So here are the links and resources I mentioned. Based on the data, between $2,511,750,192 and $4,436,550,192 have been loaned through the Payroll Protection Program to businesses in Mississippi. Applicants in California received the most money overall with $68.2 billion, followed by Texas at $41.1 billion and New York at $38.3 billion. The Skip team has been one of the top resources in the US for SBA-related funding and other private funding options since 2020. All rights reserved. Several law firms, including ones with ties to President Trump (Kasowitz, Benson & Torres) and former vice president Al Gore and film producer Harvey Weinstein (Boies Schiller Flexner) also received PPP loans. For a full breakdown of which businesses received loans of $150,000 or more, see the tables below: !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(a){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");t&&(["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}}))}(); Disclosure: Mississippi Today sought a Paycheck Protection Program loan, which has been approved and disbursed. Todays data shows that small businesses of all types and across all industries benefited from this unprecedented program. Most of those that answered were white and male-owned, shown below: Use the tables below for full lists of Mississippis PPP recipients, by business and industry. Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. The overwhelming majority of owners who received PPP loans legitimately used the money to retain employees and stay operational. To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. PPP Loan Search MS Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Click hereto download Paycheck Protection Program loan data by state for loans of $150,000 and above. - profiles and social posts Most did not respond. of Loans Jobs Retained The data only identifies companies with loans worth more than $150,000. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name. Report it to the Small Business Administrations with just a few clicks. And more than 1,000 recipients apparently did not answer the question about saving jobs at all, according to the data. Any amount helps us keep producing quality journalism for Mississippi. The U.S. government. The program caps forgiveness for salaries at $100,000 per employee, more than twice the states median household income. Mississippi businesses that applied for and received a loan as part of a national effort to save small companies during the coronavirus pandemic is now public information. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. - Scuttlebutt Sailing News, Bill Maher Addressed an Eventful Political Week on Real Time - InsideHook, Letter: The rules of life are very simple - Detroit Lakes Tribune, The Banality of Putin and Xi | Yaron Brook and Elan Journo - IAI, American culture is destroying itself, and the planet, says leading activist Bill McKibben - Yahoo Philippines News, Is Discussing the Consequences of Anti-Vaccine Disinformation Fun? By joining our newsletter, you are confirming that you agree with the Privacy Policy, Frank Corder is a native of Pascagoula. The federal government hassentmore than $3 billion in small business loans to Mississippi businesses and nonprofits, savinghundreds of thousands of jobs in recent months, new data shows. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name. "This money helped us bridge a gap to keep people gainfully employed," the statement said. To republish online, simply click the button, copy the html code and paste into your Content Management System (CMS). Clarification: The story has been edited to clarify that franchisees of national chains applied and received PPP loans rather than the chains corporate bodies. But about 3,500 Mississippi businesses that received PPP loans said they would retain zero jobs with the money. Search through Mississippi businesses that benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program with our database by searching below. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(a){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");t&&(["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}}))}(); Disclosure: In 2020, Mississippi Today sought a Paycheck Protection Program loan, which was approved and disbursed. We center readers in everything we do, informingand engagingMississippians through reporting, podcasts, events and online communities. Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly, Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing, Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors, Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, Yalobusha General Hospital And Nursing Home, Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors. Those in excess of $150,000 break down as follows: The spectrum of businesses receiving PPP loans crossed practically every segment of the Mississippi economy. In total, Mississippi businesses received between $2.5 billion and $4.4 billion in loans, spread across 45,000 recipients loans of $150,000 or larger are only disclosed in ranges. Changs, Legal Sea Foods and Silver Diner either received PPP loans or had investors connected to the company that did. 2023 - Land Title Association of Mississippi, Supreme Court will hear a case challenging CFPB funding, ALTA Applauds Passage of SECURE Notarization Act in the House of Representatives, Title Companys Crime Policy Covers Fraudulent Wire Transfer, Central Florida Court Research and Document Retrieval. This year alone, nearly a hundred thousand Mississippians received $2.3 billion in PPP loans from the CARES Act, which provided much-needed financial assistance to business owners. Keep this news free and accessible to all by becoming a member and giving a recurring donation of any amount today. by Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today July 7, 2020, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
. Searchable PPP Loans - Businesses with PPP Loan 2021 Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details. champion wins almost $60,000 in 7th consecutive win, over $220,000 total - Press of Atlantic City, Will Amanda Seyfried (The Dropout) ride her Emmy high all the way to a SAG Award win? $1M - $2M: 291 Recipients. To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. Companies that maintain most of their payroll through the span of the loan may convert those funds into a grant. Three Hispanic, two Asian and zero American Indian businesses reported receiving at least that amount. Internationally, South Korean airline Korean Air received a PPP loan. Rep VickyHartzler, R-Mo., on Thursday disclosed that her family's businesses received nearly $480,000. Any amount helps us keep producing quality journalism for Mississippi. - South Carolina Public Radio, Did the John Birch Society Win in the End? Across the country, more than 660,000 businesses received $150,000 or up to the $10 million maximum from the small-business lending program. The US government recently added a second round of $310 billion to PPP loan program. In fact, McDonalds, Sonic, Applebees and General Motors each received more in loans for their Mississippi locations than any of the states non-franchise businesses. In Mississippi, 17 businesses received loans between $5-$10 million, the highest range of funding. Bankers, lawyers, and consultants told Business Insider that the volume of pre-approved loans will soak up the second round of funding. The loan data also include demographics of the borrowers, although most businesses left those fields blank. - The Bulwark, Boris Johnsons Covid bravado insults the NHS and the public - The Guardian, Science Fiction in a Time of Crisis - Filmmaker Magazine, The criticism facing Rishi Sunak has nothing to do with race, and all to do with greed - iNews, Zack Snyder's Star Wars-Themed Movie Recruits The Princess Bride Star - Giant Freakin Robot, Debate sparked after University of Bristol students try to 'cancel' controversial speaker - Bristol Live, Rishi Sunak is a terrible bloke, regardless of his wife's finances -, Understanding the Roots of the New Inflation: With Rob Tarr - New Ideal, First Wind Film Development To Adapt Rick Bleiweiss Blackstone Novel Pignon Scorbion And The Barbershop Detectives For TV - Deadline, 'My jagged path to cap and gown': Reflections from a 23-year-old expectant high school graduate - Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel, Don't Believe The Hype: The Left Wish They Ran Cancel Culture Like This - Above the Law, Who is John Malone, the 'Cable Cowboy' and GB News backer who could buy Channel 4? The Ayn Rand Institute received a loan and defended it on Twitter. You can only publish select stories individually not as a collection. The average amount was about $69,000, the lowest in the country. About 87% of the loans were for less than $150,000, according . Below is a list of South Mississippi business that received PPP loans . Release from the U.S. Department of Treasury. The Roman Catholic dioceses in California, New York, Nevada, Tennessee and Kentucky also received loans. The PPP Loan Fraud List - PPP Fraud | Who got a PPP LOAN 2021 P Mathis The Accountant 4.83K subscribers Subscribe 2.1K Share 113K views Streamed 1 year ago Are you considering applying for. The Treasury and SBA later reversed course, saying they woulddisclose names and other details about businesses that took PPP loans of $150,000 and above. Under the law, Mississippi received $1.25 billion. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Designed to cover expenses such as payroll and rent, the loans do not have to be paid back if at least 60 percent of the money is spent keeping or rehiring workers. Credit: Eric J. Shelton/Mississippi Today, If you are an existing Print subscriber click. They included Jackson Academy and Jackson Prep, which both received at least $1 million. Meanwhile, 78 white business owners received loans for at least $1 million. Some firms said they didn't receive or apply for the money they're listed as getting. Search MS Businesses Results @lukerehmann Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. Designed to cover expenses such as payroll and rent, the loans do not have to be paid back if at least 60 percent of the money is spent keeping or rehiring workers. If youre not able to add the byline, please include a line at the top of the story that reads: This story was originally published by Mississippi Today and include our website, You cannot republish our editorial cartoons, photographs, illustrations or graphics without specific permission (contact our managing editor. Franks interviews, articles, and columns have been shared throughout Mississippi as well as in national publications such as the Daily Caller. The Retzer Group, which operates McDonald's franchises, got at least $5 in PPP money. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, providing insight and commentary on the inner workings of the Magnolia State. His work has appeared in the Boston Globe, Open Secrets, and on Frank has served his community in both elected and appointed public office, hosted his own local radio and television programs, and managed private businesses all while being an engaged husband and father. Lawmakers decided in mid-May to set aside $300 million of that money for small business owners. Yet that rate varies greatly; J&W Transport LLC, a trucking company in Jackson, received a loan of over $260,000 to pay one employee. St. Andrew's Episcopal Day School in Ridgeland got at least $2 million. MDA Spokeswoman Melissa Scallan said MDA is currently reviewing applications and could be issuing checks as early as this week or next week. Search through Mississippi businesses that benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program with our database by searching below. There were several errors in the database, so it's not clear whether all the companies listed received the funds. But of those that did, men-owned businesses receiving loans outnumbered women-owned firms by about three-to-one. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin testifies with Jovita Carranza, Administrator U.S. Small Business Administration during the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Hearings to examine implementation of Title I of the CARES Act on Capitol Hill on June 10, 2020 in Washington, DC. Manley said that business owners who did not receive a check, but felt they qualified should email [email protected] with their business name, account number and the reason they believe their business met the criteria for the $2,000 check. Across the country, more than 660,000 businesses received $150,000 or up to the $10 million maximum from the small-business lending program. The loans have reached diverse communities proportionally, across all income levels and demographics. We are particularly pleased that 27% of the programs reach in low and moderate income communities which is in proportion to percentage of population in these areas. Yet dozens of large national chains came away with millions in loans on behalf of their Mississippi locations; McDonalds, for instance, received $14.8 million to support 28 locations in the state, despite being a multinational corporation that made $4.7 billion in profit last year. - South Carolina Public Radio, Boris Johnsons Covid bravado insults the NHS and the public - The Guardian, The criticism facing Rishi Sunak has nothing to do with race, and all to do with greed - iNews, Aaron Rodgers Loves Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and We're Not Shocked - Esquire, Boris Johnson and the woeful and costly Tory war on woke - The Japan Times, Has the Great Barrington Declaration been vindicated? Got a confidential news tip? Ruth's Hospitality Group, which owns the Ruth's Chris Steak House chain, AutoNationand ShakeShack are among those that took out PPP loans. You can search the SBA's entire PPP loan data below. Religious organizations such as the Catholic dioceses of Biloxi and Jackson, the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi,and the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Churchreceived hundreds of thousands of dollars. The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more. Bankers, lawyers, and consultants told Business Insider that the volume of pre-approved loans will soak up the second round of funding.If you don't receive emergency government funding, it's suggested for small businesses to seek funding through tax relief, private companies, local governments, and organizations offering small business grants. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. As was the case after the first round of the Paycheck Protection Program last summer, the states top recipients so far include restaurants, doctors and dentists offices, legal practices, construction companies, car dealers, hotels and religious organizations. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name. Search PPP Loan List in Mississippi Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details. You have to credit Mississippi Today. Loan Range No. Companies applying had to show that "economic uncertainty makes this loan request necessary to support the ongoing operations" of the company, as well as an inability "to access other sources of liquidity, according to the SBA. 2023 CNBC LLC. Niche movie theater chain Alamo Drafthouse received a loan of at least $5 million. A pedestrian wearing a protective mask walks past a Shake Shack restaurant in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Monday, April 20, 2020. Below is a chart of the types of businesses receiving the most money in Mississippi: var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1594145011552'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0]; if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 800 ) {'800px';'627px';} else if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 500 ) {'800px';'627px';} else {'100%';'727px';} var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = ''; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); Some Mississippi borrowers receiving between $5-$10 million in those categories include GI Associates, a gastroenterology group in Flowood, Ridgeland-based law firm Butler Snow, and two restaurant companies, Mid River Restaurants in Natchez and The Retzer Group in Greenville. Restaurant chains like P.F. Theaters have been closed while new film releases have been delayed or pushed to streaming platforms. Millsaps, Tougaloo and Rust colleges each receivedbetween $2 million and $5 million. Mississippi PPP Funded Companies This directory is composed of all companies that have received loans under the Paycheck Protections Program according to data provided by the U.S. Treasury. John Farrell, a Republican donor and real estate developer also received a PPP loan. The U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury Department, today announced it was releasing detailed loan-level data regarding the loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). At least 20 Mississippi hospitals received PPP money, with numerous dentists' and doctors' offices also getting the loans. See the full searchable list of who received Mississippi PPP loans, law firm where House Speaker Philip Gunn works, Businesses with ties to Tate Reeves received loans, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. Mississippi businesses that applied for and received a loan as part of a national effort to save small companies during the coronavirus pandemic is now public information. For the most part, Mississippis recipients were small individual businesses over 80% reported 10 or fewer employees, and only 1% were part of a franchise. 2023 Magnolia Tribune. The jobs numbers released last week reinforced that PPP is working by keeping employees on payroll and sustaining millions of small businesses through this time.. A former Mississippi prison guard has been sentenced to three years of probation for COVID relief fraud. to view this author's last article or All rights reserved. Otherwise, it carries a 1 percent interest rate and must be repaid within two years. Some 3,890 Mississippi companies received PPP loans in excess of $150,000. - Science Based Medicine, O'Donnell: Will the NBA's new red-light camera calls ruin The Finals for ABC/ESPN? Keep this news free and accessible to all by becoming a member and giving a recurring donation of any amount today. Search through Mississippi businesses that benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program with our database by searching below. Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in New Jersey, which is named after Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner's grandfather, got a loan in the range of $1 million to $2 million. Mississippi Today published info on many of the businesses receiving money last summer, but the Small Business Administration has since made public more information on PPP recipients following a lawsuit from the Washington Post and other outlets. If you don't receive emergency government funding, it's suggested for small businesses to seek funding through tax relief, private companies, local governments, and organizations offering small business grants. Politically, according to the Washington Post, companies with connections to a handful of federal lawmakers, like Foremost Maritime, which is a shipping business controlled by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have received PPP loans. Here's What's Wrong With Ayn Rand's Philosophy - The Paul and Romney embarrass themselves by lashing out at trans athletes - Outsports, The rise and fall of Netflix -, Wonder Woman 1984: Who plays the 'other' Steve Trevor? Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Legislatures top leaders test positive for coronavirus, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. The PPP loans are designed to keep people on the job, and can be forgiven if the funds are used on payroll and similar expenses. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao's family's business, Foremost Maritime, got a loan valued at between $350,000 and $1 million. Companies said that the funding supported more than 51 million jobs. Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. While the aim of the program was to aid ailing companies with less than 500 employees, its effectiveness has remained unclear. On average, businesses in the state received about $7,000 per employee. Alex Rozier, from New York City, is Mississippi Todays data and environment reporter. by Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today April 30, 2021, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
. The U.S. Treasury Department released the names of 650,000 businesses that received loans of $150,000 or more on Monday as part of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) designed to help small businesses, including nearly 4,000 in Mississippi. TGI Fridays, which is backed by private equity firm TriArtisan Capital Advisors, received at least $5 million. - two free years of archived e-Editions Seventeen Mississippi businesses received between $5 million and $10 million, the top loan amount, with about 120 more receiving between $2 million and $5 million. Secret IRS data shows it's paying off - Salon, Heres hoping this USC/UCLA-Big Ten merger careens off the track, crashes and burns | Jones - PennLive, LETTER: Thank cadre deployment and BEE for the mess - BusinessLIVE, Why The Racist Left Smears Clarence Thomas As An 'Angry Black Man' - The Federalist, This Is the Most Important Decision You Can Make To Increase Sales Right Now! At least a dozen prominent investment firms obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars in assistance each, with at least two saying the money would help retain zero jobs. Gov. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Franklin Corporation, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Jindal Tubular USA LLC, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Behold Washington, LLC, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Corinthian Inc. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Van Zyverden Inc. Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Household Furniture (except Wood and Metal) Manufacturing, Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists), Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel, Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing, Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction, Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction, Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance, Other Services (except Public Administration), The First, A National Banking Association, Southern Electric Corporation Of Mississippi, Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services, Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing. Just look at shares of one of the largest office REITs, whenheoriginallyimplied that theTrump administration would not disclose the names of participants, tried to take the restaurant chain public, More than $30 billion in loans were returned overall, forced to close shop as result of the pandemic. The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more. All rights reserved. Yet franchisees in Mississippi from dozens of large national chains came away with millions in loans; 28 of McDonalds locations in Mississippi, for instance, received a combined $14.8 million, despite the chain being a multinational corporation that made $4.7 billion in profit last year. The Small Business Administration has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with Mississippi Today. Mississippi TUPELO 169 PPP loans (>$150k) have been issued in the city of TUPELO, MS. All publically available loans are listed here in order of business name. here Classical Economists - The Objective Standard, Opinion | Demolishing the Demonic Plans of Our Enemy, and Can We Get An Amen - Common Dreams, Ayn Rand's We the Living: Back on the Silver Screenand Better Than Ever - The Objective Standard, Congress revival: Time to break free of family - The Hans India, The Financial Dark Ages Are Ending Thanks To Bitcoin - Bitcoin Magazine, Marital rape: How understanding context rather than just focusing on consent will help resolve the issue - Firstpost, Deadly Class Season 2: Is a Release Date or Rumor in the Offing on Netflix? Posted on February 27, 2023 by laguardia airport food terminal c Numerous news organizations received PPP loans: Forbes Media got at least $5 million; The Washington Times got at least $1 million; The Washingtonian got at least $350,000; The Daily Caller received at least $350,000 and The Daily Caller News Foundation got at least $150,000; The American Prospect received at least $150,000. Those loans represent nearly three-fourths of total loan dollars approved, but a far smaller proportion of the number of actual loans. According to state filings, the company is now run by the son of Michael Retzer, who previously served as chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party, treasurer of the Republican National Committee and U.S. The Paycheck Protection Program loans were doled out as the coronavirus pandemic shuttered the U.S. economy. PPP Loan Recipient List By State Mississippi 138,392 TOTAL PPP LOANS $5.4B TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT $39,226 AVERAGE PPP LOAN 5 AVG COMPANY SIZE Mississippi has a total of 138,392 businesses that received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans from the Small Business Administration. The released data also include information about smaller loan recipients, but excluded their names. But We Wish It Had Been - Fatherly, A field guide to the pandemic deniers - Salon, Mastodon, Tool, Coheed + Cambria, Primus Members Team on Cover of Rush's 'Anthem' - Loudwire, Daddy Ducey had his chance to deal with COVID; It's time to call Mom | What the Devil won't tell you -, Peter Bart: How Hollywood Learned That Mixing Politics And Art Can Turn Big Ideas Into B-Pictures - Deadline, The saga of the doctor versus the denier continues - Antelope Valley Press, Making it on your own in pandemic | Opinion - News-Press Now, Every generation gets 'The Baby-Sitters Club' it deserves - SFGate, How Amber Heard went from a small town in Texas to centre stage in Hollywood's most explosive trial yet - Evening Standard, Big problems with the Paycheck Protection Program? Those in excess of $150,000 break down as follows: $5M - $10M: 16 Recipients. While some minority-owned businesses may not have disclosed race in their application, only one Black business owner reported receiving a PPP loan worth at least $1 million. For example: trucking , hospice , television , Kasowitz Benson Torres , 90210 , Sole. As was the case after the first round of the Paycheck Protection Program last summer, the states top recipients so far include restaurants, doctors and dentists offices, legal practices, construction companies, car dealers, hotels and religious organizations. It lowered the share of the loan that a company must spend on payroll and gave them a longer period of time to use the money. The program is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act President Donald Trump signed.