the castle of indolence text

the castle of indolence text

Whose soft Dominion o'er this Castle sways, And all the widely-silent Places round, Forgive me, if my trembling Pen displays What never yet was sung in mortal Lays. Written in Imitation of Spenser. As when in Prime of June a burnish'd Fly, Sprung from the Meads, o'er which he sweeps along, Chear'd by the breathing Bloom and vital Sky, Tunes up amid these airy Halls his Song, Soothing at first the gay reposing Throng: And oft he sips their Bowl; or nearly drown'd, He, thence recovering, drives their Beds among, And scares their tender Sleep, with Trump profound; Then out again he flies, to wing his mazy Round. Written in imitation of Spenser. it checks no Vein, But every flowing Limb in Pleasure drowns, And heightens Ease with Grace. However, those names and terms which have been linked to Wikipedia or Wikisource are left blue. It is I think a very pretty Poem, and also a good Imitation of Spenser; which latter Circumstance is the more remarkable, as Mr. Thomson's Diction was not reckon'd the most simple. They were in Sooth a most enchanting Train, Even feigning Virtue; skilful to unite With Evil Good, and strew with Pleasure Pain. 1748: Richard Owen Cambridge, Archimage, a Poem written in imitation of Spencer, and descriptive of the Author and four of his Boat's Crew. The Castle of Indolence is a collection of prolific cross-genre writer Thomas M. Disch's reviews and musings on poetry and the business of poetry, which is today mainly operated by academia (or as I like to call it, Creative Writing, Inc.) Few Americans today care much about contemporary poetry, and Disch puts the blame squarely on the university network and its policies of schmooze and positive, senseless … 1827: John G. C. Brainard, The Money Diggers. "No Cocks, with me, to rustic Labour call, From Village on to Village sounding clear; To tardy Swain no shrill-voic'd Matrons squall; No Dogs, no Babes, no Wives, to stun your Ear; No Hammers thump; no horrid Blacksmith sear, Ne noisy Tradesman your sweet Slumbers start, With Sounds that are a Misery to hear: But all is calm, as would delight the Heart Of Sybarite of old, all Nature, and all Art. Why? Countess of Hertford to Lady Luxborough: "I conclude you will read Mr. Thomson's Castle of Indolence: it is after the manner of Spenser; but I think he does not always keep so close to his style as the author of the School-Mistress [Shenstone], whose name I never knew until you were so good as to inform me of it, — I believe the Castle of Indolence will afford you much entertainment; there are many pretty paintings in it; but I think the wizard song deserves a preference: 'He needs no muse who dictates from the heart'" 15 May 1748; in Moulton, Library of Literary Criticism (1901-05) 3:263. From Mead to Mead with gentle Wing to stray, From Flower to Flower on balmy Gales to fly, Is all she has to do beneath the radiant Sky. 1771: Henry Mackenzie, The Old Batchelor. To knot, to twist, to range the vernal Bloom; But far is cast the Distaff, Spinning-Wheel, and Loom. The poem is a curious mixture of romantic melancholy and slippered mirth, of descriptive passages which rise into a clear Aeolian melody, and portraits of real people sketched in the laughter of a gentle caricature. The text presented here makes use of the long ess (ſ) to preserve Thomson's original orthography. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion and well-a-day! [Hong Kong] Hong Kong University Press; London, Oxford University Press [agents] 1956 (OCoLC)580725274: Named Person: Edmund Spenser; Edmund Spenser: Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: James Thomson. The book begins on the wedding-day of his sickly son Conrad and princess Isabella. 1824: Rev. Edmund Gosse: "In May 1748 was printed the most exquisite of Thomson's productions, the famous poem in Spenserian stanza entitled The Castle of Indolence. 41: Section 3. He was, to weet, a little roguish Page, Save Sleep and Play who minded nought at all, Like most the untaught Striplings of his Age. Richard Polwhele, Sir Aaron; or, the Flights of Fanaticism. 1771: Henry Mackenzie, The Old Maid, after the same Manner. But for those Fiends, whom Blood and Broils delight; Who hurl the Wretch, as if to Hell outright, Down down black Gulphs, where sullen Waters sleep, Or hold him clambering all the fearful Night On beetling Cliffs, or pent in Ruins deep: They, till due Time should serve, were bid far hence to keep. I think it has the advantage of the Minstrel of Beattie, by being of more general application and utility" The Port Folio 4 (15 September 1804) 289. Bibliographic Details; Main Author: Thomson, James, 1700-1748. by John Wilson. We liv’d right jollily. By the smooth Demon so it order'd was, And here his baneful Bounty first began: Though some there were who would not further pass, And his alluring Baits suspected han. On each other with fell Tooth to fall; A Neighbour's Fortune, Fame, or Peace, to blight, And make new tiresome Parties for the coming Night. Canto I. We liv'd right jollily. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on … The Castle of Indolence: An Allegorical Poem. It certainly contains as good poetry as any he wrote; and the tone of Spenser is charmingly imitated, with an arch but delighted reverence" Selections from English Authors, in Works (1854) 3:14, 15. Who up the lofty Diapasan roll Such sweet, such sad, such solemn Airs divine, Then let them down again into the Soul? that, from the flowering Thorn, Hymn their good GOD, and carol sweet of Love, Such grateful kindly Raptures them emove: They neither plough, nor sow; ne, fit for Flail, E'er to the Barn the nodding Sheaves they drove; Yet theirs each Harvest dancing in the Gale, Whatever crowns the Hill, or smiles along the Vale. The poem is written in stanzas of nine lines apiece, with an ab/ab/bc/bc/c rhyming scheme (Spenserian stanza) and with five accented syllables per line (iambic pentameter), except every ninth line, which receives six (Alexandrine hexameter). Thus, from the Source of tender Indolence, With milky Blood the Heart is overflown, Is sooth'd and sweeten'd by the social Sense; For Interest, Envy, Pride, and Strife are banish'd hence. The Castle hight of Indolence, And its false Luxury; Where for a little Time, alas! The plan is complete and methodical; the subject well supported, and highly interesting; the imagery striking and poetical; the versification as smooth and flowing as his master Spenser's, or any of his imitators. The castle of indolence an allegorical poem. Here lurk'd a Wretch, who had not crept abroad For forty Years, ne Face of Mortal seen; In Chamber brooding like a loathly Toad, And sure his Linen was not very clean; Through secret Loop-hole, that had practis'd been Near to his Bed, his Dinner vile he took; Unkempt, and rough, of squalid Face and Mien, Our Castle's Shame! 1786: Anonymous, The House of Care. true Son of Virtue, come! Now must I mark the Villainy we found, But ah! Another Guest there was, of Sense refin'd, Who felt each Worth, for every Worth he had; Serene yet warm, humane yet firm his Mind, As little touch'd as any Man's with Bad: Him through their inmost Walks the Muses lad, To him the sacred Love of Nature lent, And sometimes would he make our Valley glad; Whenas we found he would not here be pent, To him the better Sort this friendly Message sent. [pp. Thomas Gray to Thomas Wharton: "there is a Poem by Thompson, the Castle of Indolence, with some good stanzas in it" June 1748; Poems of Mr. Gray, ed. This page was last edited on 13 August 2015, at 06:52. That is, his Castle of Indolence: a poem which has higher beauties than the Seasons, without any of the faults which disgrace that work; tho' the conclusion even of this is most absurd, and unhappy; and could never have occurred to a writer of taste except in a frightful dream" Letters of Literature (1785) 65. Contents. It should not be confused with f. Because of the sheer volume of archaisms and obsolete terminology in this work, such words have been linked to Wiktionary in grey. Written in IMITATION of SPENSER. Thus easy-rob'd, they to the Fountain sped, That in the Middle of the Court up-threw A Stream, high-spouting from its liquid Bed, And falling back again in drizzly Dew: There Each deep Draughts, as deep he thirsted, drew. 1825: Thomas Pringle, The Valley of Human Life. But sure it is, was ne'er a subtler Band Than these same guileful Angel-seeming Sprights, Who thus in Dreams, voluptuous, soft, and bland, Pour'd all th' Arabian Heaven upon our Nights, And bless'd them oft besides with more refin'd Delights. "Behold the merry Minstrels of the Morn, The swarming Songsters of the careless Grove, Ten thousand Throats! Written in imitation of Spenser. New Monthly Magazine: "The Castle of Indolence has never been so popular as his Seasons, doubtless because of its allegory; but, as a poetical composition, it is as much superior to the other poems of Thomson as the Schoolmistress of Shenstone is to the rest of his meagre and uninteresting performances" 11 (May 1819) 327. Mark Akenside: "With Thomson's Castle of Indolence he [Akenside] was enraptured: among many stanzas, to which, in his own copy, he had put an emphatic mark of approbation, was that beginning, 'I care not fortune, what you me deny,' &c." Poetical Works of Akenside, ed. On reflection, however, we see that the fault is not his, but our own; that we should wake up in a far worse manner, if Sir Industry did not rouse us. London: printed for A. Millar, 1748. A Bard here dwelt, more fat than Bard beseems; Who void of Envy, Guile, and Lust of Gain, On Virtue still, and Nature's pleasing Themes, Pour'd forth his unpremeditated Strain, The World forsaking with a calm Disdain: Here laugh'd he careless in his easy Seat, Here quaff'd encircled with the joyous Train; Oft moralizing sage; his Ditty sweet He loathed much to write, ne cared to repeat. 48: Other editions - View all. ; Poems on Various Subjects (1754) 312. Its satire and its moral allegory is the very essence of Augustinism. The appendages, and the doctrine of Indolence, are contrasted, with a most emphatical morality, and painting, to the companions, and animating strains, of the Knight of Arts, and industry" in Lectures on the truly eminent English Poets (1807) 2:127. Mallam (1939) 126. 0 Reviews . To lose the present, gain the future Age, Praised to be when you can hear no more, And much enrich'd with Fame when useless worldly Store. In imitation of Shenstone's Schoolmistress. The Castle of Indolence served as a reintroduction of Spenserian stanza, and inspired other poets, including Lord Byron, William Wordsworth, Washington Irving and John Keats. Of nothing took they Heed, But with wild Beasts the silvan War to wage, And o'er vast Plains their Herds and Flocks to feed: Blest Sons of Nature they! 1805: Rev. By James Thomson by Thomson, James (ISBN: 9781379837008) from Amazon's Book Store. "Come, ye, who still the cumbrous Load of Life Push hard up Hill; but as the farthest Steep You trust to gain, and put an End to Strife, Down thunders back the Stone with mighty Sweep, And hurls your Labours to the Valley deep, For-ever vain: come, and, withouten Fee, I in Oblivion will your Sorrows steep, Your Cares, your Toils, will steep you in a Sea Of full Delight: O come, ye weary Wights, to me! 1819: John Keats, [Stanzas to Charles Armitage Brown.]. Retrouvez The Castle of Indolence: An Allegorical Poem. But if, alas! As when a Shepherd of the Hebrid-Isles, Plac'd far amid the melancholy Main, (Whether it be lone Fancy him beguiles; Or that aerial Beings sometimes deign To stand, embodied, to our Senses plain) Sees on the naked Hill, or Valley low, The whilst in Ocean Phoebus dips his Wain, A vast Assembly moving to and fro: Then all at once in Air dissolves the wondrous Show. how they thundering call. 1791: Anonymous, War, an Imitation of Spencer. 1748: The Castle of Indolence. To retrace our boyish Plays, Our easy Bliss, when each Thing joy supply'd: The Woods, the Mountains, and the warbling Maze Of the wild Brooks — But, fondly wandering wide, My Muse, resume the Task that yet doth thee abide. "O grievious Folly! It was enough; it needed no second part. with soft Perdition please: Entangled deep in its enchanting Snares, The listening Heart forgot all Duties and all Cares. In the romantic method, so excellently represented by Thomson, Keats may be taken as the most direct successor who understood the extraordinary richness of the note that was struck in The Castle of Indolence; for though there is its mystic glamour in the poetry of Coleridge, Keats, in his work, combines in a more general way, the main aims in the literary design of Thomson" James Thomson (1898) 131. ye Pilgrims of this Earth, behold! 1805: Mary Tighe, Psyche; or, the Legend of Love. 1800: Thomas Dermody, The Cave of Ignorance, in Two Cantos. It is pronounced exactly like an s, and should be read as such. William Bayne: "No work of poetry written between the time of Spenser and Thomson is so marked by this absolutely delicate idealising tendency; nothing like it appears again till the time of Keats. Corporate Author: Eighteenth Century Collections Online : Format: Online Book: Language: English: Published: London : printed for A. Millar, 1748. 1748: Dr. John Armstrong, An Imitation of Spenser, written at Mr. Thomson's Desire, to be inserted into The Castle of Indolence. A Caledonian: "It is never languid nor uninteresting, though of considerable length, and wrote in a stanza which is not always favourable to energy or animation. Samuel Johnson: "The last piece that he lived to publish was The Castle of Indolence, which was many years under his hand, but was at last finished with great accuracy. Yet in the second part, as we have it, what inimitable stanzas are found! Cheyne recounts his own medical history in ‘The Author’s Case’, the final section of The English Malady. Ah me! Soft Quilts on Quilts, on Carpets Carpets spread, And Couches stretch around in seemly Band; And endless Pillows rise to prop the Head; So that each spacious Room was one full-swelling Bed. It will certainly travel as far as Barbadoes. The Rooms with costly Tapestry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle Tale; Such as of old the Rural Poets sung, Or of Arcadian or Sicilian Vale: Reclining Lovers, in the lonely Dale, Pour'd forth at large the sweetly-tortur'd Heart; Or, looking tender Passion, swell'd the Gale, And taught charm'd Echo to resound their Smart; While Flocks, Woods, Streams, around, Repose and Peace impart. 1755: Cornelius Arnold, The Mirror. push'd up to Power, and crown'd their Cares, In comes another Set, and kicketh them down Stairs. 1796: Gregory Lewis Way, The Road to Paradise. The castle of indolence: an allegorical poem. Written in imitation of Spenser. A Lady proud she was, of ancient Blood, Yet oft her Fear her Pride made crouchen low: She felt, or fancy'd in her fluttering Mood, All the Diseases which the Spittles know, And sought all Physic which the Shops bestow. ---. Nor be forgot a Tribe, who minded Nought (Old Inmates of the Place) but State-Affairs: They look'd, perdie, as if they deeply thought; And on their Brow sat every Nation's Cares. Like Gilbert West's On the Abuse of Travelling (1739), another burlesque imitation of the Faerie Queene, the Castle of Indolence is a political allegory, in which the Enchanter can be taken as Sir Robert Walpole disarming the opposition with his blandishments. The Castle hight of Indolence, And its false Luxury; Where for a little Time, alas! O fair Undress, best Dress! Such the gay Splendor, the luxurious State, Of Caliphs old, who on the Tygris' Shore, In mighty Bagdat, populous and great, Held their bright Court, where was of Ladies store; And Verse, Love, Music still the Garland wore: When Sleep was coy, the Bard, in Waiting there, Chear'd the lone Midnight with the Muse's Lore; Composing Music bade his Dreams be fair, And Music lent new Gladness to the Morning Air. 1801: Leigh Hunt, The Palace of Pleasure; an Allegorical Poem. 1788: Gavin Turnbull, The Bard, a Poem; in the Manner of Spencer. A narrative allegory, in 77 + 81 Spenserian stanzas, with a glossary. Thrice happy he! The castle of indolence : an allegorical poem. Thou yet shalt sing of War, and Actions fair, Which the bold Sons of BRITAIN will inspire; Of antient Bards thou yet shalt sweep the Lyre; Thou yet shalt tread in Tragic Pall the Stage, Paint Love's enchanting Woes, the Heroe's Ire, The Sage's Calm, the Patriot's noble Rage, Dashing Corruption down through every worthless Age. [Sir Martyn.]. It consists of two cantos, of which the first describes the castle of the wizard Indolence, into which he entices weary pilgrims who sink into torpor amidst luxurious ease; the inmates, becoming diseased, are thrown into a dungeon to languish. John Moultrie, The Witch of the North. Nay, there are a few passages where he is actually not far off" History of English Prosody (1906-10) 2:462-63. Yea many a Man perdie I could unmask, Whose Desk and Table make a solemn Show, With Tape-ty'd Trash, and Suits of Fools that ask For Place or Pension, laid in decent Row; But These I passen by, with nameless Numbers moe. Other articles where The Castle of Indolence is discussed: English literature: Thomson, Prior, and Gay: In The Castle of Indolence (1748) Thomson’s model is Spenserian, and its wryly developed allegory lauds the virtues of industriousness and mercantile achievement. Their only Labour was to kill the Time; And Labour dire it is, and weary Woe. Of the superior purity of Thomson's style, in this enchanting production, Mr. Stockdale seems not to be aware. Written in imitation of Spenser. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Then taking his black Staff he call'd his Man, And rous'd himself as much as rouse himself he can. Here dwells kind Ease and unreproving joy: He little merits Bliss who Others can annoy." The Castle of Indolence: an Allegorical Poem. It should not be confused with f. Imperial Genealogy 1-5 – Need complete set to turn in to Trader Holly in Aden Castle Town for Dark Crystal designs. But still their trembling Ears retain'd The deep Vibrations of his witching Song; That, by a Kind of Magic Power, constrain'd To enter in, pell-mell, the listening Throng. 1748: [Additional Stanza for the Castle of Indolence]. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Heaps pour'd on Heaps, and yet they slip'd along In silent Ease: as when beneath the Beam Of Summer-Moons, the distant Woods among, Or by some Flood all silver'd with the Gleam, The soft-embodied Fays through airy Portal stream. For nearly a hundred lines of the first canto the sleepy music is kept up without the dialect of the Georgian age intruding. URL: How to cite: For suggestions on citing this text, please see Citing the TCP on the Text Creation Partnership website. Preview this book » What people are saying - Write a review. See all but Man with unearn'd Pleasure gay. A little, round, fat, oily Man of God, Was one I chiefly mark'd among the Fry: He had a roguish Twinkle in his Eye, And shone all glittering with ungodly Dew, If a tight Damsel chaunc'd to trippen by; Which when observ'd, he shrunk into his Mew, And strait would recollect his Piety anew. 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