current data indicates that children and adolescents can become infected and are less likely to be symptomatic and less likely to have severe disease resulting from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Verified Specialist - MSc (Virology/Microbiology). A fresh dose of frustration is often the outcome for those seeking the coronavirus vaccine through Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties’ public health departments. Bats are reservoirs for a diverse range of coronaviruses, including but not limited to predecessors of MERS, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, all of which are pathogenic and have caused outbreaks in humans. Active COVID-19 (virus that can cause infection) has not, to date, been detected in the breastmilk of any mother with confirmed/suspected COVID-19. This was borne out in the animal studies of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which found their vaccines did not cause toxicity in animals and conferred immunity against the virus. Why are existing vaccine testing paradigms useful for testing safety of mRNA vaccines? It's also worth remembering that these mRNA molecules encode for a protein already encoded by SARS-CoV-2, and to date, we haven't seen a massive rise in autoimmune reactions from that virus beyond that which we would expect for a widespread viral infection. We have considerable knowledge of the fundamental biology underlying many of these vaccine candidates that allow us to better judge their safety, and after confirmation of their safety, human studies using RNA as therapeutic, both for vaccines, and in other ways to treat diseases are underway since years. What are the similarities and differences between COVID-19 and seasonal flu? COVID-19 stimulus and penalty-free withdrawals up to $100,000 from 401k/403b/IRA "Savers under age 59½ would be able to tap their 401(k) and 403(b) money without the usual 10% early withdrawal penalty. Are there any data from volunteers who happened to get pregnant or who were breastfeeding during vaccine trials? *These exceptions also apply to any taxable amount of Roth IRA withdrawals. Notably, in many cases, anaphylaxis is preventable; in all cases, it is treatable. ", From Given these findings and uncertainties, as well as established short-term and long-term benefits, direct breastfeeding is encouraged at this time. "Savers under age 59½ would be able to tap their 401(k) and 403(b) money without the usual 10% early withdrawal penalty. When a vaccine is shown to be safe and effective in children, health authorities, including the CDC and the AAP, will make recommendations on when and how children should receive the vaccine. Several studies have suggested that there are some changes seen in imaging or pathology of various tissues in COVID-19; however, the degree to which these laboratory or imaging findings are clinically significant remains unclear. In addition, the sensitivity and specificity of serological antibody tests can vary widely depending on the test used and the timing of testing. What do we know about the ability of the vaccines to prevent transmission of the virus? In children for whom COVID-19 caused serious illness, half had an underlying condition, and half did not. Immunocompromised states secondary to solid organ transplantation, Metabolic conditions: Obesity, severe obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, Lung conditions: Asthma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, Cerebrovascular (e.g. Any effects of COVID vaccine on pregnancy, the developing fetus, or infants? Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis can include: Pre-vaccination screening includes screening for a history of anaphylaxis and identification of potential risk factors such as allergies to food, medicines, or prior vaccines. Currently, there is no reason to avoid or stop breastfeeding in regards to COVID-19. Activities such as well-distanced outdoor events, going to the grocery store, or going to the doctor’s office are classified as being low-risk, especially when precautions like mask usage are taken. Breastfeeding also improves the health of mothers. Remdesivir: Remdesivir has been approved for use in hospitalized individuals with COVID-19 aged 12 years and older. How closely related is SARS-CoV-2 to other pathogenic coronaviruses? First, previous research has enabled us to reduce the time necessary to begin developing and testing a vaccine candidate. Astra Zeneca has approval to enroll children in the UK, ages 5-12, but has not yet enrolled any children in the US. A coronavirus-related distribution is a distribution that is made from an eligible retirement plan to a qualified individual from January 1, 2020, to December 30, 2020, up to an aggregate limit of $100,000 from all plans and IRAs. The intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2 is still being sought out at the time of this writing, but investigations in wild bats to identify closely related coronaviruses in bats is ongoing. Moderna is about to start a similar study, as is Janssen. The WHO provides general information and recommendations on staying safe while traveling. Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) ... People in vehicles make their way through the Dodger Stadium COVID-19 testing site, Monday, January 4, 2021. Antibody tests are serological tests that determine whether you have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in your blood serum. Some might do the first because they're scared, A 401k is just a compartment for investing. With that said, face shields do offer additional eye protection that masks do not. When not nursing, the infant can be cared for by a healthy caregiver, if available, and/or maintained in a separate room or at least 6 feet away from the mother. However, experience from past vaccinations would suggest that it is more likely than not that a vaccinated individual will at least show a reduction in viral transmission. Per the CDC, some groups of individuals of any age are at higher risk of severe illness. How long should I isolate following a positive test and/or onset of symptoms? The first one is going to be a fear of a side effect from direct action of the mRNA molecules itself (or the lipid nanoparticles, but liposomal formulations of drugs are not uncommon, so that's not particularly new). The degree to which this is unique to COVID-19 as opposed to representing a more stereotyped post-viral syndrome is not yet known, nor is it known how long these symptoms will last in the subset of individuals with “long COVID.”. The Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines do not contain animal products, including pork. Therefore, we sought to examine the distribution of place of COVID‐19–related deaths in the United States. The FDA, for example, mandated that the subjects in the trial had to be monitored for a median of at least two months before an emergency use authorization application would be considered. 4,131 people in the U.S. died from virus Wednesday for single-day record. More people will be eligible to take a $100,000 coronavirus-related distribution from their retirement account. Here are some trackers that track cases and deaths: Here are some trackers that track COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: In addition, the New York Times has a helpful tracker for many vaccine candidates as they move through different stages of development. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Keeping your child's lungs healthy is important, which includes preventing infections like COVID-19. Those decisions could vary by state. However, children under 2 years of age should not wear masks since they may not be able to remove them without help. So far, candidates for this bat progenitor virus have been identified in both Japan and Cambodia. In December 2019, a novel coronavirus strain (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China. Collectively, these factors have comfortably reduced the development timeline by years while still allowing for sufficient assessment of efficacy and safety. It won't be too hard to claim adverse financial consequences from being quarantined. Yes! Cant you just immediately buy back in to a personal non retirement account? With regards to long-term sequelae of COVID-19, a study describing the clinical course of hospitalized COVID-19 patients after discharge found that amongst survivors, a relatively large proportion (10-30%) reported some adverse outcome in the 60 days after discharge, be it physical, emotional, or financial, consistent with previous studies on non-COVID-19 patients hospitalized with sepsis or severe respiratory illnesses. Lt. Gov. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the financialindependence community, Continue browsing in r/financialindependence. There is no known biomarker to predict an immune response that leads to MIS-C. Can masks lead to a weaker immune system by putting the body under stress? Individuals that test positive for COVID-19 and develop symptoms may discontinue isolation once all of the following criteria are met: Most individuals are no longer required to receive a negative test to discontinue isolation so long as the above criteria are met; however, in some situations, the treating physician may recommend waiting for a negative test result. Other symptoms of COVID-19 have improved. ... Related … Financial Independence is closely related to the concept of Early Retirement/Retiring Early (RE) - quitting your job/career and pursuing other activities with your time. Until these data are available as a result of the trials, there will be a significant delay in when children are able to access the COVID-19 vaccines. What is currently known about the SARS-CoV-2 variant that was recently described in the United Kingdom? Vincent Racaniello’s virology blog and accompanying podcast. Currently, however, viable infectious virus has not been detected in breast milk. Can/Should those who have had a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection wait to get vaccinated? This does not mean that we know or even believe the vaccine will be unsafe or ineffective in pregnant women; we simply don’t have any evidence yet. (Of note: an infection with the real virus or withany other common cold RNA virus, will generate vastly more viral mRNA in the body's cells than the vaccine carries.) None of the studies analyzed in this meta-analysis were able to find patients with live virus after 9 days of illness, even though the NAAT viral loads would often remain high after that time. This study looked at the ability of masks made from fabric to filter ultrafine particles, as compared to N95 masks. These distributions may be taken by people who themselves are diagnosed with coronavirus, or whose spouse or dependent has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or who experience adverse financial consequences from being quarantined, laid off or furloughed. The idea is the second part. Until then, we will need to practice these public health measures. close contact at a hair salon, long-haul flights, close-quarters living). The New York Times runs a vaccine tracker with brief descriptions of the mechanism of action of each of the vaccine candidates and where they are in the testing and approval process. What is the rationale and evidence for mask usage? However, per the CDC source above, several lines of epidemiological evidence strongly suggest that universal mask usage results in a marked reduction in infections, even in high-risk exposure situations (e.g. One of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks for a vaccine or drug candidate is to show superiority over existing drugs or vaccines that are on the market already; however, there were no existing vaccines against COVID-19, so the vaccines simply needed to be tested for superiority over a placebo. I could not get a hold of my tax lady by phone but she did answer my text, saying that nearly everyone in America will be able to claim financial injury this year. In addition, the most prominent vaccine candidates (mRNA and adenovirus vectors) do not contain the whole genomic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or even an attenuated/inactivated version of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, meaning that they present no risk of actually causing COVID-19. WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - There was no distribution plan for the coronavirus vaccine set up by the Trump administration as the virus raged in its … Unfortunately I think quite a few people are going to be able to take advantage of it. In fact, surgeons wear tight fitting masks all day as part of their jobs, without any harm. This is why many drugs need to be tested for years to establish side effect profiles; the consistent concentrations of the drugs over a long period of time can cause harm, which can present years after first starting the medication. This includes individuals with: In addition, several groups of individuals may be at higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness. In summary, the delivery system may be relatively new (although it's been used before in investigational drugs and has decades of underlying research, as noted in the post body), but the underlying biology of adverse effects is pretty similar to that of other vaccines. Determining the best approach requires weighing the benefits of sports activity against the risk of infection. COVID-19 Resource Center from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP). Typically, in large trials, there are some inadvertent pregnancies. To briefly summarize, it has been shown that masks (even cloth masks) can block larger respiratory droplets and reduce the spread of smaller aerosol particles, which can result in decreased transmission of the virus. As such, the mRNA itself is overwhelmingly unlikely to cause issues that don't show up immediately. What are the current guidelines on return to sports after COVID-19 infection? COVID-19 seems to be more contagious and present a greater risk of superspreading events than does flu. One of the most important such delay is the processing of data and applications between phases of trials or after a trial is complete. If you would like to be given a verified flair as a nurse, doctor, science PhD or MSc, please send a modmail with the title "FOR VERIFICATION" to learn more. As such, a negative antigen test should not be taken as a definitive negative diagnosis. Where are the best places to look for data about the virus? But should you take one? In a longitudinal study of COVID-19 outcomes after infection in the general population, it was found that more than 85% of individuals recovered fully from COVID-19 within 28 days of symptom onset; only 2.3% of individuals still reported symptoms of COVID-19 after 12 weeks. For a more detailed and more technical description of how the different vaccine candidates work, In the Pipeline has a good description of what each vaccine candidate does. Several factors enabled rapid development and testing of vaccines without compromising safety or efficacy. However, it is important to note that the IFR of COVID-19 is highly age-dependent another meta-analysis ranging from 0.01% or lower for the <24 years old to >1% for >65 years old.This IFR appears to be from 3x (for 30 years olds) to >10x higher (for 54+ year olds) than for seasonal influenza (source). Individuals with COVID-19 are contagious for longer than they are with flu (roughly 12 days vs. 7 days, respectively). Do we need to worry about an increase in MIS-C in kids receiving COVID-19 vaccine? They cannot be trapped by breathable materials like cloth masks. This subreddit seeks to monitor the spread of the disease COVID-19, declared a pandemic by the WHO. The U.S. reported 4,131 coronavirus-related deaths Wednesday, setting a record for the most Covid-19 deaths recorded in … Current CDC guidance does not recommend that face shields be used as a replacement for masks if it is avoidable, and it is not clear to what degree a face shield alone will offer protection. 2. Linda Salinas receives her no-cost COVID-19 vaccination at the Alamodome on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021. Quebec crossed the threshold of 9,000 deaths related to COVID-19 on Saturday when health authorities reported another 67 in the province, for a total of 9,005 since the pandemic began. As such, vaccine scientists were able to begin development of vaccine candidates in mid-January, even though the virus was still difficult to obtain at that time.That said, due to global spread of the virus in the following months, laboratories around the world have independently isolated and generated stocks of virus that then could be used to test vaccine efficacy. Similar to doing Roth conversions from an IRA but without the 5 year waiting period before spending the converted principal? These are by far the most common types of immediate reactions to vaccines and virtually always resolves uneventfully with little additional medical support. Pregnant women were not explicitly studied in the Phase 3 clinical trials and, as such, we do not definitively have positive or negative evidence on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine in pregnancy. Within the United States, CNN has aggregated state-level travel restrictions. Holding the baby skin-to-skin helps with latching and hormonal responses that trigger milk release. While it found that N95 masks were amongst the most effective types of masks, it also found that most common types of fabrics used for masks could block a large proportion of ultrafine particles, and that this proportion was even higher for masks made of layers of fabric. However, the nature, frequency, and prognosis of these different sequelae remains unclear. That brings the total number of COVID-19-related deaths to 37 since the start of the pandemic in March. Indeed, the vast, overwhelming majority of adverse events after vaccination present within days to weeks of vaccination. In situations where mask usage isn’t feasible (for example, as the CDC points out, if you work with the deaf or hard of hearing), it is recommended that you get a face shield that covers as much as possible. She says she feels very lucky because she got a COVID-19 vaccine four … Although mRNA vaccine are yet to be approved by the FDA for use in humans (in large part due to low cost-benefit to companies), the molecular biology of mRNA has been studied extensively for decades, and knowledge of the biological pathways involved with mRNA processing and degradation allows us to state with a high degree of confidence that the active component of the vaccine will be degraded quickly and poses no increased risk of causing genetic aberration. About 9,000 vaccines will be given at the … Millions of Americans have already received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines, but many people wonder if pharmaceutical companies will be liable in the event of a vaccine-related injury. The CDC suggests that food packaging does not present a high risk of COVID-19 transmission; nonetheless, it’s still recommended to wash your hands and disinfect your table and counter after unpacking groceries, especially if coming from a grocery store trip. A member of Ontario's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force has resigned after she travelled outside of Canada in December, the premier's office says. This section described a relatively recent finding and will be updated as more data is available. If you have questions about your risk of anaphylaxis or other allergic reactions when receiving the vaccine, please contact a qualified and licensed medical provider in your area. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, In particular, for the COVID-19 vaccines, there will be expanded safety monitoring, including a new smartphone-based health checker for people who receive the COVID-19 vaccines. 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