singapore dimensions vs primary math

singapore dimensions vs primary math

She was reading Little House in the Big Woods to herself when she was 4, but couldn’t remember the number 8 by anything other than “the snowman one.” I almost certainly pushed too hard starting out as well, and now we are finishing first grade and hating math. I’m leaning toward switching to Dimensions (from Right Start Math C) for my son. It’s not the most rigorous program, so if you go that route, make sure to pay attention to her fluency and add extra practice if she needs it. All of the Singapore Math programs follow a faster scope and sequence than most American math programs. Now I’m wondering if conceptual understanding is what she needs instead of memorized computations. Thanks Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. Both are quite similar in challenge level, so you could really go with either. The Singapore Ministry of Education decided to take the best practice research findings from the West and applied them to the classroom with transformational results. Is this accurate? RightStart has been good for him so far because there are more hands-on activities than worksheets, but I think the clear and bright illustrations in Dimensions might help him. He also has a hard time retaining what he’s learned in math even though he has an excellent memory. They’re offering it free right now, and it goes through the Singapore approach in-depth for whole-number arithmetic. Have you reviewed CLE at all? (Mostly just because of the colorful pages!) My son just finished Singapore Standards Edition 5B, and I was thinking we’d just move on into 6A as it’s been a great fit since 1A. You might also take a look at Beast Academy–it’s a great supplement for a math-y kid. That’s how she counts them out. . Over the years, Singapore Math has created several different editions of the Primary Mathematics books used so successfully in Singaporean schools in the late ’90’s. There are textbooks, workbooks, manipulative and teacher’s guides for each grade run from $9 Continue reading » Singapore Math Shop. I love what you said about the fundamental differences in teaching Math in Singapore vs. in America. Does this mean that I can DRASTICALLY slow our pace on lessons to get through this, or should I consider a different curriculum. He grasps the 10-frame much more easily than the block approach in MUS. She may also find all the real-life examples to be very helpful in making math make sense to her. If you're looking at Singapore then check out Primary Mathematics. Do you have any particular other thoughts or recommendations to guide our situation? Math in Focus is a good program. And if we were to continue with Standards, is there a smooth transition to Dimensions after 6th, or is it better to start Dimensions in 6A? We have been doing Math u see but she does not remember the concepts even after all the mastery exercises and pretty much hates it. You’ll also need to add a few manipulatives. He sounds like a great match for the kindergarten program that is in process for next year. Assessments ; Video Lessons; eBooks; Workshops and Webinars; Conferences; Parents. Dimensions is roughly the same price as the rest of the Singapore programs: about $100 per year for the textbooks, workbooks, and teachers guides. For the purpose of this review, we chose to start on level PKB, which is the second semester of pre-k learning.Determining her exact level was easy enough using the placement … Written by American educators with many years of experience teaching Singapore-style math, the books aim to provide Singapore Math in a format that’s more familiar and accessible to American parents and teachers. I was thinking if I should find a different curriculum I’ve looked at RightStart and Singapore but I’m not sure if I should change or maybe keep pushing it. I used a variety of programs for my older kids so am familiar with most of them. There’s just one or two worksheets per day, with simple activity suggestions at the bottom of each page. I thought the US version has only the original Singapore content with US measurements, the Standards version added content to meet CA standards, and Dimensions adds even more content to meet Common Core standards. If your son finds Saxon boring, he might enjoy Dimensions a lot more, since it will provide him more opportunities to understand the math deeply and find connections between topics. I am new to Singapore math. When the books arrived from Singapore Math Inc. she was thrilled to find she had not just one but two books for herself. We have used a variety of programs for her because she would hit a brick wall in one and we’d switch to something parallel in another program in order to help her. Also, if it is the one labeled Primary Mathematics, can I get by with the Home Instructors Guide (even though I’m completely new to Singapore math)? She is entering 2nd grade and I have two dilemmas: Thanks again! I really like the method and the detailed teacher’s guide. Colorful, spiral, and straightforward immediately make me think of Horizons. She is in second grade now and I would put her on a first grade level (the basics of addition and subtraction). This is a very helpful review! Your family can have math success! Dimensions’ Kindergarten and PreK programs are quite overwhelming. If you use Standards edition for elementary, Singapore recommends having your child finish Standards Grade 5 and then transition to Dimensions 6. In summary, the resources available for Dimensions Math are: Here are some sample pages from the Dimensions Math textbook. I’ve been wanting to use Singapore Math for a while…then I saw Dimensions Math come out & wasn’t sure if I should go with it or the other editions. Save the Date! This became the go-to version of Singapore Math for many homeschool families. Young children really need a lot of hands-on, concrete activities to make sense of numbers, so I wouldn’t recommend that unless you feel fairly skilled at transforming the workbook page into hands-on activities. Hi Kate, Skip the games he hates, add more math fact practice wherever you think he needs it, add a Kumon book here and there, and modify as much as you like. Now we are homeschooling again, and in my mind I was considering a swap to Singapore Common Core Edition (bc we will likely be in and out of public school–which was my rationale but not sure if that’s right thinking or not?). Thank you, Appreciate your help in this regard. Since that isn’t “meaty” enough for my requirements I’ve felt need to supplement with various tools. Shopping cart (0) items You have no items in … Dimensions includes at least one optional Activity in each lesson (and sometimes more). One was designated a textbook and one a workbook. Would you suggest going ahead and working through 1A anyway to familiarize ourselves with the terminology, etc, or do you think beginning in 1B would work out fine? My kindergatner has been doing math at home with me. Since he’s so far ahead, you might also consider using Beast Academy (which is what I used with my gifted math guy). I have a 6 year old son working at the Kindergarten level but is quite uneven in his skills. Cannot tell you how relieving it is to read a thorough comparison! Then, you can circle back to the division chapter after your kids have a better mastery of the division facts. Thank you so much for your review. Both Dimensions and Math Mammoth tick the colorful box, but they’re not at all spiral, so you’d likely need to space out their review pages to give your child the review that you want him to have. Yes, that’s right. What is the average lesson time for each program (Dimensions, Standard, etc)? I did Primary 1A and B with my son last year and I thought the intensive practice workbooks were really helpful for extra reinforcement. if it would be better to pause from the lessons and take a month to work through your “Division Facts that Stick” book to give them a basis of some division facts before trying to work on mental strategies. All three versions cover the same material within these grade levels, so your child will be well-prepared for the next grade level no matter which edition you use. I’d go with Dimensions so that your 11 year-old can just go straight into the middle-school books without having to switch series. The cost of adopting Math in Focus as your Singapore Math homeschool curriculum would vary according to the materials you would get. It’s definitely easier to follow than the Primary HIG, but with the downside of having to do some picking and choosing between the many options. In this post, we review these three different Singapore Math curriculums... 30 Sep Here is an overview of Math in Focus. Thanks so much! You’re correct, there aren’t any extra mental math exercises in Dimensions. She’ll be ready to go into a full high school geometry course. My son(3rd grade) is struggling with Math and the concepts. You could certainly give it a try, as the teacher’s manual activities are pretty comprehensive, but he’ll definitely need to do some written practice as he begins to tackle more complex calculations in the later elementary years. We recommend using GoeGebra instead. In theory, I think this is a GREAT idea; I just continue to worry that going through the curriculum so slowly (3rd grader and 4th grader only partially through 4A) will put us too far behind in learning other concepts. Thank you in advance for your response, and giving us home school moms a trusted place to go with our questions! Math in Focus has come up with a revised version for 2020. Supplemental material, other math, and more. Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t have a lot to offer on science. I’d expect that Dimensions lessons would take you about as long as RightStart, while Singapore US and Standards would take roughly 25% less hands-on teaching time each day–but more worksheet time. ... Dimensions Math More Home Let's Meet! Students can sign up for a preview of the latest 2020 edition on the publisher’s website. My daughter attends a classical learning charter school. Any help would be appreciated. Edition Home Instructor Guides (A & B), Primary Mathematics U.S. Content, Layout, and Features. So I don’t feel like more options would enhance his experience except to make the lessons too long for us. Second, it sounds like RightStart might be the program you’re looking for. Primary Mathematics U.S. edition was modeled after the original program used in Singapore in the 1980s, but with U.S. measurements and currency. You have a great way of simplifying. Would you have a preference between the 3? So glad to hear that Addition Facts helped your daughter understand addition better! Singapore Math is the curriculum that is or has been used in Singapore (English is the language of instruction in Singapore). I regret not purchasing the Gr1 home Instructors Guide separately (Sonlight didn’t recommend it till Gr 2). January 13 & 14, 2021 from 9–5pm MT Sonlight Connections: Keep Calm & Homeschool Through 2021. Children who finish Dimenesions 8 have finished Algebra I and a decent chunk of Geometry. It will give you lots of activity suggestions and help you understand how to teach well. I will definitely look into beast academy as well. I also have an 11 y.o. My 7 year old first-grade daughter has hated math since she first started learning numbers. I think you’re exactly right about its strengths and weaknesses: the continual review is excellent, but the procedural focus and jumpy topics can make math feel very disconnected and incoherent for kids. I don’t expect your son wouldn’t have any trouble moving to Dimensions for 6th. It totally depends on the child, but most kids definitely need the worksheet practice to develop fluency. I’m having him take the placement test for Singapore Math to see if we need to switch levels. Thanks for all you do! Singapore developed a new way of teaching maths following their poor performance in international league tables in the early 1980’s. Here’s a sample of the first grade textbook. When I was teaching primary math I used Singapore techniques. (It used to be easier to find them used on Amazon, and the new price for the teacher’s editions from the publisher is eye-popping! Talk constantly about what you’re doing. It can be on a whiteboard, on paper, or chalk on the driveway, but that written practice becomes increasingly important. If you think you might be tempted to skip the hands-on activities, you should either choose a different kindergarten program, or vow that you’ll do at least one hands-on activity each day before doing any book work. Thank you Kate! My daughter is 5. I was wondering if you thought the Dimensions Math program might work for her? As I’ve looked ahead at the third grade textbooks, I miss the full-color we previously had. I am really confused which edition to pick. I didn’t have any trouble with Primary last year, so it seems like we could go either way. with some learning disabilities. The Math in Focus curriculum covers Grades K to 8. The first chapter went really well and as soon as the mental math started both of us have been frustrated. Compared to Primary Mathematics. Edition Review, Primary Mathematics U.S. Fun fun fun!! I’ve found Rod and Staff math to be a good fit for kids who need that kind of structure, so that would be a good one to look at. Use a place-value mat to help her focus on the place-value concepts. The good news is that all versions of Singapore Math provide excellent instruction, so you don’t have to stress about choosing the “right” version. It’s very procedural, so I do combine it with my Facts That Stick books and some of the games and activities from Activities for the AL Abacus to give it a little more of a conceptual slant…but only after I’ve already taught the procedures. Singapore’s newest program offers a full kindergarten program. Is the Standards Edition the one that is labeled Primary Mathematics because I found that on another website? In summary, the resources available for Primary Mathematics U.S. (You’ll also need to gather some manipulatives and print off the blackline masters.). Thank you! Here’s a sample activity from the 1st grade subtraction unit, a simple subtraction practice game that can be played with 2 players. Please help me with this. Go with whatever you and your daughter will most enjoy using, and she’ll be well-prepared for whatever math she tackles next. We tried Math-U-See and Right Start. Please help me with this. The biggest difference is in the textbooks. Also the differences in cultural mindset, here in Africa too there is awareness that proper instruction can ‘open doors,’ but often we just look at Math ability as a gift. Dimensions 4A definitely assumes that kids already know the division facts pretty well, so your kids definitely need some extra practice here. I appreciate any input you’d have! Free Singapore Math Lesson Plans for Primary Math 1-6, Standard Ed. Will we be missing anything a lot if I don’t buy the teachers guides for 1A and B? For these tricky two-digit problems, bear in mind that the real goal is to prepare your daughter to understand regrouping as she adds and subtracts larger numbers in second grade. Many aspects of Dimensions Math are very similar to Primary Mathematics. How would the transition be from Saxon to this? Math in Focus teacher’s guides cost more but they are also more comprehensive. What would you recommend? He absolutely hates worksheet style review. Would you recommend taking the leap to Singapore or is it similar to Right Start? First, there was the U.S. edition, an Americanized version of the original Singaporean curriculum. My son is learning lots and loving it! I don’t want to expend the extra money if is just going to be the same thing and not help her. Dimensions Math® PK-5. This is for homeschooling my 9 yr old son (a kinesthetic learner new to Singapore math). Or if you have others that you recommend? For little ones, hands-on activities are the most important part of learning math–not the written work! That’s wonderful that Dimensions is working so well for your daughter, and that she’s learning the material so thoroughly! Learn the differences between Singapore Math’s newest curriculum and their tried-and true Primary Mathematics program so you can choose the best homeschool math program for your family. Thanks for the great review, Kate. Teaching Textbooks works fine for some families, but some find that their child learns to match the instructional patterns without really understanding the math. 1A is the material for the first half of the year. I forgot to mention in my above post that My daughter is in third grade and my son is in second. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world! Make sure to give the part-whole concept (and circle diagrams) some specific attention, as they’re used throughout the series. If MUS and RightStart didn’t click well for her, Singapore probably isn’t going to be a good fit. We used your Preschool Math at Home and Farmland Math (from Timberdoodle) and did great with both of these. Getting Started; Dimensions Math® Digital Products. He did Math in Focus in 2nd grade at his previous school. As of this writing, nearly all levels are available. Pick the one best suited for your child. –Becky Hammond. Disclosure: This post might contain affiliate links and SingaporeMathLearningCenter.Com is a participant in the Amazon Associates program and may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Hi Kate, My full review is here. If you have a question, you can contact me here. Our Shop … In the beginning I really liked it and my son picked up the subitizing really quickly. The Singaporean curriculum, which the country’s Ministry of Education created, generally focuses on fewer topics but in greater depth. Yes, the 5th grade U.S. edition book would work just fine to fill that slot for your family. he is very interested and curious about science. Moved through them both very quickly. You might also want to read my article on mental math or check out my free class on teaching elementary math for more support. All the mental math is there in order to give her a thorough understanding of place-value and the fact that 10 ones can be traded for 1 ten (and vice versa). If you’d like to learn more about the Singapore approach, you could also check out my course for parents at the Well-Trained Mind Academy. If I were doing Singapore as a full curriculum, I definitely would not skip 1A. We need a non Christian curriculum recommendation as that is what our school pays for. Check out the thumbnails for more details. If we’re currently using level 3 in MM, do you think that it would be simple enough for my son to switch over to this program? What other resources would you recommend? My almost-seven year old is finishing Singapore US Edition second grade (with the intensive practice book and challenging word problems too). There are three editions to Primary Mathematics to serve the diverse needs of the students and schools in the United States. I appreciate any feedback. It does review much of what’s in Essential, but it reinforces that work and also introduces some subtle new twists. The two editions have a very similar overall approach,plus scope and sequence. Hello! It’s simple and easy to use, and it will provide very similar content to Dimensions. I just ordered the basic set and HIG. Also, if it is the one labeled Primary Mathematics, can I get by with the Home Instructors Guide (even though I’m completely new to Singapore math)? I want to figure out the best way to allow her to be literate in math, even though I know it will take her a long long time to master things. Teresa. There are many excellent homeschool math programs out there. Do you think this impacts the curriculum at all (reduces depth in favor of breadth)? Hope that gives you a feeling of freedom as you continue forward. (If he’s picking up subitizing well with RightStart, you could even just skip the geometry parts that aren’t computing for him and just do the number activities.). Do kids typically finish one level a year with BA? Parents can also find good bargains for second-hand material on eBay or Amazon. Or would you recommend a program like teaching textbooks? Is the Standards Edition the one that is labeled Primary Mathematics because I found that on another website? I was reading another comment above regarding The Good and the Beautiful math. Could I get by with just the textbooks and workbooks At this point, only the Intensive Practice books are correlated with Dimensions. I think the easiest way is simply to spread the review pages out throughout the year, so that your child does a few problems from the review section every day rather than all in one big chunk. You can try out Math in Focus online practically free of charge on the publisher’s website before deciding if you would like to purchase the hard copy. Edition Grades 1 to 6 are: The Primary Mathematics 4A textbook is in dual-color (black and blue). He is most likely on the Autism spectrum and extremely bright but struggles with visual processing and handwriting skills. If your daughter’s already done RS Level A and also passed the 1A placement test, I think you’ll be fine starting with 1B. That's a series that's actually been used in Singapore and what most of us use and love. Some of the concepts I’m just not sure why we are covering (parallel and perpendicular went right over his head, so does squares are rectangles…). Both are great, so don’t stress too much about the decision. We just finished 5A and plan to go on to 5B and then finish off 6 or if possible, switch to Dimensions. Overview; Resources; Dimensions Math® 6-8; Dimensions Math At Home™️; Primary Mathematics; Other Math and Science; Schools. Thanks again! (Primary Mathematics U.S. edition offers only 2-color textbooks after 2nd grade, although the Standards edition textbooks are color for all grades.) Full-color pages, easy-to-read headings and bullets, plus inset photos of the textbook make the Dimensions Teacher’s Guides much easier to scan and comprehend than the Primary Mathematics’ Home Instructor’s Guides. 6th grade is a good point to switch to Dimensions, since that’s the “official” beginning of the middle school Dimensions program. (Their website has practice pages for each type of subtraction fact, or you can use the games from Subtraction Facts That Stick.) Other: If your homeschool co-op is using a certain curriculum, it could be best to use that curriculum for consistency. Manipulatives. Can I switch to Dimensions Math from a non-Singapore program? Is this accurate? We are very ready to move ahead but I’m just not sure which direction to go. Each program has its own distinctive features, but all of them follow the same basic approach: (If you’re brand-new to Singapore-style math and are wondering what the heck “concrete–> pictorial –> abstract” means or what “bar diagrams” are, click on over to my review of Primary Mathematics. BUT now the book is introducing 2-digit addition and subtraction that involves making and breaking new 10s and I just don’t see that happening. The Singapore Math curriculum becomes popular due to its consistent top ranking on Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS). I really don’t know how to evaluate my options. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Durable, colorful math education toys, tools, and games for all grade levels . She is now in 3a (first half of 3rd). Or, you can buy the Singapore Extra Practice books and do a little from that each day to keep skills fresh. My 12-year-old son, who struggles with math, just finished the U.S. edition of Primary Mathematics 5B. Since she just finished Abeka 1, she’d be a good bit behind him though, so I’m not sure. Parents who are unfamiliar with the Singapore method usually find it very user-friendly, and you won’t have to sort through the many activity options in Dimensions. Anyway, I am feeling like the TGTB is not enough of a challenge for her. which is currently used in Singapore. where i can teach him at home? I left a comment for you earlier, about the pacing of Dimensions with my 11 and 9 year olds; we are currently in Dimensions Book 4A, and just finished the unit on multiplication. In summary, the resources available for Primary Mathematics U.S. They are so helpful! If you’re on the fence, I’d go with Dimensions as it has more color to engage a younger learner. What is Primary Digital in the Singapore Math program? Required fields are marked *. He does very well in every other subject except for math. Best wishes with the transition, and happy math! The recommendation to go from Standards 5B into Dimensions 6 actually comes straight from the people who produce Singapore Math. As to which edition to use, I’d personally go with Dimensions if I were using it as a supplement to school. I know, it can be hard to make a decision–especially when you have two good choices! I really appreciate it . (You might find my article on mental math helpful, too. He places into dimensions 3b and RS D. Some of the material like intro to single digit multiplication is too easy but needs other topics covered. I can’t seem to find a document that compares the topics covered in Standards Edition 6th grade and Dimensions, but I’m not sure I’m looking in the right places. For each semester, you’ll need the Teacher’s Guide, Textbook, and Workbook. She sounds fortunate to have a mom who’s willing to work so hard to help her master math. As a homeschooling mom, it’s important that the resources I purchase help me to meet the educational goals I have set for my children. I have my daughter who is 5 and a son who just turned 4. In this post, we review these three different Singapore Math curriculums for Grades 1 to 5. But she also may need a more procedural curriculum that tells her exactly what to do before she’ll have that aha-moment in which the concept becomes clear. Both are still excellent programs. Each year of Dimensions is divided into 2 semesters. Singapore method is demanding and relies heavily on mastery of the material. I purchased Primary Math 1B to look at, but also just discovered ThemeVille math— do you know anything about that one? I appreciate her thorough examples, but I’m confused myself. Honestly, there’s really not much difference between the content of the different versions, or even the terminology. Regarding the other programs you mentioned, I think you’re right that it may be a bit late to jump into RS. Thanks in advance. I saw this new program, but since I knew nothing about it, went with Standards. Just keep in mind that it’s a pretty “ahead” program, so your son may place lower. Students at that point are generally beyond most seventh-grade math programs. I’m looking forward to reading the “Elementary Mathematics for Teachers” book you suggest as well. If Abeka worked well for your daughter, you may just want to continue with it. My son is struggling through RS B and I’m considering moving to MM or MiF. October 15, 2020 Singapore Primary 4 Maths 0 In today’s video I am answering your questions about Singapore’s math. –thank you so much! Some chapters aren’t bad…. Wow, you’re right about the MiF Teacher’s Guide, yikes! They help students understand the concepts on a deeper level. Hi, Kate. I haven’t seen a review for Math in Focus, it seems like that could be an easier Singapore style to teach. We’ll be doing Division over the summer. Math in Focus provides the most resources available for homeschoolers as compared to the other two curricula. Another option would be to buy just the Dimensions textbooks and then use them as needed as a visual to supplement what he’s learning in RightStart. Math in Focus is one of the main Singapore Mathematics curriculum used by homeschooling parents and schools in the United States. I have an 8 y.o. I have been using the dimensions with my daughter since 1st grade (actually 1b, second half of 1st grade). In general, there’s more hand-holding for parents so that you know exactly what to do in each lesson. ….but other chapters are very elaborate. Thank you so much for taking the time to write out these reviews. All these curriculums have physical workbooks and textbooks. Either is fine, but it depends on your child’s maturity and comfort level. Students completing Singapore Math’s Primary Mathematics series are faced with an unusual problem when they complete the sixth level. Thank you for your help!! Bestsellers. Go with Standards or U.S. edition instead so that the lessons don’t provide so many options to sort through. Hi lovely, I live reading your reviews. Hi Kate, Math in Focus, Primary Mathematics and Dimensions Math are three Singapore Math curriculums used in schools and homeschooling families in the United States. They hate the bar graphs and the abstract thinking seems to be quite difficult for them to grasp. Supplementary and Other Math. I found the teachers manual very difficult to use, so we’ve been jumping around with different curricula since then. Focus offers material and resources to support schools and homeschooling families in the early 1980 ’ s guide transition... 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