optimus 111 stove parts

Blacksmith Opens in a new window or tab. otherwise. Juwel 34 Stove Manual and Instructions Original German and English Translation. The stove can be fully field stripped using only this wrench. Professional Outdoor Stove Propane Burner - Portable 3 Cooker Camping BBQ Grill. This stand-alone post should make it easier for folks to find this document. https://youtu.be/sGo62unFInk, OR watch them imbedded right here, right now. if there is one. The regulating knob is lifted out and placed to the right side of the case. Tank 3. May 20, 2014. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Than it is obvious that there are no vaporizer tubes on 111B, because the one that is not open in both ends, can not let the gas both up and down again. Sigh. . Although heavier than many other stoves, it performs well for cooking, as it is stable, can go from a boil to a simmer, has the ability to hold large pots. As the fuel level in the tank drops, more pressure can be added by a few strokes on the pump. All rights reserved. Optimus111C High Quality Manual. 'P5?DiY#Oh \C--cIeK---Xhe-,;Zi4!H!tVq6vBs3DyL7\`KtC,E:al C8CwjZOn#Y-hHFhR0] and top pan rings, these will need new washers but are a more Product Type: Outdoor Recreation Product. It is fairly well documented on social discussion forums about stoves that the Taiwanese Svea 123R stoves are of lesser fit and finish than the original Swedish made stoves. Svea 123 (no R) on the left. In my own work repairing stoves I have had a half dozen brand new Taiwanese Svea 123Rs sent to me in just the last year for failures to positively shut-off. If you see these videos at some other website, they have been stolen and the website moderators/owners are thieves and are in violation of copyright law. The tiny bit of fuel that may leak out of a font is not going to create a blowtorch. They don't work as well.Brazing supplies can be found on Amazon or eBay. ROARER BURNER TO FIT PRIMUS STOVE OPTIMUS STOVE PARTS SPARES . Many thanks for posting the photos, Jim; despite the wear and tear and corrosion, they do show up, very clearly, the quality and craftsmanship which went into those stoves, don't they? There has been enough discussion here of changing the SRVs and the NRVs that any member should be acquainted with that process. Click the link below to download a PDF with big image and good quality. April 2, 2016. Burner 1 4 Within three months of this restore the inept client had set the stove on fire, destroyed the paint, and melted part of the copper windshield surround. Proudly powered by WordPress Those early stoves used kerosene (parafin), but by the early 20th century white gas (Coleman Fuel, naphtha) was becoming more common. Production of the 111B was discontinued in 1999 and a new variant, the 111C was introduced. 2022 fettlebox.co.uk - All rights reserved. Price Paid: ??? 4.7 out of 5 stars 111. Contactadmin to add your confirmed event here. If you have any questions about what spare . The priming step is necessary to heat the burner assembly so that fuel leaving the burner jet is vapor, rather than liquid. Trending at $51.55. For demanding users, the gas, multifuel and hybrid stoves by Optimus are their top choice and for good reason: Bound by the tradition of its name, Optimus products are continuously re-engineered for sharpened improvement. Optimus No:111 & 22 Service Kit Shop by Category Homepage Stove Seals & Washers Stove Washer Kits Stove Parts Alcohol Stove Seals Pressure Lamp Seals & Washers Pressure Lamp Washer Kits Pressure Lamp Parts Military Stove & Lamp Seals Bulk Stove & Lamp Washer Kits Pump Leathers Coleman Miscellaneous Seals Tools Old Stoves, Lamps & Blowlamps This part of the tool is for the spindle nut on the Svea 123 (no R), This part of the tool is for the smaller jet on the Svea 123 (no R). I have a version before this one, where the tanks stays within the square bottom enclosure. The embossed case was stripped, derusted, and repainted. Svea 123R stove on right. Vintage Optimus 111B Camping Stove Unused Sweden Rare Collectible Original Box Pre-Owned C $571.62 Was: C $816.60 30% off Buy It Now +C $66.69 shipping from India 19 watchers Sponsored Vintage Optimus 111B Camping Stove Unused Sweden Rare Collectible Original Box Pre-Owned C $572.17 Buy It Now +C $65.86 shipping from India Sponsored At that time, I needed a stove that was simple, would simmer well, was efficient and would serve as the primary stove for a group of six. Discussion in 'Optimus No:111 (all variants) + later Hiker & Hike' started by parramethtrol, Nov 12, 2010. There will be some flare up as this is white gas, so dont be too close. ). Primus products are designed to be used and kept for a long time. It needs little assembly. GENUINE spare parts FULL REPAIR SERVICE KIT CAMPING Stove OPTIMUS 8R New (other) | Private EUR 16.92 or Best Offer + EUR 7.53 postage from Ukraine 483 sold Sponsored PRIMUS STOVE No96 PAN SUPPORT LEGS OPTIMUS STOVE PARTS CAMPING STOVE SPARES Brand new | Business EUR 15.35 Buy it now + EUR 4.47 postage from United Kingdom 353 sold Sponsored Domestic free shipping on orders over $99! Total price: $51.64. A short time later, Optimus changed their 111 to a 111B model which only burns white gas. This was the successor to the No:11. +808 Sign up and be the first to hear about product releases, news, promotions and more! - select qty above via drop-down box if 2 required for a 22/22B. CLICK HERE. In 'as purchased' condition (aside from the filler cap being replaced for testing purposes), burn. tin broken, does the lid keep coming off? <br><br>Used, condition as seen. $49.95 $ 49. optimus 111 stove for sale | eBay Category All Sporting Goods Camping & Hiking Camping Cooking Supplies Camping Stoves, Ovens & BBQs Camping Stoves Camping Cooking Parts & Repair Business & Industrial Fuel Type Dual Fuel (2) Gas (5) Not Specified (26) Brand Optimus (8) Primus (4) SVEA (1) Not Specified (20) Suitable For Backpacking (4) Camping (9) . May 21, 2014. 818 sold . In fine preserved condition. Weekly reviews, exclusive deals, giveaways, and more: Help support this site by making your next gear purchase through one of the links above. The spindle key that comes with the vintage stoves has several cut-outs in the key. https://youtu.be/L-A9IAcaVhA, Optimus 111B Stove Repair Part 2 Parts Reassembly Here are the four images of the Optimus 111C Hiker stove manual as lower-res jpgs. The knob is turned clockwise to insure that the regulator valve is in closed position. All Rights Reserved. Asbestos-free. discover. views of classic Optimus & Primus stoves and Optimus lanterns, click here. Search for the following product names that are within quotes.Silver brazing wire: \" Harris Safety Silv 50n \"Black flux for steel and other ferrous metals: \" Stay-Silv Black Flux \"Use these two products for steel stove cases.The nickel in the 50n promotes much better flow out than non-nickel silver brazing wire.Paint? Please let me know if you see someone ripping off my hard work for their own benefit those people who do that sort of stuff are the lowest form of self-serving scum. Founded in Stockholm in 1899, the company has set new technical standards over its lengthy history. Stove of the MonthNovember 2022 - Tiebreaker! For general information there are 2 types of 111 repair kits. Once the stove is operating, noted by the constant roar, the regulator knob is used to control the flame. PRIMUS STOVE BRASS FLAME SPREADER AND BRASS INNER CAP. It's a simple, low-tech way to repair these cases in the home shop without the need for expensive. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-HRgttvZQQtg7_G0_T6Sqw/ An integral pump supplied pressure and the hinged lid of the box provided an effective windscreen. Stove of the MonthDecember 2022 - The Vote! Since I never pump it once it is running, is causing me no lack of sleep. at Outdoor Gear Exchange. Everything you need for your primus stove. Please accept to continue or block all non-essential cookies. Check em out! . Stoves are a bit different, requiring more R & D, as well as being based on a couple of basic designs. Tutorial on the operation of the old Optimus box stove series. hb``b``Ab,@ o$w80Lt:'5M/U}6L"T}:M[w[-WjD,&&OT~vIw~a%+V:rKXT2tN@eF\kvVuv=,\{\fFo4 Z_OoiRK\&z\7K%ShB G'FK}|\2uvgyV9s{2Yye}{9v4^ `j203Y@ hS~`VYXYdd,j *s.9_NM,^,7x-~03Ldx0a7t&;F7,o[?192nadff`jbg^ljjue@y2|bPe8 Ph$h*4n|q21#PiSL*L8xNa$i4# q The knob form on the spindle is correct for the period, but the shaft is a round end that I consider mechanically squaring so that it could be used with the square spindle on the stove. Reviewed by I just got a Optimus 111 stove and I think it is missing some parts identified below: -Wrench, pan/pot support, and the spindle key/knob for its age A couple of questions to those experts: -Anything else that might be missing in addition to the above? Runs on unleaded gasoline, Coleman fuel. Measurements:4.1 x 7.1 x 7.1/105 x 180 x 180mm, Rating:Approximately 3,000 watts/10,000 BTU, Running Time:Up to two hours at maximum output, Boiling Time 1 L Water:Down to under 3 minutes(varies with climate, altitude, etc.). We have large quantities of used pump rods, filler caps, spirit cups At 58 oz./1640 grams, it is made from heavy metals, including a brass tank and steel case. Optimus Crux Weekend HE Cook System. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. The purpose of the cut-outs is to lighten the spindle key, to allow the key to dissipate heat and to serve as useful tools for the stove in the field. The spindle nut is smaller on the Svea 123, and the opening in the photo below is used to tighten or loosen the spindle nut. Price Paid: $120 US, Reviewed by Optimus 111b liquid fuel stove. Thisis a late-in-the-series Optimus 11. Founded in Stockholm in 1899, the company has set new technical standards over its lengthy history. But sometimes you might need to replace a part because of wear and tear or an accident. I cannot add much to the previous review which is very thorough. Have the hinges on your 00, 210, 121, Community. Another popular stove repair part is the door gasket kits and stove pipes. Or, just use the JPGS below. If the flame in the priming cup is extinguished completely before opening the regulator valve, it will be necessary to light the stove at the burner plate. Here is a quick explanation of the functions of the tool cutouts in the spindle key. Check Availability primus stove parts, primus washers, primus repair kits. The cheaply made and low quality Optimus Svea 123R stoves now coming out of Taiwan still feature a spindle key that includes the opening for the Svea 123 spindle nut even though the Taiwanese never made that stove and that stove stopped being produced in Sweden pre-1970. The videos cover all the steps you need to take to refurbish a vintage 111B stove back to full operation. Source: bought it new 8017990/0 PARTS OF THE STOVE 1. Weight was less of an issue than if I were carrying everything on my back. The Fettlebox uses cookies. One of the two tubes on 111B has the same purpose that the 4th tube on 111 (kerosene), and that is for pouring spirit into the preheater cup (atleast on later versions of the burner). Knowledge should be free! Gas Refill Adapter Outdoor Camping Hiking For Butane Tank Canister Bottle . for 'best used' and we will supply the best used part we have. An integral pump supplied pressure and the hinged lid of the box provided an effective windscreen. Vintage Optimus 111B Backpack Pocket Camp Stove, Made in Sweden UNTESTED Pre-Owned $175.00 or Best Offer Free shipping Sponsored EXPANDED EDITION! Reviewed by Fuel Pipe 9. The Swedish-made Svea 123R is a great stove. Optimus 111 fuel tank brass. OPTIMUS STOVE 111B KEROSENE REPLACEMENT DECAL. Legal Information Privacy & Data Protection Warranty Statement, Industrial Water Disinfection by Aquafides UV. There is a kit that contains a new jet and cleaning needle, a new control spindle with graphite packing and packing nut plus a filler cap washer. Optimus 111 stove brass wind shield for burner. some tarnishing or surface rust. The above extract comes from this 1953 Optimus brochure heralding the new No:111. MOUNTAIN HUNTER GAS FOLDER STOVE PT-1 DESIGN OPTIMUS 8R Pre-Owned $74.95 or Best Offer +$29.95 shipping from Ukraine 16 watchers Sponsored 530 sold . From Sweden, to the North and South Pole, across deserts, forests and up Everest, Primus empowers adventurersanywhere, anytime for anybody. OPTIMUS STOVE 111 KEROSENE REPLACEMENT DECAL. -Source to get the missing parts? For trips such as my canoe expeditions in Northern Canada or my winter ski trips where I pull a pulk, the 111B is a wonderful stove. 79 0 obj <> endobj Visit www.spiritburner.comfor instructions on how to "fettle" this stove. Over 125 years of success. The 111B is a Coleman fuel stove. +172 Tune is \"Live Worms\" by Josh Lippi \u0026 The Overtimers. For high quality easy-to-read PDF file, click here: Manual_Optimus_111B, PDF copy for better resolution: Manual_Optimus_8R. View All Outerwear, Clothing, and Accessories , #2 in C $85.00. Stove of the MonthDecember 2022 - The Vote! In 1927, Optimus of Sweden patented their No. Bookmark the permalink. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 95. When ordering ask C $3.80. Quick View. Information Price 2.50. These can be found on eBay or maybe still direct from Optimus. Add to List. 11, a box stove that would burn either white gas or kerosene. Total: 71 (members: 11, guests: 50, robots: 10), https://classiccampstoves.com/threads/optimus-22b-111b.32797/, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Copyright 1999 Base Camp. All Products. Service Kit for the Optimus 111 & 22 & 111B & 22B, If you require graphitetape to remake the valve packing please select from the drop down box above. To operate, the case with the stove inside is placed on a level surface, with the hinges toward any wind. My own background with stoves began with Bluet canister stoves in the early 1960s. The regulator knob shaft is inserted through the hole in the case on the right side and fits over the square profile of the regulator valve on the burner assembly. <br><br>Used, condition is as seen, be sure to check my other listings for more Optimus stove parts. 20lb Propane Tank Adapter Hose for Primus propane Stoves and Grills, Replacement Hose & Propane Canister Stand - Profile Stoves. Heres a repost of the Optimus 111T Stove Manual and Instructions. AU $20.17 + AU $18.42 postage . The spindle knob is not original to the stove. at Cabela's, Check Availability How is that for reliability? The burner assembly is a roarer type with a metal plate being rigidly supported by two cast arms above the jet. Click here for a classic styled leather strap The case lid acts as a windscreen. Optimus Stove (1 - 40 of 52 results) Price ($) Shipping Vintage Miniature Camp Stove Optimus 8R EmzTreasurz (336) $300.00 Vintage Svea 123 Camping Stove Optimus Max Sievert AtlantaVintageFinds (1,332) $174.99 Two (2) Optimus 8R Primus 111 Box Tin One Inch Sticker Decal Stove Replacement VulcanLanternWorks (215) $5.99 FREE shipping As Erich points out, the CF burner has only one set of vaporizer tubes and the kerosene burner has two sets of vaporizer tubes. Use the correct and easiest-to-use brazing supplies. $1.00 . Vintage Optimus 111 Camp Stove Made in Sweden - YouTube 0:00 / 3:01 Vintage Optimus 111 Camp Stove Made in Sweden 40,830 views Jul 23, 2021 1.2K Dislike Share Save CrazyRussianHacker 11.4M. Brand New. spare. The 111T burns alcohol, kerosene, or Coleman fuel with a change of the jet and air baffle. In the early 1990s I retire from more extreme mountaineering and now spend a large portion of each year canoeing Canadas Far North. M-1942 Stove Pump Washer Kit - WWII US Military, Burner Washers. This is a good stove for those who do paddle trips and can carry a bit extra weight. Heat shield 6. The spindle key that was bundled with Svea 123R stoves also had cutouts for this earlier version, the Svea 123. Add to List. Price 12.50. And, heres a really nice hi-res PDF of the 111C Hiker stove manual: For high quality easy-to . Report scumbag thieves to: berniedawgstove@comcast.net Fuel Control valve 8. Swap meet find, user condition Optimus 111, perhaps a 111T? New . 2.30 or 3.95 for 2. I don't bring things that need to be refrigerated so nothing must be cooked to eat. The Optimus 111B is a design that dates in nearly unchanged form to the 1920s and still performs well to this day. Use wet-dry carbide sandpaper to clean the metal. . The tank filler cap with integral pressure relief valve should be unscrewed to check that the amount of fuel in the tank is adequate for task of cooking. Feel free to distribute far and wide and download onto your device. The front of the case base is hinged and when lowered, the tank and burner assembly slide forward with the burner positioned under the pot supports. Optimus, now obsolete use Petromax #180 price BD. If you are in any way not satisfied with a part when it arrives please Optimus 111 hiker stove restrictor tube new. The Optimus Svea, continues to sell successfully after more than 70 years and has achieved cult status among outdoor enthusiasts. I silver brazed the hinge back in place before prepping and repainting. Some rare or original parts may be forty years old and show Since the early 1960s I have hiked, climbed, skied and paddled over much of the Northwestern part of North America. Optimus 99 Aluminum Camp Stove Made in Sweden Untested, Complete With All Parts Parts Only $119.99 Buy It Now +$8.99 shipping Sponsored VINTAGE OPTIMUS SVEA 123 SINGLE-BURNER CAMP STOVE w/ CUP + MSR FIREFLY W/parts Pre-Owned $160.00 or Best Offer Free shipping 18 watchers Sponsored Like it's predecessor the first 111 was dual-fuel, burning both gasoline & paraffin using the same jet. A small pan below the burner assembly acts as the support for the burner, as well as a cup to hold priming fuel. These are copyrighted videos and are found exclusively here at my stove blog and at my YouTube stove channel. Have it your way! Contact the video content provider: berniedawgstove@comcast.netIntro/outro music courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library and used with full permissions. Take just the stove, just the cook set, or everything. If you buy a used one, plan on replacing some rubber parts and the pump cup (all are still available at very modest cost). Burner washers select qty above via drop-down box if 2 required for a 22/22B explanation of the jet tiny. ; br & gt ; used, condition as seen eBay or maybe still direct Optimus! For this earlier version, the regulator valve is in closed position click link... Level surface, with the vintage stoves has several cut-outs in the drops! Accept to continue or block all non-essential cookies type with a change the... Gasket kits and stove optimus 111 stove parts here is a quick explanation of the jet and air baffle good stove for who. Going to create a blowtorch several cut-outs in the early 1960s replace a part when it arrives please 111! Should be acquainted with that process //youtu.be/sGo62unFInk, or Coleman fuel with a metal being... 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optimus 111 stove parts