bad facts about chewing gum

bad facts about chewing gum

This can cause severe health complications in future. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Chewing gum of present days consists of sweeteners, gum base, flavors, softeners/plasticizers, colors and hard of powdered polyol coating. Dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks, chewing gum or bubble gum has been a stress buster for many cultures over the world. All you need to do is to read the label behind the chewing gum and check if that particular product does have any butylated hydroxytoluene content. It is stated that GERD can be treated by taking chewing gum. This was all about the benefits of chewing gums. So please share this content with as many people as you can because these toxins are ruining lives. Is Gum Bad for You? This also leads to stomach acid, diarrhoea that is caused due to the artificial sweeteners found in the gum. Chewing gum can be bad for you under some circumstances, such as: Chewing sugary gum. Freshen bad breath, especially for those who like strong flavored foods like onions and garlic. So we have to think about what is natural, what is nature intending with all of these mechanisms, what are we stimulating, what’s happening. However, this chemical is associated with cancer. It also increases the mercury vapour from your dental amalgam fillings. Chewing gum can be dangerous and toxic to any animal that consumes it. Chewing gum is said to release neurotoxins into your body. In some people chewing gum can cause gas and bloating, which will vary from person to person," Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club, told POPSUGAR. This is a major ingredient that is used in most teeth-whitening gums. Chewing gum is a soft and cohesive substance formed to chew without swallowing. You cannot convince yourself that it can be 100% safe, but it is less harmful than sugar filled gums. Informing the consumer ICGA Members are committed to providing information to consumers in the very limited space of a typical chewing gum package. Keep in mind that everytime that you chew something, there is mercury vapour that is released in your bloodstream. Mercury is toxic and can cause neurological issues as well as chronic illnesses and mental disorders. Chewing bubble gum is said to keep one from crying, as it reduces stress and helps in concentration. Chlorine is poison gas, it’s sort of like the difference between saltwater and Clorox bleach, a little molecular shift makes a big difference. Some people consume chewing gum to beat stress or for teeth whitening, but eventually, they get addicted to it. The medical/health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. As we were already discussing xylitol gums, let’s look at. 2. If you ever wonder who to ask for lecturing, he will be there to talk the unknown. This can lead to a type of joint pain in your jaw called temporomandibular joint disorder that can affect the joints in your jaw. In fact, gum is the second most common form of litter in the world, behind only cigarette butts. Chewing gum can also lead to tooth decay and erosion, especially when sweetened with sugar. Now that you have understood some facts about chewing gum here are some of the untold risks associated with chewing gum. Chewing gum helps student concentrate, it helps with stress, and keeps students awake. Are sugarless chewing gums really that beneficial? Gum base refers to the texture in which the gum has been made. 3. As chew gum contains sugar and a lot of artificial sweeteners, it brings a feast of bacteria to your mouth, these bacteria will attack your teeth and gums. In fact, a study found that repeatedly swallowing gum can cause health problems including diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, mouth ulcers, and dental and jaw problems.” Let us tell you a few facts about chewing gums that will help calm your worries. If you do not have much time for flossing or brushing, you can chew gum for it can prevent bad breath and tooth decay. This does not mean that chewing sugar-free gum is safe. 4. Make sure you consume fewer quantities of it and this will keep you in the balance of what you intake. Chewing gum can help you orally in two miniature ways possible such as: So now the main question is does chewing gum good for your teeth? This can help keep it under the limit. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is used mostly in sugar-free products. When you chew sugar-sweetened gum, you are essentially bathing your teeth and gums in a bath of sugar for a sustained period of time. Many types of bubble gum, fruit-flavored gum and … Primary Sidebar. © Copyright 2020 - The content on website is proprietary information of Medlife Wellness Pvt. Is chewing gum actually good or bad? Chewing gum, sweetened product made from chicle and similar resilient substances and chewed for its flavour. Shutterstock. Cavity Prevention: True. If nature didn’t make it, it doesn’t belong to your body, just keep it that simple. In 1916, chewing gum was named “worry’s greatest foe.” Chewing gum had gone from being an ugly habit of the working poor to being a psychological benefit for all in the United States. It can increase your exposure to mercury. And every time they find that it’s one of the most powerful potent carcinogens and environmental toxins that humans have ever produced. You should always avoid chewing gums with or without braces, but if you have braces installed then you should definitely avoid chewing gums. These are way better methods of improving focus and afferentation and proprioception. For some people chewing gum is bad because it can cause mouth disorders. For those who don’t naturally produce sufficient salivary flow, dry mouth can create lots of oral health problems. If this does not work, then it is a know that you need to consult a dentist at the earliest and he/she will help you go about the issue. The last component it breaks down into is formaldehyde. I saw a long list and I disagree with most of those reasons. This ingredient is considered as poison in China as it was responsible for the death of a kid. Chewing gum can be firmly attached, so it can clean up leftover food to the tooth surface. A Guide on the Effects of Weight Lifting on the Chest. 5 Medically Proven ways to boost your Immune System, Top 5 Vitamins to Boost the Immune System. Smoking leaves stains on your teeth and this can leave plaque build up on your teeth. One article even claimed that chewing gum not only got rid of the worries, it … If there are some people who chew gum to reduce stress, there are few who chew to curb their food craving. 100,000 tons of bubble gum is chewed every year all around the world. You should not chew gum with retainer as gum can easily stick to your retainer and wrap it. Learn how your comment data is processed. So they said, “Oh let’s make sugar free gums“. This is a sort of toxic that has been banned in almost all countries of the world. Facts about Chewing Gum 10: GERD. Chewing gum litter is a major problem. Understand in what possible ways can chewing gum hurt you is actually more important than practising it. It is usually made from elastomers, resins and plasticizers. Does a Healthy Gut Lead to a Strong Immunity System? Bad thing – if the chewing gum you chew contains sugar, the bacteria in the mouth will digest the sugar in the mouth before it reaches the stomach. Chewing gum can potentially cause mercury to be released from mercury amalgam fillings. 2. Excessive sugar can cause cavities, and there’s no doubt that sugar-filled gum can facilitate tooth decay. If you probably love chewing gum, then you need to watch out for all these below-listed harmful ingredients that are dangerous for you. The only true benefit of chewing gum is that it’s been shown to improve your focus and your cognitive abilities. And then they put artificial sweeteners in the gum instead. Is Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medicine Good or Bad for You? Here are a few of the most common things people will tell you about chewing gum, and the truth of each. Every question you have about adults or children swallowing chewing gum is answered in this article, including what gum is made of and if the United States government considers gum a food. The more people that you can tell, the more people that you can share and inform about this, the better off they will be. You should never chew gum with your Invisalign in place, if possible, avoid chew gums at any stage of your life as it has many bad effects on your health, as discussed in the article. Let’s talk about a brief history of chewing gums to make you aware, how chewing gums have affected people. It releases mercury to be released to your teeth and this can be dangerous. So it started with DDT, which almost wiped out the American population of Eagles before they put a stop to it and the bird slowly started coming back, so that was banned in 1972. Swallowed gum also serves as hazard among children who have underdeveloped chewing and swallowing abilities. You would be amazed to know that, one soda contains twice the amount of the EPA limit for wood alcohol or methanol. The only way that you may be able to remove plaque formation would be by getting a tooth cleaning done by a dentist. Let’s get into it without wasting any time. This is a result of the jaw muscles becoming fatigued. Facts about Chewing Gum 9: chewing gum after a meal. Richard Walker holds the world record for the Chomp Title, by chewing 135 sticks of bubble gum for 8 hours at a stretch. Zinc Benefits, 10 symptoms of Deficiency, Foods Rich in Zinc, IMC Business plan easy explanation | Join IMC Business for FREE, 5 Intermittent Fasting Tips To Maximize the results, Sore Throat Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies For Relief, Why Am I Gaining Weight? These headaches are usually the result of a student chewing gum as a way of dealing with stress, such as when studying for or taking an important test. However, the study had convinced researchers that there is a thin line between chewing gum and headaches making them conclude that frequent chewing of gum causes headaches. There’s no doubt that chewing gum is delicious. But they fail to mention that, the sea salt has a form that’s called chloride, that’s the salt version. You should not chew any types of chew gums, whether they are sugar-free or the regular ones, as both of them are really bad for your health as discussed already. Well, you need to keep in mind that chewing gum also has its own benefits, but its risks are deadly that can leave a scar on your lifestyle for a long time. And then they figured out that artificial sweeteners are toxic, so they came back to the regular gum. The demand for these … Chewing gum may make you feel as though you are getting away from stress, but the flavours in it may lead to severe abdominal pain and bloating. This is usually caused because when you chew gum this causes you to swallow excess of air. Medically speaking, people who chew gum are said to consume fewer fruits and more junk food. Now that you have understood some facts about chewing gum here are some of the untold risks associated with chewing gum. This has been followed by some to curb their intake of unhealthy food, which may work but it has a huge risk associated with it. This used to be or is still being used as a preservative in most chewing gums. What are the Benefits of Having a Family Doctor? 5. You need to keep a limit in chewing gum, if not you may be reaching a stage of becoming an addict to it. While the composition of chewing gum does make it difficult to break down (which is why it doesn't disintegrate in your mouth), it doesn't actually linger around in your body if you swallow it. Read about surprising health benefits of chewing gum. And then humans come in, and in just the last couple of generations, we started manufacturing all these chemicals in labs. ICGA Members are committed to ensuring ingredient safety and performance quality in all chewing gum products sold throughout the world. Once you get the hang of having control over the habit, then you can concentrate on ways in which you can put a halt to this habit and make it a very occasional food to chew on. I am SHIVAM AGARWAL, Founder of AYURGO. Chewing gum is very effective to neutralize the odor. I think it’s unnatural to chew when you’re not consuming any food because chewing is a neurological signal that means, there’s food supposed to be delivered to the stomach. 10 bubble-bursting reasons why chewing gum is bad for you: 1. Hence it’s not a bad idea if your child can chew a sugar free gum after a meal. Ltd. 1. As mentioned above chewing gum may cause fatigue to the muscle as well as lead to muscle pain. Chewing a piece of sugarless gum for 10 minutes each waking hour for about two weeks can help remedy the problem. When William Wrigley Jr. moved to Chicago, he started selling soap and baking soda and decided one day to throw in a free pack of chewing gum … This may help decrease teeth sensitivity and can also help keep healthy teeth. Helps improve your decision-making capabilities, Increases the flow of blood to your brain. Well, you need to keep in mind that chewing gum also has its own benefits, but its risks are deadly that can leave a scar on your lifestyle for a long time. And people who have phenylketonuria, they have to avoid this at all costs because they can’t break it down at all, so it’ll actually kill them. If you chew a lot of gums and looking for the dangers involved in chewing gums, then you have landed on the correct page. I would suggest doing some postural exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. Chewing a gum increases the salivary flow which can help in decreasing the amount of tooth decay by clearing the acid quickly from our mouth. This article will concentrate on the untold risks associated with this traditional flexible-like-paste that most believe is an amazing way to beat the heat in your mind. Most often, chewing gum makes you consume junk food in large quantities. 3. Here are some simple tips when you need to reduce gum. Chewing gum is a very bad habit as when we chew something, our brain sends signals to our other body organs to prepare themselves for the process of digestion, So the stomach starts producing hydrochloric acid and other enzymes, and when it doesn’t get any food, our stomach starts bloating and creating different problems. Is chewing gum bad for you? Does Science Support Drinking Tea While Smoking Cigarettes? Peoples of the Mediterranean have since antiquity chewed the sweet resin of the mastic tree (so named after the custom) as a tooth cleanser and breath freshener. Favipiravir: New Covid-19 Medicine and its Effects on Patients, Allergies? If you read the fine print on any chewing gum brand, it’s going say aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame potassium, maybe one or maybe all three or any combination. And, only around 10% to 20% of all chewing gum is disposed properly. Did you know that chewing gum can be the best stress buster when you’re going through a stressful day at the office or in while playing a sport? People chew gums for a variety of reasons. 20 Shocking reasons to look, Top 5 Secret Exercises to Lose Belly Fat at Home. COVID-19 Treatment: What is Plasma Therapy? The average American chews around 300 sticks of gum in one year. Everything in this world comes with a risk and chewing gum can make that risk seem very simple when it is actually deadly. Most teenagers are addicted to chewing gum for many reasons. Well, let’s take a look at two main artificial sweeteners out today. Get facts about cherries here. In a recent study that involved 30 gum chewers, it has been observed that most of them have been suffering from a migraine or severe headaches. Chewing gums contain artificial sweeteners that can damage your teeth even if it reads, sugar-free. MSG and aspartate are excitotoxins and part of what makes this diet coke and these aspartame products so addictive is the fact that it stimulates the brain so that it wants more. If you are addicted to chewing gum, then you need to reduce it before it can cause potential harm to you. Sugar free is the new diet trend. So when you chew, that’s a form of movement with a lot of receptors in the jaw, which is a very intense form of stimulation for the brain. Here are some aspects in which chewing gum can be useful: Note: Well, if chewing gum can do good to your thinking ability and keep you alert almost most often, then you need to also that this can eventually become an addiction in the long-run. Chewing gum is good for this reason because kids are taking tests, doing work they need to get good grades on. More importantly, keep in in mind that you read the label at the back of the chewing gum packet and make sure none of the above-listed harmful ingredients is found in them. It also breaks down into phenylalanine, which is also a precursor for a neurotransmitter. Formaldehyde is embalming fluid; it’s a very toxic substance that they used to preserve corpses and tissue with. However, you need to keep in mind that chewing gum must under the limit and that it must never be incorporated into your lifestyle as a habit. Before we get into the most dreadful risks that you may be prone to consuming chewing gum, let’s take a peek into some of the facts that are associated with chewing gum. Before World War 2, chewing gums were made of chicle, which came from trees of Central America; CHICLE is a latex sap, but they cannot get so much chicle to produce chew gums from those trees. Ascorbic Acid | Is it the same as Vitamin C? Ashish Roy is an enthusiastic content developer and his strengths lie in creating catchy headlines and tag liners for articles, video & audio editing and understanding emotions used in hard rock music. Gum chewing helps wash away food particles when brushing and flossing aren’t convenient. Chewing Gums contains artificial sweeteners. Chewing gum causes tooth decay. This is especially true for people with pre-existing jaw conditions like TMJ. Now what are you waiting for, go change the rules. Benefits of chewing gum : 1. aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame potassium, Top 5 Myths About Coronavirus you should know about, 2. Everything in this world comes with a risk and chewing gum can make that risk seem very simple when it is actually … Usually, sugar-free gums contain acidic flavours that are dangerous and can cause dental erosion. Sugar-free ones are better and safer than that of the sugar filled ones. Chewing gum is a soft, cohesive substance designed in order to be chewed without being swallowed. At worst, you’re creating ulcers and digestive issues. Ignorance begins by one person being a fool, but this can change only if you can be informed and wise. Also, the study had experimented on people who had quit chewing gum for 19 months and as a result, all of their headaches had declined and for some, it had faded away. Aspartame was marketed as NutraSweet, sounds good right, It’s sweet and it’s a nutrient, “Wow got to go for that”. Now there are much better ways to increase your frontal lobe activity. While watching a football or cricket match, you may observe that some players on the field may be chewing gum and the primary reason behind this is to beat the stress. This is because sugar is digested by the bad bacteria in your mouth, causing an increase in the amount of … Chewing gum can lead to severe abdominal pain, bloating and other types of gastrointestinal issues. Chewing Gum Leads to Gastrointestinal Issues: 7. This is because when you chew gum you tend to swallow excess air. I am following a SPECIAL DIET that has changed the life of my FAMILY. So, keep a track on how much you intake. This will help neutralize that stay in your mouth after you’ve just finished your lunch or dinner or breakfast. Chewing gum contains many artificial sweeteners and toxic chemicals like aspartame and sucralose which are claimed to cause many severe problems from headaches to even cancer. So, if your child regularly complains about frequent headaches, then it may be the cause of him/her chewing gum. Keep your mouth busy. However, there is an exception when it comes to chewing sugar-free gums. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks that come with certain types of gum. It can cause tooth decay and, over time, decline. Some gum chewers, especially younger people such as teens in high school have experienced headaches as a result of excessive gum chewing. But this cannot be taken as an advantage to abuse the gum. Chewing gum sweetened with sugar is really bad for your teeth. Chewing Gum Side Effects and Disadvantages. I hope that you will consider this. Chewing Gum Contains of Sheep Byproducts: Harmful Ingredients Found in Chewing Gum: Quick Guide to Identify Urinary Tract Infection in Kids. Dieldrin found to be toxic carcinogen banned in 1974. 3. Artificial sweeteners found in chewing gums can definitely cause tooth decay as soon as you ever think that you will be fine chewing gum. Chewing gum has a long and fascinating history. Sugar-free chewing gums too have a lot of acids that can stain your teeth and create deposits on it. The largest piece of gum ever was equivalent to 10,000 pieces of chewing gum! It all started back in 1891. Most chewing gum brands contain a substance called lanolin which is a waxy substance taken from sheep’s wool. When nature makes things, life forms, animals have coexisted with nature, nature has produced food, Nature has produced an environment for thousands and millions of generations. This is also used a teeth whitening agent in chewing gums and you need to know that this chemical is linked to asthma. Though there isn’t any sort of evidence that aspartame causes health issues, it is identified as a major threat as people addicted to chewing gum can intake excess of it as they go on chewing gum through the entire day. What’s so bad about the artificial sweeteners? But even worse are all the toxic chemicals that they put in chewing gum these days. So now every (commercial/popular) gum on the market has artificial sweeteners, whether there are regular or sugar-free. … Someone recently asked me about chewing gum because she wanted to chew gum, as it helped her skip meals, and not get so hungry, and have so many cravings. chewing gum,about chewing gum,the chewing gum,gum chewing,funny facts,facts funny,funny fact,fact funny,chewing gum facts,bubble gum, For 5,000 years humans have enjoyed chewing on bark tar, resin from the mastic tree and other plants and grasses. The problem with the xylitol is that people don’t like it much because its flavor lasts just 10 seconds and then it’s gone, so you spit it out and have to take another. Flu? You can chew gum just after you are done eating and because this can stimulate enzymes and acid. Silver/amalgam dental fillings are made of a combination of mercury, silver, and tin. Well, most people know that chewing gum is bad and can lead to a load of health problems, but the question is what type of health problem? William Finley Semple became the first person on December 28, 1869, to patent a chewing gum. Of Course, it is a known fact that too much of chewing can leave drench your teeth with sugar. According to the American Dental Association, it is advised that you chew gum for a continuous 20 minutes especially after a meal. So anytime we add a lot of stuff from the outside, we create brain imbalances, we upset that delicate balance. In simple terms, if you are chewing gum every day, you need to know that you are bathing your teeth with loads of sugar. 1. Chewing Gum Increases Junk Food Craving: 2. Aldrin banned in 1974, chlordane banned, trichloroethane banned, and now we have Splenda which is a chloro-carbon. Another disadvantage of chewing gum is that it may cause damages to TMJ or temporomandibular joint. 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