: 01/09/2023 Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 4-1202B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1202B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1202B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1202B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1202B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1202B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1202B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1202B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1203B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1203B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1203B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1203B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1203B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1203B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1203B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1203B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1203C (1b) Contingency Plans for Closures, 4-1203C (1d) Status Updates for Authorized Closures, 4-1203C (1f) Placement Sequence and the Start of Work, 4-1203C (1i) Reverse Operations Inside Closures, 4-1203C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203D (3) Temporary Lane Line and Center Delineation, 4-1203D (4) Temporary Edge Line Delineation, 4-1203D (5) Temporary Traffic Stripe Tape, 4-1203D (6) Temporary Traffic Stripe Paint, 4-1203D (7) Temporary Pavement Marking Tape, 4-1203D (8) Temporary Pavement Marking Paint, 4-1203E Temporary Pavement Delineation for Seal Coats, 4-1206B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1206B (9) Temporary Crash Cushion Modules, 4-1206B (13) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1206B (15) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1206B (16) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1206B (17) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1206B (18) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1206B (19) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1206B (20) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202 B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Require the contractor to set up an off-the-highway detour before closing all ramps in both directions of travel at the same interchange. Containment may require modestly increasing the spacing between signs or require the placing of additional signs. Verify the contractor installs the temporary no-passing zone signs if no-passing centerline pavement delineation is obliterated. Do not allow the contractor to use the double-stick butyl pads provided by the channelizer manufacturer; these pads do not meet Caltrans requirements. Obtain a weekly temporary automated end of queue warning system operations report. State Route 39 (SR 39) is a state highway in the U.S. state of California that travels through Orange and Los Angeles counties. Review the contractors work plan for compliance with the requirements in Section 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the Standard Specifications. Additional devices are placed in sequence, moving in the direction of the traffic flow. Verify that the line of sight visibility in the field meets sight distance standards. The closure requests are stored with a SAVED status. If sight distance is not adequate, contact the district traffic engineer for suggestions or recommendations. When an AFAD becomes inoperable, notify the contractor to immediately replace it with an identical device, use a flagger with the appropriate-size advance warning sign and gate cones as shown in Standard Plan T13 or stop all construction activities that require the device to be in operation. Review sheet T3B of the Standard Plans for staking requirements. Provide the contractor with the internet link to access the LCS web-based training. Do not allow the use of a damaged impact attenuator vehicle. All drums should use the same type and brand of retroreflective sheeting. Confirm the contractor uses the long-term temporary pavement marker for 180 days or less and the short-term temporary pavement marker for 14 days or less. Review Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications. Make sure to visit our services page to find out more about how we can help your business with traffic control planning for both short-term and long-term projects. Check sign posts to confirm compliance with breakaway features. Do not allow the contractor to close two adjacent ramps in the same direction of travel unless necessary because of the operation or project conditions. TPAR requirements described in the specifications. Verify temporary pavement delineation is maintained until it is replaced with the permanent pavement delineation. Channelizers are paid for by the unit. Data and maps . It is important to plan which personnel, signage, and equipment will be required to implement the traffic control system. Verify the contractor offsets the approach end of Type K temporary railing by 15 feet minimum from the edge of an open traffic lane, according to Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. Request the user interface software and provide it to the Transportation Management Center for installation. and temporary traffic control. In many cases, placing a PCMS behind existing guard railing will protect it. Check Type 3 barricades, used as sign supports, for label with FHWA acceptance letter number showing they have been crash tested as a single unit with a sign panel of the size and type used on the project. Determine what construction area signs should be placed before work begins for the entire project and before each stage of the project. Payment is computed as extra work. Restore all signs and signals to normal operation. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5 inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. Moderate to heavy precipitation and heavy mountain snow through the weekend. Verify that construction area signs are placed outside the traveled way, do not block or protrude more than 4 inches into bicycle and pedestrian routes, and comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. If the equipment is not available, make other arrangements as soon as possible. Make sure that portable transverse rumble strips are placed before closing the lane to traffic. Review the submittal for any Type 3 barricade to be used as sign support for crashworthiness to the Transportation Research Boards NCHRP Report 350 criteria or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTOs) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) as a single unit with a sign panel of the size and type used on the project. Contact Construction at headquarters for a current hard copy. Verify there is enough shoulder width before allowing the use of an impact attenuator vehicle for placement and removal of components on two-lane, two-way highways. Remember that the motorist has no knowledge of the traffic control plan and is entirely dependent on the system for warning and guidance. This 8-hour course provides the student with the practical knowledge that a Traffic Control Technician needs to properly install and maintain a work zone traffic control system. Work Zone Traffic Control Resources | Caltrans Moderate to heavy precipitation and heavy mountain snow through the weekend. If the contractor plans to use cones for night work, determine the type of cone proposed. File completed ADA compliance reports in Category 23, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the project files. Category 3 devices include crash cushions, impact attenuator vehicles, temporary railing, temporary barrier, and end treatments for temporary railings and barriers. MAZEEP (Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program), Maintenance Protective Vehicle Guidance (Shadow Vehicle), Caltrans Standard Plans - Temporary Traffic Control Systems T9 - T17, Caltrans Standard Plans - Signs (roadside and overhead), Work Affecting Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities - see. Impact attenuator vehicles are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. Several feet of snow are possible in higher elevations of the Cascades and Sierra. Flash flooding may occur, especially near recent burn scars. Obtain a copy of the manufacturers operating instructions. Extend exit ramp tapers back through the closure as an extension of the ramps shoulder line. Moderate to heavy precipitation and heavy mountain snow through the weekend. Remind the contractor to notify the regional notification centers before digging for the installation of signposts. The change order that authorizes the extra work should reflect these costs. Verify no-passing zone signs are removed when no longer required. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Verify all threaded rods or dowels are removed and the area is restored to its previous condition or constructed to its planned condition after removal of Type K temporary railing. Data entered will be held in confindence and will not be shared with other firms without the . Caltrans D6 Issuance of an Encroachment Permit for CHSR Project - Traffic Control. Withhold some payment from progress pay estimates to cover the cost of removing temporary crash cushion modules. Publication California Temporary Traffic Control Handbook Abstract: This Handbook is coordinated and prepared by the California Temporary Traffic Control Handbook Committee. Retroreflective sleeves on traffic cones. Verify the contractor installs Type P or Type R markers when required. Verify the contractor delineates a PCMS with a taper consisting of nine traffic cones. In response to the oncoming powerful storm, this morning Caltrans activated approximately 1,200 electronic highway signs statewide to display urgent safety messaging. Review Section 12-3.11, Construction Area Signs, of the Standard Specifications for additional requirements. Traffic control costs in support of extra work are to be paid as part of the extra work. Category 1 devices include traffic cones, plastic traffic drums, portable delineators, and channelizers. During the inspection, drive through the system as though you had no knowledge of the work zone. Verify the signs are properly aimed at approaching traffic. Drums used instead of cones, barricades, or delineators as part of a traffic control system or used as specified under Public Safety section in the contract are not to be paid for at contract item price. Compensation for flaggers shown on the contract plans, including advanced flaggers and additional flaggers will be included in the bid item for traffic control system. Count the plastic traffic drums for payment as they are placed in the locations shown on the plans. The contract item for a temporary flashing beacon system, commonly bid as furnish-each or furnish-lump sum, includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the system. Create a Requestor LCS account and set the option in the account to status closures for those who will request and status closures. Join Caltrans to help change "This to That", 2020 Safety Program Accomplishments (PDF), 2021 Caltrans Annual Accomplishments Report (PDF), Caltrans Activates Statewide Electronic Highway Signs Due to Severe Weather, California Awards $1 Billion for Walking and Biking Projects in Disadvantaged Communities, Invests $878 Million for Transportation Infrastructure, New Kids of Caltrans Campaign Aims to Get Drivers to Move Over, Save Lives, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Do not allow the use of power from private parties to power the temporary flashing beacon system. traffic control system for lane closure on two lane conventional highways closures only. If the temporary automated end of queue warning system malfunctions for a cumulative period of 4 hours or more, no payment will be made for the day. Elevating our focus and approach to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan Toward Zero Deaths goal, and leveraging managed lanes, transit, active transportation, as well as diversity in freight movement to meet the future needs of Caltrans. Refer to Section 12-4.02C(10), End of Queue Monitoring and Warning With Truck Mounted Changeable Message Sign, of the revised, Multiple closures and inter-project coordinationAvoid multiple closures with overlapping sign patterns. The contractor is responsible for the replacement expenses. Construction signs should be covered or removed whenever they no longer serve a purpose. Verify that crash cushion module arrays are installed according to the manufacturers instructions. Check pallet heights when used. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5-inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized, and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program work zone device letter archive website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. The contract item for the traffic control system includes payment for portable signs, cones, delineators, and flashing arrow signs as shown on the plans for the traffic control system and impact attenuator vehicle. Periodically review the portable signal system to document its maintenance. When the work has safely progressed beyond the supplemental taper, remove the upstream taper and tangent. Type K temporary railing placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane requires a reflector on each rail unit. Stationary closures on the shoulder are 10-97 before placing the first cone after the last advance warning sign, and 10-98 after removing the last cone before the advance warning signs. The contractor should develop a plan for handling emergencies and emergency vehicles in the control zone. Confirm the sign is placed where it is most visible to approaching motorists. During the preconstruction conference, discuss: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/construction/forms. - Provide temporary traffic control; . California - Caltrans Approved Traffic Control Technician Class (CATCTC) COURSE DESCRIPTION This one-day (8-hour) Traffic Control Technician Class has been reviewed and approved by Caltrans for those who will be install and manage temporary traffic control for work zones on state highways. Buildings 14 & 16. Place all remaining signs and devices in sequence through the work area. 124000 and that a designed temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) is part of the contract plans or that the TPAR Standard Plans are appropriate for the pedestrian route affected by the work activities. In SR99 north of McKinley Avenue and south of First Street. The specifications require temporary traffic screen to have 3-foot-long openings spaced at 200-foot intervals. List of Bid Items. Pallets that exceed this height raise the sand in the crash cushions above an acceptable level. The change order must clearly state there will be adjustment on the traffic control system item by reason of this change. Be prepared, pack your patience, and if you must travel, go safely. Verify that automated work zone information systems comply with the general system functionality, motorist information messages, system communications, traffic data acquisition, and user interface specification requirements. Verify that the contractor schedules and conducts a meeting to discuss the operation of impact attenuator vehicle as required under Section 12-3.23A(4), Quality Assurance, of the Standard Specifications. Confirm that the contractors are coordinating placement and pickup of the closure so that the traffic control system is maintained in accordance with the. Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 12: Temporary Traffic Control. In metropolitan areas, this type of warning may be feasible with cooperation of the transportation management center. Determine the exact location of the temporary signs and when they are no longer needed for the direction of traffic. Review the Public Safety section in the contract. Use Form CEM-2302, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Weekly Inspection Report, to document that TPARs are maintained in compliance during the course of work. If there are questions as to flagger competency, contact your construction safety coordinator to have them come and observe the flagging operation. Revisions including only National MUTCD 2009 Revisions 1 & 2, Caltrans Letter to FHWA Requesting Confirmation of Substantial Conformance for the 2012 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Verify that all traffic control devices are correctly placed and functioning properly. 2. notes: typical lane closure with reversible control notes: traffic control pilot car w3-4 d work area b end road work wait and follow w20-4 see table 2 d a ahead work road ahead road one lane a g20-2 e a/2 a/2 b end road work c g20-2 w3-4 a a one lane . Any other organization or individual providing work zone training in California that would like to be listed can provide information to Johnny Bhullar at: Caltrans North Region Construction Night Work Guide (PDF). Review Sections 12-6, Temporary Pavement Delineation and 84-2, Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings, of the Standard Specifications for temporary pavement delineation requirements. Certain equipment, such as dike placement machines, can only operate off one side of the equipment and may need to be operated against live traffic. Verify the contractor protects Type K temporary railing blunt- ends within 15 feet of the edge of the traveled way with temporary crash cushions. A minimum 1500' of sight distance shall 4. This notification allows Caltrans to coordinate work within the highway corridor. Verify channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation are predominantly orange and the surface- mounted type. This encroachment permit is to place, maintain and remove construction area signs in Caltrans right-of-way at SR99 SB offramp to Golden State Blvd during construction work adjacent to Caltrans right-of-way. Verify the contractor removes traffic-handling equipment and devices from the job site when they are no longer needed for controlling traffic. Compute the payment as a force account or as an adjustment of compensation based on a force account analysis. Verify the contractor cements the bases of channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation as specified. Cars on Highway 202 heading toward Cummings Valley wait at a temporary signal light on Friday, Jan. 13. Caltrans does not pay for providing the TPAR when the pedestrian route closure is the result of contractors means and methods. Also refer to Section 2-2, Traffic, of this manual, which provides guidance and a general overview of providing a safe and convenient passage of public traffic through the construction area and is complementary to this section. Removal of the traffic control systemRemove all workers and equipment from the roadway. Know before you go : National Weather Service - Caltrans Social Media - Road Information or call 1-800-427-7623 - QuickMap Real-time Travel Information About Caltrans Contact Us ADA Certification Request ADA Compliant Documents Settings Translate Home Travel Work with Caltrans Review the specification requirements and sheet T4 of the Standard Plans. Temporary traffic control devices are divided into categories: The condition of temporary traffic control devices should comply with the most current edition of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) publication Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features. Require proper maintenance of plastic traffic drums. Document this inspection in the daily report; indicate weather, traffic conditions, and time of inspection. Verify temporary flashing beacon systems are relocated as work progresses according to the specifications. Be prepared, pack your patience, and if you must travel, go safely. Confirm flaggers are wearing American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-compliant garments in accordance with the Construction Safety Orders of the California Department of Industrial Relations, or the prime contractors or subcontractors Injury and Illness Prevention Program or Code of Safe Practices, whichever is more stringent. Obtain from the contractor, the completed Form CEM-2312, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Weekly Report, within 2 business days of completing a weekly inspection. Check that the sign complies with the visibility and legibility requirements. DISCLAIMER: Registering with Caltrans does not represent any express or implied promise by Caltrans to award emergency contracts now or in future. Verify the base is shaped to prevent rolling if struck by vehicles. Allow the use of paint only if the temporary traffic stripe is not required to be removed. Verify that portable flashing beacons comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.31, "Portable Flashing Beacons," of the Standard Specifications. Confirm portable signal systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.33, Portable Signal Systems, of the Standard Specifications. This will speed the placing of closures and allow for a more consistent taper alignment. The following practices are recommended if opposing operations are undertaken: Conduct intermittent day and night inspections to verify compliance with visibility and legibility requirements for: While specific levels of quality control for temporary traffic control are not included in Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications, the contractor is responsible for providing quality control under Sections 5-1.01, General, and 6-2.02, Quality Control, of the Standard Specifications. 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Mark Christopher Judge,
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