The nic-hit is just short of the center of mild to medium. Nic-hit was felt in the mouth and throat but nowhere else. Now I feel I am a changed person! Very evenly cut short ribbon pieces, and a bit of dust at the bottom which I assume is from being dried out for a period of time. The sad history of Balkan Sobranie after its initial sale, years later, is available in other reviews on this site. I like subtleties up to a point, beyond which I cannot detect them. I've never seen a tobacco change so much even from year to year (maybe just the Dunhill 965 did). Bright spices highlight carefully layered creamy notes of full creosote and there is an unidentifiable charming "classic" room note surrounding it all.The gravity and power are there too, so it must be respected.Let it brood and let it come in its own time. A couple of random memories. The Virginias offer some grass and hay, a little dark fruit, and a hint of citrus. Free 877-70MILAN (64526) [email protected] I added only a small portion of the cavendish (about 1/3 of what the other tobaccos were. Wow. I can't improve on Leiconnsel's descriptions of opening the lid with the built-in knife, and of the multiple layers of aroma and flavor. The return of the classic Balkan Sobranie now manufactured by JF Germain in the British Isles! Maybe the preparation or selection of red & brown Virginias topped off with tasty Yenidje, possibly a Coumarin infusion? The strength is mild to medium and nic is mild. The tin note was sweet and smoky it had an Oriental smell to it, but the Latakia was wonderful. Happy Smokin'. and elsewhere. SUTLIFF BALKAN SOBRANIE #759 MATCH. As others wrote before, the current production has really few to do with the old. That was at the age of 15 behind the cycle sheds at Grammar school. The fine ribbon cut needs some airing out. More so, for instance, than the "Frog Morton" which leans toward the Latakia; or Bill Bailey's, which is "over the edge" with Latakia. If you are even remotely interested in Balkan blends, you owe it to yourself to try this. But still a good 20 bowls worth of premium history. Note that the Royal Jersey Mixture has some Maryland, and will therefore have tin-aged differently than the others. A cool and long-lasting smoke. and Related Accessories to Discerning Cigar and Pipe Smokers From Our The Latakia is signific antly more dry than the virginias and orientals, and perhaps because of that the mixture is not well blended. in Slavic languages) either there or in London, their eventual home, along with their delightful, white Turkish cigarettes, and their renowned Russian Black and Gold (- tipped) cigarettes. For virginia smokers (such as myself) that think balkan mixtures cannot contain the depth of a good VA flake, this one makes a strong argument for the defense. The smoke is creamy and smooth. Tobaccos Treasure Island (Spiced Rum) Rated 4.89 out of 5 $ 5.50 - $ 54.99 Select options. If I had plenty of money, I'd have piles of Balkan Sobranie Original Mixture in the cellar. It smells like sandlewood incense! I first tried this in college. I thought to myself "Yes, this is exactly what my palate envisioned pipe smoking would be, and it is Good.". Are there better bl ends? For some reason, this seems to be listed twice here, so this review is the same as the Sobranie of London entry. If this is the case and the viewpoint hasn't been romanticized too much, I can see why this was a Hall of Fame blend as even the era that I smoked was excellent. I welcome other reminiscences, additions, corrections; but, N.B. The tobacco cut varies from rough to smooth and needs a bit of a rubbing out to help it burn evenly. 1971, oh tremendous!!! Nunca esta disponible, pero es de lo mejor que nunca jamas he probado, un equilibrio y sabor casi perfecto a un precio correcto. Very fine shag (described as ribbon but is much more fine than most) cut in long strands. 309 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24011 Toll This blend is the "BESTEST" tasting blend ever! Rocky Mountains USA but I'm an Irishman at heart. So it was very perplexing when I got tongue bite, tongue bite, tongue bite. Well, it's nothing like the original one, but it still stands above the mass of English mixtures. If all this good smoke is coming from the tobaccos alone, that's incredible almost magical! It is my understanding that the version that I was smoking was not the quality of tins sold in the 1970's. Their room note bespeaks a gentleman's presence. Joe worked closely with GBD on developing new shapes, e.g., #263 extra long Canadian, the ?glass-blasted? Best were proportionately milder, and the only one stronger than Best was Exotique, which was merely Balkan with some prime cigar leaf added. Room note is pleasant to tolerable, and aftertaste is great. Aroma of very delicate floral Orientals, slightly sour, smoky latakia and just a kiss of sweetness from the Virginia. Of the many Balkan blends available today, I would say that G&H's Balkan Mixture is the closest match to this, only the G&H product is considerably better. Blended and aged in the British Isles, Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Pease Caravan. Sampled from a fairly fresh 50g pouch of the Gallaher version that was eight years old when purchased back in 2010. Select One Balkan Sobranie The return of the classic original Balkan Sobranie blend. Penzance now that is another story :) Hope this helps those who can't get their hands on it I speak the truth, my friends. Packs a punch! The very grassy, citrusy, barely dark fruity and earthy Virginias have little of the complexity it once had, and theres more of here than before. 2 Reviews; 2 Reviews. Gross!" It is too late and the tins that are still around are selling for hundreds each or more. moreover, to put it bluntly the overall hype of something, mainly because of its rarity does a great disservice to those trying to take it for what it is, and experience something as it exists now. For those who seek a refined latakia-oriental blend rich in flavor, but retrained in raw power and bluster. After a few puffs, the tobacco flavors begin to meld & it just keeps getting better until the very end. If I was given the difficult choice of one tin, either TBS or 759, I would go for TBS. Germain has really done a fine job with this blend, so much so that for my personal taste, the new era BS wins hands down! Once the product has come back in stock, you'll need to resubscribe for future notifications. Those who regularly smoke them in the past, already know. Sure, a truly faithful representation would cost a lot, but what a ready market in the curious, and in anyone else who wanted to smoke heaven to the extent his budget permitted. I bewailed the last tin in my Weed Store, sold to an undeserving oik who wanted to try 'Sumfin' new. I have just recently secured a few 50gram packets of "Balkan Sobranie" Original Smoking Mixture. The Latakia is leathery, smoky with an characteristic peat flavor. My only gripe is that 70% of the blends that I smoke are made by Germain and most of them are almost impossible to come by. Finally I was able to secure a tin. it was distinctive enough to evoke comment and to me had a more than discernible hint of leaves being burned on a damp Autumn day in England. Is it as good as the 70's, 60's and before version? Here is the thing, for those of you waiting patiently to try it, it's just ok. Very minimal relights, burns down to a fine, dark gray ash. I had the good luck to come across a previously opened but sealed tin, half full, stored in a consistent temperature. but still smooth. I need to find a source, because I'd smoke this all winter. & Conditions | DMCA Easily qualifies as a "five" star blend IMHO, of course!! Please check back with us in a few days. Super smooth, blended perfectly. The flavor is rich, dark, smokey, spicy, somewhat like a cigar, but ever so much more complex. Finally, even the Saseini was taken over by Orlik a few years ago, closing the chapter on the book of Sobranie with finality. What else can I say about this blend that hasn?t already been said? I myself reproduced the old artwork (tin and insert-card) and e-mailed that to Arango and Germain. Is it as good as the original? I still have a dozen unopened tins from 1981 and 1982. My efforts were rewarded today with my first bowl ever of Balkan Sobranie. I loved it. What's in there, you smell! The smell is very unusual but pleasant at the same moment. I can't describe it to you - I'm not a wordsmith. It's no hype when it comes to this blend. If you receive this confirmation repeatedly, you will need to enable cookies so that your response can be saved. Big, full, round, heavy, large, expansive. The "Junk" you're writing about is produced by J.F. Buy Sobranie Cigarettes online with free delivery today! And sadly the latakia does not age gracefully, losing much of its potency after 40 years in the tin. Afterwards, it loaded nicely and lit without trouble. This stuff tasted so good in fact, it makes me ponder; How does a tobacco blend that tastes this good, be made without a topping or flavor additive? Very nice Balkan blend. Interesting.. Package: A 50 gram tin with a somewhat cheap version of the old stately artwork. I have drank from the Holy Grail and the wine was awesome! He figures these tins are from the late 1980's early 1990's. I now understand why so many bemoan the exodus of this from the US market. It's similar to Sasieni, just the balance of the blend is more harmonious. Sorry, I havent been around long enough to know better. Much cheaper too, about $2.50/oz. Samuel Gawith full Virginia Flake (Rubbed out well). Never bites. I'm impressed by the quality vs. price. |Privacy Most of what you can buy in auctions today is dry to varying degrees, but I'll instantly transfer it to a Mason jar, wet a paper towel with distilled water, lay it over the top, seal the jar, and let it slowly rehydrate. Dan Tobacco Pipe Tobacco Limit One Tin Per Customer Air time and letting it open a bit was all it took to take this to a new level. Everything about this blend is perfectly balanced. It is not a Latakia blast; however, the Latakia is more in the background keeping the groove solid as a drummer often does in jazz. However, it isnt one that is widely smoked or one most pipe smokers have even been lucky enough to try. All rights reserved. At the recent Chicago Pipe Show (2004) I found someone who was selling a 2 ounce "pop top" tin from the late 70's at a reasonable price and bought it. And, I will not ever, EVER, pay as much for a tobacco again. Very close to what I remember, perhaps Ed Klopin Sr. wanted to duplicate the mix. Comparisons: Similar to the GL Pease blends in the same way a red crayon drawing resembles Rothko's "Red on Maroon"; the flavors are there; but this is infinitely more complex and more subtle. Although, you may want to let the tobacco dry a bit before smoking. In short..the blend against which all others must be compaired (save Red Raparee). No other tobacco I've ever smoked had so many simultaneous flavors going on, where you could taste and smell each one, yet still experience the balanced whole. . There are many Balkan blends currently available on the market which are great in their own right without needing comparison with Balkan Sobranie, but nothing has quite matched the sensations of BS, at least in my experience, and judging by the affection displayed in many reviews, the experience of many others as well. Everything was perfectly balanced and smooth. Be The First To Know About Exclusive Products And Deals! Also they have men in service that formerly worked for the House Sobranie. I've tried dried deer tongue leaf broken or crumbled in blends and gotten nothing out of it. I've tried Balkan Sasieni, the current Balkan Sobranie, the current Best Blend from the current Smokers' Haven, and Balkan Sobranie throughout the '70s, '80s, 90's and '00s, as well as Margate (probably the currrent Best, as Germain now blends for Smokers' Haven, I've heard), Caravan, Penzance, McClelland's Yenidje Highlander and Yenidje Supreme (which lacks latakia), and countless other English/Balkan/Oriental blends from the late-lamented Dunhills to those corner tobacconist bulk-bought or hand blended attempts to clone Balkan. If it's true that this means a tobacco never is as good as when fresh, this tobacco must be magical, as it is as good or better than any balkan I've ever smoked. Digging my memories I still remember the great surprise I received from this incredible, incense-like, perfume. Alot of people complaining that it is never available, most of the best tobaccos are hard to find which is one of the things that makes them so good. British tobacco was it, too. The Yenidje is really nice and to my palate offers an ever so slight bit of creamy aromatic spice. For the better part of the 20th Century, this blend was made by Sobranie House under the aegis of the Redstone family. Anyway, back to the smoke at hand. Majority of medium brown leaf, with specs of bright Va and black dark fired. It was like a big glorious hit of midnote with some bottom. I first tried this in college. Samuel Gawaith's Balkan Flake, supposedly 30% latakia and 70% Virginia (despite the Balkan name) is a good, honest, high quality tobacco to which one could maybe add high quality Cavendish, Yenidje and deer tongue and get somewhere close to Balkan (despite Balkan Flake's caked form). My humble recommendation: Try the Sobranie or Sasieni in larger pipes that have been broken in with other "Englishes"?.These blends are a treat, and relights are uniquely satisfying. . Based on certain similarities of taste I suspect that Balkan Sobranie may have also contained some Maryland, but likely no more than ten percent. Secondly it is very balanced with each tobacco playing very well together. I simply loved the flavor. It's deep richness with a most profound & perfect taste is just so wonderful,that I can not begin to imagine it ever being captured again! This is SOMEWHAT of a comparision, understanding that I am comparing a new tin verses an aged tin and the 90's era Original Mixture was, by most accounts, not the best era of the blend. In fact, I'm now finding some of my previous favorite blends to be lacking. Germain Pipe Tobacco So, I finally opened the tin and took my time burning through it. The incense like aroma and fantastic taste is hard to describe and must be experienced at least once. I simply loved the flavor. Balanced to a fault, yet it's the sum of its ingredients that makes it so distinctive and so hard to imitate. Still, a very delicious smoke. A few pouches from the mid-nineties survive and I hope they keep well. And it is worth every dollar cent! 10 it became kind of the Holy Grail of the pipe tobaccos. What I remember about Sobranie is the "dirt" taste, similar to a Guiness Stout. Nothing I could expect, as well as the beautiful contrasted colours and the oily texture of the tobacco in the tin. And the same beginning as with Mixture 759. This tobacco is so fine that if it was food you were eating, you'd want to regurgitate it and eat it again. Similar Blends: My favorite, Wilke's Crystal Palace. I will remain a former smoker! The finish is cool and dry. The smoke, always changing yet always characteristic and steady, could never be ignored, no matter what you were doing: each draw was a conscious pleasure, the whole, like true art, more than the sum of its parts. This spectacular blend stands on top of the rostrum of the Hall of Fame, together with famous 759, and only few others. Per "Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture is one of the most legendary Latakia-based blends in history. Remember that not all of the tobaccos available back then are available now. Another old favourite of mine back in the day. No. My Girlfriend hated it, told me I looked like a Hippie Farmer. Composition: The composition is that of the pouch version and the '80's Gallaher version. Awesome smoke and definitely the finest Balkan I've tried so far! . I rarely smoke now. Rather sweet base, campfire room note. The tobacco colour is very dark 50% very dark brown and 50% black. I already once said before that I can instantly recognize latakia holding Dunhill tobaccos when I smoke them. I do however know that Latakia loses its edge over time and Virginias mellow down a bit. Militaire, and his masterpiece, the original, Collector-sized Cognac (#9621), made exclusively of Greek briar (as were Charatans). On one hand I was glad I did, on the other I was sad because it was one of the few sachets circulating all over the world. My friends i have just opened a 200gr tin of Sobranie Original and i am smoking it in a Dunhill group5 shell aplle. Product: Balkan Sobranie Balkan Sobranie 50g, Just a few hours after the e-mail, I miss it again, that only after a few hrs of being available it's again sold out My first experience with this mixture dates to 1962 when I was given a tin by a friend who had been in London on vacation. It's the same for Dunhill, Rattray and other traditional brands. apparently admissible under the non- adulteration laws at the time, which prohibited all topping but did permit Cavendish. That's a pretty swell deal, but I enjoy Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Original Mix Match even more than the "genuine article." So it was very perplexing when I got tongue bite, tongue bite, tongue bite. The closest I've come to this heavenly blend is Macedonian Mixture by Compton's of Galashiels. This tin, my tin, had more or less 30 years, and was perfectly conserved, yesterday a smoked the last bowl during all the time I used a Savinelli King Cross, This is a small pipe, burns a 20 minutes, but a did a 40 minutes for enjoy each portion of this tobacco. Close . It was a full aroma latakia with a delightfully light body. Usually one tamp and relight. Well if they put this in their new age purses, maybe I'll listen. Sure, maybe the initial experience won't be the same, but, overall, the smoking experience should be just as enjoyable and with a lot less waiting and frustration. Cool and slow burning, it was a tobacco that imposed itself on the smoker, providing a great variety of flavors within the Balkan range. balkan-sorbanie-original-mixture.html. My lucky day. And not unimportant, the topping is also spot on! THE ORIGINAL BALKAN SOBRANIE PIPE TOBACCO IS BACK 50 GRAM 1.76OZ FOUNDED BY A RUSSIAN FAMILY 1879 THE ENGLISH MIXTURE WITH VIRGINIA AND MELLOW LATIKIA, ORIENTAL AND CAVENDISH LEAVES BALLANCE A ROUND FLAVOR MEDIUM TO ROBUST BODY. Anyway, there is more latakia then in the pouch version. In the full-English range, so over forty percent Latakia, and around twenty five percent Oriental. 1981, transition year to the Gallaher production, good but really just not it. It's just I don't think there is anything quite so good. I feel it can be smoked anytime of the day accompanying many pleasurable activities be it reading a novel, fly fishing, walking the dogs, even after cigars and cask strength single malts. Gallaher's Balcan Sobranie lit up fast and quite uniform and first puffs hit me with the smoky Latakia, not quite as strong as I expected but still strong enough to be enjoyable! I shall give you my evaluation in a few days need I say more about the experience of the first bowl this morning. Master blender Russ Ouellette was the hands-down winner, and this is his championship mixture: Black House, comprising a variety of tobacco for a complex English blend. My friends all wondered how I could smoke such strong tobacco. It clings to itself almost like a shag. After 45 minutes of drying I loaded it into a brand new Peterson 317 that had never been smoked. Among the most celebrated and legendary English blends, Balkan Sobranie dates to the 1920s when it was crafted by Sobranie of London a blending house established in 1879 by the Redstone family. Not all will try it, but those who do will weep again. Once the ember gets going it gets much better. What to compare it to? During the Second World War Joe was stationed in England, where he visited Balkan Sobranie and made a deal with them to sell Balkan canned by them in London and labelled as Best, exclusively. Kudos, friend. The Redstones were a Jewish family who left (fled?) Unfortunately, by now the cigarette industry had turned its unblinking eye upon turkish tobacco, consuming all there was.
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