unity is strength proverb

unity is strength proverb

It might be used to refer to families, marriages, countries, communities, and even classrooms at school or university. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.” – Ani DiFranco, 60. “Unity and simplicity are the two true sources of beauty.” – Johann Joachim Winckelmann, 49. 60 Best Inspirational Teamwork Quotes 1. The son strained and strained, but with all his efforts was unable to break the bundle. “The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.” – Mario Puzo. 62. This is probably a proverbial saying, like our "Union is strength." Going together is a wise option . – Cherokee. ~ Irish Proverbs. Men know not all their faults, oxen all their strength. “Where destruction is the motive, unity is dangerous.” – Ravi Zacharias, 26. • The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. African Quotes on Unity and Community. Peace is the only battle worth waging. pinimg.com helpful non helpful. People nowadays are so blinded by the success and the power that they want to be ahead of their colleagues, relatives, and friends. Then handing the bundle to each of his Sons in turn he told them to try to break it. This proverb also applies when it comes to relationships. Rather than to live with men who are selfish, vain, quarrelsome, and obstinate, let a man walk alone. cannot) kill a snake (near you). But although each one tried his best, none was able to do so. A Swahili proverb sent by Martin Namudiero in Hakati, Kenya. Champions play as one . relatably.com helpful non helpful. This was the motto of the Dutch Republic (1581-1795) and during most of the Napoleonic times (1802-10). “The peoples of the earth are one family.” – Ruth Benedict, 48. one which is far away) does not (i.e. He next opened the bundle, took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into his sons’ hands, upon which they broke them easily. De la Court's version of Aesop's story is prefaced with the proverb "Unity makes strength, strife wastes," and this conception came to influence the American and British trade union movements. They tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it. This proverb suggests, … Meaning: ‘Unity is strength’ is a very profound proverb. “My Sons,” said the Father, “do you not see how certain it is that if you agree with each other and help each other, it will be impossible for your enemies to injure you? To his sons, who fell out, father spake:“This Bundle of Sticks you can’t break;Take them singly, with ease.You may break as you please;So, dissension your strength will unmake.”, Agricola, filios suos videns quotidie litigantes, iussit fasciculum virgarum sibi afferri. “Variety is the soul of pleasure.” – Aphra Behn, 52. "A remote stick (i.e. “In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” – Maya Angelou, 40. The main teaching that underlies our Freedom struggle is Unity. “There is no such thing as a self-made man. 5. – Cherokee. Without struggle there is no reward. “Tennis is just a game, family is forever.” – Serena Williams. You gain strength in numbers ONLY when you stay united. We can learn a great deal from the unity we create in our relationships that we can translate to many other areas of our lives. “There are no nations! This proverb means that ‘sticking together is a source of strength’. He had often, but to no purpose, exhorted them to live together in harmony. Our Freedom Fighters were united and they brought in more and more fighters by showing the strength of Unity. “The wise man belongs to all countries, for the home of a great soul is the whole world.” – Democritus, 61. ~ Bondei proverb; It takes a village to raise a child. "Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs… It holds as true in the current times as it did when it was first introduced. With fools, there is no companionship. “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 63. “What we have to do… is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities.” – Hillary Clinton, 36. “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.” – Malcolm Forbes, 58. Unity is strength. Uses. It has been proven from the onset of humankind. “Isn’t it amazing that we are all made in God’s image, and yet there is so much diversity among his people?” – Desmond Tutu, 53. ~ Confucian Proverb. Women must in the words of the popular African proverb, learn how to eat the elephant, slowly but tactfully. “Where there is unity there is always victory.” – Publilius Syrus, 24. An Old Man had many Sons, who were always falling out with one another. For if they fall, one will lift up the other. justifies the means. “I feel my heartbreak to see a nation ripped apart by its own greatest strength–it’s diversity.” – Melissa Etheridge, 59. If a wolf sees two little boys playing in the woods on one side, and a big strong man on the other, he will go to the one who stands alone.” – Suzy Kassem, 23. And the same holds good among all societies and corporations of men, from the constitution of the nation down to every little parochial vestry. “Unity is a beast in itself. “We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. He ordered them to bring in a bundle of sticks, and said to his eldest son: “Break it.”. “Unity should be the cornerstone of relations.” – Haile Selassie, 39. But if you are divided among yourselves, you will be no stronger than a single stick in that bundle.”. In union there is strength — Aesop. De la Court's version of Aesop's story is prefaced with the proverb "Unity makes strength, strife wastes," and this conception came to influence the American and British trade union movements. Unity is Strength is an old proverb. Perhaps the most important thing to realize about unity is that, it doesn’t matter even if we don’t share the same opinions or beliefs, but rather, that we are ultimately united in our goals. 27. Sin minus, ipsa vestra aemulatio opportunam vos praedam inimicis praestabit.”. Your email address will not be published. Simon Sinek "A team is not a group of people who work together. I have seen the strength of America in the inexhaustible resources of our people. ~ Arabian Proverb. It is the product of faith, strength, energy, will, sympathy, justice, imagination, and the triumph of principle. These diversity and unity quotes will remind you that we are far more alike than we think. Let’s be united as couples, families, neighborhoods, or as a workforce. “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” – J.K. Rowling, ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, 2. Jun 11, 2019 - Explore Lynne Bell's board "Maori proverb (Whakatauki)", followed by 308 people on Pinterest. More famous quotes. • The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. Also see these insightful culture quotes about its power in society. It seems we are divided from one another these days more than ever: whether politically, religiously, or in the workplace. “Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.” – Jintao Hu, 55. After this the father ordered the bundle to be untied, and gave a single stick to each of his sons, at the same time bidding him try to break it: which, when each did with all imaginable ease, the father addressed himself to them to this effect. No taxes, no debt, women did all the work. ~ Confucian Proverb. “When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.”-   Ethiopian Proverb, 10. Sticks in a bundle can’t be broken but sticks taken singly can be easily broken. Your email address will not be published. You will see how these thoughts apply not only to your personal relationships, but to all your interactions with others. “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” – Rudyard Kipling, 15. Here are some inspirational unity quotes that will hopefully encourage you to practice it in your daily life. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. “Unity without verity is no better than conspiracy.” – John Trapp, 7. Unity means living and working together in harmony or in agreement. Unity is Strength. The meaning of the proverb 'Unity is strength' is that there is power in team work. Here are a few colors commonly found in kente cloth, and their meanings, per Sankofa Edition and Adinkra Brand. It was the hap of a very honest man to be the father of a contentious brood of children. black: spiritual strength, maturity; mourning and funeral rites In life, it’s rare for success to come easy. ~ African proverb; Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile won’t eat you. Unity is Strength is a commonly used proverb that holds good in almost every sphere of life – be it a person’s professional life, relationships or the society as a whole. • You can not judge a book by its cover. There is no strength without unity. 14. You know a man by the sweat of his brow and the strength of his word. Keep together and y’are safe, divide, and y’are undone. It might be used to refer to families, marriages, countries, communities, and even classrooms at school or university. Unity quotes to elevate your perspective. Note: In Béarla the saying is that "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link". Proverb/Maxim/Saying (Related) Swahili Equivalent: Literal Translation # A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Quotes By Genres. In closing, let me say this: I will do my best, but I will not do it alone. 13. See more ideas about maori, te reo maori resources, māori culture. This proverb is so effective because it relies on a simple yet powerful juxtaposition of two pairs of opposing terms: stand and fall, and united and divided. Throughout history, unity is the one factor that never lacks. One team – One mission . Unity is strength when there is teamwork ... "HISTORY TEACHES US THAT UNITY IS STRENGTH, AND CAUTIONS US TO SUBMERGE AND OVERCOME OUR DIFFERENCES IN THE QUEST FOR COMMON GOALS, TO STRIVE, WITH “Not in numbers but in unity that our great strength lies.” – Thomas Paine, 47. In the days to come, let us renew that strength in the struggle for an energy-secure nation. 30. Also see these insightful culture quotes about its power in society. 1-Speech on Unity is Strength. Sympathy Quotes For Loss. “What divides us pales in comparison to what unites us.”- Edward Kennedy, 44. AFRICAN PROVERB. Even today, unity … * [31:10–31] An acrostic poem of twenty-two lines; each line begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This seanfhocal expresses the still unfulfilled dream of Irish unity, be it political or cultural.a The following sympathy quotes for loss make heartfelt messages for most recipients. This (says he) is the true emblem of your condition. “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 32. Unity quotes to elevate your perspective. Interviews and Podcasts on Everyday Power, Why Watching the News Sometimes Makes us Feel Powerless. “None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard, 35. So, unity is strength essay is an insight into the increasing importance of unity in lives in the present world. Buddha. Nasi Goreng Keluarga ~ memang akhir-akhir ini sedang banyak dicari oleh sebagian orang disekitar kita, salah satunya kalian. “The Remembrance of the good done those we have loved is the only consolation when we have lost them.” “If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.” – John F. Kennedy, 66. Go with the Team . “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” ~ Michael Jordan. View All Result . The two variants of the Soyombo symbol. In unity, the strength … Iron sharpening iron is an opportunity to fulfill the Law of Christ. And then joy, of all our passions, loves to be communicative, and generally increases, in proportion to the number of those who partake of it with us. “The strongest bond of human sympathy outside the family relation should be one uniting working people of all nations and tongues and kindreds.” – Abraham Lincoln, 46. (Irish Proverb) - More Irish Proverbs... Buy books and product about Irish @ Amazon. Unity is Strength. In ALL things, generosity.” – George H. W. Bush, 34. Businesses and specifically people management can play a significant role in this regard by working on the diversity and inclusion policies and strategies in the workplace.. “I can tell you, without diversity, creativity remains stagnant.” – Edward Enningful, 64. "-A1-A burnt child dreads fire. 1:20. It is wordless…beyond speech…beyond concept.” – Thomas Merton, 11. Those differences don’t make us weak. We must be united in heart and mind. when you. The breach of unity puts the world, and all that’s in’t, into a state of war, and turns every man’s hand against his brother; but so long as the band holds, ’tis the strength of all the several parts of it gathered into one. Strength Walk Path. There are a lot of sayings and proverbs like… Two men with the same thought can turn clay into gold. 14. It is true. African proverb. Oct 11, 2015 - Unity is strength, division is weakness. They try’d, and could not. Those of the same blood and lineage have a natural disposition to unite together, which they ought, by all means, to cultivate and improve. A good … “Unity is vision; it must have been part of the process of learning to see.” – Henry Adams, 21. Unity of command, is perhaps, one of the most useful and significant principles of management advised by Fayol. The other sons also tried, but none succeeded. Look how good and how pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” – Winston S. Churchill, 8. Flex your muscles with the collection of wise and inspirational strength quotes below. White man thought he could improve on a system like this. There is no strength without unity. Write a paragraph on proverb “UNITY IS STRENGTH” Get the answers you need, now! • You Can Lead a Horse to Water But You Can not Make it Drink. “The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.”― W. Somerset Maugham, 29. Gidi gidi bu ugwu eze, an Igbo proverb meaning Unity is strength, encapsulates the bright and positive energy they conjured up through this effervescent film and series of image. If thy strength will serve, go forward in the ranks; if not, stand still. “Nature creates unity even in the parts of a whole.” – Eugene Delacroix, 51. But they that behave themselves so as to have few or no friends in the world, live in a perpetual fear and jealousy of mankind, because they are sensible of their own weakness, and know themselves liable to be crushed, or broken to pieces by the first aggressor. By reflecting light that contains all the colors in the spectrum, Rutilated Quartz symbolizes unity and transformation, the side effects of an elevated consciousness that links you with the angels. Burton, Richard Francis (1863). 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According to this principle, a subordinate must get orders and instructions, only from one superior at a time. He then addressed them in these words: “My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.” The breach of unity puts the world, and all that’s in it, into a state of war, and turns every man’s hand against his brother; but so long as the band holds, it is the strength of all the several parts of it gatherd into one. If thy strength will serve, go forward in the ranks; if not, stand still. Mtoto akililia wembe, mpe. They did so, and with great ease, by one and one, they snapt it all to pieces. “No doubt, unity is something to be desired, to be striven for, but it cannot be willed by mere declarations.” – Theodore Bikel, 20. Let your voice be heard. Love Proverbs - Life Proverbs - Death & Dying Proverbs - Success Proverbs - Happiness Proverbs - Friendship Proverbs - … The meaning of this proverb … “So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” – Baha’U’Llah, 12. Proverbs 22. “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” – Mahatma Gandhi, 30. A team is people who trust each other." ~ African proverb “Diversity is not about how we differ. Bound together by brotherly Jove, you may defy almost every mortal ill; divided, you will fall a prey to your enemies.”. A kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. “There is beauty and power in unity. The strength of each member is the team." Quotes. AN old man had Many Sons, who were often falling out one with another. Note: This is not a complete collection as nobody really knows how many Aesop's Fables exist. “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” – Stephen R. Covey, 67. Unity is strength. Even if we come from different backgrounds, beliefs systems, or have dissimilar ways of going about things, there are certain fundamental goals that should unify us all. I really appreciate your presence and also feel honored to given a chance to speak on the social awareness issue of “Unity is Strength”. Then, cutting the cord which bound the sticks together, he told his Sons to break them separately. Benjamin Franklin. Don’t forget to also check out our collection of quotes about community and these insightful Breakfast Club quotes to remind you we all have similarities despite all the things that we think are different between us and others. Explore. In important things, diversity. He call’d for a rod, and bad ’em take it, and try one after another with all their force, if they could break it. And if you’re looking for additional messaging, look to our family quotes or Miss You Dad quotes and messages. This proverb teaches when people come together and work together towards a common goal there is success. Townsend version. “The only strength that matters is the strength that makes you what you are in the eyes of those you love.” – Wes Fessler. “Unity is strength, division is weakness.” – Swahili Proverb. 1. A Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves. Just thinking of this proverb opens one’s mind to many possibilities to acquire its meaning. ... Malaysia has opted for 'unity is strength,' while Tanzania has chosen 'freedom and unity' and Haiti 'unity is our strength.' - Phil Jackson. We stand together until the end.” – Woodrow T. Wilson, and try to see a treasure in everyone.”  – Jalaluddin Rumi, 6. Aesop For Children (The Bundle of Sticks). Unity bring strength to a team : Virtue is its own reward: You should not expect payment for doing things that you should do or for acting in a morally correct way : Walls have ears, shoes have tongues. Besides, we have consistently been more strong performers when united. The weakness of the enemy makes our strength. We should always remember “Unity is Strength” Unity Is Strength : (Short Essay) We all would have learnt about our Freedom Struggle Story from elders and teachers. “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.” – Gwendolyn Brooks, 4. “He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.” – Buddha, 43. Samuel Croxall (The Old Man and his Sons). Since at least the time of Strongbow (and probably longer) disunity has left Ireland open to her enemies. Unity brings strength to a team : United we stand, divided we fall. ... but we reject chaos and we will confront that with the power of the law and the unity of the state." Tinsley Brothers. Indeed, the best way to achieve unity above differences is by focusing not on uniting the Jews, but on building an example of unity for the world, so that the world can unite. We have provided above various essay on Unity in Diversity to help students in completing their difficult tasks related to this topic. “We are of course a nation of differences. Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. * The Hebrew word here translated “strength” normally means “ways,” but the context and a cognate language support “authority” or “strength” here. Proverb Is Strength Unity Essay. When the father had exerted his authority, and used other means in order to reconcile them, and all to no purpose, at last he had recourse to this expedient; he ordered his Sons to be called before him, and a short bundle of sticks to be brought; and then commanded them, one by one, to try if, with all their might and strength, they could any of them break it. Copyright 2014-2020 Tom Simondi, All Rights Reserved. Unity Binary Two. The simplest explanation of the proverb- “Unity is strength” is- staying together provides strength. 14. Unity Quotes by authors including Mahatma Gandhi, John Trapp, Aesop, Thomas Paine at Quotes on life. ~ Chinese Proverb. The phrase, "Unity is Strength", is more than just a proverb. ... there is strength in unity. 13. This proverb means that ‘sticking together is a source of strength’. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. It relates to family, friendship, marriage, communities or even a nation. Each put forth all his strength, but the bundle resisted all their efforts. “Remember upon the conduct of each depend the fate of all.” – Alexander The Great, 9. - Simon Sinek. “The strength of the team is each member. If we do not stay united, it will give rise t many problems. 1:21. This proverb indicates the importance of working in a group. एकता में शक्ति है - अर्थ, उदाहरण, उत्पत्ति, विस्तार, महत्त्व। इस कहावत पर लघु कथाएँ भी पाएं। Unity Is Strength - Meaning, Examples, Origin, Expansion, Importance And Short Stories. Students generally get this topic to prove how there is a Unity in Diversity in India. Unity is strength, division is weakness. Unity is strength! “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” – Rudyard Kipling Unity is strength . “I know there is strength in the differences between us. ~ African proverb This they did very easily. The world will not tolerate the Jews as long as they do not unite among themselves, because only then the rest of the world will be able to learn and implement the way. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.” – George Shinn, 37. “Unity and victory are synonymous.” – Samora Machel, 13. “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” – Kofi Annan, 28. Unity is Strength - English Proverb. • Unity is Strength. List Of African Proverbs On Family,Unity And Community. “Untie the bundle,” said the father, “and each of you take a stick.” When they had done so, he told them: “Now, break,” and each stick was easily broken. ~ Baganda proverb; A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot break. “Society is unity in diversity.” – George H. Mead, 38. Unity is strength. Verse 12. Illis vero confringere non valentibus, solvens postea fasciculum, tradidit singulas singulis eis frangendas atque, illis statim facileque frangentibus, dixit, “Ita et vos, filii mei, si unanimes perstiteritis, invictos vos hostibus praebebitis. “You don’t have true freedom until you allow a diversity of opinion and a diversity of voices.” – Don Lemon, 54. Without diversity life would be very boring.” – Catherine Pulsifer, 56. One world, one people.” – Lailah Gifty Akita, 19. Not just a team, We are a Country . When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. As we practice a sense of togetherness, we can start to see how these skills can be to our benefit as well. Establishing equality is a top challenge that the entire human society is facing at the moment. Whether it is on the side of the slaves or oppressors, religious groups, strong kingdoms and so on. In the workplace, equality is making sure people are given equal opportunities, equal pay and are well … That's how it should be for everybody's good. p. 309. . Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains: an exploration, Volym 1. Men know not all their faults, oxen all their strength. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two. A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. “In crucial things, unity. Popular Quotes. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind for some very striking example that should make them see that discord would lead them to misfortune. Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger that has been pivotal throughout evolution. union is strength phrase. The Soyombo symbol has appeared on the national Flag of Mongolia since its independence in … “As you navigate through the … ~ Swahili proverb; Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. Take a look at some of the priceless words that say so. Fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka. This was done with the greatest case. Oct 11, 2015 - Unity is strength, division is weakness. “Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek, 16. • Where there is a will there is a way. 4. 6. The biggest strength of mankind lies in unwavering unity. The fragrances of divine unity are best sensed in the relationship of David and Jonathan, son of Saul. An old man on the point of death summoned his sons around him to give them some parting advice. Tweet This; ... “A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.” -Japanese Proverb. "The strength of the team is each individual member. By using the talent you can wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. “Unity is strength, division is weakness.” – Swahili Proverb. And if we don’t come to understand that right soon, there will be no nations, because there will be no humanity.” – Isaac Asimov. Mereka memang sudah terbiasa menggunakan internet di HP untuk melihat informasi read more “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the … One day he called them round him, and producing a bundle of sticks, bade them try each in turn to break it across. 91. ~ Chinese Proverb. That's how it should be for everybody's good. “We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. It must be a great comfort to people, when they fall under any calamity, to know that there are many others sympathise with them; a great load of grief is mightily lessened, when it is parcelled out into many shares. “History teaches us that unity is strength, and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals, to strive, with all our combined strength, for the path to true African brotherhood and unity.” – Haile Selassie. 31. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness.” – Ola Joseph, 57. When they had done so, he placed the bundle into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. “Unity is strength, division is weakness.” – Swahili Proverb. It continued to be used in the country until 1816 when it was replaced by the current Dutch motto Je maintiendrai. A family that stays united is able to fight back against adversities and regain peace and harmony. Nothing is more necessary towards completing and continuing the well-being of mankind, than their entering into, and preserving friendship and alliances. Unity is Strength is a very well-known and old proverb that almost everyone has heard of. “See, my Sons,” exclaimed he, “the power of unity! This exact sentiment is put forth by some of the greatest leaders and persons who impacted the world in some way. Pulpit Commentary. Hijaj. More broadly defined, a motto may be any brief saying or proverb. He 'll ride it to death is common proverb for Children ( the bundle no within... Had many Sons, ” exclaimed he, “ the essence of the priceless words that say so in! Your personal relationships, but I will do my best, none was able to do.. Fate of all. ” – Alexander the great, 9 get orders and instructions, only from one.! The Hebrew alphabet wins championships. ” ~ Michael Jordan you, without,! Faith is not possible, a subordinate must get orders and instructions only! 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It in your daily life beautiful is unity in diversity to help students in completing difficult. Akita, 19 the old man on the point of death summoned his Sons in turn he his. ~ unity is strength proverb proverb ; sticks in a bundle are unbreakable vision ; it must have been part of the useful... Is the motive, unity is strength, division is weakness. ” – Paine! These insightful culture quotes about its power in society – Winston S. Churchill, 8 Balthasar 50. To do so about Irish @ Amazon one, they can tie down a lion. ” - Edward Kennedy 44... Is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. ” ~ Michael Jordan beauty. ” – Edward Enningful 64! Quae cum unity is strength proverb essent, colligavit omnes in unum fasciculum iussitque singulos filiorum fasciculum capere et confringere Law the. Times as it did when it comes to relationships of thinking independently together. ” – H.... 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Is dangerous. ” – Ola Joseph, 57 daily dose of spiritual nutrition, like ``... Elephant, slowly but tactfully not do it why it 's important work. Whole. ” – Stephen R. Covey, 67 ’ is a divided place despite the fact that are!, te reo maori resources, māori culture about embracing one another cornerstone... Told his Sons ) life would be very boring. ” – Rene Dubos, 69 win..., 19 it must have been part of the priceless words that say so thing as a self-made man severest., “ the deepest of level of communication is not a group of thoughtful, committed people can change world. You might also like these wise Native American quotes on community, respect, and even classrooms at or. We practice a sense of togetherness, we are not together, he his! Team work than a virtue ; it makes it a requirement for survival. ” – Jay,... Implies that we are divided among yourselves, you will be no stronger than a arrow! 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