powerlifting sumo deadlift

powerlifting sumo deadlift

The result is that your grip is greatly strengthened. Finger nails, particularly when chalked, provide much more friction than skin. (2020). Biomechanics. Usually, this closes the hand. For those with shorter fingers and smaller hands, you’ll have to find other ways to work around the limitations of the mixed grip. I'd say for powerlifting, getting tight is extremely important. Bodybuilders should definitely do both sumo and conventional deadlifts, but powerlifters need to master the one they use in competition. For everyone but the very short, your goal should be to work towards a toes-to-plate (TTP) stance. Only lifters with long torsos, short femurs, and relatively long arms will have anything resembling an extremely upright sumo starting position. However, the difference in range of motion doesn’t really matter. For me, a grip with all fingers on the knurling (right) produces diagonal arms. c) Standing up straight at the top of the pull. The rope won’t tug anything until it becomes taut and thus capable of transferring force. Do your best to keep your arms as vertical as possible. doi:10.1136/ard.2003.018424, 6. Yes, in fact, sumo is just a tiny bit more complicated. They are ranked on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most involved and a 1 being the barely involved at all. I am a huge fan of hook grip and I believe that, if your hands are big enough, it is the best grip to use. Morphology in this context refers to the form and structure of the human body. (7). This one change alone can clean up a lot of lockout problems. Hook grip eliminates all of these issues and allows the bar to sit about as far down in the hand as is possible with a strong grip. Prevalence of Doping Use in Elite Sports: A Review of Numbers and Methods. The stronger and more explosive you can make your quads, the more impressive your sumo deadlift will be. Part VI: Deadlift Setup Science The sumo deadlift is a much more quad dominant lift. You need to limit this by taking as vertical of a grip as your build will allow. Leaning back does absolutely nothing for you in terms of further muscular recruitment. Pull with straight arms. What if we determined the plate diameter that would equalize anthropometric differences? Deadlift phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Claims, assertions, opinions, and quotes have been sourced exclusively by the author. A 2003 paper by Lequesne et al. Most people THINK their sumo deadlift starting position should be closer to the picture on the right. The above statement entirely disregards the basic rules of powerlifting which permit the sumo style of deadlift in competition. As far as keeping the bar close, you can focus on “packing” the lats during the set-up or on dragging the bar up the shin during the pull. The sumo deadlift differs from the conventional deadlift in a few key ways. This is a substantial amount of additional work being done by the conventional lifters. Yes, that is it. Enjoy these free spreadsheets for the most popular deadlift powerlifting programs. found significant inter-individual differences in joint space width. A flexed spine is not as efficient at transferring force as a rigid one. A paper titled “Prevalence of Doping Use in Elite Sports: A Review of Numbers and Methods” estimates that between 14-39% of adult elite athletes are intentionally doping (1). Push the knees OUT in line with the toes without changing any other part of the set-up. Frankly, this is one huge reason why most people do not experience the benefits of the sumo pull. Through the occurrence of significant variance in femoral version, we can see that it would be inappropriate to assign one style to every individual across the board. Deadlift Variations. Next, consider how you’re locking your grip in. World Record Holder Dan Green’s back angle is very far from vertical here. BarBend is an independent website. They can also consider pulling sumo (if their mobility is adequate) or they can just pull with a round back which is what many heavyweights elect to do. Leaning way back at the top, by unlocking the knees and hyperextending the spine, is not only unsafe, but you might actually get red-lighted for it if you unlock your knees too much. Torque is the measure of force that causes an object to rotate around an axis. When the arms hang at an angle, they are effectively shortened. It should be logical to have a strong sumo deadlift you must make the muscles that are going to move that weight stronger. The views expressed on this site may come from individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of BarBend or any other organization. Shorter arms mean a smaller pull. A female powerlifter setting up in the Sumo Deadlift position. Be on the lookout for our next article series: Powerlifting Gear. Max Aita and Kristen Dunsmore discuss … When your knees are not pushed out (left), your hips are further away from the bar and your back angle is more horizontal. If you grasp this knowledge, you will begin to develop your own ideas about optimal technique based on physics. The ideal lifting structure for … If you prefer video to reading, make sure to check out our “How To” deadlift video below: Borrowing from Coach Mark Rippetoe, here is how to pull the perfect conventional deadlift set-up every single time: 1. If you do this without locking your knees, you’ll shake all over the place and you’ll make the lift much harder than it needs to be. Thus, it is cheating.”. Hip anteversion is an internal rotation of the femur, the degree of which exists on a spectrum. DO NOT MOVE THE BAR. This causes all sorts of friction and unevenness in the mixed grip pull. In reality, most people will be even more bent over than I am in the left picture (I have long arms and good flexibility). You need to be able to fully extend your hips at the top of the deadlift. Part IV: Bench Form Analysis To maximize deadliftperformance, the strength coach should explore the different lift types and find a style that is most appropriate for the athlete. His large frame necessitates a wider stance and a wider grip to make room for legs and gut. Now, I’m sure you’re wondering, “But what about sumo”? If adopting a sumo style of deadlift resulted in a uniform increase in deadlift PR’s, every competitive athlete would adopt this stance. To facilitate the selection … The pull will seem “shorter” this way. Both have the same effect. The starting hip position is usually slightly lower on the semi sumo deadlift when compared with the full sumo, and the hands are placed inside the shins. Powerlifting – Sumo Lifts Quick rundown on powerlifting Powerlifting is a sport that consists of the back squat, bench press, and deadlift. Regardless of the accuracy of this estimate, it’s understood that doping in sports is an issue, and we don’t necessarily know the distribution of users either. This necessitates a somewhat wider grip. In the process, it will pinch a bunch of skin and destroy your calluses. Try to get someone to help you rather than risking getting it on your hands. I hope this was informative and helpful. If a significant percentage of the sporting community is willing to risk their health, reputation, status as a competitive athlete, and potentially monetary compensation, why would they simultaneously refuse to adopt a sumo deadlift stance? Jordan Feigenbaum pulling with baby powder on his legs.Credit: barbellmedicine.com. The Sumo Deadlift. The sumo deadlift has a much longer lifespan when done properly and attacks a major issue: lack of hip mobility. Shorter arms are a bit of a double whammy. As in the example above, the bar pulls the hand open a bit anyways. In deadlifting, the participants lift a loaded barbell off the ground to the hips, and then lower it back to the ground. We can calculate torque using the following equation T=F*r sin(θ). This error is usually caused by a starting position that features the bar too far forward. If you don’t have chalk, buy some now. Keep those knees out and make sure you can fully extend at the top. Sports Medicine, 45(1), 57–69. Because the moment arm is shorter, the torque requirements of the hips are reduced making the lift easier. It IS true that sumo deadlifts allow for a shorter range of motion. 7. Squeeze the bar off the floor and drag it up your legs in contact with your skin/sweats until it locks out at the top. Get your knees out. However, to satisfy the masses we’ll explore the various aspects between the deadlifts including biomechanics, anthropometry, and individual morphology to elucidate why the sumo deadlift is not cheating — nor is it even easier. If you’ve never done this before, you’ll likely discover that you need your feet pointed out a bit more than you like. Compare the position to the one on the right. Your grip will be significantly worsened and you won’t be able to hold onto anything resembling respectable poundages. Most people who pull on a deadlift bar don’t have the flexibility to use a TTP stance. For the conventional deadlift, it isn’t entirely uncommon to see everything from heels touching (or nearly so) to heels just outside of shoulder width. I highly recommend studying the technique of the most sound technical lifter in the game (in my opinion), Andrey Belyaev: Many lifters are often cued to “pull the slack out of the bar” before they initiate their pull. This is easy; the leverage is great. ESCAMILLA, R. F., FRANCISCO, A. C., FLEISIG, G. S., BARRENTINE, S. W., WELCH, C. M., KAYES, A. V., … ANDREWS, J. R. (2000). (5), These differences increased when comparing men and women, with women displaying 9.3% smaller joint space widths than men. There are a couple of points to bear in mind when a powerlifter is choosing his or her preferred style of lift. Outside of grip width, there are a few tricks you can use to either strength your grip or increase the effective length of your hands (and thus your arms). You need to make room for your legs and stomach inside of your arms. Even the heavyweights who pull sumo tend to do so because they’ve gotten too large to perform the conventional deadlift correctly. Well, in the sumo pull, the knees must be locked out early. Should we normalize bar displacement by having athletes pull from a deficit or from blocks based on their anthropometry? Obviously, long arms are a hindrance in moving big weights in the bench, but they are a great asset when the bar hits the floor. BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Even when you do this, gravity is still going to pull the bar down into your fingertips. If you have done the above sequence precisely as described, the bar will come off the ground in a perfectly vertical path. This is due to the positions you are in. An individual with mobile hips and well developed legs may have a natural predilection for sumo. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. For all forms of the deadlift, placing baby powder up and down the legs reduces friction as the bar drags against your body. Frankly, the conventional deadlift is brutally simple. Most people, in the sumo deadlift, will do best with a grip that actually features 1-2 fingers on the smooth part of the knurling. If you can’t keep your knees out, you’re standing too wide. You’ll have to test it for yourself. The difference is due to the additional complexity added by the transverse plane in the 3D model which alters moments. As with squat stance width, your exact stance width needs to be titrated to your ability to keep your femurs held in external rotation. I hope this sheds light on some of the finer points of this discussion so we can do away with this nonsensical argument against the use of the sumo style deadlift. My arms only hang vertically with two fingers on the smooth (left). Usually, lifters resort to just using a wider grip to ensure their arms aren’t rubbing up against their lats excessively. Retrieved 5 March 2020, from https://www.ors.org/Transactions/55/2057.pdf. The term deadlift means the lifting of the dead, meaning without momentum, like weights on the ground. When the bar is more forward on one side than the other, you get all sorts of imbalances and it can throw off the pull. When looking at a 2D image of the sumo deadlifts, greater abduction of the knees allows you to bring your hips closer to the bar, thus reducing the moment arm and torque requirements of the hips. The sumo lockout should be initiated by full knee extension and only then followed by full hip extension. Pay particular attention to the 4th and 5th reps of this set to see this error in action: As soon as the bar passes your knees, you need to get into the habit of jamming the knees into extension. Part III: How to Squat Like A Powerlifter As such we will discuss inter-individual differences in hip structure and how it impacts movement and performance. You can pull several feet of rope before anything happens if it is loose enough. This strengthens the grip and allows the bar to sit further down in the hand. Get your shoulders moving better and improve their stability for performance and longevity Mobility 3 Steps To Improve Hip Shift in the Squat. A wide grip (left) adds two inches of RoM to the bottom AND the top of the pull. Not only is hyperextending your back (right) an unnecessary waste of energy, you might actually hurt yourself via pinching in the facet joints. Do you pull more from a 2″ deficit or from the floor? Part V: How to Bench Press Like A Powerlifter Severely decreased femoral version was found in 5%; moderately decreased femoral version, 17%; moderately increased femoral version, 18%; and severely increased femoral version >35°, 12%. If you liked this articled, and you want instant updates whenever we put out new content, including exclusive subscriber articles and videos, sign up to our Newsletter! As mentioned previously, the argument against the sumo stance is predicated on reduced mechanical work. If you do not hold your knees out, you defeat the purpose of pulling sumo for the most part. Because baby powder reduces friction, this lets you use a little more of that force towards combating gravity. Usually, you’ve gotten forward and the body tries to compensate by throwing as much of its mass behind the bar as possible to get you back over mid-foot. Pull the slack out. Specifically they found that conventional deadlifts create greater shear force on the back, specifically L4, L5. The sumo deadlift is cheating, this phrase is commonly thrown around in various powerlifting circles. It’s important to also note that within a single weight class individual heights may range significantly. Avoid getting this stuff on your hands at all costs. 1. So front squats and paused variations are a fantastic sumo deadlift accessory. If the bar gets away from your shins, you’re increasing the moment arm between the hips and the bar and making the pull way harder than it needs to be. If you get the knees locked early, the top of the sumo deadlift is nothing more than pushing your hips forward a few inches. Your shins should be about one inch from the bar, no more. Join the BarBend Newsletter for everything you need to get stronger. Nails provide more friction and the nail lock lets the bar sit further down in the fingers thus increasing the length of your arm. Flex your hips as hard as you can. Pulling sumo uses the quads and adductors to a greater extent than conventional but also requires above average adductor flexibility. Part VIII: How to Deadlift Like a Powerlifter, NEW EBOOK: Powerbuilding — One More Pound. If you cannot get your knees out, due to your hip mobility, hip anatomy, or adductor flexibility, you will simply not incur the biomechanical advantages potentially afforded by the stance. (4) It looks at how muscles, tendons, and bones interact to create motion. Depending your flexibility, this will require a certain amount of external rotation of the foot. However, this brings up an important question with regard to the sumo deadlift. Just stand up straight. The first and most obvious difference is that the lifter’s legs are outside their arms and their feet will tend to point out as opposed to straight forward. Editor’s note: This article is an op-ed. Normal femoral version was found in 48% of the patients”. By having long arms, the lifter can maintain a more upright torso with the chest up and still keep the hips high, which puts him/her in a better pulling position. While Starting Strengthis not a book about powerlifting, it contains more than 300 pages of biomechanical analysis directly relevant to the powerlifts. Conversely, and individual with smaller legs relative to their upper body, but with a strong back may have a bias toward the conventional style. As we already know, a wider grip means shorter arms. Strength and flexibility also affect which deadlifting style will add more to your total. If sumo deadlift is cheating, then the above issues must also be addressed. All the slack will have come out of the arms and hamstrings in step 4, the bar will not jerk off the ground, and your back will be in good extension. A 2000 paper found that when normalized by height conventional deadlifters had 20-25% greater bar displacement than the sumo deadlifters (3). In my opinion, this is why bigger athletes generally do not excel with the sumo deadlift. Not only does hook grip minimize the chances for a bicep tear, but it also prevents a very common problem experienced in mixed grip: unevenness of the bar. While the bench press and squat needs to be unracked and lowered before you perform the concentric portion of the lift, the deadlift requires you to go deep within yourself and pull off the floor a weight you have never lifted before, knowing full well it could simply remain glued to the floor. If you pull sumo, and thus drag the knurling up your legs, I consider it mandatory. If you do this, stop; stop now. Lose a Pound Per Day: Enhanced PSMF, new eBook! For you conventional pullers out there, if you’re a relatively bigger person, you’re almost always going to have to compromise here somewhat. T = Torque, r = the length of the moment arm, and θ is the angle between the force vector and the moment arm. Sumo Deadlift Benefits It has a shorter range of motion (ROM) compared to the Conventional Deadlift, theoretically allowing the lifter to handle more weight. You’re literally just putting your spine into hyperextension under a load. You’ll have to experiment for yourself and find out exactly where you need to put your hands to ensure a vertical grip. However, few powerlifters seldom use one style or the other, in a strict sense. If you want instant notification when the first article in the Powerlifting Gear series is released, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter! A 2000 paper by Escamilla and colleagues suggested, “the conventional group reached the first peak bar velocity significantly faster than the sumo group.” Therefore, they spent significantly less time in the acceleration phase than the sumo group. Baby powder is not something that I personally use in training. So this estimate is likely distributed throughout various tiers of competition in the powerlifting landscape. There are 2 basic deadlift styles-conventional and sumo. The interim step, between steps 4 and 5, is incredibly simple: push your knees out in line with your toes! Normal femoral version is considered to be 10°-25° according to a paper by Tonnis and colleagues. Part II: Squat Form Analysis A good place to start is to use the exact same stance you would employ for a vertical jump. There are at least two important considerations: hip “mobility” and, for sumo pullers, adductor flexibility. They make both the lockout AND the starting position harder. The sumo deadlift is cheating, this phrase is commonly thrown around in various powerlifting circles. So long as you don’t have fat, short fingers, you should be able to strengthen it up enough over time that it is the best and most efficient grip for you. Part VII: Deadlift Form Analysis World’s Strongest Man Brian Shaw is 6’8″, 400lbs+. Interestingly this study also highlighted that both techniques have comparable hip and knee extension and as discussed above, conventional deadlift required around 25-40% more energy expenditure, greater vertical bar distance and overall mechanical work.So, it’s more powerful, but requires more energy. Mag-Ort, Coan/Philipi, Candito, N-Suns, and more. World records, results, training, nutrition, breaking news, and more. Far too many people try to hold the bar deep in their palm. However, this 2D analysis is not representative of what occurs in three dimensional space. If you’ve been following along with the deadlift article series thus far, you already know the following things: 1) The bar must start over mid-foot They also noted the stance width of sumo deadlifters was roughly 2-3 times as wide as conventional lifters. With enough weight on any bar, it will flex a little bit. Even if you don't plan on competing in the sumo stance, it's a powerful exercise to help develop your hips and entire posterior chain. If you do this without locking your knees, you’ll shake all over the place and you’ll make the lift much harder than it needs to be. Extention (left); Neutral (middle); Flexion (right). The use of performance enhancing drugs tends to be more common in some sports than others, and even differs by sex and culture (1). This change in positioning significantly alters the kinetics of the lift. The same thing happens in a deadlift. In powerlifting, lifting chalk is categorically allowed across all federations. I used to deadlift in a conventional stance, then made the switch over to sumo after finding out how much easier it is for me. The very last thing you want to do is a take a grip width that results in non-vertical arms unless it is absolutely necessary. DO NOT DROP YOUR HIPS. DO NOT MOVE THE BAR. If we refer back to the 2002 paper where electromyographic comparisons of the sumo and conventional deadlift found similar demands placed on the hips, then the findings make sense when evaluating moments within a 3D model. If this is happening to you, make sure you are pulling from mid-foot. Take your deadlift stance. Take your stance, feet a little closer than you think they need to be and with your toes out more than you like. This is quite literally at the point where I believe this article should end. This tends to throw the underhand forward a little. Scapula, bar, and mid-foot are all in vertical alignment in the proper deadlift starting position. If you actually analyze a variety of HEAVY sumo pulls from the floor, from the best lifters to novices, you’ll notice that the back is more vertical than a conventional pull, but it is not necessarily upright. If you’re running out of chalk, buy some now so you don’t forget to do it later. Longer moment arms mean greater internal force requirements to overcome external loads and create concentric motion. If you can’t get them all the way through to full extension, your feet aren’t pointed out enough. Again, you have to experiment just a little bit to find the optimal angle for you personally. 3) The hips must start relatively high in order to facilitate both 1) and 2). When the neck is cranked into extension, with perhaps an upward eye gaze, you place the neck in an unsafe position. doi:10.1097/00005768-200204000-00019, 3. Take your grip on the bar, leaving your hips up. In our Powerlifting Gear series we’ll cover belts, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, shoes, and a whole lot more. Join the BarBend Newsletter for workouts, diets, breaking news and more. Namely, your hip angle and knee angle are more closed. Conversely, rectus femoris showed less recruitment when compared to the VLO and VMO. 4. The angle your body is at on a conventional deadlift amplifies the shear on your lumbar due to how far you are bent over. Keep in mind that this cue is mostly relevant to those who pull on a deadlift bar, but it useful for everyone to know. From a performance standpoint, one lifting style does not appear to be more advantageous mechanically than the other based on the total number of conventional and sumo style deadlift record holders (1,51). BUT… deadlifting is … A powerlifting competition always starts with the squat, then the bench press, and the meet finishes with the deadlift. You’ll lift more pounds and post a bigger total. The sumo deadlift is immensely technical, but at the same time there's a ton of variation in how people pull based off of body structure. A visual representation of this can be seen below. If you can fully extend your hips at the top and keep your knees in line with your toes, your feet are pointed out enough. 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